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Nestled within Austria's illustrious capital, the Vienna wine region unveils a captivating landscape where urban sophistication meets viticultural elegance. This enthralling region extends its vine-laden arms amidst a tableau of rolling hills, fertile plains, and dynamic city skylines, crafting a scenery unparalleled and unforgettable.

The undulating hills, bathed in a soft, golden sunlight, cradle vineyards that are the lifeblood of Vienna's renowned wine tradition. Here, the vine rows meticulously etched into the slopes stand as silent, green sentinels overlooking the historical and vibrant city beneath. The subtle breezes whisper through the grapevines, carrying with them tales of ancient soils and the delicate dance of seasons.

Within this scenic canvas, a quartet of grape varieties thrives, each contributing to the rich tapestry of Vienna wines. The celebrated Grüner Veltliner is a prime resident of these vineyards, its clusters hanging like precious, sunlit jewels amidst the verdant foliage. Known for its peppery and crisp profile, Grüner Veltliner is a true reflection of Vienna’s terroir, encapsulating the lively spirit and depth of the region's landscape.

The elegant Riesling vines weave their own narrative across the hills. With roots delving deep into the mineral-rich soils, these vines yield grapes that are aromatic and refined, crafting wines that sing with a vibrant acidity and expressive fruit character, whispering the subtle complexities of Vienna’s geographical bounty.

Weissburgunder, or Pinot Blanc, adds another layer of sophistication to the Viennese viticultural story. Its grapes, like small orbs of moonlight, offer wines that balance creaminess with acidity, providing a harmonious and delicate drinking experience that mirrors the serene beauty of Vienna's vine-clad hills and valleys.

Lastly, Chardonnay graces the vineyards with its global appeal and adaptable nature. In Vienna, Chardonnay finds a home where it can express itself in a multitude of ways, from the lean and mineral-driven to the rich and opulent, echoing the diversity and dynamism of the region's stunning landscape.

Each grape variety, with its unique character and profile, draws from the environment, absorbing the essence of Vienna’s captivating scenery and translating it into liquid form. With every sip, one engages with the landscape, feeling the sun, sensing the breeze, and connecting with the enchanting terrain of Austria’s iconic Vienna wine region.



Vineyard Hectares



1300 - 1500

growing degree days

Discover Terroir

Vienna, the renowned Austrian capital, holds the distinguished title of being the only capital city in the world that produces significant quantities of wine within its borders. The Vienna wine region is intimately entwined with the city's landscape, extending its vine-clad fingers into the urban tapestry, providing both locals and visitors with a unique viticultural experience steeped in tradition and natural beauty.

The Vienna wine region is geographically nestled in the northeastern part of Austria, enveloped by the Vienna Woods to the west and northwest, while gently sloping towards the Danube River to the northeast. This exceptional location creates a canvas where gentle hills, flat plains, and vibrant cityscapes seamlessly meld, crafting a tableau of dynamic contrasts and harmonious blending.

The wine region's landscape is undeniably enchanting, with vineyards dotting the city’s outskirts and spreading across approximately 700 hectares. Here, the vine-laden hills stand as silent sentinels overlooking the bustling metropolis, providing a serene backdrop where nature and urbanity coexist in graceful balance. These hills are not only visual spectacles but also crucial components of the area's microclimate, influencing the temperature variations and sunlight exposure essential for grape cultivation.

Within the embrace of these terrains, diverse soils ranging from weathered limestone, loess, and gravel, to a mix of clay and sand can be found. Each type of soil contributes to the mosaic that is Vienna’s terroir, imparting unique qualities and characteristics to the wines produced in the region.

Beyond the vineyards, Vienna's landscape is punctuated by historical architecture and modern city planning, weaving a narrative where past and present converse daily. The presence of the vineyards within the city boundaries contributes to Vienna's distinctive character, offering pockets of greenery, tranquility, and tradition amidst the urban hustle.

With its charming Heurigen (traditional wine taverns), historic cellars, and contemporary wineries, the Vienna wine region is not merely a geographical location but a living, breathing entity that invites exploration, reflection, and of course, enjoyment of the splendid wines it generously offers. Whether one is traversing its serene vineyard trails or delving into its vibrant urban centers, Vienna provides a wine experience that is as varied and delightful as its remarkable landscape.

The climate of the Vienna wine region is an exquisite composition of continental and Pannonian influences, crafting a tapestry of meteorological subtleties and consistencies that nurture the growth of its famed vineyards.

Dancing through the vine-laced hills and plains of Vienna, the climate takes on a symphonic rhythm, with each season playing a distinctive note in the lifecycle of the vines. Summers are characterized by their warm, sunny disposition, providing ample sunshine that bathes the grape clusters in a gentle, ripening heat. The days are long and luminous, offering the vines an extended period to photosynthesize and develop the sugars and compounds that will later translate into the wines’ delightful array of flavors and aromas.

However, Vienna’s climate isn’t a monotonous melody of warmth. The nights bring with them a soothing coolness, a drop in temperatures that provides relief to the vines and preserves the grapes’ inherent acidity, balancing the ripening process. This diurnal temperature variation, with its warm days and cool nights, is a signature of Vienna’s climate and a key factor in producing wines that are vibrant, balanced, and complex.

As autumn approaches, the climate begins to change its tune, with temperatures gradually decreasing, and the days shortening. This seasonal transition is crucial for the late-ripening grape varieties, providing them with the ideal conditions to reach their full potential, developing richness and depth as the leaves begin to turn and the first whispers of winter grace the air.

Winter in Vienna is typically mild, with occasional snowfall blanketing the vineyards in a layer of insulating white. The vines enter a period of dormancy during these colder months, resting and rejuvenating for the upcoming growing season as the climate cradles them in a chilly embrace.

Spring marks a renewal, with the climate slowly warming, the sun reclaiming the sky, and the first buds breaking on the vine. The temperatures are moderate, and the days begin to lengthen again, setting the stage for another cycle of growth and maturation under Vienna’s watchful skies.

Additionally, Vienna benefits from its proximity to the Vienna Woods and the Danube River, with both geographical features influencing the local microclimate. The woods act as a natural barrier, protecting the vineyards from harsh western winds, while the Danube moderates the temperatures, creating an environment where grapes can thrive and express the unique terroir of the region.

Ultimately, the climate of the Vienna wine region is a silent partner to its vineyards, a force that shapes, nurtures, and guides the vines through the seasons, crafting a narrative of taste and aroma that is distinctly and unforgettably Viennese. Each bottle from the region is a reflection of this climate, telling a story of sun and breeze, warmth and chill, encapsulating the meteorological magic of Vienna in liquid form.

The vineyards in Vienna unveil a stunning complexity of soils, each type playing a significant role in nurturing the vines, influencing the character, and enhancing the quality of the wines produced in this esteemed region.

  1. Loess Soils: Predominantly found in the northern parts of Vienna, loess soils are a critical element in the region's viticultural canvas. These soils are characterized by their fine, dusty particles, offering excellent water retention properties while providing adequate drainage. Loess is particularly favored by the Grüner Veltliner grape, contributing to the wine’s depth and subtle mineral nuances.
  2. Weathered Limestone Soils: Limestone soils are prevalent in the vineyards perched on the higher elevations, providing a welcoming environment for a variety of grape vines. These soils are recognized for their ability to regulate water supply to the vines effectively, preventing waterlogged roots while ensuring the plants receive adequate moisture. The presence of limestone imparts a distinctive mineral character to the wines, adding complexity and structure.
  3. Gravel Soils: In some areas, gravel soils take center stage, offering excellent drainage conditions for the vines. These soils are often found on slopes and are ideal for producing wines with pronounced fruitiness and elegance. The well-drained gravel allows for consistent ripening of the grapes, leading to the development of wines that are balanced and vibrant.
  4. Clay Soils: Clay soils, with their ability to retain water, are crucial in supporting vine growth during the drier seasons. These soils are typically found interspersed with other soil types in the Vienna region, playing a supportive role in nurturing the vines. Wines produced from vines planted in clay soils often exhibit a robust body and intensity of flavor.
  5. Sandy Soils: Found in pockets within the Vienna wine region, sandy soils offer excellent drainage and are easy for the vine roots to penetrate. These soils help in crafting wines with a delightful freshness and aromatic purity, capturing the essence of the grape variety and the vibrancy of the region’s terroir.

Through the prism of its varied soils, the Vienna wine region whispers tales of its geological past and viticultural heritage, with each soil type singing a different, harmonious note in this silent but expressive symphony of terroir. Each wine crafted in the region carries the imprint of these soils, telling stories of the land in the language of taste and aroma, inviting wine enthusiasts to explore and savor the delightful diversity of Vienna through each sip.


In the embrace of Vienna’s sunlit hills, a collection of distinguished grape varieties unfurls its vitality, each bearing distinctive physical attributes reflective of the region’s terroir. Grüner Veltliner, with its small, green-yellow berries, is often seen as the quintessential Austrian grape. Riesling graces the terraces with tight clusters of yellow-green, sometimes golden, grapes. Weissburgunder (Pinot Blanc) carries compact clusters of delicate, green-yellow grapes, while Chardonnay presents itself through small to medium-sized, golden yellow berries.

  1. GrĂĽner Veltliner: A true child of Austrian vineyards, GrĂĽner Veltliner thrives in the diverse soils of Vienna, showing a particular affinity for loess and gravel. It is a vigorous variety, requiring careful canopy management to ensure proper sunlight exposure and air circulation among its dense foliage. The grape is quite hardy, with a good resistance to winter frosts, but it demands attentive cultivation practices to achieve the desired balance of yield and quality.
  2. Riesling: Riesling vines favor the well-drained, stony soils on the steep slopes of Vienna's vineyards. While they can adapt to various climatic conditions, these vines thrive best in cooler climates where they can ripen slowly, developing their characteristic complexity and acidity. Prone to various vine diseases due to their thin skins, Riesling grapes necessitate vigilant vineyard management to maintain their health and quality.
  3. Weissburgunder (Pinot Blanc): Weissburgunder vines are adaptable to various soil types but show a preference for chalky, limestone-rich soils. While they enjoy the sun, they don’t demand excessive heat, making the moderately warm climate of Vienna ideal for their cultivation. These vines require meticulous care as they are susceptible to certain diseases and pests, necessitating proactive and attentive vineyard practices.
  4. Chardonnay: Chardonnay vines are remarkably adaptable, thriving in a variety of soils ranging from limestone to clay. They prefer well-drained soils and benefit from direct sunlight, which is essential for achieving optimal ripeness. Despite their adaptability, Chardonnay grapes require precise canopy management to prevent diseases and to ensure even ripening, with growers in Vienna attentively nurturing them to express the region’s unique terroir.

These illustrious grape varieties, each with their individual needs and characteristics, intertwine their stories with the soils and skies of Vienna, silently crafting tales of taste and aroma under the Austrian sun. Each vine, with its roots deeply embedded in the Viennese terroir, draws from the land and sky, contributing to the symphony of wines that echo the vibrancy and elegance of this esteemed wine region.

The Vienna wine region, renowned for its venerable viticultural heritage, presents an engaging array of wines, each echoing the nuances of the illustrious terroir. With a canvas that ranges from the crystal clarity of whites to the profound depth of reds, these wines navigate through bodies that are lean and nimble to those that are voluptuously full, mirroring the symphonic diversity of Vienna’s winemaking tradition.

  1. Gebietswein: Gebietswein, or regional wine, is often the introduction to Vienna’s wine narrative. These wines are typically light to medium-bodied, showcasing the region's accessible and welcoming side. The aromatic profile of Gebietswein is delightfully fresh and straightforward, bearing the imprint of the area’s mixed vineyards. Expect to encounter a charming bouquet of crisp apples, fresh pears, and an undercurrent of delightful citrus notes. The palate is usually refreshed with an invigorating acidity, making these wines perfect companions for a variety of culinary delights.
  2. Ortswein: As one delves deeper, Ortswein comes forth, encapsulating the character of specific villages or towns within the Vienna region. These wines offer a more defined aromatic profile, with the scents mirroring the particular microclimates and soils of the designated areas. There’s a notable complexity in the nose, ranging from fragrant floral notes to deeper, ripe stone fruits and a whisper of herbs and minerals, providing a sensory experience that is both richer and more intricate, offering a genuine taste of Vienna’s viticultural mosaic.
  3. Riedenwein: Riedenwein, made from grapes harvested from individual vineyard sites (Rieden), is a testament to the meticulous care and understanding of the land’s diversity. These wines articulate a refined dialogue between the grape and its terrain, often expressing an impressive aromatic complexity. Engage with the symphony of nuanced flavors, from vibrant citrus to succulent tropical fruits, interspersed with hints of nuts and a delicate minerality. The experience of sipping Riedenwein is like taking a walk through Vienna’s vineyards, with every aroma and taste reflecting the harmony of the region’s climate and soil.
  4. Gemischter Satz: Gemischter Satz stands as a unique and traditional Viennese wine style, crafted from a mix of grape varieties planted within the same vineyard. This delightful wine offers an unpredictable and exciting aromatic profile due to the diverse grapes going into its making. With a nose that dances between the light floral notes, juicy orchard fruits, and occasional spicy undertones, Gemischter Satz is like a festive celebration in a glass, embodying the vibrant spirit and cultural richness of Vienna itself.

Each wine, from Gebietswein to Gemischter Satz, tells a captivating story of Vienna’s winemaking heritage, with aromatic profiles that invite and enthrall, guiding the drinker through a narrative steeped in tradition and geographical splendor. These are wines that don’t just quench thirst—they engage the senses, offering a delightful journey through the vine-laden hills and historic cellars of Vienna’s celebrated wine region.


150 - 350 m


600 - 650 mm


Loess, Limestone and Gravel

top varietal

GrĂĽner Veltliner, Riesling, Weissburgunder, Chardonnay

History of wine

Nestled in the vibrant heart of Austria, the Vienna wine region boasts a rich tapestry of history intricately woven with the passage of time, revealing a story where viticulture is both an art and a heritage.

Vienna's winemaking chronicles unfold as far back as 1132, with the Celts and later the Romans, initially harnessing the region's fertile soils and favourable climate for vine cultivation. During the Roman era, the culture of viticulture flourished, laying the foundational stones for a legacy that would endure and evolve through centuries.

As we navigate through the annals of time, the Middle Ages witnessed the Church playing a pivotal role in fostering Vienna’s winemaking. Monastic orders, particularly the Cistercians in the 12th century, contributed significantly to advancing viticulture, diligently refining techniques and identifying ideal terroirs that would yield grapes of superior quality and character.

The momentum of Vienna's wine story surged forward in the 18th century, during which the region saw an expansion of vineyards and a burgeoning recognition of its wines. The era of the Austro-Hungarian Empire brought with it a renaissance of sorts for Viennese wines, with the imperial court and nobility developing a discerning palate for the exquisite nectars produced within the city's bounds.

However, the narrative was not without its challenges. The late 19th century brought the phylloxera epidemic, a catastrophic event that decimated vineyards, necessitating a period of recovery and replanting that would extend into the early 20th century.

Emerging resiliently from these tribulations, the 20th century marked a period of renewal and innovation for the Vienna wine region. The introduction of the DAC (Districtus Austriae Controllatus) system in 2003 heralded a new epoch, emphasizing quality and origin, thus reinforcing Vienna’s stature on the global wine stage.

Today's Vienna wine landscape is a harmonious blend of tradition and modernity, with the city’s winemakers committed to crafting wines that echo the region’s history while embracing contemporary techniques and styles. From the ancient Roman vineyards to the vibrant wine taverns (Heurigen) that dot the city today, Vienna’s wine history is not just a tale of the past but a living, breathing narrative that continues to enchant and inspire with each passing vintage. Each bottle encapsulates centuries of history, a liquid testament to a city and its undying love affair with the vine.


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