

41° 41' 58.92" N


14° 36' 39.96" E




about this region

Molise is a predominately mountainous and relatively small region in south-central Italy. The region’s primary grape varieties are Montepulciano (51%) and Trebbiano (12%).

White wines are mainly made using the Trebbiano Toscano grape variety and blending a small proportion of Bombino. Red wines are crafted using the Montepulciano and blending Aglianico and sometimes a small percentage of Trebbiano Toscano.

Biferno wines are characterized by a good body and a good but not overpowering acidity. This is due to the terrain where the grapes are grown, as the mountains give way to high plains that slope down to the sea.


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vinerra illustration

Vineyard Hectares



2000 - 2300

growing degree days

Discover Terroir

Molise is a wine-producing region in south-central Italy, bordered to the north by Abruzzo and Lazio and by Campania and Puglia to the south.  

The vineyards are located in two provinces: Campobasso and Ibernia. In the Campobasso region, the climate is more continental, while in Ibernia, on the other hand, the climate is rather temperate.

In terms of soils, the region is dominated by calcareous and morainic soils.


Most Planted Red Grapes Varieties: Montepulciano

Most Planted White Grapes Varieties: Trebbiano

In this region, there are two grape varieties widely used for winemaking. These are the red grape Montepulciano and the white grape Trebbiano.

Montepulciano: The Montepulciano variety is widely used in most of the region, except in Tintilia del Molise, where only the Tintilia variety is used.  This variety allows to produce wines with a soft flavour and an intense colour, besides obtaining good results when aging the wines in oak.

Trebbiano: This white grape variety became very popular in the DOC Molise and Biferno. This is mainly because it allows to produce wines with a fruity and fresh profile, with notes of white peach, green apple, lemon or even Basil.


200 - 800 m


600 - 800 mm


Calcareous and morainic soils predominates.

top varietal

Montepulciano, Trebbiano

History of wine

Despite being a small and little-known region, the history of winemaking in Molise began many centuries ago, specifically in 500 BC. The first winemakers, who discovered Molise's potential for vine cultivation, were the ancient Samnites, Etruscans and Romans.

However, for many years Molise was part of the Abruzzo region. And it is precisely for that reason that not so much information is known about Molise. Only recently, in 1963, Molise was recognized as an independent region. Later, in the 1980s, the region obtained its first two DOC: Biferno and Pentro di Isernia. Then, in 1998, the region obtained its third DOC, Molise. Most recently, in 2011, Tintilia del Molise obtained DOC status.

