Terre di Offida DOC

Terre di Offida DOC

42° 58′ 00'' N


13° 41′ 00'' E




about this subregion

Discover the Terre di Offida DOC wines

The Terre di Offida DOC is located in the Marche wine region of Italy, and its getting more recognizement for its unique wines. It shares its geographical area with the Offida DOCG and overlaps the Rosso Piceno DOC. This DOC is also located east of the Falerio DOC.


The climate of the Terre di Offida DOC is Mediterranean and influenced by the Adriatic Sea, characterized by hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters. Summer temperatures average between 21°C and 23°C, while winter temperatures range from 6°C to 7°C. Annual rainfall averages between 650 and 850 mm, with the wettest months being October to December and the driest month being July.


The region's soils are predominantly clay-based, deep, and alkaline, with pH levels between 7.5 and 8.5. These soils offer excellent water retention, which is beneficial during dry periods. Additionally, sandy-gravel soils and cambisols are found in lower-lying areas.

Main Grape Varieties

The primary grape variety cultivated in the Terre di Offida DOC is Passerina. This grape thrives in the region's diverse soils and favorable climate, contributing to the unique character of the Spumante, Passito and Vin Santo wines produced here.


vinerra illustration

Vineyard Hectares





Discover Terroir

The Terre di Offida DOC is situated in the southern part of the Marche region in Italy, encompassing areas within the provinces of Ascoli Piceno and Fermo. The landscape here is known for its gently undulating terrain that rises from the Adriatic coast towards the foothills of the Apennine Mountains. This elevation gradient creates a plateau ideal for viticulture, with vineyards planted at altitudes ranging from 50 to 650 meters above sea level​​​​.

Terrain and Topography

The region features a varied terrain with rolling hills and fertile valleys. The hills are predominantly used for vineyards but also include olive groves and small patches of woodland, contributing to the area's scenic diversity. The higher elevations, particularly around 300 meters, provide cooler temperatures and better drainage conditions, which are beneficial for the vines. This hilly landscape not only offers optimal growing conditions for grapevines but also helps protect the vineyards from strong winds and harsh weather​​​​.

Natural Features

The landscape of Terre di Offida DOC is interspersed with valleys and rivers, such as the Tesino and Tronto rivers. These natural features enhance the region's beauty and agricultural richness. The hills, valleys, and rivers together create a picturesque and diverse environment that supports various agricultural activities alongside viticulture​​​​.

Historical and Cultural Elements

In addition to its natural beauty, the Terre di Offida DOC region is dotted with charming medieval towns and villages, including Offida. These towns are known for their historical and cultural heritage, adding to the region's attractiveness for both winemaking and tourism. The combination of agricultural landscapes and historical architecture creates an inviting and picturesque environment​

The Terre di Offida DOC, located in the Marche region of Italy, enjoys a Mediterranean climate that significantly influences its viticulture. This climate is characterized by hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters, which are ideal for grape growing.


During the summer months, average temperatures range between 21°C and 23°C. The warm summer temperatures are critical for the ripening of grapes, contributing to the development of sugars and flavors in the fruit. In contrast, the winter months are cooler, with average temperatures ranging between 6°C and 7°C. These cooler temperatures help in maintaining the vines' dormancy, which is essential for their health and productivity in the next growing season.


The annual precipitation in the Terre di Offida DOC averages between 650 and 850 mm. Rainfall is distributed unevenly throughout the year, with summer being the driest period, often experiencing minimum rainfall in July. In contrast, the autumn months, particularly from October to December, receive the most precipitation. This pattern helps in reducing the risk of fungal diseases during the growing season and provides sufficient water to sustain the vines during the drier months.

Influence of the Adriatic Sea

The proximity to the Adriatic Sea also plays a crucial role in moderating the climate of the Terre di Offida DOC. The sea provides cooling breezes, which help to temper the heat of the summer and reduce the risk of overheating and excessive water loss from the vines. This maritime influence ensures a more stable climate with fewer extremes, promoting better grape quality.

Seasonal Variations

Spring and autumn serve as transitional seasons with moderate temperatures and rainfall. Spring temperatures help to kickstart the growing season, while autumn conditions are ideal for the final stages of grape ripening and harvest. The combination of these climatic conditions supports the production of high-quality wines, particularly those made from the Passerina grape, which is predominant in this region.

The Terre di Offida DOC, situated in the Marche region of Italy, boasts a diverse range of soil types that significantly contribute to the quality and character of its wines. The primary soils in this region include:

Clay-based Soils: Predominantly found in the higher elevations and hills of the region, these soils are deep and alkaline, with a pH ranging from 7.5 to 8.5. They provide excellent water retention, which is beneficial during dry periods, and support the production of balanced wines with good acidity and intense flavors, particularly for the Pecorino grape variety.

Sandy-gravel Soils: These soils are mainly present in the lower-lying areas closer to the Adriatic coast. Although less common in the vineyard areas, they are well-draining and contribute to the production of wines with a distinct minerality.

Cambisols: These are typical of the region's vineyards, characterized by a deep horizon with good aggregation and porosity. The homogenous carbonate content within the soil profile improves drainage and supports healthy vine growth by ensuring a consistent supply of nutrients and moisture.

The combination of these soil types, along with the region's Mediterranean climate, creates an optimal environment for viticulture, particularly for the Passerina grape, which is used to produce the renowned Spumante, Passito, and Vino Santo wines of Terre di Offida DOC.


Most Common Grapes in the Terre di Offida DOC

Passerina is the most common grape variety in the Terre di Offida DOC, a designated wine region within the Marche area of Italy. This grape variety thrives under specific agricultural and climatic conditions that are crucial for its successful cultivation.

Agricultural Requirements

Passerina vines flourish in well-drained soils, particularly sandy or clayey types that provide the right balance of water retention and root development. Ensuring that the soil is rich in nutrients supports the overall growth of the vines. Effective vine management, including proper training and pruning, is essential to optimize sunlight exposure, which in turn promotes healthy growth and enhances yield. Additionally, vigilant monitoring and management of pests and diseases are critical, as Passerina vines can be susceptible to common vineyard afflictions. Timely interventions with appropriate treatments help maintain the health and productivity of the vines.

Climatic Requirements

Passerina grapes thrive in the temperate climate of the Marche region, where warm summers and mild winters provide an ideal environment for their growth cycle. Consistent temperatures during the growing season are crucial for the development of the grape clusters. Adequate sunlight is another key factor, as the long hours of sunshine in this region enhance photosynthesis and support the maturation process of the grapes.

While Passerina vines need sufficient rainfall, especially during the early stages of growth, it is important to manage moisture levels carefully to prevent issues such as mold and mildew. Well-timed rainfall, combined with good drainage, helps to maintain the health of the vines. Moderate humidity levels are preferred, as high humidity can increase the risk of fungal infections; therefore, vineyard sites with good air circulation are advantageous. Gentle winds also play a beneficial role by reducing humidity around the vines and preventing fungal diseases, although strong winds that could cause physical damage should be mitigated.

Terre di Offida DOC Wines

Terre di Offida DOC, located in the picturesque Marche region of Italy, is renowned for its diverse and high-quality wines. Among its offerings, three wines stand out for their distinct profiles and popularity: Spumante, Passito, and Vino Santo. These wines are celebrated for their unique aromatic and flavor characteristics, which reflect the rich heritage and expertise of the region's winemakers.

Sparkling Wines

Spumante: Terre di Offida DOC Spumante is a sparkling wine that delights with its vibrant and refreshing profile. Made primarily from Passerina grapes, this wine exhibits a lively effervescence. On the nose, it presents a bouquet of fresh citrus and green apple, accompanied by subtle floral notes. The palate is crisp and clean, with flavors of lemon, pear, and a hint of almond, leading to a dry and invigorating finish.

Dessert Wines

Passito: Passito from Terre di Offida DOC is a dessert wine crafted from late-harvested Passerina grapes. This wine is rich and luscious, offering a complex aromatic profile of dried apricots, figs, and honey. The flavor is intense and sweet, with notes of caramel, raisins, and candied citrus peels. Its balanced acidity provides a pleasant counterpoint to the sweetness, resulting in a harmonious and indulgent experience.

Vin Santo: Vin Santo, another esteemed dessert wine from Terre di Offida DOC, is traditionally made using dried grapes, often Passerina or other local varieties. This wine is known for its deep amber color and luxurious aromatic profile, featuring aromas of toasted nuts, dried fruits, and vanilla. On the palate, it is rich and full-bodied, with flavors of honey, dates, and a touch of spice, culminating in a long, smooth finish.
