Alta Langa

Alta Langa







about this subregion

The Alta Langa DOCG region is celebrated for its exquisite and refined sparkling wines. Situated in the southernmost parts of Piedmont, encompassing areas of both the Langhe and Monferrato, Alta Langa is a territory marked by its high-altitude vineyards. Localities such as Bossolasco, Alba, and Cortemilia are just a few of the many areas within this vibrant wine territory.

The elevated terrains, diverse soil profiles, and distinct microclimates contribute to the uniqueness of wines produced here. Chardonnay and Pinot Nero are the primary grape varieties used in the production of Alta Langa sparkling wines. These grapes, under the influence of the region's particular climatic conditions, lend a distinctive character to the wines — a harmonious blend of acidity, freshness, and refined aromatic profiles. Often compared to the finest champagnes, Alta Langa sparkling wines showcase notes of citrus, green apple, brioche, and delicate minerality. These wines, typically produced using the traditional method of fermentation in the bottle, achieve a sophisticated elegance and a persistent perlage.

As an emblem of Italian sparkling wine heritage, the Alta Langa DOCG region has garnered the attention of wine lovers and tourists from around the globe. Various wine associations, including the Consortium for the Protection of Alta Langa, work diligently to safeguard the traditional methods and ensure the ongoing reputation of this sparkling gem from Piedmont.


vinerra illustration

Vineyard Hectares



1200-1400 GDD


Discover Terroir

Alta Langa DOCG is located in the southernmost parts of Piedmont, a renowned wine-producing region in northwest Italy. The territory of Alta Langa stretches across the hilly zones of both the Langhe and Monferrato areas. This wine region is characterized by its high-altitude vineyards that often sit atop steep slopes, providing ideal conditions for viticulture.

Nestled between the Tanaro and Bormida river valleys, the Alta Langa region is defined by its unique combination of climate, elevation, and soil composition. The cool climate, coupled with the region's altitude, ensures a long, slow ripening of the grapes, which is crucial for the production of its iconic sparkling wines.

Surrounded by other esteemed Piedmontese wine regions, Alta Langa benefits from a viticultural heritage that has been refined over centuries. The region's proximity to the Ligurian Sea to the south ensures a mild, maritime influence, while the protective ring of the Alps to the north and west shields it from harsh northern European weather patterns.

Alta Langa's landscape is a picturesque blend of rolling hills, dense woodlands, and meticulously maintained vineyards, making it not just a hub for wine enthusiasts but also a delightful destination for those keen on experiencing the serene beauty of Italy's countryside.

The Alta Langa DOCG, nestled in the southern reaches of Piedmont, boasts a unique climatic tapestry that intricately weaves together the patterns of continental and Mediterranean influences. While the core of its climate is rooted in the distinct seasonal shifts of continental rhythms — marked by cold winters and warm summers — whispers of the Mediterranean can be felt. These traces, owing to the region's closeness to the Ligurian coast, occasionally bring milder and wetter spells, especially during the transitional beauty of spring and autumn.

Elevating the region's climatic narrative is its defining feature: the high-altitude vineyards. Ascending often beyond 250 meters above sea level, these vineyards invite cooler nightly embraces. This pronounced diurnal temperature swing allows grapes to mature slowly and gracefully, accumulating intricate aromatics while preserving their essential acidity, a cornerstone for crafting exquisite sparkling wines.

Rain graces the region moderately, predominantly showering its blessings in spring and autumn, quenching the vines post-winter and preparing them for the impending winter rest. And amidst this climatic ballet, the hills of Alta Langa play their part, ensuring that the vineyards breathe freely, courtesy of the excellent air circulation. This not only tempers the region's temperatures but also stands as a guardian against fungal threats, nurturing the healthy maturation of Chardonnay and Pinot Nero grapes. These grapes, in their climatic haven, go on to be the heart and soul of Alta Langa's renowned sparkling wines.

The Alta Langa DOCG region, renowned for its sparkling wines, benefits from a varied soil composition that greatly influences the character of the wines produced. The region's soils are a testament to its intricate geological history, which includes both marine sedimentation and tectonic shifts. Here's an exploration of the diverse soils present in the Alta Langa DOCG:

  1. Calcareous Clay: This type of soil is prominent in many parts of the Alta Langa region. Calcareous clay is particularly beneficial for viticulture because it provides excellent drainage, which ensures that vines don't have excessive water, thereby concentrating flavors in the grapes. The high calcium content in the soil also aids in maintaining the acidity levels of the grapes, crucial for sparkling wine production.
  2. Marl: Marl is a calcareous clay soil that has been formed from marine sedimentation. This soil type provides a good balance of nutrients and water retention, ensuring that the vines are neither too stressed nor too pampered. The coolness of marl soils, thanks to their moisture retention properties, can help delay grape ripening, leading to a longer growing season and more complex flavor development.
  3. Sandstone: Found in patches across the region, sandstone offers excellent drainage and is often warmer, which can accelerate the ripening of grapes. Vines planted in sandstone soils tend to produce wines with more pronounced aromatic profiles.
  4. Limestone: Limestone-rich soils are known for their ability to regulate water availability to the vines, thanks to their porous nature. This type of soil is alkaline, which can influence the vine's uptake of nutrients, often leading to wines with a distinctive mineral quality.
  5. Silt and Loam: In certain pockets of Alta Langa, one might find soils with a higher silt or loam content. These soils are typically more fertile and retain moisture well. However, they are less common than the dominant soil types mentioned above.


Most Planted White Grape Varietals of Alta Langa DOCG:

The crown jewel of white grapes in the Alta Langa DOCG region is undoubtedly Chardonnay. This grape variety has a global reputation for its adaptability and versatility. In Alta Langa, Chardonnay thrives in the region's high-altitude vineyards, bringing forth wines that are both crisp and complex. The meticulous viticultural methods used in this region emphasize Chardonnay's innate qualities, resulting in sparkling wines with pronounced notes of citrus, green apple, and a touch of almond. The grape's natural acidity and depth of flavor are perfect for the traditional method of sparkling wine production, where it often plays a dominant role. The cool climatic conditions combined with the area's specific soil profile bring out the freshness and minerality in the Chardonnay grapes. While many think of Chardonnay in terms of still wines, in Alta Langa, it's an essential component of some of the region's most refined sparkling wines.

Most Planted Red Grape Varietals of Alta Langa DOCG:

Pinot Nero stands out as the most celebrated red grape variety of the Alta Langa DOCG region. It's known for its ability to produce wines with elegance, finesse, and depth. In the unique terrains of Alta Langa, Pinot Nero has found an ideal home. This grape variety, also known as Pinot Noir in many parts of the world, is cherished for its delicate aromas and the ability to reflect the terroir in which it's grown. In Alta Langa, Pinot Nero contributes to the production of sparkling wines, adding structure, body, and aromatic complexity. Wines made from this grape often exhibit notes of red berries, rose petals, and a hint of earthiness. Its delicate nature and nuanced flavors make it a crucial part of the region's sparkling wine production.

While Chardonnay and Pinot Nero play starring roles in the sparkling wines of Alta Langa DOCG, it's their harmonious blend and the winemakers' expertise that truly make these wines stand out on the global stage. The focus of Alta Langa remains deeply rooted in the production of world-class sparkling wines, reflecting the unique character of the region.

The Alta Langa DOCG is synonymous with excellence in sparkling wine production, offering wines of unparalleled quality and character. The region's cool climate, coupled with its high-altitude vineyards, allows for the production of sparkling wines with distinct freshness, complexity, and longevity. At the heart of these wines are the Chardonnay and Pinot Nero grape varieties, complemented occasionally by other authorized non-aromatic grapes. Here's a look at the different styles of sparkling wines from Alta Langa DOCG:

1. Spumante: The Spumante wines from Alta Langa DOCG are composed primarily of Chardonnay and Pinot Nero grapes, sometimes blended with minor percentages of other authorized non-aromatic grapes. This type of wine is characterized by its finesse and elegance. In the nose, it often reveals notes of green apple, citrus zest, white flowers, and a subtle hint of fresh bread or brioche, courtesy of its time on lees. On the other hand, in the palate, its vibrant acidity and fine bubbles complement flavors of pear, almond, and a touch of minerality. Spumante Chardonnay wines are fresh and aromatic, while Pinot Nero spumante wines are structure and complexity.

2. Rosato Spumante: The Rosato Spumante is composed mainly of Pinot Nero, lending its delicate color, although sometimes it is blended with Chardonnay and other non-aromatic grapes. The Rosato Spumante from Alta Langa boasts a delicate pink hue and an aromatic profile that is a dance between fruity and floral. Fragrances of red berries, rose petals, and a hint of peach are prominent. Regarding the flavors, they often lean towards fresh strawberries, cherries, and a touch of citrus. The wine is perfectly balanced, with its acidity playing off the subtle fruitiness derived mainly from Pinot Nero.

3. Riserva Sparkling Wine: Finally, the Riserva Sparkling Wine is composed of a blend of Chardonnay and Pinot Nero, with the potential inclusion of other non-aromatic grapes, with extended aging on the lees. This wine is characterized by its extended aging, which gives it additional complexity and depth, as well as a creamier texture. The nose is often more evolved, with pronounced notes of toasted bread, brioche, or even caramel complementing the fruitier aromas. The palate, on the other hand, usually showcases a harmonious blend of flavors – from ripe orchard fruits to more nuanced nutty and yeasty notes.
