Vernaccia di San Gimignano

Vernaccia di San Gimignano







about this subregion

Vernaccia di San Gimignano DOCG, nestled in the rolling hills of Tuscany, stands out as a testament to Italy's rich viticultural heritage. This region, drenched in history and bathed in the warm Tuscan sun, offers an environment that's both nurturing and challenging for vines, making it an exceptional terroir for wine production.

At the heart of this DOCG is its star grape: Vernaccia. A white grape variety with ancient roots, Vernaccia thrives in the region's diverse soil compositions and the typically Mediterranean climate, characterized by hot summers and mild winters. The grape's resilience and adaptability, combined with the unique characteristics of the local terroir, result in wines that are as distinct as the landscape from which they emerge.

Two prominent wines from this region are the Bianco and the Bianco Riserva. The Bianco showcases the fresh and vibrant side of Vernaccia. It offers a bouquet of crisp citrus notes, green apple, and subtle floral undertones. On the palate, its high acidity and characteristic minerality shine, making it a refreshing choice for many occasions.

The Bianco Riserva, on the other hand, undergoes a longer aging process. This imparts more complexity, introducing layers of dried fruit, almond, and sometimes even hints of honey. Its profile is deeper, and the wine stands as a testament to the aging potential of Vernaccia.

In the heart of Tuscany, Vernaccia di San Gimignano DOCG is not just a region or a wine; it's a celebration of tradition, terroir, and the timeless allure of Italian winemaking.


vinerra illustration

Vineyard Hectares





Discover Terroir

Vernaccia di San Gimignano DOCG is a captivating region nestled within the heart of Tuscany, defined as much by its historical significance as its natural beauty.

The landscape around San Gimignano, the medieval town that stands as the epicenter of this wine-growing area, is nothing short of picturesque. Rolling hills undulate under the Tuscan sun, carpeted in a patchwork of vineyards, olive groves, and cypress trees. These hills rise and dip, revealing pockets of fertile valleys that have nurtured vines for centuries.

One of the region's most iconic features is the town of San Gimignano itself, with its famed medieval towers punctuating the skyline. These towers, preserved from a bygone era, stand as silent sentinels overlooking the vineyards, adding a touch of historical elegance to the already stunning scenery.

The soils here tell tales of ancient seas and geological shifts. Layers of sandstone, marl, and limestone offer a diverse foundation for the vine roots, impacting the character and complexity of the wines produced.

Closeness to rivers and gentle streams ensures that pockets of the region benefit from the tempering effects of water, while other areas, elevated atop hills, enjoy panoramic views and the benefits of both sun exposure and cool evening breezes.

In essence, Vernaccia di San Gimignano DOCG is a harmonious blend of history and nature, where the past meets the present, and the land converges with the sky. It's a place where every vine, every hill, and every stone echoes with stories of time, tradition, and terroir.

Vernaccia di San Gimignano DOCG, ensconced in the heart of Tuscany, boasts a climate that is a harmonious blend of Mediterranean warmth and localized nuances, both of which have a profound impact on the region's iconic white wines.

The overarching Mediterranean climate blesses the region with warm and sun-drenched summers, facilitating the optimal ripening of the Vernaccia grape. These long, sunny days ensure that the grape develops its signature aromatic intensity and flavor depth. However, this warmth doesn't go unchecked. The proximity to the Tyrrhenian Sea provides the region with cooling maritime breezes, which sweep over the vineyards, particularly in the late afternoons and evenings. This maritime influence ensures that the grapes don't over-ripen, preserving their inherent acidity and freshness.

Winters in the Vernaccia di San Gimignano DOCG are mild, with occasional frosts. Rainfall is more prominent during the autumn and winter months, providing essential hydration to the soils and preparing the vines for their spring resurgence. These rains, combined with the region's well-draining soils, ensure that the vines don't endure excessive water stress.

Another significant climatic feature is the diurnal temperature variation. Especially during the ripening season, the difference between daytime and nighttime temperatures can be quite pronounced. This temperature swing plays a crucial role in the maturation process of the grapes. Warm days promote sugar accumulation, while cooler nights preserve acidity and allow for the development of complex aromas and flavors in the grapes.

In essence, the climate of Vernaccia di San Gimignano DOCG is a delicate balance between warmth and coolness, between sun-soaked days and breezy evenings. It's this equilibrium that gives the wines of this region their characteristic vivacity, aromatic intensity, and depth of flavor.

The soils of Vernaccia di San Gimignano DOCG offer a fascinating glimpse into the region's geological history and play a pivotal role in shaping the character of its wines. Here are the predominant soil types that can be found in the region:

  1. Sandstone (Macigno): A prominent feature of the region, sandstone-based soils are well-draining and moderately fertile. These characteristics often lead to wines with a distinct mineral edge, underpinning the fresh and aromatic traits of the Vernaccia grape.
  2. Limestone: Found in pockets throughout the region, limestone-rich soils contribute to the wine's structure and longevity. The calcareous nature of these soils tends to accentuate the wine's inherent acidity, giving it a refreshing and vivacious character.
  3. Tuff: This volcanic-origin soil type is a testament to the region's ancient geological activities. Tuff-rich soils are known for imparting depth and complexity to the wines, often enhancing their aromatic profile with subtle mineral and flinty notes.
  4. Marl: Composed of clay and limestone, marl soils offer a balance of nutrients and water retention properties. Wines from marl-dominated areas often have a fuller body and a richer texture, making them both nuanced and layered.
  5. Loam: A balanced mix of sand, silt, and clay, loam soils offer both good structure and adequate drainage. Vines planted in such soils benefit from a balanced water regime, which contributes to a harmonious ripening process of the grapes.
  6. Clayey-Schist: These soils are a blend of clay and fragments of metamorphic rock. They tend to be cooler and can retain more moisture, resulting in wines that are structured, with pronounced fruit expressions.


The Vernaccia grape, central to the Vernaccia di San Gimignano DOCG, is a beacon of Tuscany's viticultural richness. Physically, the grape presents a captivating allure, with its medium-sized, tight clusters taking on a slightly golden hue as they ripen under the Tuscan sun. The berries themselves are relatively small, with a thin but firm skin enveloping the juicy pulp within.

Diving into the sensory world of Vernaccia reveals a tapestry of scents and flavors that are as evocative as they are distinct. On the nose, Vernaccia often greets with fresh citrus notes, predominantly of lemon and green apple, intertwined with delicate floral whispers, reminiscent of white blossoms. As the wine swirls on the palate, its high acidity becomes evident, lending a refreshing crispness. This is complemented by an underlying minerality, a signature trait of Vernaccia, which recalls wet stones and a hint of saline. Over time, as the wine evolves, it may also develop nuances of almond, dried herbs, and a touch of brioche. This complexity, combined with its bright freshness, makes Vernaccia a truly compelling grape, echoing the essence of the landscapes from which it originates.

The wines of Vernaccia di San Gimignano DOCG, namely Bianco and Bianco Riserva, are a manifestation of Tuscany's rich viticultural tapestry. Both wines are predominantly crafted from the Vernaccia di San Gimignano grape, with a touch of other authorized non-aromatic white varieties. A hint of Riesling and/or Sauvignon Blanc can be added, introducing subtle layers of complexity to the wines.

  1. Bianco:The Bianco version of Vernaccia di San Gimignano shines with youthful exuberance. On the nose, it delivers a fresh burst of citrus aromas, especially lemon zest and green apple, mingled with traces of white flowers. These bright, crisp notes translate seamlessly onto the palate, where the wine's innate acidity imparts a vivacious freshness. The subtle influence of other white varieties enhances its aromatic spectrum, adding slight undertones of tropical fruits or stone fruits, depending on the specific blend.
  2. Bianco Riserva:A more evolved expression of the region's terroir, the Bianco Riserva undergoes a meticulous aging process, resting for a minimum of 11 months, including 3 months in the bottle. This extended maturation deepens its aromatic and flavor profile. The freshness of citrus and green apple is now accompanied by hints of dried fruits, toasted almonds, and a touch of honeyed richness. Its texture becomes slightly creamier, and the finish is prolonged, echoing with a persistent minerality.