Falerio DOC

Falerio DOC

43°07'00'' N


13°38'00'' E




about this subregion

The Falerio DOC, located in the Marche wine region (also known as Le Marche) of central Italy, is anarea known for its unique environment that has a great influence in its unoqie wines. This DOC borders the Colli Maceratesi DOC to the northwest, the Rosso Piceno DOC to the north and east and the Terre di Offida DOC to the east. The region benefits from a Mediterranean climate characterized by warm, dry summers and mild, wet winters. This climate is ideal for grape growing, providing sufficient moisture during the growing season while preventing excessive water accumulation.

The soils in the Falerio DOC are diverse and include clay-loam, calcareous, and sandy types. Clay-loam soils are rich in nutrients and offer excellent moisture retention and drainage, fostering healthy vine growth. Calcareous soils have a high content of  calcium carbonate, contributing to the mineral content and structure of the wines. Sandy soils, known for their drainage capabilities and heat retention properties, help extend the growing season and concentrate flavors in the grapes.

The primary grape varieties grown in the Falerio DOC include Pecorino and Trebbiano. Both grapes are used to produce the signature wines of the area. The region's favorable climate and diverse soils create optimal conditions for cultivating these grape varieties, resulting in high-quality wines that reflect the unique terroir of Falerio.


vinerra illustration

Vineyard Hectares



2500-3000 GDD


Discover Terroir

The Falerio DOC, located in the Marche region of central Italy, boasts a diverse and picturesque landscape that significantly influences its viticulture. The region is situated in the province of Ascoli Piceno and includes areas around the towns of Civitanova Marche, San Benedetto del Tronto, and Ascoli Piceno.

The landscape of Falerio DOC is characterized by rolling hills that are part of the foothills of the central Apennines, specifically known as the Colli Ascolani (the hills of Ascoli). These hills provide varied elevations, typically ranging from 150 to 250 meters above sea level, which are ideal for grape cultivation. The area is also notable for its proximity to the Adriatic Sea to the east, and the Sibillini Mountains to the west, about 40 kilometers away. This unique geographical setting creates a visually stunning backdrop of undulating terrain interspersed with vineyards, olive groves, and small historical villages.

The vineyards in Falerio DOC benefit from the varied topography, which allows for excellent sun exposure and natural drainage. This landscape not only enhances the growth of grapevines but also adds to the scenic beauty of the region, making it an attractive destination for wine tourism.

The Falerio DOC, located in the Marche region of central Italy, benefits from a Mediterranean climate that significantly influences its viticulture. This region experiences warm, dry summers and mild, wet winters, which are ideal for grape growing. The average annual rainfall is around 800 to 900 millimeters, providing adequate hydration for the vines during the growing season without excessive moisture that could lead to diseases.

The vineyards of Falerio DOC are typically situated at elevations ranging from 150 to 250 meters above sea level, which allows for good sun exposure and effective drainage. This elevation, combined with the proximity to the Adriatic Sea and the protective influence of the Sibillini Mountains, creates a microclimate with significant diurnal temperature variations. These variations are crucial as they help in the development of complex flavors in the grapes by allowing the vines to cool down at night after hot days.

Overall, the climate of the Falerio DOC supports the cultivation of grape varieties such as Trebbiano Toscano, Passerina, and Pecorino, which are used to produce the region's renowned white wines​​​

The Falerio DOC is renowned for its high-quality wines, which owe much of their character to the unique soil composition of the area. The most common soils of the Falerio DOC are clay-loam soils, calcareous soils and sandy soils.

  1. Clay-Loam Soils: Clay-loam soils are prevalent in the Falerio DOC. These soils are rich in nutrients and provide a fertile environment for vine growth. The clay component helps retain moisture, ensuring that the vines have a consistent water supply during dry periods. Meanwhile, the loam content enhances drainage, preventing waterlogging, which is beneficial for the health of the vine roots. This balance of moisture retention and drainage creates an ideal growing condition for grapevines, promoting robust growth and high-quality grape production​​​​.
  2. Calcareous Soils: Calcareous soils, which contain a high percentage of calcium carbonate, are another common soil type in the Falerio DOC. These soils contribute significantly to the mineral content of the wines. Calcareous soils are well-draining and help maintain a stable temperature around the vine roots, which is essential for the consistent ripening of grapes. The presence of calcium carbonate also enhances the structure and longevity of the wines, adding complexity and a distinct mineral character that is highly prized in wine production​​​​.
  3. Sandy Soils: In some areas of the Falerio DOC, sandy soils are found. These soils are known for their excellent drainage properties, which prevent the accumulation of excess moisture around the vine roots. Sandy soils warm up quickly in the spring, providing an early start to the growing season. They also tend to be low in nutrients, which can stress the vines slightly. This stress can lead to lower yields but often results in grapes with more concentrated flavors, enhancing the quality of the wine produced​.


The Falerio DOC is renowned for its production of high-quality white wines, from the Pecorino and Trebbiano white grapes.

  1. Pecorino: Pecorino is a white grape variety that is well-suited to the hilly terrain and Mediterranean climate of the Marche region. This grape thrives in elevations ranging from 150 to 250 meters above sea level, where the soils are typically clay loam with good drainage. Pecorino vines require moderate rainfall, around 800 to 900 millimeters annually, ensuring sufficient hydration during the growing season without the risk of excessive moisture that could lead to diseases. The warm, dry summers and mild winters of the region create an optimal environment for Pecorino, allowing for steady and consistent growth. Additionally, Pecorino vines benefit from vertical shoot positioning (VSP) trellis systems, which improve sunlight exposure and air circulation, critical for maintaining vine health and productivity.
  2. Trebbiano: Trebbiano, one of the most widely planted grape varieties in Italy, also finds a favorable environment in the Falerio DOC. This grape variety is known for its adaptability to different soil types, although it performs best in well-drained, medium-textured soils found in the Marche region. Trebbiano vines prefer a climate with warm, dry summers and relatively mild winters, similar to those in the Falerio area. The grape benefits from an annual rainfall of 800 to 900 millimeters, which helps maintain adequate soil moisture levels during the growing season. Trebbiano vines are typically trained using the spurred cordon system, which supports the vine structure and aids in managing canopy growth, ensuring optimal exposure to sunlight and reducing the risk of fungal diseases. The consistent climatic conditions of the Falerio DOC are ideal for Trebbiano, promoting vigorous growth and high yields.

The Falerio DOC is celebrated for its production of two distinctive white wines: Falerio Bianco and Falerio Pecorino. 

  1. Falerio Bianco: Falerio Bianco is a traditional white wine from the Falerio DOC, primarily composed of Trebbiano Toscano, Passerina, and Pecorino grapes. This wine presents a fresh and vibrant aromatic profile with notes of citrus fruits, green apple, and subtle floral hints. On the palate, Falerio Bianco is crisp and refreshing, with a well-balanced acidity that enhances its lively character. The flavors of lemon, pear, and a touch of minerality make it a versatile wine, suitable for various food pairings.
  2. Falerio Pecorino: Falerio Pecorino is a varietal wine made predominantly from the Pecorino grape, which is known for its rich and complex aromatic profile. This wine exudes intense aromas of white flowers, tropical fruits, and herbs. The flavor profile of Falerio Pecorino is full-bodied and well-structured, featuring notes of ripe pear, apricot, and a distinct mineral undertone. The wine's vibrant acidity and long, elegant finish make it a standout choice for those seeking a wine with depth and character.