

45° 20' 29" N


11° 15' 37" E




about this subregion

The Arcole DOC, nestled in the Veneto region of northern Italy, is a picturesque wine-producing area renowned for its exceptional terroir and a rich history that dates back centuries. This DOC, often overshadowed by its more famous neighbors like Valpolicella and Soave, has quietly been producing high-quality wines that reflect the unique characteristics of its environment.

The Arcole DOC benefits from a diverse and favorable microclimate. Its vineyards are perched on the southern slopes of the Monti Lessini, where the climate is influenced by both the Mediterranean and Alpine elements. The gentle rolling hills and well-drained soils provide an ideal setting for grape cultivation.

When it comes to grape varieties, Arcole DOC boasts a selection that showcases both red and white varietals. Among the most planted red grape varieties, Merlot takes center stage. Its deep, velvety character is well-suited to the region's climate and terrain. On the white side, the vineyards flourish with Chardonnay, Garganega, and Pinot Grigio. These white grapes thrive in the cooler nights and warm days, delivering wines with crisp acidity and vibrant flavors.

The Arcole DOC's commitment to preserving traditional winemaking practices, combined with its exceptional grape varieties and unique environment, has resulted in wines that embody the essence of this hidden gem in the Veneto region. Whether you're savoring a glass of Merlot or a refreshing Chardonnay, Arcole's wines offer a delightful taste of its terroir and culture.



Vineyard Hectares





Discover Terroir

The DOC Arcole is located in the Veneto region, and includes vineyards in the towns of Lonigo, Sarego, Alonte, Orgiano, Sossano, and Rovereto di Guà in the provinces of Verona and Vicenza. It also covers a small portion of the Verona-based communities of Caldiero, San Bonifacio, Soave, Colognola ai Colli, Monteforte, Lavagno, Pressana, Vago, and San Martino Buon Albergo. For those interested in exploring the richness and sophistication of Arcole wines, the Strada del Vino Arcole is a must-visit. This wine route advocates for the high-quality of wines produced within the Arcole DOC, offering a journey through a tapestry of vineyards, historic estates, and passionate winemakers dedicated to their craft.

The climate is distinctly continental, with winters being frigid and summers hot and muggy. Temperature-wise, the highest temperatures are often seen between the end of July and the beginning of August, while the lowest temperatures are typically experienced in January.

The Arcole wine region in Veneto, Italy, is characterized by clay-rich and limestone-based soils. These soils contribute to the distinctive mineral notes and excellent drainage properties, which are favorable for viticulture. The combination of clay and limestone provides the vines with essential nutrients while regulating water retention resulting in high-quality grapes and wines with balanced flavors.


Most Planted Red Grape Varieties: Merlot

Most Planted White Grape Varieties: Chardonnay, Garganega, Pinot Grigio

The Arcole wine region boasts a captivating array of both red and white wines, each embodying the unique terroir of the area.

The Arcole DOC is renowned for its exceptional red wines, characterized by their full-bodied nature and vibrant fruit flavors. The primary grape varieties used in these wines are Corvina, Rondinella, and Molinara, which together create a harmonious symphony of taste. Expect rich notes of dark cherries, plums, and hints of spices, accentuated by a smooth, velvety texture. The wines of Arcole are often aged to perfection, particularly in the prestigious Amarone style, producing opulent and intense expressions, perfect for savoring on special occasions.

While the Arcole wine region is celebrated for its reds, its white wines are equally impressive, offering a delightful alternative for discerning palates. Garganega and Trebbiano are the dominant grape varieties utilized in crafting these crisp and refreshing whites. Bursting with lively citrus and floral aromas, they exhibit a balanced acidity that complements a variety of dishes. Whether enjoyed as a delightful aperitif or paired with seafood and light fare, Arcole's white wines exude elegance and finesse.

The Arcole wine region's marriage of climate, soil, and winemaking expertise yields a stunning portfolio of wines, capturing the essence of Veneto's winemaking heritage. From luscious reds to refreshing whites, the wines of Arcole invite wine enthusiasts to embark on an unforgettable journey of taste and discovery.
