

33°44'59.99" S


19°29'59.99" E




about this subregion

The Breedekloof wine subregion, nestled within the larger Breede River Valley in the Western Cape of South Africa, is a viticultural gem characterized by its unique environment and diverse terroir. Sharing a border with the Worcester subregion, as well as with the Tulbagh subregion to the north, Breedekloof boasts a Mediterranean climate, receiving around 980mm of rainfall annually. This climate, coupled with cold winters that often bring snow extending into the late spring, significantly influences the viticulture of the area. The resultant lower spring temperatures contribute to a delayed ripening of grapes, setting the stage for a harvest that begins 2-3 weeks later than other wine regions.

A significant geological feature, the Worcester Fault, runs through the valley, impacting soil composition and contributing to a variety of soil types. These include weathered sandstone in the hills and a mix of sandy loam, deep heavy black soils, and sandy shale soils in the valley, providing a rich terroir for vine growth. The diurnal temperature variation, with warm days and cold nights, ensures good sugar development while preserving natural acids in the grapes.

Breedekloof is renowned for its production of high-quality wines made from several main grape varieties, including Chenin Blanc, Sauvignon Blanc, Shiraz, and Pinotage. This region's emphasis on slow ripening vines, facilitated by its unique climatic and soil conditions, contributes to the production of wines with a distinct character and quality that are increasingly gaining recognition both locally and internationally​​​​.


vinerra illustration

Vineyard Hectares





Discover Terroir

Nestled within the picturesque Breede River Valley of South Africa, and close to regions such as Cape Town, Stellenbosch, Franschhoek, Wellington, Overberg and Paarl, athe Breedekloof wine subregion unfolds as a captivating tapestry of natural beauty and agricultural abundance. Here, in this corner of the Western Cape, the landscape is a testament to the harmonious coexistence of nature and human endeavor.

Rolling hills, adorned with lush vineyards, extend as far as the eye can see, their neat rows of vines tracing the contours of the land. The fertile soil, nourished by the meandering waters of the Breede River, yields a bounty of grapes renowned for their quality and flavor. Orchards of citrus and stone fruits thrive alongside the vineyards, their blossoms perfuming the air in spring and their fruits ripening under the warm African sun.

The Breede River, a lifeline for the region's agricultural pursuits, winds its way through the valley, its tranquil waters reflecting the azure sky above. Along its banks, groves of trees provide shade and shelter to an array of wildlife, from songbirds to small mammals, adding to the richness of the ecosystem.

Surrounding the valley, rugged mountain ranges rise majestically, their peaks reaching towards the heavens. Clad in a tapestry of fynbos and indigenous vegetation, these mountains are a sanctuary for a diverse array of flora and fauna, including species found nowhere else on Earth.

As the seasons change, so too does the landscape of the Breedekloof wine subregion. In spring, the vineyards burst into life with the emergence of tender green shoots and delicate blossoms. Summer brings long, sun-drenched days, perfect for ripening grapes and lazy afternoons spent picnicking among the vines. Autumn paints the valley in hues of gold and crimson as the vines prepare for dormancy, while winter brings crisp mornings and clear skies, ideal for pruning and contemplation.

In every season, the Breedekloof wine subregion is a place of beauty and wonder, where the rhythms of nature are celebrated and the fruits of the land are savored. It is a place where time seems to slow, and the cares of the world melt away in the embrace of the land.

Nestled within the breathtaking Breede River Valley of South Africa, in the Western Cape, the Breedekloof wine subregion basks in the embrace of a Mediterranean climate, which profoundly influences its unique viticulture. This region boasts an average annual rainfall of approximately 980mm, distinguishing it as one of the higher rainfall areas within South Africa. This ample precipitation provides a vital resource for grape cultivation, ensuring the vines receive the necessary hydration to thrive and produce high-quality fruit.

Winters in Breedekloof are characterized by bone-chilling cold, often extending well into late spring, occasionally accompanied by a dusting of snow that blankets the surrounding landscape. These cold temperatures have a profound impact on the region's viticulture, contributing to an extended period of dormancy for the vines. As a result, the onset of spring is marked by lower temperatures, which can significantly delay the ripening of grapes compared to other wine regions.

The cooler temperatures persist into spring, creating a stark contrast between warm days and cold nights. This diurnal temperature variation is essential for grape development, as the warmth during the day promotes sugar accumulation, while the cool nights help to preserve the grapes' natural acidity. This balance is crucial in achieving optimal ripeness and flavor development in the grapes, ultimately influencing the character and quality of the wines produced in Breedekloof.

The delayed ripening of grapes due to the region's cooler climate often results in a harvest that commences 2-3 weeks later than in other wine areas. However, this extended growing season allows for a gradual maturation process, allowing the grapes to reach their full potential on the vine. Winemakers in Breedekloof embrace these unique climatic conditions, employing careful vineyard management practices to ensure the grapes are harvested at the peak of ripeness.

Despite the challenges posed by the cold winters and delayed ripening, Breedekloof wines are celebrated for their exceptional quality and distinct character. The interplay between warm days and cool nights imparts a complexity and balance to the wines, with notable varietals including Chenin Blanc, Sauvignon Blanc, Shiraz, and Cabernet Sauvignon. Each bottle reflects the unique terroir of Breedekloof, capturing the essence of the region's Mediterranean climate and the meticulous craftsmanship of its winemakers.

The Breedekloof wine subregion, nestled within South Africa's Breede River Valley, is a viticultural area known not just for its diverse climate and exceptional wines but also for its unique soil composition. These soils play a pivotal role in defining the terroir of the region, contributing to the distinctive character and quality of the wines produced here. The varied soil types offer a rich palette from which vintners can craft wines of complexity and depth:

  1. Weathered Sandstone: This soil type is prevalent in the hills surrounding the valley, a direct result of the geological formation known as the Worcester Fault. Weathered sandstone provides excellent drainage, which is crucial for vine health and quality grape production. The relatively low fertility of this soil encourages vines to root deeply, stressing them in a manner that is beneficial for concentrating flavors in the grapes.
  2. Sandy Loam: Found predominantly around the river banks, sandy loam soils in Breedekloof offer another aspect of the region's diverse terroir. These soils are well-drained yet retain sufficient moisture to sustain vines during the warm growing season. Their texture and composition support a range of grape varieties, allowing for the production of both white and red wines with distinct profiles.
  3. Deep Heavy Black Soils to Sandy Shale Soils: The valley floors in Breedekloof feature a transition from deep, heavy black soils to sandy shale soils, remnants of ancient river beds. This variation provides a spectrum of nutrient levels and water retention capabilities, influencing vine vigor and the ripening process. Grapes grown in these soils tend to develop a balance of sugar and acidity, contributing to the fresh, vibrant character of Breedekloof wines.
  4. Diverse Soil Parent Materials: The valley's floor is a sedimentary basin filled with a diverse range of soil parent materials. This diversity is a testament to the complex geological history of the region, influenced by the river systems and the shifting landscapes over millennia. These varied soils offer winemakers a multitude of options for vineyard planting, each imparting its own influence on the grapevines and the wines they produce.

The soils of the Breedekloof wine subregion, with their varying structures, compositions, and drainage capabilities, are fundamental to the expression of terroir in the wines. They contribute significantly to the area's reputation for producing high-quality wines with distinctive flavor profiles and a strong sense of place​​​​.


The Breedekloof wine subregion of the Breede River Valley, nestled within the Western Cape of South Africa, stands as a testament to the rich viticultural heritage and diverse terroir of the area. This region, characterized by its unique combination of soils, climate, and topography, provides an ideal environment for cultivating a variety of grape species. Below, we explore the most common grapes of Breedekloof, focusing on their agricultural and climatic requirements, which contribute significantly to the distinctive characteristics of the wines produced in this region.

  1. Syrah: Syrah finds a favorable environment on the north-facing higher slopes of Breedekloof, where access to sunlight is maximized, aiding in the grape's ripening process. The variety demands well-drained soils, which are abundant in the rockier, stony areas of the mountains within the region. Syrah benefits from the warm daytime temperatures that contribute to the concentration of flavors in the grapes, while the cool evenings help maintain acidity levels, crucial for the balance and structure of the resulting wines.
  2. Pinotage: Unique to South Africa, Pinotage is well-suited to the climatic conditions of the Breedekloof wine subregion. This grape variety excels in the warmer areas of the valley, particularly on the slopes that receive ample sunlight. Pinotage requires a careful balance of heat and light to achieve optimal maturity and concentration of flavors. The soils in Breedekloof, ranging from sandy loam to rockier, more stony compositions, provide the necessary drainage and root penetration depth, encouraging the vines to produce grapes of high quality and character.
  3. Chenin Blanc: As the most planted grape in the Breedekloof region, Chenin Blanc thrives in the varied terroir of the valley. This versatile grape variety benefits from the deep, heavy black soils to sandy shale soils found in old river beds of the area. The Breedekloof's high annual rainfall and the moderating effect of the surrounding mountain ranges create a climate that allows Chenin Blanc to develop its full potential. The variety requires well-drained soils and benefits from the cooler temperatures provided by the valley floors, promoting a balanced growth cycle.
  4. Sauvignon Blanc: Sauvignon Blanc is another prominent grape variety in the Breedekloof region, known for its adaptability to different soil types and climatic conditions. This grape prefers cooler climates, which are readily provided by the afternoon shadows cast by the Slanghoek Mountains, shortening the hot days and bringing in colder evenings. The diurnal temperature variation helps to preserve the grape's natural acidity while allowing for the development of a complex flavor profile. Sauvignon Blanc vines prosper in the sandy loam soils around the river banks, which offer good drainage and reflect sunlight, aiding in the ripening process.
  5. Muscat of Alexandria (Hanepoot): This variety is celebrated in Breedekloof for its fortified and dessert wines. Muscat of Alexandria thrives in the well-drained, sandy soils along the river banks and benefits from the microclimates created by the Breede River and its tributaries. The grape requires a hot, dry climate to concentrate its sugars, which is achieved in Breedekloof thanks to the protective influence of the surrounding mountains. The variation in temperature between day and night serves to enhance the grape's natural aromatics without compromising its sugar levels, essential for the production of high-quality dessert wines.

The Breedekloof wine subregion, through its diverse terrain and climatic advantages, creates an optimal setting for these grape varieties to flourish, as well as for other grapes such as Cabernet Sauvignon. The interplay between the region's natural elements and the viticultural practices employed by its winemakers results in wines that not only reflect the unique character of Breedekloof but also contribute to the broader tapestry of South African wine production.

The Breedekloof wine subregion, nestled within the broader Breede River Valley in the Western Cape of South Africa, is distinguished by its diverse wine styles, which have garnered recognition both locally and internationally. This area's unique climatic conditions and terroir, influenced by the surrounding mountain ranges and the Breede River itself, enable the production of a range of wine styles that reflect the region's rich viticultural heritage and innovative winemaking practices.

  1. Syrah (Shiraz): Syrah wines from Breedekloof often display a complex array of aromas, including dark fruits like blackberry and plum, complemented by spicy, peppery notes and a hint of smokiness. On the palate, these red wines are robust and full-bodied, with a good tannic structure and flavors that echo the aromatic profile, often leading to a long, satisfying finish.
  2. Pinotage: As South Africa's signature grape, Pinotage from Breedekloof showcases the variety's unique characteristics. These wines typically exhibit aromas of red and dark berries, with intriguing earthy and smoky nuances. The flavor profile of these red wines often includes elements of ripe plum, cherry, and sometimes a touch of tobacco or leather, all supported by a solid tannic backbone.
  3. Chenin Blanc: Breedekloof is renowned for its Chenin Blanc wines, which exhibit a wide range of aromas and flavors. These wines often present a bouquet of fresh fruits such as apple, pear, and peach, with undertones of floral and honeyed notes. The palate can range from crisp and refreshing with a lively acidity to richer, more textured expressions that demonstrate the versatility of Chenin Blanc in this region.
  4. Sauvignon Blanc: The Sauvignon Blanc wines from Breedekloof are characterized by their vibrant, fresh flavors. Aromatically, they tend to offer a spectrum of citrus notes, including grapefruit and lime, alongside green apple and tropical fruit hints. The acidity is typically high, contributing to a crisp, invigorating finish that makes these wines exceptionally food-friendly.
  5. Fortified and Dessert Wines (Muscat of Alexandria/Hanepoot): The fortified and dessert wines made from Muscat of Alexandria, locally known as Hanepoot, are particularly noteworthy in Breedekloof. These wines are celebrated for their rich, aromatic intensity, showcasing a delightful array of floral, citrus, and stone fruit aromas, with honey and spice notes adding complexity. The palate is sweet and luscious, often with a balanced acidity that prevents them from feeling overly heavy, making them perfect for sipping alongside a variety of desserts.

These wine styles, as well as other less produced but not less important like Cabernet Sauvignon, represent just a glimpse of the oenological diversity found in Breedekloof, each offering a unique expression of the region's viticultural potential​​​​​​.
