Cerasuolo di Vittoria

Cerasuolo di Vittoria

36°56' N


14°43' E




about this subregion

Nestled in the sun-drenched landscape of Sicily lies the Cerasuolo di Vittoria DOCG, a wine region that encapsulates the harmony of nature and history. Here, vineyards stretch as far as the eye can see, each patch of land telling a tale of the island's rich viticultural past and its promising future.

Central to Cerasuolo di Vittoria's enological identity are the Frappato and Nero d’Avola grape varieties. Together, these grapes forge a partnership that perfectly captures the essence of Sicilian wine: vibrant, full-bodied, and brimming with character. While Frappato lends its delicate aromatics and bright red fruit notes, Nero d’Avola offers depth, structure, and the rich flavors reminiscent of the island's sun-kissed berries.

The region boasts two primary wine styles, both heralded for their unique expressions of terroir. The general Rosso wines are a testament to the flexibility of the land, producing wines that are both accessible and nuanced, a reflection of the diverse soils and microclimates across the DOCG. In contrast, wines from the Classico subzone represent a deeper dive into tradition and specificity. Hailing from the historical heart of Cerasuolo di Vittoria, these Rossos encapsulate the very soul of the region, offering a complexity and depth that speaks of centuries-old vineyards and time-honored winemaking techniques.

In essence, Cerasuolo di Vittoria DOCG is a wine region that beautifully marries the old with the new, each bottle a testament to Sicily's unparalleled winemaking heritage.


vinerra illustration

Vineyard Hectares





Discover Terroir

Tucked away in the southernmost part of Sicily, Cerasuolo di Vittoria DOCG unfurls like a masterpiece painted by nature herself. This region is where the island's heartbeat resonates most profoundly, a pulsation that echoes in every vine, every grape, and every bottle.

As one traverses this vinous realm, undulating hills carpeted with lush vineyards greet the eyes. These vineyards, nurtured by the rich Sicilian sun, are juxtaposed against a backdrop of distant mountains, creating a mesmerizing horizon where earth meets sky. The proximity to the Mediterranean Sea blesses the region with a gentle breeze, making the vine leaves dance in rhythmic unison and adding a saline whisper to the air.

Between the rows of vines, one can spot pockets of ancient olive groves and almond trees, reminders of the region's agricultural heritage and the diverse tapestry of its landscape. The soil underfoot tells its own tale: a rich composition that varies from chalky limestone to sandy loams, each type lending its distinct touch to the character of the wines.

The charm of Cerasuolo di Vittoria DOCG lies not just in its visual appeal but in the sounds and scents that fill the air. The distant chirping of cicadas, the rustling of vine leaves, and the earthy aroma of freshly tilled soil all come together to create a symphony of sensations.

In essence, the landscape of Cerasuolo di Vittoria DOCG is more than just a setting for wine production; it's a living, breathing entity that nurtures, shapes, and ultimately defines the very essence of its wines.

In the embrace of southern Sicily, where the island's silhouette dips closest to Africa, the climate of Cerasuolo di Vittoria DOCG stands as a testament to nature's generosity. Here, the sun doesn't merely shine; it bestows its warmth, casting a golden glow that bathes the vineyards in an almost ethereal light.

As a Mediterranean climate, the region enjoys warm, dry summers, allowing the grapes to ripen steadily, soaking up the sun's energy and transforming it into rich, flavorful sugars. The nights, in stark contrast, are cooler, a gift from the nearby Mediterranean Sea. These temperature drops are crucial, for they help preserve the grapes' natural acidity, ensuring the wines have structure and balance to complement their sun-driven richness.

The sea, mere kilometers away, plays another pivotal role. Its breezes temper the heat, especially during the peak of summer, and introduce a saline note to the atmosphere. This maritime influence not only prevents excessive heat stress on the vines but also imparts a unique mineral touch to the wines, adding complexity and depth.

Winters in Cerasuolo di Vittoria are mild, with the occasional rainfall ensuring the soils receive adequate hydration. These rains are well spaced, avoiding the harvest season and ensuring the grapes remain healthy and free from the challenges of excessive moisture.

While the climate is undoubtedly warm, it's the harmonious interplay of various elements – the sun, the sea, and the gentle winds – that ensures Cerasuolo di Vittoria's wines are not just products of heat but are nuanced, layered expressions of a region where nature has struck a perfect balance. In every sip, one can taste the dance of the sun-soaked days and the cool, starry nights, a dance that defines the very soul of Cerasuolo di Vittoria DOCG.

The soil is more than just a foundation for vines; it is the canvas on which the region's viticultural masterpiece is painted. In Cerasuolo di Vittoria DOCG, the soils vary significantly, imparting diverse and intricate flavors to the wines. Below are some of the key soil types:

  1. Chalky Limestone:
    This prevalent soil type is characterized by its high pH and excellent drainage. The chalky composition allows for steady water retention while also helping to reflect sunlight onto the vines. Wines from these soils often display a vibrant acidity, accompanied by mineral undertones that make for elegant and long-lasting wines.
  2. Sandy Loam:
    This lighter, well-draining soil warms up quickly and allows for excellent root penetration. Sandy loam soils contribute to early ripening of grapes and often yield wines with pronounced fruitiness, softer tannins, and a velvety mouthfeel.
  3. Clayey Soils:
    Rich in nutrients, these soils are excellent for water retention, which helps sustain the vines during the drier months. The resultant wines often showcase deeper, more robust flavors and a fuller body, lending them well to aging.
  4. Volcanic Soils:
    Though less common, areas of volcanic soil offer a unique mineral profile that can significantly influence the wine. These soils are often rich in potassium and other minerals and produce wines with distinct earthy, almost smoky nuances.
  5. Alluvial Deposits:
    Typically found near riverbeds and streams, alluvial soils consist of silt, sand, and gravel. These soils are generally well-draining but nutrient-poor, stressing the vines and resulting in lower yields but highly concentrated flavors.


In the sunlit expanses of Cerasuolo di Vittoria DOCG, two red grapes reign supreme: Frappato and Nero d’Avola. Side by side, they flourish, presenting a visual feast of deep red clusters interspersed with lighter, almost translucent berries. This combination of deep and vibrant hues promises a delightful dance of flavors, a dance that unfolds distinctly with each grape variety.

  1. Frappato:Frappato is reminiscent of a gentle breeze that carries the scent of wild strawberries and violets across Sicilian fields. Its berries, slightly lighter in hue, produce wines with an unmistakable aromatic profile. On the nose, one is greeted with a bouquet of red cherries, raspberries, and a hint of rose petals. On the palate, Frappato is a delight – its light-to-medium body carries forward the red fruit aromas, introducing subtle notes of herbs and a refreshing acidity. The grape's delicate tannins and vibrant character make it a perfect companion for those who prefer wines with a lively and aromatic nature.
  2. Nero d’Avola:In stark contrast stands Nero d’Avola, the powerhouse of Sicilian reds. Its deep-colored berries produce wines that are rich and full-bodied. A whiff of a Nero d’Avola wine often reveals a complex amalgam of dark fruits like plums and blackberries, mingled with hints of chocolate, tobacco, and spice. On tasting, its depth becomes even more apparent. Layers of black cherries, prunes, and spices unfurl on the palate, supported by robust tannins and a lingering finish. The grape's innate intensity and structure make it a favorite for those who seek wines with depth, complexity, and a true reflection of Sicilian warmth.

Amidst the sprawling vineyards of Cerasuolo di Vittoria DOCG, two distinct styles of wine emerge, both honoring the region's beloved blend of Nero d’Avola and Frappato grapes. While these wines share a common foundation, each brings to the fore its unique personality, shaped by the nuances of vinification and aging.

  1. Rosso:The Rosso wines of Cerasuolo di Vittoria are a delightful introduction to the region's vinous offerings. With an aging process of approximately 8 months, these wines are crafted to capture the vibrancy of youth. The aromatic profile presents an enticing mix of red fruits from Frappato, like strawberries and raspberries, harmoniously blended with the deeper, earthier tones of Nero d’Avola – think plums and hints of leather. On the palate, the Rosso wines are approachable and fresh, characterized by a medium body and the perfect balance between the grapes' inherent fruitiness and subtle tannins. With a minimum alcohol level of 12.5%, they are both invigorating and pleasantly smooth.
  2. Rosso from the Classico Subzone:Representing a deeper dive into tradition, the Classico wines come from the historical heart of the DOCG. Aged for at least 18 months, these wines are a testament to patience and craftsmanship. The longer maturation imbues the wine with a more refined and complex profile. Aromatically, the Classico variant showcases a richer bouquet, where the dark fruits of Nero d’Avola, like blackberries and cherries, intertwine seamlessly with the floral and herbaceous notes of Frappato. This aromatic depth translates beautifully on the palate, where structured tannins, layers of flavor, and a lingering finish attest to the wine's superior pedigree and aging potential.