

39° 38' 60.000" N


22° 30' 0.000" E




about this region

The Thessaly wine region is a diverse and picturesque area known for its rich winemaking history, breathtaking landscapes, and a wide range of grape varieties. Nestled between the Pindus Mountains to the west and the Aegean Sea to the east, Thessaly's unique geographical features contribute to its varied terroir, offering winemakers a myriad of microclimates and soils to cultivate different grape varieties.

The region comprises several sub-regions, each with its own distinct characteristics. Larissa, Karditsa, Trikala, and Magnesia are some of the key wine-producing areas within Thessaly.

Thessaly's winemaking heritage dates back to ancient times, with evidence of wine production dating as far back as the 6th century BC. The region's indigenous grape varieties, such as Limnio, Krassato, Stavroto, and Pelion, have been cultivated for centuries and continue to be an integral part of the local winemaking tradition.

In addition to the indigenous grapes, Thessaly also cultivates well-known Greek varieties like Xinomavro and Assyrtiko, as well as international varieties like Cabernet Sauvignon and Chardonnay. This diversity of grape varieties allows winemakers to create a wide range of wines, from robust and age-worthy reds to crisp and aromatic whites.

The climate in Thessaly varies, influenced by the mountains and the sea, but it is generally Mediterranean, with hot and dry summers and mild winters. The cooling effects of the nearby Aegean Sea help moderate temperatures during the growing season, providing a favorable environment for grape cultivation.

Thessaly's winemakers emphasize sustainable viticulture and are increasingly exploring organic and biodynamic practices. They take pride in their ability to craft wines that reflect the region's unique terroir and showcase the individual characteristics of the indigenous grape varieties.

Visitors to the Thessaly wine region are often enchanted by the beauty of its vineyard-covered hills, ancient ruins, and traditional wineries. Wine tourism is growing in popularity, offering visitors the chance to taste the diverse array of Thessalian wines while immersing themselves in the region's history and natural splendor. Also, the region is steeped in history, offering a variety of famous sites that attract both locals and tourists alike. Some of the most well-known and notable sites in Thessaly include:

  • Meteora: Perhaps the most famous and iconic attraction in Thessaly, Meteora is a UNESCO World Heritage Site featuring stunning rock formations topped with ancient monasteries. The monasteries were built atop these towering cliffs centuries ago, creating a unique and awe-inspiring landscape that has become a symbol of Greece.
  • Mount Olympus: Known in Greek mythology as the home of the gods, Mount Olympus is the highest mountain in Greece and a significant natural landmark in Thessaly. It offers various hiking trails, and adventurous visitors can attempt to reach its highest peak, Mytikas.
  • Pelion Peninsula: This enchanting region on the eastern coast of Thessaly is renowned for its lush landscapes, traditional villages, and picturesque beaches. The area is a popular destination for nature lovers, hikers, and those seeking a relaxing escape.

Overall, the Thessaly wine region stands as a vibrant and exciting part of Greece's winemaking landscape, combining ancient traditions with modern techniques to produce wines that capture the essence of this captivating region.



Vineyard Hectares



2,500 - 3,000

growing degree days

Discover Terroir

The Thessaly wine region is located in central Greece. Thessaly is one of the thirteen administrative regions of Greece, and it occupies the eastern part of the country's mainland. The wine region encompasses various sub-regions within Thessaly, each contributing to the overall viticultural landscape of the area. Thessaly is bordered by several regions: to the north, it is bordered by the region of Central Macedonia, while to the east, it is bordered by the Aegean Sea, to the south by the region of Central Greece and to the west by the region of Epirus.

The Thessaly wine region in Greece experiences a Mediterranean climate. Summers in this region are dry and hot, while winters tend to be mild with more rainfall. One of the key aspects of the climatic conditions of this region is the continental influence it receives. For this reason, there is a pronounced temperature variation between day and night, which favors a better ripening of the grapes.

Regarding the soils, Thessaly is dominated by clay soils, which have good water retention qualities, limestone soils, which are rich in minerals and calcium, and to a lesser extent loam and sandy soils.


Thessaly, Greece, is home to several indigenous grape varietals that are native to the region and have been cultivated there for centuries. The most planted grape varietals in the wine region of Thessaly, Greece, include:

Red Grape Varietals:
  • Xinomavro: This red grape variety is one of the most important and widely planted in Thessaly, particularly in the sub-region of Rapsani. Xinomavro is known for producing bold and tannic red wines with flavors of red fruits and earthy notes.
  • Limnio: Another significant red grape variety, Limnio, is native to Greece and is grown in various regions, including Thessaly. It is often used in blends, contributing to wines with good structure and aging potential.
  • Krassato: Often used in blends with Xinomavro and Stavroto, Krassato is a red grape variety indigenous to the region, adding complexity and depth to Thessalian red wines.
  • Stavroto: Also used in red wine blends, Stavroto is a grape variety native to Greece and commonly found in Thessaly.
White Grape Varietals:
  • Malagousia: A white grape variety that has experienced a resurgence in popularity in recent years. It is known for its aromatic and expressive character, often exhibiting floral and fruity notes, with a particular emphasis on stone fruits and citrus.
  • Assyrtiko: While Assyrtiko is most famously associated with the island of Santorini, it is also grown in other parts of Greece, including Thessaly. Assyrtiko is a versatile white grape known for its crisp acidity, mineral character, and citrusy flavors. It thrives in both volcanic soils, as seen in Santorini, and other terroirs, including those found in Thessaly, producing refreshing and distinctive white wines.
  • Roditis: Among the white grape varieties, Roditis is one of the most planted in Thessaly. It is known for its light and refreshing white wines with citrus and floral notes.
  • Muscat: Muscat grapes, both the white and black variants, are grown in Thessaly and used to produce aromatic and sometimes sweet wine.

A great diversity of wines are produced in Thessaly, expressing the particular terroir of this region. However, the 2 flagship wines are, on the red wine side, Xinomavro, while on the white wine side the flagship wine is Malagasy.

  • On the one hand, Xinomavro red wine stands out for its high natural acidity, which makes it very refreshing. In addition, they have very structured tannins, which although in young wines have a great intensity, in aged wines the tannins are softened.  In addition, the profile of Xinomavro wines highlights red fruits, such as cherries and raspberries, notes of dried herbs and aromas present in aged wines, such as leather, tobacco or earth.
  • On the other hand, Malagasy wines tend to be moderate to full-bodied, but also have a moderate acidity, which provides a unique touch of freshness. In addition, in the aroma profile we can find floral notes, among which we can mention jasmine, orange blossom, rose petals and white flowers, while in the flavor profile we can find fruity notes such as apricot, peach and citrus.

200 - 500 m


400 - 600 mm


Clay soils, with loam and sandy soils in some areas.

top varietal

Xinomavro, Limnio, Krassato, Savrato, Malagousia, Roditis, Assyrtiko, Muscat

History of wine

The history of winemaking in the Thessaly wine region is deeply intertwined with the long and illustrious history of viticulture and winemaking in Greece.

Thessaly's winemaking tradition began thousands of years ago. In fact, it is believed that vines were cultivated in Thessaly for winemaking as early as about 4000 to 3000 BC.

The viticulture of the region had a great growth during two periods: on the one hand during the classical period (from the 8th to the 5th century BC) and on the other hand during the Byzantine period (between 1205 and 1411 AD). In fact, in the Byzantine period the monasteries were key to the development of viticulture in the region, as they became wine centers.

However, during the Ottoman period viticulture in the region declined sharply. This was mainly due to the many restrictions on both the production and consumption of wine imposed by the Ottomans. However, the Ottoman Empire began to weaken in the 19th century, and by 1832 Greece achieved independence through the Treaty of Constantinople. After independence, viticulture in the region began to revive, thanks to the introduction of new winemaking techniques and technologies.

The last decades are key to understand the current viticulture in Thessaly. This is because several autochthonous grape varieties began to recover, including the white grape Malagousia. These indigenous grapes are what allow the wines of Thessaly to express the particular terroir of the region.

