Oltrepò Pavese Metodo Classico

Oltrepò Pavese Metodo Classico

45° 00' N


9° 07' E




about this subregion

Oltrepò Pavese Metodo Classico DOCG represents one of Italy's most distinguished sparkling wine appellations, nestled in the lush hills of the province of Pavia, Lombardy. The region's unique environment, marked by a continental climate with cold winters and warm summers, coupled with altitudes ranging from 150 to 300 meters above sea level, creates a terroir ideal for viticulture.

Central to the wine tradition of Oltrepò Pavese is the Pinot Nero grape. This grape thrives in the region and forms the backbone of its renowned Metodo Classico wines. Metodo Classico refers to the traditional method of sparkling wine production, where secondary fermentation occurs in the bottle, contributing to the wine's distinct complexity and character. Oltrepò Pavese offers various sparkling wines, each with its unique charm: the elegant Rosé Spumante, vibrant with its delicate pink hue; Pinot Nero Spumante, embodying the full expression of the grape; Pinot Nero Rosé Spumante, a harmonious blend of color and taste; and Millesimato, a sparkling wine that showcases the exceptional quality of a specific vintage year. Together, these sparkling wines encapsulate the essence of the region, offering wine enthusiasts a sip of Oltrepò Pavese's rich heritage and the nuances of its environment


vinerra illustration

Vineyard Hectares





Discover Terroir

Nestled in the southernmost part of Lombardy, the Oltrepò Pavese Metodo Classico DOCG is a realm of viticultural splendor. This picturesque region is cradled by the Apennine foothills, creating a tapestry of rolling hills, verdant valleys, and meticulously curated vineyards that seem to cascade down the slopes.

Oltrepò Pavese's landscape is a harmonious blend of natural beauty and human endeavor. The terrains are predominantly hilly, providing an ideal gradient for vines to capture the sun's rays, while the soil, a mix of clay, limestone, and marl, adds depth and character to the grapes cultivated here. Ancient castles and rustic farmhouses dot the horizon, bearing witness to a long history of winemaking and agriculture.

Moreover, the region's position—protected by the Apennines to the south and open to cool northern winds—creates a unique microclimate. This delicate balance of warm days and cool nights ensures slow maturation of the grapes, leading to the production of wines with intense aromas and flavors.

Streams meander through the vine-laden hills, reflecting the azure of the sky and the green of the grapevines, while dense woods provide a backdrop of deep emerald. Together, these elements form a breathtaking mosaic that not only pleases the eye but also nourishes the soul, making Oltrepò Pavese Metodo Classico DOCG an epitome of nature's grandeur married to human artistry.

The climate of Oltrepò Pavese Metodo Classico DOCG is intricately woven with the nuances of the European continent and the Mediterranean, shaping a climatic tapestry ideal for viticulture.

At its core, Oltrepò Pavese possesses a continental climate, characterized by distinct seasonal changes. Winters in the region are generally cold, sometimes with the vineyards draped in a soft blanket of snow, ensuring the vines experience a period of dormancy vital for their life cycle. These colder months can occasionally bring with them mists and fogs, lending an ethereal beauty to the landscape.

Come spring, the temperatures start to rise, allowing the buds to burst forth in a spectacle of green, leading to warm, sunny summers. The heat during these months is moderated by the region's altitude and its proximity to the Ligurian Sea. Cool breezes, especially in the evenings, sweep through the vineyards, tempering the warmth and ensuring the grapes don't ripen too hastily. This diurnal temperature variation – the difference between daytime and nighttime temperatures – is a defining feature of the region’s climate, playing a pivotal role in the development of aromas and flavors in the grapes.

Autumn, often considered the most picturesque season in Oltrepò Pavese, is marked by crisp air and a landscape awash with hues of gold and crimson. It's during this time that the grape harvest commences, with winemakers carefully selecting clusters that have benefited from the season's slow ripening process.

The Apennine foothills further accentuate the region's climatic distinctiveness by offering protection from the colder southern winds, while the undulating terrains of the region help in drainage, ensuring that the vines are not waterlogged during periods of heavy rainfall.

In essence, the climate of Oltrepò Pavese Metodo Classico DOCG is a harmonious blend of continental and Mediterranean influences, crafting a delicate balance of sun, rain, heat, and cold – all orchestrated to nurture the vines and bestow upon their grapes a unique and memorable character.

The soils of Oltrepò Pavese Metodo Classico DOCG are a testament to the region's rich geological tapestry, contributing immeasurably to the depth, character, and uniqueness of the wines produced here.

  1. Clay: Predominant in several areas of Oltrepò Pavese, clay-rich soils tend to be cool and retain moisture effectively. These soils provide excellent support to the vine roots, offering them consistent hydration. The water retention property of clay can be particularly advantageous during drier seasons, helping the vines thrive and yield grapes with intense flavors and aromatic potential.
  2. Limestone: Limestone is another key component found in Oltrepò Pavese's soils. It brings a natural alkalinity, ensuring that the vine roots absorb vital nutrients and minerals. Wines grown in limestone-rich terrains are often characterized by their refined elegance and a notable mineral undertone, which can add complexity to the palate.
  3. Marl: Marl, a mix of clay and limestone, is found in various pockets of the region. This combination brings together the best of both worlds. While the clay ensures consistent moisture, the limestone imparts the soil with a structured minerality. Vines rooted in marly grounds tend to produce grapes with balanced acidity and a rounded flavor profile.
  4. Sandy Soils: Patches of sandy soils in Oltrepò Pavese facilitate excellent drainage. Such soils tend to warm up quickly and are less fertile than their clay counterparts. Vines grown in sandy terrains often dig deep to find nutrients, resulting in wines with distinct aromatic qualities and a lighter, more ethereal palate.
  5. Silt: Silt-rich soils, with their fine granular texture, provide a balance between water retention and drainage. They contribute to produce wines that are aromatic and possess a velvety mouthfeel.


The Pinot Nero grape, known internationally as Pinot Noir, is emblematic of the Oltrepò Pavese Metodo Classico DOCG. Renowned for its thin skin and delicate, tightly clustered bunches, this grape presents a beautifully translucent red hue in the glass. Its susceptibility to environmental factors makes it a mirror of the terroir, reflecting the unique characteristics of the region in which it's grown. In Oltrepò Pavese, the grape thrives, drawing from the region's specific climatic conditions and topography to develop its singular profile.

Aromatic and enthralling, the Pinot Nero of Oltrepò Pavese Metodo Classico unveils layers of complexity with each sip. The nose is often greeted with a bouquet of red fruits, notably cherries, raspberries, and strawberries, subtly interlaced with floral undertones of rose and violet. On the palate, these primary notes evolve and intermingle with earthy tones, sometimes hinting at truffle or forest floor, underscored by a delicate spiciness. The grape's inherent elegance and vibrant acidity ensure a wine that dances gracefully on the tongue, lingering with a finish that resonates with both the richness of the fruit and the depth of the terroir.

From the verdant hills of Lombardy's Oltrepò Pavese region comes a collection of sparkling wines that embody sophistication and tradition. Every wine under this DOCG undergoes a rigorous second fermentation in the bottle, known as Metodo Classico. This method magnifies the intricacies of each wine's flavor profile and strengthens its ties to the distinct Oltrepò Pavese terroir.

  1. Metodo Classico:Predominantly Pinot Nero, complemented by Chardonnay, Pinot Bianco, and/or Pinot Grigio, the Metodo Classico is a study in harmony. A bouquet of red fruits graces the nose, merging with citrus undertones and the fresh, orchard essence of Pinot Grigio. The palate is met with a robust array of flavors, accentuated by the yeasty nuances introduced during its lees aging.
  2. Rosé Spumante:A delightful blend of primarily Pinot Nero and accents of Chardonnay, Pinot Bianco, and/or Pinot Grigio, the Rosé Spumante radiates with a gentle pink hue. On the nose, it unfolds a mix of summer berries, touched with fragrant florals. The tasting experience is vibrant and fresh, showcasing the Pinot Nero's fruity exuberance set against a creamy backdrop.
  3. Pinot Nero Spumante:Centered around Pinot Nero and supplemented with Chardonnay, Pinot Bianco, and/or Pinot Grigio, this sparkling wine is a tribute to the grape's adaptability. Aromatics of cherries, wild berries, and a whisper of rose create an inviting prelude. Tastewise, the wine is lively, punctuated by the Pinot Nero's fruit-forward notes and a touch of mineral elegance.
  4. Pinot Nero Rosé Spumante:Largely Pinot Nero with hints of Chardonnay, Pinot Bianco, and/or Pinot Grigio, this variant offers deeper color intensity and flavors. The aroma interweaves rich red fruits with floral undertones. On the tongue, it combines grace with strength, leaving a lasting impression of velvety fruitiness.
  5. Millesimato:Whether it's Spumante, Rosé, Pinot Nero, or Pinot Nero Rosé, the Millesimato stands apart. With an extended lees aging, this wine captures the finest essence of its vintage. The aroma is layered, bringing to mind dried fruits, toasted bread, and occasional sweet hints. When tasted, its prolonged maturation shines through, delivering a richer, creamier texture and a profoundly memorable finish.