Montefalco Sagrantino

Montefalco Sagrantino

42° 53′ 34″ N


12° 44′ 45″ E




about this subregion

Nestled within the picturesque landscapes of Umbria, the Montefalco Sagrantino DOCG stands as a symbol of Italy's rich viticultural heritage. This designation, "Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita", assures the highest quality and authenticity of wines originating from this specific region. Central to this DOCG is the Sagrantino grape, a native variety that thrives in the continental climate, kissed occasionally by Mediterranean breezes. The combination of warm summers and cool winters, punctuated by the region's altitude that ranges from 220 to 472 meters, provides the ideal setting for this grape to flourish.

Two standout wines emerge from this terrain: the robust Montefalco Sagrantino Rosso and the sweet, intense Montefalco Sagrantino Passito. While the Rosso, with its deep hues and full-bodied character, showcases the grape's potential to age gracefully and offer complex flavors, the Passito, made by drying grapes before fermentation, exudes an aromatic richness, balanced with the right amount of acidity. This duality offers a wine lover both power and elegance, capturing the very essence of the Montefalco region's unique environment. In every sip, one can taste the culmination of the land's history, climate, and the passion of its winemakers.


vinerra illustration

Vineyard Hectares





Discover Terroir

Nestled in the verdant heart of Umbria, Montefalco Sagrantino DOCG is an emblematic wine-producing region that captures the soul of Italy's central landscapes. The region is characterized by undulating hills that gently rise and fall, creating a patchwork of vineyards that catch the eye at every turn. These vineyards are cradled in valleys, sometimes protected by higher ridges, granting them unique microclimates beneficial for viticulture.

The soils here tell tales of ancient geology, a mixture of clay, limestone, and sand, which impart distinct characteristics to the wines. The hills, often dotted with olive groves and woods, give way to picturesque vistas where medieval hamlets and ancient stone structures break the horizon, testifying to the rich history of the area.

Adding to this serene backdrop are the region's waterways. The gentle streams and rivers that flow through Montefalco nourish the land, ensuring the vines receive ample sustenance. Overhead, the sky plays its part, with the Mediterranean influence occasionally kissing the region, bringing with it warm, sun-filled days and cooler nights — a diurnal temperature range ideal for ripening grapes.

In essence, the landscape of Montefalco Sagrantino DOCG is a harmonious blend of nature's bounty and centuries of human endeavor. It is not just a place of wine production but a testament to the symbiotic relationship between the land and its people, producing wines that are as evocative as the scenery itself.

The climate of Montefalco Sagrantino DOCG is a defining aspect of its vinicultural success, sculpting the character and expression of its revered wines.

Situated in the heart of Umbria, the region experiences a predominantly continental climate, characterized by marked seasonal variations. Winters are often cold, with frost being a common occurrence, while summers can be hot and dry. This significant diurnal temperature variation between day and night, especially during the ripening season, is crucial for the development of the grapes. It ensures the slow and steady accumulation of sugars in the grape berries while retaining their natural acidity. This balance is instrumental in producing wines with both richness and structure.

Yet, Montefalco's position in Central Italy also means it occasionally feels the whisper of Mediterranean influences. These subtle sea breezes can bring moisture, ensuring the vines don't suffer excessively during hotter periods, and lend a certain warmth to the otherwise cool nights. This influence tempers the extremes of the continental climate, adding an additional layer of complexity to the grapes' growth and development.

Rainfall in the region is moderately distributed throughout the year, with spring and autumn receiving the bulk of the precipitation. While this moisture is vital for replenishing the soils, the region's undulating topography ensures good drainage, preventing waterlogged vineyards and the potential challenges they might bring.

In essence, the climate of Montefalco Sagrantino DOCG is a delicate dance between continental and Mediterranean influences. It offers a combination of warmth and coolness, dryness and moisture, creating an environment where the Sagrantino grape, in particular, can thrive and express its fullest potential.

The terroir of Montefalco Sagrantino DOCG is diverse and intricate, and the soils play a paramount role in defining the character of the wines produced. Each type of soil imparts distinct characteristics to the grapes, influencing their flavor profiles, structure, and aging potential.

  1. Clay:Clay soils are relatively widespread in the Montefalco region. These soils have excellent water retention properties, ensuring that vines have a consistent water supply, especially during drier periods. Wines produced from vineyards with predominant clay compositions tend to have a fuller body, with pronounced fruit expressions and a robust structure suitable for aging.
  2. Limestone:Limestone-rich soils contribute significantly to the terroir of Montefalco. These alkaline soils are known for their ability to regulate water supply, offering adequate drainage while retaining necessary moisture. Vines rooted in limestone often produce wines with heightened aromatic profiles, marked mineral notes, and a crisp acidity that lends a refreshing palate.
  3. Sand:Areas of Montefalco Sagrantino DOCG also boast sandy soils. These well-draining soils are less fertile than clay or limestone, which can stress the vines, leading them to produce fewer but more concentrated and flavorful grapes. Wines from sandy soils typically exhibit elegance, with delicate fruit aromas and a silky texture.
  4. Mixed Compositions:In various pockets of the region, one can find a mix of the above soils, often combined with elements like gravel or silt. These mixed soils provide a harmonious environment for the vines, drawing benefits from each type. Wines from such terroirs display a balanced profile, combining the strengths of each soil type, resulting in wines with both depth and complexity.


The Sagrantino grape, native to the Montefalco region in Umbria, is a dark-skinned variety, known for producing deeply colored wines. The grape clusters are typically small to medium-sized, with thick-skinned berries that are rich in tannins. This unique physical composition not only lends to the grape's robustness against various viticultural hazards but also contributes to the intense color and structure of the wines it produces.

Diving into a glass of Sagrantino, one is immediately enveloped by a complex bouquet of aromas. Red and black fruits like cherries, blackberries, and plums dominate, often underpinned by hints of dried flowers, earth, and sometimes a touch of spice. On the palate, the grape showcases its full-bodied nature, marked by high tannins and a notable acidity. These components balance out the lush fruitiness, leading to a harmonious and lingering finish. With age, Sagrantino wines can develop even more intricate layers, introducing notes of leather, tobacco, and dark chocolate, making it a rewarding experience for those patient enough to let the wine evolve.

From the heart of Umbria emerge two exceptional wines of the Montefalco Sagrantino DOCG: the Rosso and the Passito. Crafted predominantly from the Sagrantino grape, both wines mirror the rich vinicultural legacy of the region. Though hailing from the same verdant vineyards, the Rosso and Passito embark on individual winemaking journeys, each radiating distinct characteristics that beckon wine aficionados worldwide.

  1. Montefalco Sagrantino Rosso: The Rosso is a testament to aromatic depth, dominated by notes of ripe dark fruits such as blackberries and cherries. These notes are harmoniously complemented by hints of tobacco, leather, and subtle spice. On the palate, its bold tannic structure takes center stage, perfectly tempered by an inherent acidity. This balance bestows the Rosso with both power and finesse, culminating in a memorable finish. True to regional traditions, this wine undergoes a maturation process spanning a minimum of 37 months—12 of which are in barrels, with an additional 4 months in bottles, enriching its flavor profile.
  2. Montefalco Sagrantino Passito: The allure of the Passito stems from the meticulous drying of the Sagrantino grapes, whether still tethered to their vines or detached. This technique intensifies the grape's sweetness, ensuring the wine achieves a potential alcohol level of 15.5%. The resultant aromatic blend marries dried fruits, figs, and dates with nuances of honey and spices. In tasting, the Passito unveils its opulent sweetness, impeccably counterpoised by its acidity, delivering a lavish mouthfeel. With an aging process extending over a minimum of 37 months, culminating in 4 months of bottle refinement, the Passito's sweetness is honed and its complexity heightened. Boasting an actual alcohol content of approximately 11.0%, despite its 18.0% potential, the Passito elegantly bridges potency with approachability.