San Ginesio DOC

San Ginesio DOC

43° 6' 27.072'' N


13° 19' 16.356'' E




about this subregion

Discover the San Ginesio DOC wine sub-region of Italy

The San Ginesio DOC, situated in the Marche wine region of Italy, is renowned for its picturesque and diverse environment.

The vineyards here are set against rolling hills and benefit from a temperate Mediterranean climate, characterized by warm, dry summers and mild, wet winters. Annual rainfall averages around 989 to 1073 millimeters, providing the necessary moisture for the vines, particularly during the critical growing seasons. The region experiences significant rainfall in November and April, while July and August are the driest months.

The soils in the San Ginesio DOC are a mix of clay, limestone, and sand. Clay soils are prevalent and excellent for moisture retention, crucial during the dry summer months. Limestone soils, often found on higher elevations, offer excellent drainage and contribute to the mineral content of the wines. Sandy soils, though less common, provide good drainage and help in the early ripening of grapes.

The primary grape varieties cultivated in this DOC are Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Ciliegiolo, Merlot, Sangiovese and Vernaccia Nera. The San Ginesio DOC shares its northern border with the I Terreni di Sanseverino DOC and is located within the same area as the Rosso Piceno DOC.

This unique combination of climate, soil, and geography makes San Ginesio DOC a distinguished wine-producing area in the Marche region.


vinerra illustration

Vineyard Hectares





Discover Terroir

The San Ginesio DOC is set against a stunning and varied landscape that contributes significantly to its charm and the quality of its wines. The area is characterized by rolling hills, panoramic views, and historical architecture, all contributing to its unique terroir.

The vineyards of San Ginesio DOC are primarily located on hilly terrain, which provides excellent drainage and sun exposure, crucial for grape growing. This picturesque landscape includes a mix of rural and cultivated land, interspersed with medieval villages and historical sites. The region is known for its terraced vineyards that stretch across gentle slopes, offering a breathtaking view of the surrounding countryside.

San Ginesio itself is often referred to as the "Balcony of the Sibillini" due to its elevated position that offers stunning vistas of the Sibillini Mountains. This positioning allows for a wide range of microclimates within the DOC, benefiting the diverse grape varieties grown here. The area is also part of the Monti Sibillini National Park, adding to its natural beauty and biodiversity.

The village of San Ginesio is renowned for its medieval architecture, including well-preserved castle walls and ancient churches. Walking through the narrow streets and alleys transports visitors back in time, providing a rich historical context to the wine-growing region. The combination of natural beauty, historical significance, and agricultural suitability makes the San Ginesio DOC a remarkable place for wine production​​​​​​​​.

The climate of the San Ginesio DOC, located in the Marche region of Italy, is characterized by a warm and temperate Mediterranean climate.


The region experiences significant rainfall throughout the year, with an annual average of about 989 to 1073 millimeters. The wettest months are typically November and April, with precipitation reaching up to 105 mm in April and around 103 mm in November. Conversely, July and August are the driest months, with average rainfall around 69 mm.


Temperatures in San Ginesio vary significantly throughout the year. The coldest months are January and February, with average minimum temperatures dropping to about 0.5°C (33°F) and maximum temperatures around 8°C (46.7°F). In contrast, the warmest months are July and August, with average maximum temperatures reaching up to 27.7°C (81.9°F) and minimum temperatures around 16.5°C (61.7°F).


Humidity levels also fluctuate, being highest during the winter months at around 83% and lowest in the summer, particularly July, when it drops to about 59%. The region enjoys a considerable amount of sunshine, averaging 5 to 12 hours of sunlight per day depending on the season, with the sunniest months being June and July.

This climate, with its balanced temperatures and ample rainfall, is well-suited for viticulture, supporting the growth and development of the diverse grape varieties cultivated in the San Ginesio DOC, including Sangiovese, Vernaccia Nera, Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Ciliegiolo, and Merlot​​​​​​​​.

Most common soils from the San Ginesio DOC

The San Ginesio DOC, located in the Marche region of Italy, features a variety of soils that significantly contribute to the characteristics of its wines. The most common soil types in this DOC include clay, limestone, and sand, each playing a vital role in the viticulture of the area.

Clay Soils: These soils are prevalent throughout the region and are known for their ability to retain moisture, which is particularly beneficial during the dry summer months. Clay soils provide essential nutrients to the vines, supporting robust vine growth and contributing to the full-bodied nature of the wines produced here.

Limestone Soils: Often found on the higher elevations and slopes, limestone soils offer excellent drainage, preventing waterlogging and allowing deep root penetration. This type of soil enhances the mineral content of the wines, adding to their complexity and structure.

Sandy Soils: Sandy soils are less common but still present in certain areas. They provide good drainage and tend to warm up quickly, promoting early ripening of the grapes. These soils help in producing wines with lighter body and more pronounced acidity, which can be an essential component in the blends.

These diverse soil types, combined with the region's Mediterranean climate and hilly terrain, create ideal conditions for growing the main grape varieties of the San Ginesio DOC Sangiovese, Vernaccia Nera, Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Ciliegiolo, and Merlot​​​​​​​​.


Most common grapes from the San Ginesio DOC

The San Ginesio DOC, located in the Marche wine region of Italy, is renowned for its diverse grape varieties. The most common grapes cultivated in this region are Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Ciliegiolo, Merlot, Sangiovese, and Vernaccia Nera. 

Cabernet Franc: Cabernet Franc thrives in well-drained soils, such as those found in the hilly terrains of the San Ginesio DOC. It requires a temperate climate with adequate sunshine and moderate rainfall. This grape variety benefits from good air circulation to prevent fungal diseases, and it performs well when trained using systems like the vertical shoot positioning (VSP), which helps manage the vine canopy and ensures even ripening of the grapes.

Cabernet Sauvignon: Cabernet Sauvignon is a hardy variety that prefers gravelly or sandy soils with good drainage. It thrives in regions with long, warm growing seasons, which allow the grapes to reach full ripeness. This variety is resistant to many diseases but requires careful management of water supply to avoid stress. It benefits from trellising systems that maximize sun exposure and air flow, such as the Guyot or cordon training methods.

Ciliegiolo: Ciliegiolo, an Italian grape variety, adapts well to a range of soil types, although it prefers calcareous and clay-rich soils. It needs a warm climate with sufficient rainfall during the growing season. This grape variety is often grown on slopes that provide good drainage and air circulation. It requires regular pruning to control vigor and ensure that the fruit receives adequate sunlight and ventilation.

Merlot: Merlot thrives in clay and limestone soils, which are prevalent in the San Ginesio DOC. It requires a moderate climate with balanced temperatures, avoiding extreme heat or cold. This variety benefits from consistent moisture levels, making irrigation management crucial during dry periods. Merlot vines are typically trained using the double Guyot system to manage growth and fruit production effectively.

Sangiovese: Sangiovese is well-suited to the varied terrain and soil types of the San Ginesio DOC, particularly the well-drained, rocky soils. It requires a warm climate with significant temperature fluctuations between day and night to enhance its development. Sangiovese benefits from careful vineyard management practices, such as thinning and canopy management, to ensure even ripening and high-quality fruit.

Vernaccia Nera: Vernaccia Nera is a traditional grape variety that thrives in the hilly areas of the Marche region. It prefers sandy and calcareous soils and requires a warm climate with sufficient sunlight. Vernaccia Nera is sensitive to excessive moisture, so good drainage and air circulation are essential to prevent disease. This variety benefits from trellising systems that allow for optimal sun exposure and air flow, such as the VSP system.

Most common wines from the San Ginesio DOC

The San Ginesio DOC is known for producing distinctive wines that showcase the unique terroir of the area. The most common wines from this DOC are Rosso and Spumante, a red and sparkling wine  that showcase the unique terroir of San Ginesio. These wines are crafted from a blend of traditional grape varieties, including Sangiovese, Vernaccia Nera, Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Ciliegiolo, and Merlot, resulting in rich and complex flavor profiles.

Rosso: San Ginesio Rosso is a red wine primarily composed of at least 50% Sangiovese, at least 35% Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Ciliegiolo, Merlot, and Vernaccia Nera and at least 15% of other authorized grapes. This wine typically exhibits a vibrant ruby red color. On the nose, it offers a bouquet of ripe red fruits such as cherries and plums, accompanied by subtle hints of spice and earthy undertones. The palate is well-structured with balanced acidity and smooth tannins, delivering flavors that mirror its aromatic profile. Notes of berries and a slight herbal edge provide a lingering, harmonious finish.

Spumante: San Ginesio Spumante, made predominantly from Vernaccia Nera (at least 85%), is a sparkling wine that delights with its effervescence and aromatic complexity. This sparkling wine is often produced in both dry (secco) and sweet (dolce) styles. The dry version presents fresh and lively aromas of red berries, citrus, and floral notes, complemented by a crisp acidity and fine, persistent bubbles. The palate reveals flavors of strawberries, raspberries, and a touch of minerality, leading to a clean and refreshing finish. The sweet version, on the other hand, offers a richer bouquet of ripe fruits, honey, and floral accents, with a smooth, creamy texture and a lingering sweet finish.

The red and sparkling wines from this DOC reflect the dedication and craftsmanship of the winemakers in the San Ginesio DOC, capturing the essence of the region's terroir and grape varieties in every bottle.
