

48° 5' N


16° 16' E




about this subregion

Nestled within the broader canvas of Niederösterreich, the Thermenregion wine region unfolds as a unique and enchanting viticultural tapestry in Lower Austria. A locale marked by its exquisite landscape and favorable microclimate, Thermenregion is a crucible of biodiversity and tradition in grape cultivation.

Spanning across rolling hills and tranquil valleys, Thermenregion harbors an environment that is characterized by mild temperatures and moderate rainfall. It's this harmonious climate, coupled with the presence of warm thermal springs, that provides an idyllic setting for nurturing a plethora of grape varieties.

Among the vine-studded terrains, the Zierfandler and Rotgipfler grapes emerge as true natives, each bearing a distinctive legacy and character in Thermenregion’s winemaking narrative. Zierfandler exhibits a rare balance between acidity and sugar content, resulting in wines that are both vivacious and robust. In contrast, Rotgipfler brings forth wines that are aromatic and full-bodied, reflecting the sun-soaked essence of the region’s terroir.

The region also graciously hosts other revered grape varieties, including the crisp and elegant Pinot Blanc, the versatile and globally cherished Chardonnay, the deeply colored and fruity Sankt Laurent, and the ever-sophisticated Pinot Noir. Each variety, meticulously cultivated, mirrors the environmental diversity and richness found in Thermenregion.

With its captivating landscape serving as a backdrop, Thermenregion stands as a testament to Austria’s vibrant and dynamic winemaking scene, offering wines that are as complex and delightful as the environment from which they originate. Each sip is a celebration of the region’s unique climate and soils, inviting wine aficionados to explore the flavorful depths of Thermenregion wines.



Vineyard Hectares



1100 - 1500


Discover Terroir

The Thermenregion, nestled within the prestigious confines of Niederösterreich, a wine region from Austria, is a viticultural gem characterized by its captivating and diverse landscape. Stretching from the southern outskirts of Vienna down towards the town of Baden, the region unfurls as a picturesque tapestry of rolling hills, fertile plains, and gentle slopes, making it a scenic locale for the cultivation of a variety of grapes.

The northern part of the Thermenregion is marked by its imposing hillsides and vineyards delicately etched into the terrain. These elevations not only offer breathtaking views but are also integral to viticulture, providing the vines with ample sunlight and well-drained soils, crucial for the development of the grapes’ flavors and aromas.

In contrast, the southern sections of the region offer a slightly flatter topography, though still punctuated by occasional hills and slopes. Here, the vineyards are cradled by an environment that is meticulously balanced, with the soils ranging from loamy and sandy to areas abundant in limestone and gravel. Each soil type in this variegated landscape contributes uniquely to the terroir, imparting distinct characteristics to the wines produced here.

The region is further blessed with the presence of numerous thermal springs, a testament to its name 'Thermenregion'. These thermal springs not only add to the allure of the landscape but also play a pivotal role in influencing the local climate, creating a warm and temperate environment that is ideal for the ripening of both red and white grape varieties.

In this harmonious conjunction of hills, plains, and thermal springs, the Thermenregion weaves a narrative of natural beauty and viticultural abundance. Its landscape, sculpted gently by nature’s hands and refined by centuries of winemaking tradition, stands as a silent, steadfast guardian of the region’s wine heritage, fostering a terroir that is as complex and enchanting as the wines it yields.

The Thermenregion unveils a climate intricately woven with warmth and moderation, establishing it as a hospitable sanctuary for various grape vines to flourish. The region's climate is a harmonious dance between continental and Pannonian influences, each contributing distinct characteristics that together create a symphony of optimal conditions for viticulture.

The continental aspect of Thermenregion’s climate manifests through the clear delineation of seasons. The winters here are cold and brisk, providing a necessary period of dormancy for the vines, allowing them to rest and rejuvenate for the next cycle of growth. Summers, on the other hand, are typically warm and sunny, with the longer daylight hours providing abundant sunshine that is crucial for the ripening of grapes.

Overlaying this continental backbone is the warming embrace of Pannonian climate influences. This element introduces a gentle warmth and dryness to the region, mitigating the harshness of winter frosts and providing additional warmth during the ripening season. It is this subtle augmentation of heat and reduction of moisture that helps in crafting wines with concentrated flavors and balanced acidity.

Adding an extra layer of climatic finesse is the presence of thermal springs scattered throughout the region. These springs not only lend their warmth to the immediate surroundings but also contribute to the overall moderation of the area's climate. This unique characteristic results in a slightly elevated average temperature, further supporting the ripening process and enhancing the development of aromatic compounds in the grapes.

The Thermenregion also benefits from its varied topography, which introduces microclimates within the area. From sun-drenched slopes to cooler valleys, each sub-region within Thermenregion possesses its own unique climatic signature. This diversity allows for the cultivation of a wide array of grape varieties, each finding a niche where it can express its individuality and true potential.

In essence, the climate of the Thermenregion is a balanced and nuanced tapestry of warmth and moderation, dryness and moisture, creating a viticultural canvas where both red and white grape varieties can thrive. The intertwining climatic threads craft a stage where each grape can perform its best, yielding wines that are a true reflection and celebration of the Thermenregion's distinctive climate.

The Thermenregion, a distinguished wine-producing enclave in Lower Austria, boasts a fascinating array of soils, providing a complex foundation for the cultivation of its distinct grape varieties. Each soil type, with its unique set of properties and characteristics, plays a crucial role in influencing the flavor profiles and qualities of the wines produced in the region.

  1. Loamy Soils: Loamy soils dominate various sections of the Thermenregion, providing a balanced and nurturing environment for vines. This soil type is characterized by a well-proportioned mix of sand, silt, and clay, offering excellent water retention capabilities while still ensuring adequate drainage. Such equilibrium allows vines to access the moisture they need without the risk of waterlogging, providing a stable foundation for consistent and healthy grape development.
  2. Sandy Soils: Certain areas within the region are characterized by sandy soils. These soils are notable for their excellent drainage properties and low fertility, which can help in producing grapes with higher aromatic concentration. Sandy soils also allow for deep root penetration, granting vines access to deeper water reserves during periods of drought and promoting the development of complex flavor profiles in the grapes.
  3. Limestone-rich Soils: In various pockets of the Thermenregion, the soils are abundant in limestone. This type of soil is highly valued in viticulture due to its ability to regulate the pH of the soil, contributing to the production of well-balanced wines with vibrant acidity. Limestone-rich soils also impart a distinctive minerality to the wines, adding an extra layer of complexity and depth to their flavor profiles.
  4. Brown Earth Soils: Brown earth soils are also present in the region, providing a fertile and well-structured environment for vines to thrive. These soils are typically well-aerated and possess good water-holding capacity, offering a supportive matrix that is conducive to the healthy growth and development of a variety of grape types.
  5. Gravel and Stony Soils: Found especially on the slopes and hillsides of the region, gravel and stony soils are warm and well-draining. These characteristics make them ideal for the cultivation of red grape varieties, as they provide the necessary heat and drainage to promote the ripening of these grapes, leading to the production of wines with fuller bodies and richer flavors.

Together, these diverse soils craft a multifaceted terroir in the Thermenregion, each contributing uniquely to the cultivation of grapes and the production of wines with a wide range of flavor profiles and characteristics. The interplay of these varied soils allows the region to produce wines that are not only reflective of its geological diversity but also true embodiments of its winemaking heritage and tradition


In the verdant landscapes of the Thermenregion, six grape varieties stand out, each with distinct physical characteristics that make them unmistakable. These grapes, with their varying sizes, shapes, and hues, from the pale green of Pinot Blanc to the deeper tones of Sankt Laurent and Pinot Noir, are a visual representation of the region’s diversity and viticultural richness.

  1. Zierfandler: Zierfandler grapes are characterized by their oval shape and yellowish-green hue, often with a reddish tint on the side exposed to the sun. These grapes demand well-drained soils and prefer south-facing slopes, benefiting from abundant sunlight. The mild climate of Thermenregion, with its warm summers and moderate rainfall, offers the ideal conditions for the Zierfandler to ripen fully, often until late October.
  2. Rotgipfler: Close relative to Zierfandler, Rotgipfler grapes also require well-drained soils and a sunny environment. They thrive on the sunlit slopes of the Thermenregion, which provide the warmth necessary for these grapes to develop their signature richness and full body. These grapes, typically harvested from mid to late October, necessitate meticulous care to achieve optimal ripeness and quality.
  3. Pinot Blanc: Pinot Blanc, or Weißburgunder, prefers cooler climates but requires sufficient sunlight to ripen properly. These grapes are versatile, adapting to various soil types but flourishing particularly in the calcareous and marly soils found in parts of Thermenregion. The vines benefit from well-managed canopies that allow adequate air circulation and sunlight penetration.
  4. Chardonnay: Chardonnay vines are robust and adaptable to different climatic conditions. However, they fare best in warmer areas within the Thermenregion, where they can ripen fully. The grapes flourish in a variety of soils, from clay to limestone, but they particularly enjoy well-drained and mineral-rich terrains, which contribute to the wine’s complexity.
  5. Sankt Laurent: Sankt Laurent grapes require careful attention and a warm climate for optimal growth. They are typically planted in sheltered locations that protect them from late frosts, as they tend to bud early. The variety prefers loamy and chalky soils, which help in producing wines with more depth and character.
  6. Pinot Noir: Known as Blauburgunder in Austria, Pinot Noir grapes are delicate and demand a cool climate with moderate temperatures. While they can adapt to various soil types, they particularly thrive in calcareous and marly soils that offer good drainage and moisture retention. Careful canopy management is essential to protect the grapes from sunburn and diseases.

The wines of Thermenregion are a symphony of varied bodies, color spectrums, and visual allure, ranging from light and crystalline whites to deep, magnetic reds. These wines offer not only delightful aesthetics but also embody the sensory panorama of the region, with each wine variety exhibi ting distinct characteristics while echoing the Thermenregion’s unique terroir.

  1. Zierfandler Wines:Zierfandler wines are aromatic treasures, unfurling scents of ripe apricots, citrus fruits, and honey, often with subtle floral undertones. These wines tantalize the palate with their luscious fruitiness balanced by vibrant acidity, offering a tapestry of flavors that are both intense and elegant, encapsulating a delightful sweetness and refreshing crispness in each sip.
  2. Rotgipfler Wines: The aromatic profile of Rotgipfler wines is captivating and complex, with hints of tropical fruits, apples, and spices intertwining to create a mesmerizing bouquet. Their taste is equally intriguing, characterized by a full body and creamy texture, accompanied by a harmonious interplay of sweetness and acidity that dances gracefully on the palate.
  3. Pinot Blanc Wines: Pinot Blanc wines from Thermenregion greet the senses with delicate aromas of green apples, pears, and subtle floral notes. On the palate, these wines are crisp and refreshing, mirroring the nose with their light fruitiness while often introducing a hint of minerality, resulting in a wine that is both elegant and versatile.
  4. Chardonnay Wines: Chardonnay wines boast aromas of ripe yellow fruits, often with nuances of butter and vanilla if they have encountered oak. Each sip offers a delightful balance of richness and acidity, presenting flavors that mirror the nose, with the addition of a characteristic mineral undertone that adds complexity and depth to the wine.
  5. Sankt Laurent Wines: Sankt Laurent wines are redolent with the scents of dark cherries and berries, often accented with notes of herbs and spices. These wines delight the palate with their medium to full body and velvety tannins, crafting a tasting profile that is deep, fruity, and slightly savory, making them truly unforgettable.
  6. Pinot Noir Wines: Pinot Noir wines from Thermenregion express themselves through aromas of red berries, cherries, and often a whisper of earthy and spicy tones. These wines are graceful and nuanced on the palate, with the fruity aromas being complemented by soft tannins and a bright acidity, resulting in a wine that is both elegant and complex.