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Step into the enchanting world of Kakheti, Georgia's premier wine region, where a tapestry of vineyards and ancient traditions awaits. This wine region shares borders only with the Kartli wine region, to the south-west.

At the heart of Kakheti's winemaking heritage lie two exceptional grape varieties, Saperavi and Rkatsiteli, each weaving their own unique narrative in the rich tapestry of Georgian viticulture. Explore the fertile landscapes and discover the secrets behind these iconic grapes that have shaped the region's illustrious winemaking legacy for centuries. Welcome to Kakheti, where the spirit of wine and tradition intertwine.


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Vineyard Hectares




growing degree days

Discover Terroir

The Kakheti wine region in Georgia is a mesmerizing landscape of rolling hills, verdant valleys, and undulating vine-covered slopes. This picturesque region is cradled by the dramatic backdrop of the Greater Caucasus Mountains to the north, while the Alazani River meanders gracefully through its heart. The landscape is a tapestry of vineyards, where rows of grapevines stretch as far as the eye can see, embracing the fertile soils that have nurtured Kakheti's winemaking tradition for centuries. The region's diverse terrain, ranging from lower-lying plains to elevated hillsides, contributes to the nuanced terroir that defines its wines, making Kakheti a captivating and fruitful haven for viticulture.

The climate of the Kakheti wine region in Georgia is a harmonious symphony of factors that converge to create an ideal environment for viticulture. Located at the crossroads of Eastern Europe and Western Asia, Kakheti experiences a distinctive climate shaped by its geographical location and the surrounding natural features.

Summers in Kakheti are marked by long, sun-drenched days with temperatures that can soar to hot extremes. The region's geographical positioning near the Caspian Sea ensures that Kakheti enjoys an arid climate during this season, with minimal rainfall. This hot and dry weather is a boon for grape ripening, allowing the fruit to accumulate sugars and develop complex flavors.

Autumn heralds a pivotal moment in Kakheti's winemaking calendar. As the summer heat gradually recedes, temperatures become milder, creating the perfect conditions for the grapes to reach optimal maturity. The golden hues of the vineyards become a visual testament to this transitional period.

Winters in Kakheti bring a stark contrast to the warm embrace of summer. While temperatures can drop significantly, the region is spared from extreme cold thanks to the protective embrace of the Greater Caucasus Mountains to the north. The vineyards lie in a temporary slumber during this season, awaiting the return of spring.

Spring awakens the Kakheti landscape with the promise of a new vintage. As temperatures begin to rise and the dormant vineyards come to life, delicate blossoms adorn the grapevines, hinting at the bountiful harvest to come. Spring showers grace the region, providing essential moisture to sustain the growing vines.

Throughout the year, Kakheti's climate plays a crucial role in the development of its wines. The hot and dry summers encourage the accumulation of sugars in the grapes, which is essential for producing robust red wines and the region's famed semi-sweet varieties. The moderate autumns ensure grapes reach their full ripeness, while the milder winters protect the vines from extreme cold, preserving their vitality.

This unique climate, characterized by its distinct seasons and the interplay of warm summers and milder autumns, forms the backdrop for Kakheti's rich viticultural tradition. It is a testament to nature's intricate dance with the vine, resulting in wines that capture the essence of the region's climate and terroir, making Kakheti a revered destination for wine enthusiasts worldwide.

Within the vine-covered landscapes of Georgia's Kakheti wine region, a rich tapestry of soils unfolds, bestowing unique qualities upon the grapes that thrive there. From the bountiful humus-carbonate soils to the deep, fertile black earth and the nurturing embrace of alluvial deposits, Kakheti's terroir is a testament to the diversity that shapes its renowned viticultural heritage.

  1. Humus-Carbonate Soils:Abundant in Kakheti, humus-carbonate soils are characterized by their organic richness and mineral-laden composition. These fertile soils provide grapevines with essential nutrients and moisture, making them particularly well-suited for cultivating grape varieties that demand a nourishing environment. As such, they play a pivotal role in crafting robust, full-bodied wines that carry the essence of Kakheti's terroir.
  2. Black Soils:The deep, ebony-hued earth that graces Kakheti's landscape is a hallmark of the region's vineyards. These profound black soils, celebrated for their remarkable depth and fertility, create an environment where grapevines can delve their roots deep into the earth. This characteristic contributes to the development of wines that bear a distinctive sense of place, eloquently expressing the unique qualities imparted by Kakheti's black soils.
  3. Alluvial Soils:Along the banks of the Alazani River, alluvial soils weave a narrative of fertility and rejuvenation. These soils are the result of centuries of sediment deposition by the river, offering a rich blend of minerals and organic matter. Grapevines planted in alluvial soils benefit from the natural drainage properties of the terrain, resulting in wines that epitomize the region's freshness and vitality. They are an integral component of Kakheti's diverse winemaking mosaic.

In the Kakheti wine region, these distinct soils play pivotal roles in shaping the wines, lending unique characteristics to the grapes and contributing to the region's celebrated winemaking tradition. Kakheti's terroir is a testament to nature's artistry, where each soil type weaves its own story within the glass.


In the heart of Georgia's Kakheti wine region, a time-honored winemaking tradition has thrived for countless generations. At the core of this rich viticultural heritage lie two exceptional grape varieties: Saperavi and Rkatsiteli. These grapes, each with distinct agricultural and climatic needs, play a pivotal role in shaping the region's celebrated winemaking legacy.

  1. Saperavi: Saperavi, often referred to as the "artist's grape," is a red variety that finds its prime conditions in Kakheti's unique landscape. It thrives in well-drained soils, preferably those rich in minerals like limestone and clay. Saperavi grapes flourish under the region's warm, arid summers and relatively mild winters. Their adaptability to these climatic variations, including occasional frost, makes them a stalwart presence in Kakheti's vineyards.
  2. Rkatsiteli: Rkatsiteli, one of the world's most ancient white grape varieties, has discovered its ideal habitat amidst Kakheti's vineyards. This white grape variety favors a slightly cooler climate compared to Saperavi. It excels in well-drained, loamy soils that possess excellent water retention properties. Rkatsiteli is recognized for its resilience against fungal diseases, making it well-suited to Kakheti's ever-changing weather conditions, including the region's humid summers.

These two exceptional grape varieties, Saperavi and Rkatsiteli, are the bedrock of Kakheti's winemaking tradition. Each brings its unique set of agricultural and climatic prerequisites to the table, enriching the diverse and dynamic world of Georgian wines.

Nestled in the picturesque Kakheti wine region of Georgia, a treasure trove of exceptional wines awaits the discerning palate. Here, amidst vine-covered landscapes and centuries-old traditions, the most common wines from Kakheti emerge as true gems, each with its own unique character and story to tell.

  1. Saperavi: Saperavi, the star of Georgian red wines, unfolds with an enchanting symphony of aromas and flavors. It beckons with the heady fragrance of dark berries, black cherries, and a subtle hint of violets. As it graces the palate, Saperavi unveils a rich tapestry of tastes—robust blackcurrants, plums, and a tantalizing touch of spice. This wine is a bold and expressive testament to Kakheti's winemaking prowess.
  2. Rkatsiteli: Rkatsiteli, among the most esteemed white grape varieties in Georgia, presents a sensory journey characterized by its enticing bouquet of green apples, citrus blossoms, and a whisper of herbs. Upon sipping, Rkatsiteli delights with vibrant notes of crisp green apples, quince, and a refreshing acidity that dances on the taste buds. It's a harmonious and invigorating experience, capturing the essence of Kakheti's white wine heritage.

Each of these common wines from the Kakheti wine region tells a captivating story, reflecting the region's terroir and the dedication of its winemakers. As you savor these wines, you embark on a sensory journey through the heart of Georgian winemaking, where tradition meets innovation, and each sip is a celebration of time-honored craftsmanship.


300-750 m




Kakheti's soils encompass humus-carbonate, deep black and alluvial soils, shaping its diverse viticulture.

top varietal

Saperavi, Rkatsiteli

History of wine

Nestled in the heart of Georgia, the Kakheti wine region has woven a captivating tapestry of viticultural history that spans millennia. This timeless tradition is steeped in ancient rituals, storied legends, and a relentless pursuit of winemaking excellence.

  1. Ancient Roots (6000 BC - 300 AD):The story of Kakheti's winemaking prowess begins as far back as 6000 BC when the region's inhabitants cultivated grapevines and stored their precious elixirs in distinctive clay jars known as Kvevri. This ancient practice, recognized by UNESCO as Intangible Cultural Heritage, formed the cornerstone of Kakheti's winemaking heritage. During this era, grape cultivation and wine production flourished, setting the stage for Kakheti's enduring legacy.
  2. Influence of Christianity (4th Century AD):The 4th century AD marked a transformative period for Kakheti as the region embraced Christianity, led by Saint Nino. The Church became an integral part of Georgian winemaking, influencing traditions and practices. Monastic communities played a pivotal role in preserving winemaking knowledge and techniques, ensuring the continuity of Kakheti's vinicultural heritage.
  3. Royal Patronage (17th - 18th Century):The Kakhetian wine tradition flourished further during the 17th and 18th centuries under the patronage of the Kakhetian kings and nobility. Notably, King Erekle II fostered a thriving wine culture and implemented reforms to improve winemaking practices. The Royal Estate of Tsinandali became a beacon of innovation in winemaking, where European techniques were merged with traditional Georgian methods, producing wines of exceptional quality.
  4. Phylloxera Epidemic (Late 19th Century):The late 19th century brought adversity to Kakheti as the region faced the devastating Phylloxera epidemic, which ravaged vineyards across Europe and beyond. Despite this setback, Kakheti's winemakers demonstrated resilience and resourcefulness, eventually recovering from the crisis through grafting and other innovative techniques.
  5. Soviet Era (20th Century):During the Soviet era, Kakheti's wine industry underwent significant changes as it became integrated into the Soviet winemaking apparatus. The focus shifted towards mass production and blending, impacting the traditional Georgian winemaking practices. Nevertheless, Kakheti continued to produce wines of note, including the famed Kindzmarauli and Khvanchkara.
  6. Independence and Revival (1991 - Present):With Georgia's independence in 1991, Kakheti's winemakers embraced newfound freedom, returning to their roots and revitalizing traditional winemaking methods. The region witnessed a resurgence of interest in ancient practices, emphasizing the use of Kvevri and organic cultivation. This renaissance has propelled Kakheti to the forefront of the global natural wine movement, celebrating its heritage while embracing innovation.

Today, Kakheti stands as a testament to the enduring spirit of Georgian winemaking, where history and tradition converge with modernity and innovation. Its ancient vineyards and storied cellars continue to produce wines that pay homage to the region's rich past while charting an exciting future in the world of wine.


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