Labour Practices and Human Rights

Labour Practices and Human Rights

Viticulture is an activity where on-the-job injuries can cost grape growers millions of dollars. In fact, one study revealed that about 3,000 back injuries to workers in the industry cost California growers more than $30 million annually. Despite this, many wineries prefer to take these types of risks rather than offer better working conditions to their workers, as this could reduce their productivity.

However, you should know that there are other wineries that do care about the safety of their workers. These types of warehouses, generally sustainable, choose to implement various practices that help transform the work environment into a much safer place.

What are the benefits of a safe and healthy workplace?

But first, let's talk about the benefits of practices that help make the work environment safer. Among them are:

  • Reducing the amount of absenteeism due to health problems.
  • Reduced occupational health costs
  • A better workplace also means that workers will feel more comfortable and happier, thus increasing the retention rate of workers.
  • Finally, having a safer work environment increases worker efficiency. This is because they feel more secure and confident when performing their work, as they know they are working in a safe place.
benefits of practices that help make the work environment safer

Strategies for risk reduction in the vineyard

Now, you are probably wondering what practices are used by wineries that are concerned about the safety of their workers. Well, here is a list of the main strategies that make a workplace safe.

  • One strategy widely used in the regions most affected by global warming is to harvest grapes at night. This helps a lot to reduce the stress that heat can produce in workers.
  • Another strategy that is widely used is to keep an open line of communication between the grower and the workers. In this way, workers can communicate with the grower about the challenges they face, and the grower can look for new ways to reduce risks in the vineyard.
  • Provide training for workers on occupational safety concepts, especially if new workers have recently joined the vineyard.
 harvesting grapes at night

As a final reminder, providing a safe work environment  is no longer an option. Especially in a job as demanding as winemaking, it is necessary not only to design a safety protocol for workers or provide them with the right tools to perform their work safely. It is also key to maintain an open communication with the workforce, to know how it is possible to make the workplace and winemaking processes much safer for them.

So, when choosing your next wine, it is not a bad idea to do a little research about the winery. This way, you will be able to know what is the real importance they give to safety at work, and what kind of values they have for their workers.