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about this region

Nestled within the picturesque landscapes of Georgia, the Abkhazia wine region emerges as a hidden gem for wine enthusiasts and connoisseurs alike. This captivating region, known for its rich viticultural traditions, is a treasure trove of diversity and history. This wine region shares a border only with the Samegrelo region, to the east.

Abkhazia boasts a thriving wine culture, characterized by its unique terroir and the cultivation of a spectrum of grape varieties, both red and white. Here, the ancient traditions of winemaking are preserved and celebrated, making Abkhazia a captivating destination for those seeking to explore the captivating world of Georgian wine. In this enchanting region, the grape varieties Amlakhu, Kachichi, Agbizh, Akabuli, Absuazh, Lakoaj, Avasikhva, Khapshira, and Khunalizhi contribute to an exquisite mosaic of flavors and experiences, promising a sensory journey through the captivating world of Abkhazian wines.


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Discover Terroir

Let your imagination wander to a stunning wine region that stretches along the eastern shores of the Black Sea – welcome to Abkhazia, Georgia's prized wine region, where the landscape is nothing short of mesmerizing.

In Abkhazia, nature has sculpted a landscape that's a captivating blend of rolling hills, lush valleys, and seemingly endless plains. It's a breathtaking panorama that could inspire artists for generations.

To the north, you'll discover the awe-inspiring Greater Caucasus Mountains, their peaks adorned with vibrant greenery. Not only do they provide a stunning backdrop, but these mountains also serve as protective sentinels for the vineyards below. They create a microclimate that's simply perfect for nurturing grapes.

As you venture closer to the coastline, the terrain gently undulates, and this is where the vineyards take center stage. Rows upon rows of grapevines are meticulously arranged against the fertile soil, basking in the sunlit plains that stretch toward the Black Sea. Here, the conditions are ideal for grape cultivation, with abundant sunshine and optimal temperatures.

Now, let's talk about the Black Sea. It's a key player in Abkhazia's winemaking story. Its presence brings a maritime climate to the region, ensuring mild winters and warm, inviting summers. But it does more than regulate the weather – it imparts a subtle coastal character to the wines, making them truly unique.

Abkhazia's landscape is akin to a work of art where nature and winemaking converge harmoniously. The mountains, plains, and sea come together to create an environment that nurtures grapes and gives birth to wines that are as diverse and flavorful as the land itself.

Picture a wine region nestled along the northern shores of the Black Sea – that's Abkhazia. Its climate, a vital component of its winemaking heritage, is intricately shaped by its unique geographical and environmental features.

Situated at the western end of Georgia, Abkhazia enjoys a predominantly mild, subtropical climate, a remarkable characteristic given its northern latitude. The proximity to the Black Sea plays a starring role in this climatic equation. It acts as a gentle guardian, moderating temperatures and creating an environment that remains temperate, even in cooler seasons.

Adding to this climate's charm are the majestic Caucasus Mountains to the north. They stand tall as protectors, shielding Abkhazia from chilly winds that may sweep down from the north. During the summertime, these mountains provide a welcome respite, preventing scorching hot winds from Central Asia from making their way to the region.

Now, Abkhazia's topography is a spectacle in itself. It ranges from the lowlands that snuggle against the Black Sea's embrace to the lofty peaks in the north. Impressively, around 75% of Abkhazia is designated as mountains or foothills. This varied terrain creates an intricate web of microclimates, each with its unique personality.

These diverse microclimates are a boon for local grape varieties, thriving at elevations ranging from 400 to 800 meters. It's nature's way of ensuring that Abkhazia's wines carry a distinctive character that's deeply intertwined with the land. In Abkhazia, the climate isn't just a backdrop; it's a leading actor in the compelling narrative of its winemaking tradition.

The Abkhazia wine region is renowned for its exceptional diversity in viticultural landscapes, and much of this distinctiveness can be attributed to the wide array of soils that grace its terrain. These soils play a pivotal role in crafting the wines that are emblematic of the region. Let's embark on a journey through Abkhazia's diverse soils and unravel their influence on winemaking:

  1. Carbonaceous Humus: Abkhazia's northern regions are generously endowed with carbonaceous humus soil. This soil type stands out for its rich organic matter content, which nurtures fertility and retains moisture adeptly. Within this nurturing environment, grapevines flourish, yielding grapes imbued with intricate flavors and captivating aromas.
  2. Ash-grey Forest Soil: Scattered across specific pockets of Abkhazia, ash-grey forest soil strikes a harmonious balance between drainage and fertility. It provides an ideal habitat for grapevines, ensuring they receive the right measure of moisture, nutrients, and aeration essential for robust growth.
  3. Yellow Earth: Venturing into the northernmost parts of Abkhazia, one encounters yellow earth soil, recognized for its lighter texture and effective drainage. While it may not rival carbonaceous humus in fertility, it offers a conducive environment for viticulture, particularly for grape varieties that favor well-drained soils.
  4. Red Earth: In the southern regions encompassing Ochamchire and Gali, red earth soil takes center stage. Distinguished by its iron-rich composition, this soil type excels in drainage and aeration. It provides an ideal canvas for grape varieties that thrive in these conditions.
  5. Alluvial Soil: Abkhazia's river valleys are adorned with alluvial soil, a fertile blend of silt, sand, and clay lovingly deposited by the flowing waters over time. This soil type creates a harmonious environment for grapevines, contributing to the production of exceptional grapes.

Each of these soil types lends its unique qualities to Abkhazia's vineyards, enriching the terroir that defines the region's wines. When harmonized with the local climate, these diverse soils orchestrate a symphony of wines, each with its distinct flavor profile and character.


The Abkhazia wine region in Georgia is celebrated for its exceptional grape varieties, each with distinct agricultural and climatic requirements, adding to the region's remarkable viticultural diversity. Let's delve deeper into some of these remarkable varieties:

  1. Amlakhu: Flourishing in Abkhazia's subtropical climate, the Amlakhu grape thrives amidst the warm, humid conditions along the Black Sea coast. It favors well-drained, fertile soils commonly found in river valleys and lower mountain slopes.
  2. Kachichi: Suited to Abkhazia's humid and temperate climate, Kachichi grapes thrive in areas with ample sunlight and well-draining soils. This variety's resilience helps prevent root diseases often associated with humid environments.
  3. Agbizh: Agbizh grapes find their niche in Abkhazia's unique microclimate, characterized by mild winters and warm summers. They require a balance of sun and shade, often grown in spots where filtered sunlight passes through the canopy of trees, following traditional regional practices.
  4. Akabuli: Well-matched to Abkhazia's moist coastal climate, Akabuli grapes thrive in well-aerated soils, benefiting from the region's natural irrigation due to frequent rains, reducing the need for manual watering.
  5. Absuazh: Flourishing in Abkhazia's warm, humid conditions, Absuazh grapes are at home in soils rich in organic matter, aiding in moisture retention, a vital attribute during the region's extended dry spells.
  6. Lakoaj: Lakoaj grapes are adaptable to Abkhazia's diverse climatic conditions, from coastal areas to foothills. They require a moderate climate with sufficient rainfall during the growing season and fertile, well-draining soils.
  7. Avasikhva: Like many other Abkhazian varieties, Avasikhva grapes thrive in a humid subtropical climate. They prefer nutrient-rich soils with good water retention to support growth during dry periods.
  8. Khapshira: Thriving in the coastal microclimates of Abkhazia, Khapshira grapes benefit from moderate temperatures and high humidity. They require deep, fertile soils to provide essential nutrients for optimal growth.
  9. Khunalizhi: Ideal for Abkhazia's coastal and lower mountainous regions, Khunalizhi grapes thrive in a balanced climate with sufficient rainfall. They appreciate soils rich in organic matter and effective drainage to prevent root rot.

Each of these grape varieties uniquely mirrors the terroir of the Abkhazia wine region, contributing to its distinct identity in the world of Georgian viticulture. Their successful cultivation is a testament to the region's harmonious blend of climate and soil, tailored to meet the specific needs of each variety.

Dive into the world of Abkhazian wines, where each bottle tells a story of the region's rich heritage and lush landscapes. Let's journey through some of the most beloved wines from this ancient winemaking region:

  1. Lykhny: Imagine a dance of sweet and sour on your palate. Lykhny, made predominantly from Isabella grapes, is like a symphony in a glass, combining the freshness of fruits with a delicate tartness. This wine's deep red color is as inviting as its taste.
  2. Psou: Named after a local river, Psou is like a robust conversation - full and complex. It's a wine that speaks of the earth it's born from, offering a blend of deep, rich flavors that linger on your tongue.
  3. Apsny: This wine is a tribute to its homeland, 'Abkhazia'. A sip of Apsny is like wandering through a fragrant orchard; it's a bouquet of fruity and floral scents that come alive in your mouth, ranging from light and refreshing to bold and nuanced.
  4. Amra: Like its namesake, the "sun," Amra radiates brightness and energy. Its lively fruit aromas lead to a delightful play of sweet flavors on the taste buds, making it a cheerful companion on a warm day.
  5. Chegem: The newcomer in the lot, Chegem, stands out with its sophisticated character. Think of a wine that tells a story of ripe fruits intertwined with hints of the earth – a perfect balance of richness and depth.
  6. Bouquet of Abkhazia: A celebration in a bottle, this wine encapsulates the diversity of the region. It's like a mosaic of scents and flavors, each sip revealing a new layer of floral and fruity notes, all coming together in a harmonious blend.

These wines are more than just beverages; they are a journey through the history and culture of Abkhazia, each with its own unique story and flavor profile.


400-800 m


1300-3500 mm


top varietal

History of wine

The history of winemaking in Abkhazia, a region in Georgia renowned for its lush vineyards and rich viticultural heritage, is a tapestry woven through centuries. This journey through time reveals a deep connection between the land and its people, marked by significant events and evolutionary changes in winemaking practices.

The story of Abkhazian winemaking dates back to the Bronze Age, as evidenced by archaeological finds like pitchers with grape seeds from this era. These discoveries point to an early cultivation of grapes and possibly rudimentary forms of winemaking, indicating that the region's wine culture has ancient origins.

Over centuries, Abkhazians developed unique viticultural techniques, adapting to the region's diverse terrain. Vineyards were typically planted on steep slopes, in fertile valleys, and near the Black Sea coast, benefiting from the region's varied microclimates. A traditional practice involved allowing vines to grow on trees, a method that enhanced the sun exposure and sugar content of the grapes, contributing to the distinct flavors of Abkhazian wines.

A significant turning point in Abkhazian winemaking came in 1925 with the start of contemporary industrial wine production. This period, especially between 1960 and 1990, marked the golden age of Abkhazian winemaking. It saw the creation of renowned brands like The Bouquet of Abkhazia, Psou, Lykhny, Apsny, and Anakopia, which gained international acclaim. The region's wines were celebrated for their quality and uniqueness, reflecting the rich terroir of Abkhazia.

The Georgian-Abkhaz conflict in the early 1990s dealt a severe blow to the wine industry, leading to a temporary halt in production and extensive damage to vineyards. However, the post-war period witnessed a remarkable revival. Investments in vineyard restoration and modernization of equipment in the late 1990s, particularly in the "Wines and Beverages of Abkhazia" factory, breathed new life into the industry. Today, the region's wine industry stands as a testament to resilience, continuing to thrive and evolve.

Throughout its history, Abkhazian winemaking has been a confluence of tradition and innovation. The wines from this region are not only a reflection of the unique climatic and geographical conditions but also symbolize the enduring spirit of the Abkhazian people and their deep-rooted connection to the land.


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