Val di Magra IGP

Val di Magra IGP

44° 23' N


10° 16' E




about this subregion

Nestled in the evocative province of Massa e Carrara in Tuscany, the Val di Magra IGP is a treasure trove of enological delights. Its canvas of terrains, unfolding across a series of communes including Fivizzano, Aulla, and Carrara, offers an enchanting backdrop for viticulture. Here, nature crafts a delicate balance between the Mediterranean climate and the varying topography, creating a sanctuary for vines to thrive under the gaze of the Tuscan sun.

With the whispering Magra River meandering through, the region is embellished with a mosaic of microclimates, each subtly influencing the vines' character. Val di Magra encapsulates low-lying areas, hills, and elevated terrains, each section providing a unique set of environmental variables contributing to the multifaceted profile of its wines.

A roster of distinguished grape varieties calls Val di Magra home, each imbibing the terroir's distinct whisperings. Red grape varieties like Ciliegiolo, Groppello, Merlot, and Pollera stand out, with each offering a unique expression ranging from the vibrant and fruity to the deep and complex. The region also cradles exceptional white varieties, with Albarola, Durella, Trebbiano Toscano, Verdello, and Vermentino each contributing to the aromatic and crisp white wines. These varieties, each with their own story and charm, come together in a harmonious dance, crafting wines that are an eloquent expression of the Val di Magra’s mesmerizing landscape and favorable climate. Through the interplay of climate, soil, and grape varieties, the Val di Magra IGP unveils wines that are not just beverages but tales of the land, liquid poetry awaiting discovery by the discerning palate.


vinerra illustration

Vineyard Hectares



1300 - 1900


Discover Terroir

The Val di Magra IGP resides gracefully within the storied landscapes of Tuscany, Italy, encapsulated in the province of Massa e Carrara. This viticultural area is a serene tapestry of nature’s grandeur, offering an inspiring canvas where vines thrive amidst a tableau of geographic and topographic diversity.

At the heart of this region, the Magra River courses gently, weaving through valleys and bestowing its life-affirming waters upon the fertile lands. The river’s presence creates a series of low-lying areas and plains, presenting ideal environments where certain grape varieties can bask under the sunlight and draw nutrients from the nourished soils. These plains gradually yield to gentle hills, unveiling a rhythmic undulation of terrains that ascend to embrace the skies.

The hills within the Val di Magra are not just elevations; they are nature’s amphitheaters where each vineyard is carefully laid, absorbing the varying degrees of sunlight and enjoying the subtle nuances of the microclimates. These hilly areas offer vines the perfect drainage conditions, and the alternating slopes and aspects grant vintners the opportunity to cultivate a spectrum of grape varieties, each finding its harmonious place within the landscape.

Further, as one traverses through the Val di Magra, the backdrop of the Apennine Mountains looms majestically, casting their protective shadows over the vineyards. These towering sentinels contribute to the creation of additional microclimates and shield the vines from harsh northern winds, providing a tranquil sanctuary for the grapes to ripen at a leisurely pace.

The visual symphony is complemented by a chorus of colors that change with the seasons. From the verdant greens of spring and summer to the golden and crimson hues of autumn, each season paints the landscape with its palette, offering a visual feast that reflects the natural cycle of life within the vineyards.

Within this geographical tapestry, the soils of Val di Magra whisper their ancient tales. Comprising a diverse range from sandy to clayey, from limestone-rich to alluvial, the soils add another layer to the complexity of the terroir, providing the vines with various substrates to root in and draw their unique characteristics.

Each bottle of wine crafted in Val di Magra IGP is a testament to this diverse and dynamic landscape, embodying the essence of the hills, plains, river, and mountains. It is within this picturesque and bountiful environment that the vines yield their precious harvest, resulting in wines that are a mirror reflecting the splendid beauty of the Val di Magra landscape.

Val di Magra IGP enjoys a climatic tapestry as nuanced and dynamic as its illustrious landscapes. The climate here gracefully dances between Mediterranean influences and the subtle whispers of continental air, crafting an environment where grapevines not only grow but flourish, turning sunlight and earth into liquid treasures.

The breath of the Mediterranean Sea softly caresses Val di Magra, its subtle zephyrs whispering through vine leaves, moderating temperatures, and sprinkling the air with a hint of salinity. Summers in the region are typically warm, with the sun lavishing its golden glow upon the vines, ensuring grapes ripen to perfection. Yet, the heat is seldom oppressive; the gentle breezes act as nature's thermostat, bringing relief and balance to the sun-drenched vineyards.

As daylight recedes, giving way to night, the vineyards of Val di Magra are cradled by cool, soothing evenings. This significant diurnal temperature variation is a secret serenade to the grapes, coaxing them to develop vibrant acidity and complex aromas, ensuring the resultant wines dance tantalizingly between freshness and depth, between vivacity and complexity.

Autumn unfurls its tapestry gently over the region, with warm days gradually yielding to crisp and cooler nights. This gradual transition provides an extended ripening period for the grapes, allowing them to accumulate sugars slowly while retaining their delightful acidity, crafting a harmonious balance that will be mirrored in the glass.

Winter in Val di Magra is a quiet, contemplative season. While the chill in the air is undeniable, it is rarely severe, with the Apennine Mountains standing sentinel, guarding the vineyards against the icy grasp of cold northern winds. The vines rest under the watchful gaze of the mountains, gathering strength for the burst of life that spring will bring.

With the arrival of spring, the cycle begins anew, with the climate gently nudging the dormant vines awake with its warming touch. The days lengthen, and temperatures climb steadily, and the vineyards respond, unfurling leaves and blossoms under the promising sky.

Rainfall in Val di Magra is judiciously distributed, offering sustenance to the vines without overwhelming them. The skies open with careful moderation, providing the vineyards with the hydration necessary for healthy growth while respecting the delicate balance required for premium grape cultivation.

In essence, Val di Magra IGP's climate is a symphonic masterpiece, a perfect convergence of sunlight, temperature, and precipitation, offering a nurturing cradle for the vines. Every bottle of wine produced here is a testament to this climatic harmony, a melody of flavors and aromas born from the earth and sky's embrace in this enchanted corner of Tuscany.

Within the radiant embrace of the Tuscany wine region, Val di Magra IGP unravels across a spectacular canvas of landscapes where soils, as diverse and dynamic as the vistas they underpin, tell stories of ancient geological transformations and natural alchemy. These soils, shaped over millennia, bear the silent testimony of the shifting earth, the passage of time, and the ceaseless cycle of life and decay. They are the foundation upon which vines sink their roots, drawing nourishment and character, weaving the essence of the terroir into the tapestry of their flavors and aromas.

In Val di Magra IGP, the soils are not just the physical ground; they are the soul of the vineyards, playing a crucial role in defining the personality, structure, and profile of the wines birthed from this remarkable region. From the plains that cradle the softly meandering Magra River to the gentle hills that rise like waves under the sun, each parcel of land boasts its unique soil type, with distinct qualities and attributes that influence the vines in myriad subtle ways.

  1. Alluvial Soils: Nestled near the tranquil Magra River, the vineyards enjoy fertile alluvial soils, resulting from centuries of river deposits. These soils are rich in minerals and organic matter, providing a well-drained but moisture-retentive environment that supports vigorous vine growth and contributes to the development of grapes with lively and fresh flavor profiles.
  2. Sandy Soils: Certain areas within the Val di Magra boast soils with a high sand content. Sandy soils offer excellent drainage, preventing waterlogging and creating a hostile environment for phylloxera. The vines in these soils tend to produce grapes with pronounced aromatic qualities and a delightful elegance in the resulting wines.
  3. Clayey Soils: There are pockets where clay dominates the soil composition. Clayey soils are known for their ability to retain moisture, providing a consistent water source for vines during the hot and dry summer months. Wines from clay soils often exhibit a robust structure and a depth of flavor, with the clay imparting a certain richness and complexity to the wine.
  4. Limestone Soils: Areas within Val di Magra are characterized by limestone-rich soils. These soils are celebrated for their contribution to the wine’s acidity and minerality. Vines planted in limestone tend to produce grapes that are vibrant and with a high acidity level, leading to wines that are well-balanced and age-worthy.
  5. Mixed Soils: Many vineyards within the IGP fall on mixed or loamy soils, which are a balanced blend of sand, silt, and clay. These soils offer optimal conditions for vine growth as they provide a balanced water retention and drainage, along with a variety of nutrients necessary for the vines. Wines from these areas are often well-rounded and expressive, mirroring the equilibrium present in their terrestrial home.


In the serene landscape of Val di Magra IGP, a constellation of grape varieties finds its home, each with distinct physical characteristics. From the round, medium-sized berries of Ciliegiolo to the smaller, compact clusters of Verdello, these grapes paint a picture of biodiversity under the Tuscan sun.

  1. Ciliegiolo: Thriving in well-drained soils and favoring hillside vineyards, Ciliegiolo seeks warmth and sunlight but is sensitive to spring frosts. The vine demands meticulous care in pruning and managing the canopy to guarantee optimal sunlight exposure and air circulation, mitigating the risk of diseases.
  2. Groppello: Groppello vines are well-suited for a variety of soils but show a preference for limestone-rich terrains. They require a climate with significant temperature variations between day and night, allowing for the slow and steady development of sugars and acids within the grapes.
  3. Merlot: Versatile Merlot adapts to various soil types but flourishes in clay and limestone. It needs a warm climate for optimal ripening but is susceptible to frost and damp conditions. Canopy management is crucial to protect the clusters and ensure even ripening.
  4. Pollera:  Pollera is a grape that prefers sunny climates and well-drained soils. The vineyards should be managed to protect this relatively rare variety from adverse weather conditions and diseases, ensuring healthy growth and development.
  5. Albarola: This white grape variety enjoys the coastal influence, thriving in fresh and well-ventilated environments. While Albarola adapts to different soils, it shows a preference for sandy and slate-rich terrains that offer good drainage.
  6. Durella: Preferring hilly terrain and volcanic soils, Durella requires a climate with significant temperature fluctuations. Careful vineyard management techniques are applied to control vigor and yield, focusing on producing concentrated and high-quality grapes.
  7. Trebbiano Toscano: This variety is highly adaptable but favors well-drained, sandy, or clayey soils. It thrives in a Mediterranean climate with warm summers and mild winters, with careful canopy management necessary to prevent diseases and promote even ripening.
  8. Verdello: Verdello vines appreciate well-drained soils and climates where winters are mild and summers are not excessively hot. This variety requires attentive cultivation practices to manage its vigor and ensure the production of quality grapes.
  9. Vermentino: Thriving in sandy or rocky soils, Vermentino benefits from the proximity to the sea, enjoying the moderate temperatures and breezes. It's resilient to drought, making it suitable for the warmer and drier areas within the Val di Magra IGP.

The wines crafted in Val di Magra IGP are reflections of the region's rich tapestry of grape varieties, each contributing its unique voice to the harmonious chorus of flavors and aromas found in every bottle. Delicately cradled within the province of Massa e Carrara in Tuscany, Val di Magra IGP represents a confluence of tradition and terroir, where each grape variety, meticulously nurtured, imparts its signature characteristics to the wines.

Immersed in a serene landscape where the Magra River gently flows, the vineyards of Val di Magra bask under the Tuscan sun, absorbing its warmth and energy. The Bianco wines, with compositions drawing from Albarola, Durella, Trebbiano Toscano, Verdello, and Vermentino, encapsulate the essence of the region's sunlight and soil in their bright and aromatic profiles. With the freedom to blend these grapes in any proportion, vintners craft wines that are as diverse and dynamic as the scenery itself.

Similarly, the Rosato and Rosso wines, born from the red grapes like Ciliegiolo, Groppello, Merlot, and Pollera, are symphonies of taste, echoing the gentle hills and vibrant atmospheres of Val di Magra. The Rosso wines, in particular, are like liquid poetry, telling tales of the earth and the diligent hands that tend to the vineyards day by day.

  1. Bianco: The Bianco wines are enticing with a bright and vivacious aromatic profile. With a bouquet often featuring notes of crisp apple, pear, and citrus, these wines are celebrated for their refreshing acidity and clean finish. The subtle floral undertones and a whisper of minerality make them a delightful and versatile companion to various dishes.
  2. Bianco Varietals: When focused on a single white grape variety, these wines offer a pronounced expression of their primary grape's characteristics. For instance, a Vermentino-dominant Bianco might display aromatic notes of green apple and white flowers, offering a palate that is both refreshing and subtly complex.
  3. Rosato: Val di Magra’s Rosato wines captivate with their delicate yet vibrant nose of red fruits like strawberries and cherries, often accompanied by subtle floral notes. These wines are delightful on the palate, striking a balance between acidity and fruitiness, making them perfect for enjoying on a warm, sunny day.
  4. Rosato Varietals: With a composition primarily of Ciliegiolo or Pollera, these wines carry distinct notes of fresh red berries and often a hint of spice, providing a rounded, well-structured tasting experience that is delightful and satisfying in its simplicity and elegance.
  5. Rosso: The Rossos from Val di Magra IGP are a celebration of dark fruit aromas like blackberry and plum, seamlessly intertwined with earthy and sometimes spicy undertones. Each sip unveils layers of complexity and depth, with the wine's structure supporting the delightful fruit-forward profile that dances on the palate.
  6. Rosso Varietals: When the spotlight is on a single red grape variety, the resultant wine offers a clear and concentrated expression of that grape’s unique attributes. For example, a Merlot-based Rosso might unveil aromas of plum and black cherry, delivering a rich and velvety palate that is both comforting and indulgent.