Provincia di Mantova IGP

Provincia di Mantova IGP

45° 09' N


10° 47' E




about this subregion

Nestled within the Lombardy wine region, the Provincia di Mantova IGP unveils a captivating tapestry where nature and viticulture harmoniously coexist. This enchanting environment, characterized by diverse landscapes and a rich winemaking heritage, sets the stage for an exceptional wine experience.

In the Provincia di Mantova IGP, a splendid array of grape varieties thrives, contributing to the region's vinous diversity. Among the prominent grapes are Ancellotta, Barbera, Pinot Noir, Cabernet Sauvignon, Carmenere, Merlot, Corvina, Chardonnay, Cortese, Garganega, Pinot Blanc, Riesling, Sauvignon Blanc, and Pinot Grigio. These grapes, thoughtfully cultivated within the region's favorable climate and soils, form the backbone of its winemaking tradition.

The terroir here is marked by gentle undulations, fertile plains, and pockets of lush greenery, creating a dynamic and visually captivating panorama. The vineyards, often basking in the Italian sun, benefit from a Mediterranean climate that ensures grapes ripen gracefully. Meanwhile, the region's varying elevations and soil types offer a diverse range of microclimates that cater to the unique needs of each grape variety.

Provincia di Mantova IGP invites wine enthusiasts to explore its scenic beauty while savoring the wines that emerge from its fertile soils. It's a destination where the natural environment and winemaking craft blend seamlessly, offering a serene setting to appreciate the essence of Lombardy's winemaking heritage.


vinerra illustration

Vineyard Hectares





Discover Terroir

Nestled within the Lombardy wine region of Italy, the Provincia di Mantova IGP is a picturesque winemaking haven that unfolds against a captivating landscape. The terrain here is a visual symphony of gently rolling hills, verdant plains, and serene water bodies. Vine-covered slopes grace the landscape, creating a harmonious fusion of nature and viticulture.

The region's vineyards, meticulously tended by generations of winemakers, weave their way through the fertile plains, stretching as far as the eye can see. These vineyards, often caressed by the Italian sun, stand in contrast to pockets of lush greenery, creating a dynamic and visually captivating panorama.

The proximity of the region to water bodies ensures a temperate climate and influences the character of the wines produced. The gentle undulations and varying elevations offer unique microclimates that cater to the diverse grape varieties cultivated here. This tapestry of landscapes and terroirs creates an ideal environment for grape cultivation, where the flavors of the land are encapsulated in every bunch of grapes.

The Provincia di Mantova IGP's landscape is not just a backdrop; it is an integral part of the winemaking journey. It offers a serene and captivating setting for those eager to discover the essence of Lombardy's winemaking heritage, inviting wine enthusiasts to explore its natural beauty while savoring the wines that emerge from its fertile soils.

The climate of Provincia di Mantova IGP, nestled within the Lombardy wine region, is a finely tuned symphony orchestrated by the convergence of several key climatic factors. This intricate dance between nature and geography plays a pivotal role in shaping the character of the wines that emerge from this enchanting region.

Summers in Provincia di Mantova IGP are generously bathed in sunshine. Sun-drenched days, often accompanied by clear skies, provide ample warmth to nurture the grapes. However, this abundance of sunshine is thoughtfully balanced by the region's unique geographical features. The presence of nearby water bodies, such as Lake Garda and the River Po, introduces a cooling influence that tempers the heat during the growing season. This interplay between sun and water creates an environment where grapes ripen gracefully, preserving their acidity and delicate flavors.

Autumn ushers in a gradual transition toward cooler temperatures. Crisp mornings and mild afternoons define this period, allowing the grapes to undergo a slow and measured ripening process. This temperate transition is the secret behind the wines' elegance and structure, as it nurtures the development of complex flavors.

Rainfall, strategically distributed throughout the year, ensures that the vines receive the necessary moisture without excess. The well-timed precipitation supports steady grape growth and maturation, contributing to the wines' balance and depth.

Provincia di Mantova IGP's climate is a careful conductor, orchestrating the symphony of the seasons that shapes the grapes' character. It bestows upon the wines an intricate blend of sunshine, breezes, and well-timed rainfall, offering a canvas upon which the grapes express themselves with depth and finesse. Each bottle is a testament to the artistry of nature and the dedication of the region's winemakers, capturing the very spirit of Lombardy's winemaking heritage in every sip.

In the Provincia di Mantova IGP, the diversity of soils plays a pivotal role in shaping the character of the wines produced. These soils, rich in mineral content and varying textures, offer a diverse range of conditions for grape cultivation, resulting in wines with unique and complex profiles. Here, we delve into the various soil types that contribute to the region's viticultural tapestry:

  1. Clay Soils: Clay soils are a prominent feature in the Provincia di Mantova IGP. These soils are known for their high water retention capacity, which ensures a steady supply of moisture to the vines, especially during drier periods. The presence of clay imparts structure and depth to the wines, often resulting in full-bodied and well-rounded characteristics.
  2. Limestone Soils: Limestone-rich soils are scattered across the region, offering a unique mineral influence on the grapes. These soils contribute to the wines' finesse and elegance, enhancing their acidity and providing a distinct terroir-driven character.
  3. Sandy Soils: Sandy soils, with their excellent drainage properties, create favorable conditions for grape cultivation. These soils allow for efficient water and nutrient uptake by the vines, often resulting in wines with vibrant fruit flavors and a crisp, refreshing acidity.
  4. Alluvial Soils: Along the banks of rivers and water bodies in the region, alluvial soils are found. Composed of deposits carried by water over time, these soils are rich in a mix of minerals and organic matter. They offer fertility to the vineyards, promoting healthy vine growth and contributing to the development of lush and balanced wines.
  5. Gravelly Soils: Gravelly soils, marked by their excellent drainage properties and rocky composition, provide a unique environment for grapevines. The deep penetration of vine roots into these soils can result in wines with intense flavors and a distinctive sense of place.
  6. Loam Soils: Loam soils, a balanced combination of sand, silt, and clay, are versatile and well-suited to grape cultivation. They offer good drainage while retaining essential moisture, allowing for the steady development of grapes with complexity and depth.
  7. Marl Soils: Marl soils, characterized by the presence of both clay and limestone, offer an ideal balance between water retention and drainage. These soils contribute to the even ripening of grapes, resulting in wines with finesse and a pronounced expression of terroir.

The Provincia di Mantova IGP's mosaic of soils provides winemakers with a diverse palette from which to craft their wines. Each soil type imparts its unique characteristics, ensuring that the wines reflect the essence of this captivating wine region.


In the vineyards of Provincia di Mantova IGP, a rich mosaic of grape varieties thrives, each contributing to the region's diverse viticultural landscape. These grapes, including Ancellotta, Barbera, Pinot Noir, Cabernet Sauvignon, Carmenere, Merlot, Corvina, Chardonnay, Cortese, Garganega, Pinot Blanc, Riesling, Sauvignon Blanc, and Pinot Grigio, each possess unique agricultural and climatic preferences that shape their growth within this captivating region.

  1. Ancellotta: Ancellotta grapes, known for their thick skins and dark color, thrive in well-drained soils. They are particularly suited to the region's Mediterranean climate, which features warm summers and mild winters, allowing for steady ripening.
  2. Barbera: Barbera grapes, recognized by their medium-sized clusters and dark berries, perform well in various soil types, including clay and limestone. They benefit from the region's ample sunlight and moderate rainfall.
  3. Pinot Noir: Pinot Noir grapes, with their delicate and thin-skinned berries, require well-drained soils and cooler microclimates. The region's diverse landscapes offer suitable conditions for cultivating this finicky yet esteemed variety.
  4. Cabernet Sauvignon: Cabernet Sauvignon grapes, characterized by small berries and thick skins, prefer well-drained soils with moderate fertility. They thrive in the region's warm summers and mild winters.
  5. Carmenere: Carmenere grapes, recognized for their deep red color and medium-sized clusters, flourish in soils with good drainage. The region's Mediterranean climate provides a favorable environment for this grape to ripen gracefully.
  6. Merlot: Merlot grapes, with their medium-sized clusters and versatile nature, adapt well to various soil types. The region's temperate climate supports even ripening and a balanced fruit expression.
  7. Corvina: Corvina grapes, famous for their use in Italian Amarone wines, thrive in well-ventilated vineyards with soils that drain adequately. The region's climate, characterized by sunny days and cool nights, contributes to the grapes' concentration.
  8. Chardonnay: Chardonnay grapes, known for their versatility, prefer soils with moderate drainage. They benefit from the region's sunny climate and are typically cultivated in lower-lying areas.
  9. Cortese: Cortese grapes, recognized for their small and round berries, flourish in well-drained soils with limestone content. They thrive in the region's moderate climate.
  10. Garganega: Garganega grapes, with their medium-sized clusters and thick skins, are well-suited to well-drained soils. The region's ample sunshine and consistent temperatures contribute to their ripening.
  11. Pinot Blanc: Pinot Blanc grapes, characterized by their small clusters and thin skins, prefer well-drained soils. The region's temperate climate allows for the gradual ripening of these grapes.
  12. Riesling: Riesling grapes, known for their aromatic potential, require well-drained soils and cooler microclimates. They excel in higher-altitude vineyards within the region.
  13. Sauvignon Blanc: Sauvignon Blanc grapes, with their distinctive aromas, adapt well to various soils but thrive in well-drained conditions. The region's climate, with its sunny days and cool nights, enhances their aromatic potential.
  14. Pinot Grigio: Pinot Grigio grapes, characterized by their grayish-blue skins, prefer well-drained soils. They benefit from the region's moderate climate, producing wines with balanced acidity.

Each grape variety in Provincia di Mantova IGP demands meticulous care to unlock its full potential, resulting in wines that showcase the unique agricultural and climatic characteristics of this captivating region.

In the charming Provincia di Mantova IGP, a tapestry of wines is woven from a diverse array of grape varieties, each reflecting the region's rich viticultural heritage. These wines, crafted with meticulous care, offer a delightful exploration of flavors, thanks to their distinct grape compositions.

  1. Bianco: Provincia di Mantova IGP Bianco wines exude elegance and freshness. Blended primarily from Chardonnay, Pinot Bianco, and Trebbiano, these wines often feature bright acidity and a medley of citrus and floral notes, resulting in a harmonious and refreshing profile.
  2. Varietals: Varietal white wines in the region, predominantly composed of Chardonnay, Pinot Bianco, or Trebbiano, embrace the unique character of each grape variety. Chardonnay varietals offer creamy textures and hints of tropical fruit, while Pinot Bianco varietals reveal crisp apple and pear flavors. Trebbiano varietals, on the other hand, are marked by zesty and lively characteristics.
  3. Rosso: Provincia di Mantova IGP Rosso wines present a rich tapestry of red and dark fruit flavors, entwined with subtle herbal and spicy undertones. Crafted from a blend of Barbera, Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Marzemino, Merlot, and Sangiovese, these wines offer a balanced and well-structured profile.
  4. Varietals: Varietal red wines in the region, predominantly composed of Barbera, Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Marzemino, Merlot, or Sangiovese, provide a focused expression of their respective grape varieties. Barbera varietals boast lively acidity and cherry notes, while Cabernet Sauvignon varietals showcase dark fruit and earthy nuances. Merlot varietals offer a soft and velvety texture with plum and red berry flavors.
  5. Novello: Provincia di Mantova IGP Novello wines, crafted primarily from Marzemino, Merlot, and Sangiovese, exhibit youthful exuberance and a touch of freshness. These wines are marked by vibrant fruitiness and an inviting character, making them ideal for early enjoyment after the harvest season.

In the Provincia di Mantova IGP, these wines capture the essence of the region's terroir, offering a delightful journey through its diverse grape compositions. Each bottle is a testament to the craftsmanship of the region's winemakers, showcasing the unique aromatic and flavor profiles that define this charming wine region.
