Rosso Cònero DOC

Rosso Cònero DOC

43° 31' 0" N


13° 37' 0" E




about this subregion

The Rosso Conero DOC is a prominent wine subregion situated in the Marche wine region of Italy. The primary grape variety in Rosso Conero DOC is Montepulciano. This DOC is surrounded by the Rosso Piceno DOC, another notable wine-producing area in the Marche region. This area is renowned for its picturesque environment, characterized by the towering Conero Mount, rolling hills, and proximity to the Adriatic Sea.

The climate in Rosso Conero DOC is predominantly Mediterranean, with mild, wet winters and hot, dry summers. Winter temperatures range from 5°C to 10°C (41°F to 50°F), while summer temperatures often reach between 25°C and 30°C (77°F to 86°F). The region benefits from the moderating influence of the Adriatic Sea, which provides cooling breezes that help maintain balanced temperatures and reduce the risk of heat stress on the vines. This climate ensures that the grapes achieve optimal ripeness and develop rich flavors.

The soils in Rosso Conero DOC are diverse and composed of clay, limestone, sand, and alluvial sediments. Clay soils retain moisture and nutrients, supporting vine health during dry periods. Limestone soils contribute to balanced acidity and mineral character in the wines. Sandy soils promote early ripening and reduce disease risks, while alluvial soils provide a mix of nutrients, enhancing the complexity of the wines.


vinerra illustration

Vineyard Hectares





Discover Terroir

The Rosso Conero DOC, located in Italy's Marche region, is renowned for its stunning and diverse landscape. This region is dominated by the impressive Conero Mountain, which rises sharply from the Adriatic Sea, creating a dramatic and picturesque setting. The landscape is characterized by rolling hills that surround the mountain, providing excellent drainage and optimal sun exposure for the vineyards nestled on these gentle slopes.

The proximity to the Adriatic Sea significantly influences the landscape, with coastal cliffs offering breathtaking sea views. The constant sea breeze not only adds to the scenic beauty but also helps moderate the temperatures, which is beneficial for grape growing. The Conero Mountain itself is cloaked in lush Mediterranean vegetation, including forests of pine, oak, and other native trees, which contribute to the region's biodiversity and create a visually captivating backdrop for the vineyards.

Many vineyards in the Rosso Conero DOC are terraced, following the natural contours of the hills. This terracing not only prevents soil erosion but also allows for more efficient water use. The region's diverse flora, with wildflowers, herbs, and shrubs growing alongside the vineyards, adds to the visual appeal and supports a healthy ecosystem.

Adding to the charm of the landscape are the numerous historic sites scattered throughout the area. Ancient ruins, medieval villages, and historic churches dot the region, enhancing its cultural and historical significance.

The climate of the Rosso Conero DOC, situated in Italy's Marche region, is predominantly Mediterranean. This type of climate is characterized by mild, wet winters and hot, dry summers, which are ideal conditions for growing grapes, particularly the Montepulciano variety that is most commonly used in this DOC.


The Rosso Conero DOC experiences a predominantly Mediterranean climate with distinct seasonal variations. In winter, temperatures are mild, averaging between 5°C and 10°C (41°F to 50°F), rarely dropping below freezing. Spring sees a gradual rise in temperatures, ranging from 10°C to 20°C (50°F to 68°F), which is ideal for the budding and flowering of grapevines. Summers are hot and dry, with temperatures often reaching between 25°C and 30°C (77°F to 86°F), ensuring full ripening of the grapes. Autumn temperatures moderate to a range of 15°C to 25°C (59°F to 77°F), providing the right conditions for the final ripening stages and harvest.


Rainfall in the Rosso Conero DOC is seasonally distributed, with the wettest months occurring in winter. Regular winter rainfall replenishes soil moisture, critical for the vineyards' health. Spring brings decreasing rainfall, supporting vine growth without excessive moisture. The summer months are typically dry, which helps prevent diseases common in damp conditions. Autumn sees occasional rains that are essential for the final stages of grape ripening, ensuring the grapes reach their optimal quality.

Sunlight and Wind

The region benefits from abundant sunlight, especially during the summer months, which is crucial for the photosynthesis process and sugar development in grapes. The Adriatic Sea's proximity provides a moderating influence, with sea breezes helping to maintain balanced temperatures and reducing the risk of heat stress on the vines. These winds also improve air circulation within the vineyards, helping to mitigate fungal diseases and promote healthier grape clusters.


The diverse landscape of the Rosso Conero DOC creates several microclimates, influenced by the Conero Mountain and varying altitudes. Vineyards on the slopes and hillsides experience different temperature ranges and sunlight exposure compared to those closer to the coast. The mountain itself offers protection from extreme weather and influences local wind patterns. These microclimates contribute to the unique terroir of the region, allowing for a variety of grape-growing conditions that enhance the complexity and character of the wines.

The Rosso Conero DOC, located in Italy's Marche region, is renowned for its unique and diverse soils. These soils play a critical role in the cultivation of Montepulciano grapes, which are the primary variety used in this DOC. The specific soil types contribute to the distinct characteristics and high quality of the wines produced in this region.

Clay SoilsClay soils are prevalent in the Rosso Conero DOC. These soils are known for their ability to retain water and nutrients, which is beneficial for the growth of grapevines. The water-holding capacity of clay soils helps sustain the vines during dry periods, providing a consistent supply of moisture. Additionally, clay soils often result in wines with fuller body and deeper color.

Limestone SoilsLimestone soils are another common soil type in the Rosso Conero DOC. These soils are well-drained and rich in calcium carbonate, which helps regulate the acidity levels in the grapes. Limestone soils are known to produce wines with excellent structure and a balanced acidity. The presence of limestone also contributes to the mineral character often found in wines from this region.

Sandy SoilsSandy soils can be found in certain areas of the Rosso Conero DOC. These soils are well-draining and tend to warm up quickly, which can promote early ripening of the grapes. Wines produced from sandy soils are often lighter in body with more pronounced aromatics. Sandy soils also reduce the risk of certain vine diseases, as they do not retain excess moisture.

Alluvial SoilsAlluvial soils, composed of a mix of sand, silt, clay, and gravel, are also present in the Rosso Conero DOC. These soils are typically found near rivers and are known for their fertility and good drainage properties. The diverse composition of alluvial soils can lead to complex and well-rounded wines, as they provide a balanced supply of nutrients to the grapevines.


Montepulciano is the primary grape variety grown in the Rosso Conero DOC, part of Italy's Marche wine region. This grape has specific agricultural and climatic needs to thrive effectively.

Climatic Requirements

In terms of climate, Montepulciano grapes flourish in warm conditions. The ideal temperature range during the growing season is between 18°C and 30°C (64°F to 86°F). While they can handle hot summers, cooler nights are beneficial for maintaining the grapes' acidity. The region's Mediterranean climate, which provides Growing Degree Days (GDD) between 1600 and 2000, is well-suited for this variety. Moderate rainfall, roughly 700 mm to 900 mm annually, is optimal. Adequate rain during the growing season is essential, but excessive rain close to harvest can lead to diseases and dilute the grape quality.

Agricultural Requirements

Montepulciano grapes prefer well-drained soils and can thrive in various types, including clay, limestone, and sandy soils. Good drainage is crucial to avoid root rot and other water-related issues. Ample sunlight is necessary for proper ripening, so vineyards are often situated on slopes with good sun exposure to ensure the grapes receive sufficient light throughout the day. Proper pruning and training of the vines are vital for maintaining good air circulation and sunlight penetration, reducing the risk of fungal diseases, and promoting even ripening.

Pest and disease management is also important for Montepulciano grapes, as they are prone to issues like powdery mildew, downy mildew, and botrytis. Regular monitoring and timely intervention help maintain vine health. Harvest timing is critical, with grapes typically picked late in the season, around mid-October, to ensure full ripeness. Both mechanical and manual harvesting methods can be used, depending on the vineyard's practices and terrain.

Rosso Conero DOC is the most common and celebrated wine from the Rosso Conero region in Italy's Marche wine region. This wine is crafted from at least 85% of Montepulciano grapes, often blended with a small percentage of Sangiovese. Known for its rich and robust profile, Rosso Conero offers a unique and memorable tasting experience. The Montepulciano grape provides a strong backbone of tannins and acidity, giving the wine structure and longevity. The Sangiovese, when included, adds a touch of brightness and additional complexity to the blend.

Aromatic Profile

The aromatic profile of Rosso Conero is distinctive and inviting. Upon opening a bottle, you'll immediately notice intense aromas of dark fruits such as blackberry, plum, and cherry. These fruity notes are often complemented by subtle hints of violets and earthy undertones, creating a complex and layered bouquet.

Flavor Profile

In terms of flavor, Rosso Conero is rich and full-bodied. The primary flavors mirror the wine's aromatic profile, with prominent dark fruit notes like blackberry, plum, and cherry. These flavors are often balanced by secondary notes of spices, such as black pepper and clove, which add depth and complexity. The wine may also exhibit earthy flavors, reminiscent of forest floor or tobacco, enhancing its overall richness.
