Cònero DOCG

Cònero DOCG

43° 35' 39.12" N


13° 30' 12.13" E​




about this subregion

Discover the Cònero DOCG wines

The Cònero DOCG, located in the Marche wine region of Italy, shares its area with Rosso Cònero DOC and overlaps with Rosso Piceno DOC. It is known for producing high-quality wines primarily from Montepulciano grapes.


The region enjoys a mix of continental and Mediterranean climates, with hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters. Summer temperatures range from 25°C to 28°C, and annual rainfall is about 700 to 800 mm, peaking in November and December. The vineyards are situated on the slopes of Monte Conero, benefiting from excellent sun exposure and protection from cold winds. The Adriatic Sea's proximity provides a cooling effect, moderating the summer heat​​​​​​.


The soils are diverse and rich in minerals. Chalky soils, high in calcium carbonate, ensure good drainage and moisture retention. Clay soils retain water well, while calcareous soils improve structure and aeration. Pleistocene conglomerates, composed of ancient geological materials, contribute to the unique terroir by providing excellent drainage and mineral content​​​​​​​​.

Main Grape Varieties

Montepulciano is the dominant grape variety, making up at least 85% of the blend. This variety thrives in the region's soil and climate, producing wines of exceptional quality.


vinerra illustration

Vineyard Hectares





Discover Terroir

Characteristics of the Landscape in the Cònero DOCG

The Cònero DOCG region, located in the Marche area of Italy, boasts a distinctive and picturesque landscape that significantly influences its renowned wine production.

Monte Conero and Surrounding Hills

The most prominent feature of the Cònero DOCG landscape is Monte Conero, a limestone promontory that rises 572 meters above sea level. This mountain, along with its surrounding hills, forms the heart of the region. The vineyards are planted on the slopes of Monte Conero, creating an amphitheater-like setting. This unique topography not only provides stunning views but also creates various microclimates that are ideal for viticulture.

Coastal Proximity

The region stretches from the Adriatic coast inland, and the proximity to the sea plays a crucial role in shaping the landscape. The coastal influence moderates temperatures and provides a gentle breeze that helps in maintaining vine health. The scenic coastline, combined with the rolling hills, offers a diverse and attractive landscape that is both functional and beautiful.

Vineyard Layout

The vineyards are typically located on south-west facing slopes, which provide optimal sun exposure necessary for ripening the Montepulciano grapes. The altitude of the vineyards ranges from 20 meters to 550 meters above sea level, with most vineyards situated between 200 and 250 meters. This variation in altitude contributes to the diversity of the wine, as grapes grown at different elevations develop distinct characteristics.

Natural Protection

The Conero massif acts as a natural barrier, protecting the vineyards from the cold winds coming from the north-east. This protection ensures a more stable and favorable climate for grape cultivation. The hilly terrain and the protective massif create a unique environment where the vines can thrive without extreme weather conditions impacting their growth.

In summary, the landscape of the Cònero DOCG region is characterized by its striking Monte Conero promontory, rolling hills, coastal influence, and well-positioned vineyards. This combination creates an ideal environment for producing high-quality wines and contributes to the region's unique identity and appeal​​​​​​​​.

Climate of the Cònero DOCG

The climate of the Cònero DOCG region, located in the southern part of the Marche region of Italy, is characterized by a unique combination of continental and Mediterranean influences. This climate is crucial for the cultivation of Montepulciano grapes, which are predominant in this area.

Continental and Mediterranean Influences

The Cònero DOCG benefits from a continental climate that is moderated by the nearby Adriatic Sea. This combination results in hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters. The coastal influence helps to moderate extreme temperatures and provides a cooling effect, which is particularly beneficial during the hot summer months.


The region experiences average summer temperatures ranging from 25°C to 28°C (77°F to 82°F), which are ideal for the ripening of Montepulciano grapes. Winter temperatures are milder due to the maritime influence, ensuring that the vines are not exposed to severe cold.


The average annual rainfall in the Cònero DOCG region is approximately 700 to 800 mm. The distribution of rainfall is uneven, with the wettest months being November and December, which help replenish water reserves for the dry season. Summer months tend to be drier, which reduces the risk of diseases that thrive in damp conditions.

Wind and Humidity

The region is also protected from cold northeasterly winds by the Monte Conero massif. This natural barrier ensures a stable growing environment for the vines. Humidity levels are generally moderate, thanks to the combination of sea breezes and the elevation of the vineyards, which helps maintain vine health and grape quality.

Overall, the climate of the Cònero DOCG is ideal for viticulture, providing the perfect balance of warmth, sunlight, and moisture needed to produce high-quality Montepulciano grapes​​​​​​​​

The Cònero DOCG region in the Marche area of Italy is known for its unique and mineral-rich soils, which contribute significantly to the quality of its wines. Here, we explore the most common soil types found in this renowned wine-growing area.

Chalky Soils: These soils are rich in calcium carbonate, which is beneficial for vine health. The high lime content helps in maintaining the pH balance and provides essential nutrients. Chalky soils offer excellent drainage while retaining sufficient moisture, ensuring that the vines do not suffer from water stress. This type of soil also warms up quickly, which is advantageous for early grape ripening.

Clay Soils: Clay soils in the Cònero DOCG are composed of fine mineral particles and are rich in nutrients. These soils have good water retention properties, which are crucial during dry periods. They also help in maintaining a steady supply of moisture to the vines, promoting consistent growth and development.

Calcareous Soils: These soils are characterized by their high calcium content, derived from limestone and other calcareous rocks. Calcareous soils improve the structure and aeration of the soil, allowing roots to penetrate deeply. This type of soil is also known for enhancing the mineral quality of the wines, adding complexity to their flavor profile.

Pleistocene Conglomerates: These soils are composed of ancient geological materials, including pebbles, sand, and clay, bound together by a matrix of minerals. Pleistocene conglomerates are known for their excellent drainage and mineral richness. They contribute to the distinctive terroir of the Cònero DOCG, influencing the character and structure of the wines produced.


Most common grapes from the Cònero DOCG

Montepulciano is the most common grape variety in the Conero DOCG, part of the Marche wine region of Italy. Its cultivation requires specific agricultural practices and climatic conditions to thrive.

Agricultural Requirements

Montepulciano grapes thrive in well-drained soils rich in minerals. The Conero region's soils are predominantly composed of clay and limestone, which are ideal for this grape variety. These soils provide essential nutrients and excellent drainage, helping to maintain the right moisture balance and preventing waterlogging, which can harm the vines.

Proper vineyard management is crucial for the successful cultivation of Montepulciano grapes. Regular pruning is necessary to control vine growth, ensuring optimal exposure to sunlight and air circulation. Additionally, practices such as cover cropping and mulching help maintain soil health and moisture levels, promoting robust vine growth and fruit development.

Climatic Requirements

Montepulciano requires warm temperatures during the growing season to ripen fully. In the Conero DOCG region, summer temperatures typically range between 25°C to 28°C (77°F to 82°F), which is conducive to the grape's growth. The vines can tolerate occasional heatwaves as long as there is adequate soil moisture to prevent stress.

Moderate rainfall is essential for Montepulciano vines throughout the year. The Conero region receives an average annual rainfall between 700 mm and 1000 mm. The rainfall is well-distributed, with the wettest months being November and December, which helps build water reserves for the dry summer months. This pattern is crucial for preventing drought stress during the grape's critical development stages.

Adequate sunlight is vital for Montepulciano grapes. The Conero region enjoys abundant sunlight, particularly in the summer, enhancing photosynthesis and promoting healthy vine growth. This ample sunlight is crucial for the development of sugars in the grapes, essential for the fermentation process.

In summary, Montepulciano grapes flourish in the Conero DOCG region due to its well-drained, mineral-rich soils and a favorable Mediterranean climate. The combination of warm temperatures, moderate rainfall, ample sunlight, and effective vineyard management practices creates the ideal conditions for cultivating this grape variety successfully.

Cònero DOCG Wines

The most common and celebrated wine from the Cònero DOCG in the Marche region of Italy is the Rosso Conero Riserva. This wine is known for its rich aromatic and flavor profile, making it a favorite among wine enthusiasts.

Rosso Conero Riserva is primarily made from Montepulciano grapes, which must constitute at least 85% of the blend. The remaining 15% can be made up of Sangiovese grapes, although this is less common.

Aromatic Profile

The Rosso Conero Riserva is distinguished by its intense and inviting aromas. The wine typically exudes a rich bouquet of dark fruits such as blackberries, plums, and cherries. These fruit notes are often complemented by subtle hints of spices, including black pepper and licorice. The aromatic complexity is further enhanced by earthy undertones and a touch of vanilla, which usually comes from the oak aging process.

Flavor Profile

On the palate, Rosso Conero Riserva is robust and full-bodied. It presents a harmonious balance of flavors, starting with the lush, ripe dark fruits detected on the nose. The wine has a warm, dry character with well-integrated tannins, giving it a smooth yet structured mouthfeel. The spicy notes of black pepper and licorice persist, adding depth and complexity to the wine. Additional flavors such as leather, tobacco, and a hint of chocolate can also be detected, particularly in wines that have been aged longer. The finish is long and satisfying, often leaving a lingering note of almonds or a slight bitterness that adds to the wine's character.
