Veneto Orientale

Veneto Orientale







about this subregion

Nestled in the northeastern corner of Italy lies the Veneto Orientale IGT, a region renowned for its unique terroir and distinguished wines. Spanning the eastern territories of the Venice province up to the Dese river and including parts of Treviso like Motta di Livenza and Meduna di Livenza, this IGT showcases a confluence of climatic influences. The proximity to the Adriatic Sea bestows it with a moderate maritime climate, characterized by warm summers and mild winters, tempered by the cooling sea breezes. This balance ensures a steady, optimal ripening of grapes.

The landscape of Veneto Orientale, with its gentle slopes and rich, fertile soils, is a haven for viticulture. Among the grape varieties that thrive here, Chardonnay stands out, producing wines with a nuanced bouquet of green apple and citrus notes, complemented by a refreshing acidity. Friulano, a local favorite, flourishes in this environment, delivering wines with hints of almond, floral undertones, and a touch of minerality. The red grape Ancellotta finds its expression in this region, contributing to wines with deep color, robust structure, and flavors of ripe black fruits. Lastly, Cabernet Franc, with its herbaceous and red berry profile, adds complexity and elegance to the region's red wine offerings.

In essence, the Veneto Orientale IGT is a testament to the harmony between nature and winemaking, where centuries of tradition meet the bounty of the land to produce wines of unparalleled character.


vinerra illustration

Vineyard Hectares





Discover Terroir

Veneto Orientale IGT is an emblematic wine region nestled in the northeastern reaches of Italy, that is part of the Veneto wine region. Encompassing the eastern territories of the Venice province and extending to parts of Treviso, its landscape paints a vivid tapestry of viticultural charm and natural beauty.

This region is caressed by the gentle whispers of the Adriatic Sea, which lies to its east. The maritime influence becomes evident in the gentle undulations of the terrain, marked by stretches of coastal plains that slowly give way to rolling hills further inland. This gradient of elevation creates a myriad of microclimates, each shaping the unique characteristics of the wines born here.

The soils of Veneto Orientale are as diverse as its topography. The coastal plains, nurtured by centuries of alluvial deposits, boast fertile and well-draining soils, providing an ideal bedrock for vine roots to delve deep. As one travels inland, the soils become more varied, with pockets of clay, limestone, and gravel, reflecting the region's ancient geological transformations.

Vegetation thrives in this harmonious environment. Apart from the meticulously pruned vineyards, which appear like green quilts across the landscape, there are olive groves, fruit orchards, and patches of woodland, painting a mosaic of green hues under the Italian sun.

Water bodies punctuate this verdant scenery, with rivers like the Dese meandering through, providing vital sustenance to the land and acting as natural landmarks. The juxtaposition of these rivers against the sprawling vineyards creates a serene and picturesque setting, a testament to the harmonious coexistence of nature and agriculture in Veneto Orientale.

In essence, the landscape of Veneto Orientale IGT is a romantic blend of natural splendor and human endeavor, where every contour and corner tells a story of tradition, passion, and the timeless allure of winemaking.

The climate of Veneto Orientale IGT is a symphony of nature's elements, each playing its part in crafting the distinct wines of this esteemed region. Sitting in the northeastern corner of Italy, the area benefits from a temperate climate, a harmonious blend of maritime and continental influences that molds the very essence of its viticultural identity.

To the east, the Adriatic Sea acts as a gentle guardian, tempering the region's climate with its breezy whispers. These maritime zephyrs moderate the temperatures, ensuring they don't peak too high in the summer or plummet too low in winter. The result is a relatively mild climate year-round, with the vineyards bathed in a gentle warmth that encourages the grapes to ripen evenly, accumulating flavors, sugars, and acids in a balanced dance.

However, the continental essence cannot be ignored. As one ventures further inland, away from the Adriatic's embrace, the climate subtly shifts. Here, the winters can be cooler, and the diurnal temperature variation— the difference between daytime highs and nighttime lows— becomes more pronounced. This contrast is a boon for grape growing, as the cool nights allow the grapes to retain their acidity, ensuring freshness and vitality in the resulting wines.

Rainfall in Veneto Orientale is well-distributed throughout the year, though spring and autumn often witness the most precipitation. These rains, while vital for vine nourishment, also demand meticulous vineyard management to prevent diseases and ensure optimum grape health.

Sunshine is another character in this climatic play. The region enjoys abundant sunlight during the growing season, bathing the vineyards in a golden hue. This sunlight is instrumental in photosynthesis, driving the maturation of the grapes and the concentration of flavors, aromas, and tannins.

In essence, the climate of Veneto Orientale IGT is a masterful blend of nature's whims and constancies. It's a climate that challenges and nurtures, demanding the best from its vineyards and, in return, bestowing upon them the very elements that make the wines of this region truly enchanting.

The soils of Veneto Orientale IGT are a testament to the region's intricate geological history, each type lending unique characteristics to the wines that emerge from this esteemed region. The diversity of soils plays a pivotal role in the aromatic complexity and flavor profiles of the wines, adding layers of depth and nuance.

  1. Alluvial Soils:Predominant in the coastal plains and areas closer to river banks, these soils are the result of centuries of sedimentary deposits carried by water. Typically well-draining, they are often a mix of sand, silt, and clay. Vines planted in these soils tend to produce wines with fresh, vibrant characteristics and pronounced aromatics. The excellent drainage ensures that the roots of the vines penetrate deep into the earth, seeking nutrients and ensuring healthy growth.
  2. Clayey Soils:Found in pockets as one moves inland, clay soils have a heavier texture, retaining moisture effectively. Wines from these soils often showcase robust body and structure, with an ability to age gracefully. The water-retentive nature of clay can be a boon during drier spells, ensuring the vines remain hydrated, but it can also demand careful vineyard management to avoid waterlogged conditions.
  3. Limestone:This alkaline soil type is scattered throughout Veneto Orientale, contributing to the mineral undertones in many of the region's wines. Limestone regulates soil pH and provides excellent drainage while also reflecting sunlight, creating a favorable microclimate for the vines. Wines from limestone soils often have a characteristic chalky or mineral note, coupled with zesty acidity, making them great candidates for aging.
  4. Gravel and Stony Soils:These soils, characterized by their rocky composition, are superb for drainage. The rocks and pebbles store heat during the day and release it at night, providing a stable temperature for the vines. Gravelly soils often result in wines with concentrated flavors and pronounced aromatics, as the challenging conditions stress the vines, making them work harder and, in turn, producing high-quality fruit.


Within the picturesque landscapes of Veneto Orientale IGT, a quartet of grape varieties flourish, each contributing distinct characteristics to the region's viticultural tapestry. Their physical attributes, ranging from the delicate hue of Chardonnay to the intense richness of Ancellotta, paint a vivid picture of diversity and richness, perfectly aligned with the region's unique terroir.

  1. Chardonnay:A grape variety recognized globally, Chardonnay in Veneto Orientale IGT often presents itself with a light golden hue, glistening under the sun. The wines produced from this grape are aromatic, bursting with green apple, pear, and citrus notes. On the palate, these fruity aromas are often complemented by nuances of vanilla or butter, especially if the wine has seen oak aging. The finish is typically crisp, thanks to its inherent refreshing acidity.
  2. Friulano:Previously known as Tocai Friulano, this grape showcases a light straw color in its youth. Native to the broader region encompassing Veneto, Friulano wines are known for their aromatic complexity. Floral hints, combined with notes of fresh almonds and a touch of white peach, dominate the nose. The palate is often medium-bodied, with a delicate minerality and a slightly bitter almond finish, making it distinct and memorable.
  3. Ancellotta:This dark-skinned grape variety is known for its deep, almost inky color, making it a favorite for adding richness to blends. Ancellotta wines are intense, with a robust profile. Aromas and flavors of ripe black cherries, blackberries, and plums take center stage, often accompanied by hints of licorice or dark chocolate. The tannins are pronounced, giving these wines a sturdy structure.
  4. Cabernet Franc:Often presenting itself with a medium-intense ruby hue, Cabernet Franc is a grape that balances elegance with complexity. The nose is captivated by red berries, bell pepper, and sometimes a hint of graphite or forest floor. On the palate, these wines are medium-bodied, with a delightful mix of red fruit flavors, herbaceous undertones, and a well-integrated tannic backbone.

In the sun-kissed terrains of Veneto Orientale IGT, a rich spectrum of wines emerges, each exuding its own character and personality, molded by the region's unique terroir. Crafted from an array of grape varieties indigenous to or perfected in the provinces of Treviso and Venezia, these wines represent the harmonious confluence of tradition and innovation, history, and viticulture.

  1. Bianco:Representing the white wines of the region, the Bianco category is a flexible blend of any grape varieties approved for Treviso and Venezia. The resulting wines often exude freshness and vitality. Aromatic profiles range from zesty citrus notes to fragrant florals, while the palate can be light to medium-bodied, crisp, and marked by varying degrees of minerality and fruit intensity.
  2. Bianco Varietals:With a composition predominantly of recognized white varieties such as Chardonnay, Friulano, or Sauvignon Blanc, these wines express the quintessential characteristics of their predominant grape. Expect rich, varietal expressions ranging from the nutty undertones of Friulano to the aromatic exuberance of Gewürztraminer. Each sip narrates a story of its primary grape, amplified by the subtle hints from other authorized grapes in the blend.
  3. Rosato:Veneto Orientale's Rosato wines are a celebration of the region's versatility. Crafted from any proportion of approved red grape varieties, these pink-hued wines can range from pale salmon to vibrant rose in color. Aromatically, they present a bouquet of red berries, citrus zest, and sometimes tropical notes, while the palate is often refreshing, balanced, and elegantly fruity.
  4. Rosato Varietals:Dominated by one of the recognized red grape varieties like Ancellotta or Cabernet Franc, these wines bring forth the essence of their primary grape. Whether it's the herbaceous undertones of Cabernet Franc or the dark fruit richness of Merlot, the Rosato Varietals promise a nuanced, expressive, and delightful drinking experience.
  5. Rosso:The reds of Veneto Orientale, crafted from any approved red grape blend, exude depth and character. Often, they display a spectrum of red and black fruits on the nose, complemented by hints of spices, leather, or earth. On the palate, they can range from smooth and medium-bodied to rich and structured, encapsulating the essence of the Veneto Orientale terroir.
  6. Rosso Varietals:With a dominant presence of a specific red variety like Marzemino or Refosco dal Peduncolo Rosso, these wines dive deep into the aromatic and flavor profiles of their primary grape. From the plush fruitiness of Malbec to the rustic charm of Raboso, each bottle unravels layers of complexity and tradition.