Pergola DOC

Pergola DOC

43° 34' 00" N


12° 50' 00" E




about this subregion

The Pergola DOC is situated in the Marche wine region of Italy, known for its picturesque landscapes and favorable conditions for viticulture. This DOC is surrounded by the Colli Pesaresi DOC and Bianchello del Metauro DOC to the north. while to the south is bordered by the Castelli di Jesi Verdicchio Riserva DOCG and the Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi DOC. The region features rolling hills and scenic countryside, which create an ideal environment for growing grapes, particularly the Aleatico variety.

The climate in the Pergola DOC is Mediterranean, characterized by warm, dry summers and mild, wet winters. During the growing season, temperatures typically range from 25°C to 30°C (77°F to 86°F), which is crucial for the ripening of grapes. The average annual rainfall is between 700 and 900 millimeters, providing sufficient water for the vines. Gentle breezes from the Adriatic Sea help regulate temperatures and reduce humidity, promoting healthy vine growth and minimizing the risk of diseases.

The soils in the Pergola DOC are diverse, consisting mainly of clay and limestone, with some areas featuring sandy and loamy soils. Clay soils retain moisture well and provide essential nutrients, while limestone soils offer excellent drainage and contribute to the mineral complexity of the wines. Sandy soils warm up quickly in the spring, encouraging early vine growth, and loamy soils provide good drainage and nutrient availability.


vinerra illustration

Vineyard Hectares





Discover Terroir

The Pergola DOC is situated in the Marche (Le Marche) wine region of Italy, a region known for its diverse and picturesque landscapes. The Pergola DOC is characterized by its rolling hills and scenic countryside, which provide an ideal setting for vineyards.

The landscape is primarily composed of gently undulating hills, which create a varied topography that is both visually stunning and beneficial for viticulture. These hills offer natural drainage and optimal sun exposure for the vineyards. The vineyards themselves are often interspersed with patches of woodland, olive groves, and fields of grains, creating a mosaic of agricultural activity that is typical of the Marche region.

In addition to agricultural land, the area features charming rural villages and historic towns, adding to the scenic beauty of the region. The town of Pergola, central to the DOC, is known for its medieval architecture and historic sites, which are set against the backdrop of the verdant landscape.

The presence of the Apennine Mountains to the west and the Adriatic Sea to the east further enhances the natural beauty of the Pergola DOC. These geographic features not only contribute to the area's scenic views but also play a role in shaping the local microclimates.

The Pergola DOC, located in the Marche wine region of Italy, experiences a Mediterranean climate, which is highly favorable for viticulture. This climate is characterized by warm, dry summers and mild, wet winters, providing the ideal conditions for growing grapes.


During the growing season, temperatures are generally warm, ranging from 25°C to 30°C (77°F to 86°F) during the day. These warm temperatures are crucial for the ripening of the grapes, allowing them to develop their characteristic flavors and aromas. Cooler nighttime temperatures help preserve the acidity and balance of the grapes.


The average annual rainfall in the Pergola DOC is approximately 700 to 900 millimeters (27.5 to 35.4 inches). Rainfall is relatively well-distributed throughout the year, with a slight increase during the autumn and winter months. This moderate level of rainfall provides sufficient water for the vines, ensuring they remain healthy and productive. Good soil drainage is essential to prevent waterlogging, which could be detrimental to the vines.

Sunlight and Wind

Sunlight is abundant in the Pergola DOC, with long, sunny days during the growing season. This ample sunlight ensures that the vines receive the energy they need for photosynthesis, promoting healthy growth and fruit development. In addition, the region benefits from gentle breezes coming from the Adriatic Sea. These breezes help to regulate temperatures and reduce humidity levels in the vineyards, minimizing the risk of diseases and promoting healthy vine growth. The wind also plays a role in moderating the overall climate, providing a cooling effect that balances the warmth of the summer days.


The varied topography of the region, with its rolling hills and varying elevations, creates a range of microclimates. These microclimates contribute to the complexity and diversity of the wines produced in the Pergola DOC. Vineyards situated at higher elevations experience cooler temperatures and different sunlight exposure compared to those on lower slopes, allowing for a range of wine styles and expressions.

The Pergola DOC features a wide range of soil types that are conducive to viticulture. The most common soils in this region are a mix of clay and limestone, with some areas also featuring sandy and loamy soils.

Clay Soils: Clay soils are prevalent in the Pergola DOC and are known for their ability to retain moisture, which is beneficial during the dry summer months. These soils provide essential nutrients to the vines and help maintain consistent soil temperature. The moisture retention properties of clay are crucial for supporting vine growth during periods of limited rainfall.

Limestone Soils: Limestone soils are highly valued in the Pergola DOC for their excellent drainage properties. These soils prevent waterlogging, which can be detrimental to vine health. Limestone contributes to the mineral complexity of the wines, adding depth and structure. The alkaline nature of limestone soils can influence the pH balance of the grapes, leading to wines with desirable acidity levels.

Sandy Soils: In some areas of the Pergola DOC, sandy soils are present. These soils offer good drainage and tend to warm up quickly in the spring, encouraging early vine growth. Sandy soils can produce wines with lighter body and higher aromatic intensity. They are less fertile than clay or loam, which can lead to lower yields but higher quality grapes.

Loamy Soils: Loamy soils, which are a balanced mix of sand, silt, and clay, are also found in the Pergola DOC. These soils provide good drainage and nutrient availability, making them ideal for viticulture. The balanced texture of loamy soils supports healthy vine growth and contributes to the overall vigor of the vineyard.


The most common grape of the Pergola DOC is Aleatico. This grape variety has specific agricultural and climatic requirements to thrive and produce high-quality grapes.

Agricultural Requirements

Aleatico grapes prefer well-drained soils, typically found in the Pergola DOC, which are often a mix of clay and limestone. These soil types provide essential nutrients and maintain adequate moisture levels, crucial for the vine's health and productivity. The vineyards are usually situated at altitudes ranging from 200 to 500 meters above sea level, offering a mix of microclimates that are beneficial for grape growing.

Proper vine training and pruning are essential for Aleatico. The vines are commonly trained using systems like Guyot or cordon, which help manage vine growth and optimize sun exposure. Pruning practices are crucial to control yields and ensure the grapes reach optimal ripeness.

Climatic Requirements

Aleatico grapes require a Mediterranean climate, characterized by warm, dry summers and mild, wet winters. This climate provides the necessary warmth and sunlight during the growing season, promoting healthy grape development. Daytime temperatures typically range from 25°C to 30°C (77°F to 86°F) during the summer, which is ideal for the ripening process.

Rainfall in the region averages between 700 and 900 millimeters annually, with a slight increase during the autumn and winter months. This moderate level of rainfall is sufficient to meet the water needs of the vines while preventing excessive moisture that could lead to disease. Good drainage in the soils helps manage this rainfall, ensuring the vines remain healthy.

Adequate sunlight is vital for Aleatico, as it supports photosynthesis and overall vine health. The orientation of the vineyards is often designed to maximize sun exposure throughout the day. Additionally, gentle breezes from the Adriatic Sea help regulate temperatures and reduce humidity, further supporting vine health and reducing the risk of fungal diseases.

The Pergola DOC is renowned for producing a wide range of wines. The signature wines from the region are Rosato, Rosso, Aleatico, Novello, Superiore, Riserva, Spumante Rosato, Spumante, and Passito.

Rosato Wines

Pergola Rosato: Pergola Rosato is a rosé wine made with at least 60% of Aleatico grapes. This wine is known for its fresh and vibrant aromas of red berries, such as strawberry and raspberry, complemented by subtle floral notes. On the palate, it is crisp and refreshing, with a balanced acidity that makes it an ideal choice for warm weather.

Red Wines

Pergola Rosso: Pergola Rosso is a red wine composed with at least 60% of Aleatico grapes. It offers a bouquet of ripe red fruits, such as cherry and plum, with hints of spice and earthiness. The flavor profile is smooth and well-rounded, with soft tannins and a lingering finish that highlights the fruitiness of the wine.

Pergola Aleatico: Pergola Aleatico is a wine made from at least 85% of Aleatico grapes. It is characterized by intense floral aromas, particularly of rose and violet, paired with rich red fruit scents. The palate is full-bodied and velvety, with a complex interplay of fruit, floral, and subtle spice notes, leading to a long, elegant finish.

Pergola Novello: Pergola Novello is a young red wine produced with the same grape composition of Rosso. It is released shortly after harvest and is noted for its fresh and fruity profile. Aromas of strawberry, raspberry, and cherry dominate, while the palate is light, juicy, and easy-drinking, making it perfect for immediate enjoyment.

Pergola Superiore: Pergola Superiore is a refined red wine that can be made with the same grape composition of Rosso or Aleatico. It undergoes longer aging, which adds depth and complexity to its profile. The wine presents aromas of dark fruits like blackberry and plum, along with hints of spice, leather, and a touch of earthiness. The palate is rich and structured, with well-integrated tannins and a persistent finish.

Pergola Riserva: Pergola Riserva is an aged red wine that can be crafted with the same grapes of Rosso or Novello. This wine offers a complex bouquet of mature dark fruits, such as black cherry and fig, complemented by notes of tobacco, cocoa, and spices. The flavor profile is robust and harmonious, with firm tannins and a long, satisfying finish that reflects its extended maturation.

Sparkling Wines

Pergola Spumante Rosato: Pergola Spumante Rosato is a sparkling rosé wine crafted with at least 60% of Aleatico grapes. It features lively aromas of fresh red berries, citrus, and delicate floral notes. The palate is light and effervescent, with a refreshing acidity and a crisp, clean finish that makes it a delightful aperitif.

Pergola Spumante: Pergola Spumante is a sparkling wine made with at least 85% of Aleatico grapes. It offers a nose of green apple, pear, and hints of citrus, with underlying floral nuances. The palate is bright and bubbly, with a well-balanced acidity and a refreshing finish, suitable for celebrations and festive occasions.

Dessert Wines

Pergola Passito: Pergola Passito is a sweet dessert wine made from dried Aleatico grapes, and must have at least 85% of Aleatico. It boasts intense aromas of dried fruits, such as fig and raisin, along with honey and caramel notes. The palate is rich and luscious, with concentrated flavors of dried fruit, balanced by a natural sweetness and a lingering, opulent finish.
