Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco

Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco







about this subregion

The Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco DOCG is a prestigious Italian wine region renowned for its exceptional sparkling wines. Established as a DOC in 1969 and elevated to DOCG status in 2009, it stands as a testament to the dedication and tradition of Italian winemaking.

Situated in the scenic Veneto region, this picturesque area encompasses the rolling hills of Conegliano and Valdobbiadene. The region's viticultural history stretches back centuries, and its commitment to quality is exemplified by its status as a DOCG—a mark of distinction for the finest Italian wines.

In 2022, the Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco DOCG produced a remarkable 778,500 hectoliters of wine, a testament to its significance in the global wine industry. The wines of this region are celebrated for their crispness, delicate aromas, and effervescent charm, making them a favored choice for celebratory occasions and moments of indulgence.

With an unwavering commitment to preserving tradition while embracing innovation, the Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco DOCG continues to captivate wine enthusiasts worldwide. Its wines, crafted with meticulous care, capture the essence of the land, the labor of generations, and the joy of shared experiences. From the vineyards to the glass, the journey of each bottle encapsulates the beauty and allure of this esteemed Italian wine region.



Vineyard Hectares





Discover Terroir

The Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco DOCG finds its idyllic home in the Veneto region of northeastern Italy. This exquisite viticultural enclave is gracefully nestled amidst the picturesque hills stretching between the towns of Conegliano and Valdobbiadene. The territory extends its vine-clad arms across the provinces of Treviso and Venice, creating a harmonious symphony of landscape and craftsmanship.

Located north of Venice and south of the majestic Dolomite Mountains, this region unfolds as a mesmerizing canvas of vineyards, villages, and undulating contours. The landscape is a masterpiece in itself, a sensory tapestry that envelops visitors and viticulturists alike.

Within this geographical embrace, the Glera grape flourishes, drawing sustenance from the diverse soils and elevations. The hills' contours create a symphony of microclimates, each contributing its unique notes to the symphony of flavors. This climatic diversity lends an artistic dimension to the cultivation and winemaking process, resulting in the vibrant and elegant Prosecco wines.

The Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco DOCG wine region in Veneto, Italy, experiences a temperate maritime climate that significantly influences its viticulture and the characteristics of its sparkling wines. Situated in the picturesque hills between the towns of Conegliano and Valdobbiadene, the region's climate is influenced by both its geographical location and its proximity to the Adriatic Sea.

Throughout the growing season, spanning from spring to early fall, the Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco DOCG wine region encounters noticeable climatic patterns. The area benefits from warm summers and mild winters, creating an ideal environment for cultivating Glera grapes, the primary grape variety used in Prosecco production.

During the growing season, the region enjoys ample sunshine and moderately warm temperatures. These favorable conditions promote the gradual ripening of the grapes and the development of their delicate flavors and aromas. Additionally, the diurnal temperature fluctuations, characterized by warm days and cooler nights, contribute to the preservation of acidity in the grapes, a crucial factor for the freshness and balance of Prosecco wines.

Winters in the Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco DOCG region are relatively mild compared to other continental climates. Temperatures rarely drop significantly below freezing, and snowfall is infrequent. Spring marks the beginning of the viticultural cycle, as temperatures gradually warm up, stimulating bud break and the emergence of new vine growth.

Summer temperatures in the region are warm, but they are moderated by the elevation of the vineyards, which typically range from around 50 to 500 meters (164 to 1640 feet) above sea level. The Adriatic Sea's cooling influence further tempers the heat, preventing excessive temperature spikes that could compromise the grapes' acidity and overall quality. This combination of elevation and maritime influence contributes to the balanced maturation of the grapes.

Autumn is a crucial period for grape harvesting in the Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco DOCG wine region. As temperatures start to cool, the diurnal shifts between warm days and cool nights persist, allowing the grapes to reach optimal ripeness gradually. This extended ripening period contributes to the development of the characteristic floral and fruity aromas that define Prosecco wines.

Rainfall in the region is relatively moderate, with annual precipitation ranging from around 800 to 900 millimeters. Rainfall is fairly evenly distributed throughout the year, with slightly drier conditions during the summer months. This balanced precipitation pattern supports healthy vine growth and optimal grape development, while also reducing the risk of disease.

The soil of the Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco DOCG wine region is a key factor in shaping the unique characteristics of the wines produced there. The area's diverse geology and soil composition contribute to the distinct terroir that influences the growth of Glera grapes, the primary variety used in Prosecco production.

The region's hilly landscape is marked by a variety of soil types, resulting from ancient geological processes and the erosion of nearby mountains. The soils in the Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco DOCG region can be broadly categorized into two main types:

  1. Calcareous Soils: These soils are prevalent in the area and are characterized by a high content of calcium carbonate, derived from ancient marine sediments. Calcareous soils provide good drainage and are known for their ability to retain heat, which can be advantageous for grape ripening. The soils' alkaline nature also has an impact on the vines' nutrient absorption and contributes to the wines' mineral nuances and bright acidity.
  2. Clay and Marl Soils: These soils contain a mixture of clay and limestone, known as marl. Marl soils provide a balanced environment for grapevine growth, offering both good water retention and drainage capabilities. The combination of clay and limestone elements contributes to the wines' complexity and aromatic profile, adding layers of flavor and texture to the finished product.

The variations in soil composition within the region's different subzones, or "Rive," further contribute to the diversity of Prosecco wines produced here. Different soil types influence the vines' root penetration, water availability, and nutrient uptake, ultimately impacting grape quality and flavor development.


Most Planted White Grape Varietals:

In the embrace of the rolling hills and terraced vineyards of the Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco DOCG, the signature  grape variety is Glera. This grape variety is the heart and soil of the region beloved sparkling wines, buto also of its still white wines.

Glera casts its aromatic spell upon the senses with finesse. The clusters bear a vibrant charm, and when nurtured by the gentle sun and cool breezes of the Veneto, they develop into a treasure trove of fragrances. Aromas of white flowers, delicate apple blossoms, and a touch of citrus zest waft from the glass, inviting anticipation of the effervescent delight that lies within. In addition, Glera gives a vivacious character to every wine  of the Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco DOCG, with notes that will remind you to green apples, pears, and eaven to peaches

But, although Glera is the most widely used variety, and reigns supreme in this DOCG, there are other varieties that usually accompany it in the wines of the region, and give each sip a particular essence. We are talking about white grapes such as Bianchetta Trevigiana, Perera or Verdiso. These, despite not being so concentrated in the regional wines, do not fail to add a greater amount of nuances, in addition to perfectly accompanying the star variety of the region.

In the enchanting landscapes of Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco DOCG the wines Bianco, Spumante Superiore and Sui Lieviti are the kings. Each glass of these delicious wines is a tribute to the essence of the Glera grape, the main component of Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco DOCG wines.

Bianco: the Bianco wine of this DOCG is synonymous with the purity of the Glera grape, which is the protagonist of this wine. In addition, the Bianchetta Trevigiana, Perera or Verdiso grapes accompany the Glera grape, and give a nuance that makes this type of wine unique.

Spumante Superiore: the Spumante Superiore wine is undoubtedly the great protagonist of this DOCG. Its elegance lies not only in the fact that it is composed mainly of Glera grapes, but also in the elegant grapes that dance on the palate with every sip.

Sui Livieti: Sui Livieti wine, finally, is the result of the great meticulousness of the producers of the Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco DOCG. This is due to its great elegance, coming from the predominance of the Glera grape in its composition, but also to the fact that the grapes used must all be from the same harvest. For this reason, it could be said that each bottle of Sui Livieti holds the secrets of a specific vintage.
