Serrapetrona DOC

Serrapetrona DOC

43° 11' 0" N


13° 11' 0" E




about this subregion

Discover the Serrapetrona DOC wines

The Serrapetrona DOC is located in the Marche wine region of Italy, sharing its area with the Vernaccia di Serrapetrona DOCG. This region is known for its unique environment, which is crucial for viticulture. The Serrapetrona DOC is bordered by several other DOC and DOCG regions, including Colli Maceratesi, Verdicchio di Matelica DOC, Verdicchio di Matelica Riserva DOCG, I Terreni di Sanseverino DOC, and Rosso Piceno DOC.


The landscape of Serrapetrona DOC features a combination of hilly and mountainous terrains. Vineyards are typically situated between 250 and 700 meters above sea level, benefiting from diverse microclimates. The climate here is temperate and humid, with average annual rainfall ranging from 800 to 1000 millimeters. Summers are warm and sunny, while winters can be quite cold, especially at higher elevations.


The soils in Serrapetrona DOC are varied and include calcareous, marl, and red limestone, which are common in the mountainous areas. These soils are well-drained and rich in minerals, providing an excellent environment for grapevines. The hilly regions feature arenaceous-clayey formations and sandy sediments, remnants of marine sedimentation, contributing to the overall complexity of the soil structure.

Main Grape Varieties

The primary grape variety cultivated in Serrapetrona DOC is Vernaccia Nera. This grape thrives in the region's diverse soils and microclimates, which contribute to the production of distinctive wines.

The unique combination of climate, soil, and topography in the Serrapetrona DOC creates an ideal environment for viticulture, supporting the growth of Vernaccia Nera and the production of high-quality wines.


vinerra illustration

Vineyard Hectares





Discover Terroir

The Serrapetrona DOC, situated in the Marche region of Italy, is renowned not only for its wines but also for its distinctive and picturesque landscape. The region is characterized by a combination of hilly and mountainous terrains that contribute to the unique terroir essential for grape cultivation.

Hilly Terrain and Vineyards

The landscape of Serrapetrona DOC features rolling hills that are extensively cultivated with vineyards. These hills provide optimal conditions for viticulture, offering good drainage and varying sun exposure. The vineyards are often terraced on the slopes, maximizing the use of the available land and ensuring that the vines receive adequate sunlight throughout the day. The altitude of these hills generally ranges between 450 to 600 meters above sea level, providing a cooler climate that benefits the slow ripening of the grapes, particularly the Vernaccia Nera variety​​​​.

Proximity to the Sibillini Mountains

The region lies at the foot of the Sibillini Mountains National Park, adding a dramatic backdrop to the vineyards. The presence of these mountains influences the microclimate of the area, protecting the vineyards from harsh weather conditions and contributing to the area's biodiversity. The natural beauty of the mountains combined with the cultivated vineyards creates a stunning and serene landscape​​​​.

Valleys and Olive Groves

In addition to vineyards, the valleys in the Serrapetrona DOC are often dotted with olive groves. These groves not only enhance the agricultural diversity of the region but also contribute to the scenic beauty of the landscape. The combination of vineyards and olive trees provides a rich tapestry of green hues, especially during the growing season​​.

Historical and Cultural Landmarks

The landscape of Serrapetrona is also marked by historical and cultural landmarks, including medieval structures, churches, and traditional farmhouses. These elements add a cultural depth to the natural beauty of the region. For example, the town of Serrapetrona itself has a historical center with ancient buildings and a renovated castle, offering a glimpse into the area's rich heritage​​.

The climate of the Serrapetrona DOC in the Marche region of Italy is characterized by a temperate and humid environment, influenced significantly by its geographical location and elevation.


Serrapetrona experiences a temperate climate with distinct seasonal variations. Summers are generally warm and sunny, with average high temperatures reaching around 21°C in July. Winters can be quite cold, especially at higher elevations, with temperatures often dropping below freezing. The region is also prone to significant temperature variations due to the influence of the surrounding Sibillini Mountains and its inland position, which reduces the moderating effects of the nearby Adriatic Sea.


The area receives an average annual rainfall of approximately 800-1000 millimeters. Rainfall is well-distributed throughout the year, but the autumn months tend to be the wettest. This consistent precipitation supports the lush vegetation and is beneficial for viticulture, although excessive rain near harvest time can pose challenges for grape quality.

Snowfall and Wind

In winter, the region can experience snowfall, especially in the higher altitudes of the hills and mountains. The climate is also influenced by winds such as the cold northeasterly winds, which can bring heavy snowfall, and the Garbino, a warm southwesterly wind that can raise temperatures significantly, even in the middle of winter.


The diverse topography of the Serrapetrona DOC, including its hills and proximity to the Sibillini Mountains, creates various microclimates within the region. These microclimates are crucial for the cultivation of Vernaccia Nera grapes, providing optimal conditions for different stages of grape development.

The Serrapetrona DOC region, situated in the Marche area of Italy, is characterized by a diverse range of soils that contribute significantly to the quality and characteristics of its wines.

Calcareous Soils: The mountainous areas of Serrapetrona are primarily composed of calcareous ridges, which have led to the development of rocky limestone outcrops. These calcareous soils are beneficial for viticulture as they provide good drainage and are rich in minerals, which help to promote healthy vine growth and enhance grape quality.

Marl and Red Limestone: In addition to calcareous soils, the region also features marl and red limestone soils. These types of soil are known for their ability to retain moisture while still providing adequate drainage, creating a balanced environment for the vines.

Thin and Stony Soils: The cultivated soils in the higher elevations are often thin and stony, developed directly on limestone-marl rock. These soils help to restrict vine vigor, which can lead to more concentrated flavors in the grapes.

Arenaceous-Clayey Soils: In the hilly parts of the region, the soils vary more and include arenaceous-clayey formations. These soils are well-drained and typically found in areas that are used for both agriculture and natural vegetation, contributing to the diversity of the local terroir.

Sandy Sediments: Some areas also feature sandy sediments, which are remnants of marine sedimentation. These sands are less common but contribute to the overall complexity of the soil structure in the region.


Serrapetrona DOC grapes

Vernaccia Nera is the most common grape variety in the Serrapetrona DOC, part of the Marche wine region of Italy. This grape requires specific agricultural and climatic conditions to thrive.

Agricultural Requirements

Vernaccia Nera flourishes in specific soil types and altitudes. This grape prefers calcareous and clay soils, which are common in the hilly and mountainous areas of Serrapetrona. These soils offer excellent drainage, vital for the health and productivity of the vines.

The vineyards typically lie at altitudes ranging from 450 to 600 meters above sea level, providing a moderating influence on temperatures and extending the growing season, which is beneficial for the gradual ripening of the grapes.

Sun exposure is also crucial for Vernaccia Nera. Vineyards are often oriented towards the south or southeast to maximize sunlight throughout the day, ensuring the grapes receive sufficient light for photosynthesis and proper maturation.

Proper vine training and pruning are essential to maintain yield and grape quality. Systems like Guyot or cordon training allow good air circulation and light penetration, reducing disease risk and promoting healthy growth.

Climatic Requirements

The climate of the Serrapetrona DOC plays a significant role in the cultivation of Vernaccia Nera.

This grape variety thrives in moderate climates with warm summers and mild winters, with an ideal temperature range of 20-25°C (68-77°F) during the growing season. The region receives an average annual rainfall of 800-900 mm, well-distributed throughout the year, which supports vine growth and grape development. Adequate rainfall is crucial during the growing season, but excessive rain near harvest can lead to grape rot, posing a risk to the crop.

Humidity and ventilation are also important factors, as Vernaccia Nera is susceptible to fungal diseases. The hilly terrain and appropriate vine training systems ensure good air flow, reducing the risk of such diseases. Additionally, the region’s elevation and specific microclimates help mitigate the risk of late spring frosts, which can be detrimental to the sensitive budding phase of the vines. Proper climatic conditions are therefore essential to the successful cultivation of Vernaccia Nera in the Serrapetrona DOC.

Serrapetrona DOC wines

Serrapetrona DOC, located in the Marche wine region of Italy, is renowned for its distinctive wines made predominantly from the Vernaccia Nera grape. The most common wines from this DOC are categorized under the Rosso (red) designation. 

Serrapetrona Rosso is a dry red wine with a robust and full-bodied character. This red wine boasts a deep ruby red color and offers an intense bouquet of wild berries, sour cherries, and subtle hints of spices such as black pepper. On the palate, this red wine is well-structured with pronounced tannins and a balanced acidity, providing a long and satisfying finish.

This red wine is made from at least 85% Vernaccia Nera grapes, with the possibility of blending up to 15% of other authorized red grape varieties.
