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about this region

Step into the enchanting world of Hungary's Eszak-Dunantul wine region, where the art of winemaking has flourished for centuries. Nestled in the northern part of Hungary, this region is a treasure trove of viticultural wonders. It's characterized by its rich tapestry of grape varieties, both red and white, each contributing to the region's diverse and thriving wine culture.

Within the embrace of Eszak-Dunantul, the vineyards stand as a testament to the harmonious union of nature and human craftsmanship. Here, a spectrum of red and white grape varieties, including Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Rhine Riesling, Tramini, Muscat Ottonel, Olaszrizling, Leányka, and Ezerjó, come to life, yielding a kaleidoscope of flavors and aromas.

The region's unique terroir, shaped by its soils, climate, and topography, offers the ideal canvas for these grape varieties to flourish. Whether your palate leans toward the vibrant whites or the bold reds, Eszak-Dunantul has something to offer every wine enthusiast.

As you journey through this region, you'll uncover the rich history and traditions that have molded its winemaking legacy. From the ancient cellars to the modern vineyards, the Eszak-Dunantul wine region invites you to savor its signature wines, each bottle bearing witness to the passion and commitment of its winemakers. Join us in exploring this captivating land, where every sip tells a story and every glass holds a piece of Hungary's winemaking heritage.


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Vineyard Hectares




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Discover Terroir

The Észak-Dunántúl wine region in Hungary is a picturesque tapestry of rolling hills, lush vineyards, and serene landscapes. Nestled in the northern part of Hungary, it boasts a diverse terrain that ranges from gentle slopes to undulating valleys. The vineyards here thrive under the embrace of verdant hillsides and flourish alongside meandering rivers.

As you traverse this enchanting wine region, you'll encounter an array of landscapes that contribute to its unique terroir. The presence of forests, with their whispering trees, imparts a sense of tranquility to the surroundings. The land is dotted with charming villages and historic towns, adding to the region's timeless allure.

The vineyards themselves, meticulously tended by dedicated winemakers, blanket the land in orderly rows of vines. The grapevines stretch outwards, reaching for the sun that bathes the region in its warm embrace. This dynamic landscape, shaped by centuries of winemaking tradition, is a testament to the harmonious coexistence of nature and viticulture in Észak-Dunántúl.

The Észak-Dunántúl wine region is graced with a climate that bears the influence of its proximity to the majestic Alps, imparting a charming subalpine character to the landscape. Situated in Hungary, a country nestled within a temperate zone with a continental climate, the region benefits from a unique microclimate shaped by the protective embrace of the Carpathian ranges.

Here, the potential climatic extremes of continental weather are softened by the Carpathian mountains, resulting in a more temperate and wine-friendly environment. Észak-Dunántúl enjoys a well-balanced distribution of rainfall throughout the year, which creates ideal conditions for viticulture.

As we explore the various sub-regions within Észak-Dunántúl, we discover distinct microclimates that add depth to the winemaking tapestry:

In the Pannonhalma sub-region, a moderately dry climate prevails, characterized by gentle warmth and mild winters. The soils here, predominantly loam, loess, and forest soil, provide a nurturing foundation for the vineyards.

Venturing to the Neszmély area, we encounter cooler and rainier conditions, where brisk winds and generous sunshine coexist. Loess, limestone, and forest soil underpin the viticultural heritage of this locale.

Etyek-Buda, another notable sub-region, boasts a sun-kissed and breezy climate with lower rainfall. Limestone dominates the soil profile in this area, contributing to the distinct character of its wines.

Finally, in Mór, moderate coolness and a wind-kissed atmosphere prevail, shaping the local microclimate. Loess, sand, and forest soil types converge to nurture the vineyards, adding their unique imprint to the region's winemaking legacy.

In summary, the Észak-Dunántúl wine region enjoys a captivating climatic tapestry, where the interplay of mountains, wind, and soil creates an environment that beckons to both vine and vintner, resulting in wines of exceptional character and quality.

The Észak-Dunántúl wine region in Hungary, encompassing the sub-regions of Pannonhalma, Mór, Etyek-Buda, and Neszmély, boasts a remarkable diversity of soil compositions that serve as the bedrock for the region's distinct wine expressions.

  1. Pannonhalma Sub-region: The soils in Pannonhalma are primarily composed of loam, loess, and forest soil, creating a fertile blend conducive to the cultivation of grapes that yield full-bodied white wines. This sub-region enjoys a moderately dry climate, characterized by moderate heat during the growing season and mild winters, influencing the viticulture profoundly.
  2. Mór Sub-region: Mór distinguishes itself with its volcanic soil, an element that imparts unique characteristics to its wines, especially the full-bodied white varieties. Ezerjó, a key grape variety, thrives in this volcanic terroir, contributing to the region's exceptional wine profile.
  3. Etyek-Buda Sub-region: Limestone reigns as the predominant soil type in Etyek-Buda, shaping the winemaking landscape. This sub-region is renowned for its sunny and windy conditions, accompanied by relatively lower rainfall, an ideal combination for producing fresh white wines brimming with lively acidity.
  4. Neszmély Sub-region: Neszmély embraces a blend of loess, limestone, and forest soil, fostering a unique terroir. Despite cooler temperatures, increased rainfall, and a windier climate compared to its counterparts in Észak-Dunántúl, Neszmély benefits from abundant sunshine, contributing to the area's compelling wine character.

In harmony, these diverse soil types across the various sub-regions of Észak-Dunántúl orchestrate a symphony of flavors and profiles, shaping the wines that grace our glasses. Notably, the limestone-rich soils stand out for their role in crafting exclusively white wines, encompassing both international varieties like Chardonnay and Sauvignon Blanc and cherished local treasures such as Olaszrizling and Leányka. This nuanced interplay of soil and vine has etched a unique signature in the world of Hungarian winemaking.


The Észak-Dunántúl wine region in Hungary is distinguished by its cultivation of several grape varieties, each with unique agricultural and climatic needs:

  1. Chardonnay: Prefers well-drained, limestone-rich soils and cooler climates. It maintains acidity well in these conditions.
  2. Sauvignon Blanc: Suited to moderate temperatures and requires good sunlight exposure and well-drained soils.
  3. Rhine Riesling: Thrives in cooler, airy vineyards with a long growing season. Prefers sloped terrains for optimal sun exposure.
  4. Tramini (Gewürztraminer): Demands cooler climates and well-drained soils; needs careful management due to disease susceptibility in humid conditions.
  5. Muscat Ottonel: Adaptable to the region's microclimates; thrives in well-drained soils and needs protection from early frosts.
  6. Olaszrizling: Versatile in various soil types, including limestone and loess, and grows well in the region's moderate climate.
  7. Leányka: Prefers cooler climates and sunny locations for optimal growth, adaptable to well-drained soils.
  8. Ezerjó: Grows best in volcanic soils of the Mór area, requiring a specific, typically cooler, microclimate for ideal development.

Each variety's distinctive requirements contribute to the Észak-Dunántúl region's viticultural diversity, highlighting the significance of matching grape characteristics with appropriate climatic and soil conditions.

The Észak-Dunántúl wine region in Hungary is renowned for its distinctive white wines, each offering unique aromatic and flavor profiles:

  1. Chardonnay: Known for its elegant bouquet, often exhibiting hints of green apple and citrus, with a smooth and rounded taste.
  2. Sauvignon Blanc: Characterized by its fresh, vibrant aromas, typically with notes of green herbs and a crisp, refreshing palate.
  3. Rhine Riesling: Distinguished by its floral and fruity aromas, often with a hint of minerality, and a well-balanced, slightly acidic flavor.
  4. Tramini (Gewürztraminer): Notable for its rich and intense aromatic profile, often with hints of exotic fruits and spices, and a full, lush taste.
  5. Muscat Ottonel: Features a highly aromatic profile with floral and fruity notes, leading to a sweet and smooth palate.
  6. Olaszrizling: Offers a subtle bouquet with hints of green fruits, leading to a fresh, balanced, and slightly mineral taste.
  7. Leányka: Known for its delicate and floral aromatics, with a light, refreshing, and often fruity palate.
  8. Ezerjó: Exhibits a complex aroma with earthy and mineral notes, leading to a robust and full-bodied flavor.

Each wine reflects the unique terroir of the Észak-Dunántúl region, making them highly sought after for their distinct characteristics.






Észak-Dunántúl boasts a mosaic of soils, from loam and volcanic to limestone and forest soil.

top varietal

Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Rhine Riesling, Tramini, Muscat Ottonel, Olaszrizling, Leányka, Ezerjó

History of wine

The winemaking heritage of Hungary's Észak-Dunántúl region is an enthralling journey entangled with the broader narrative of Hungarian viticulture. Rooted deeply in history, this narrative traverses centuries, tracing its origins to the early recognition of Hungary's potential for winemaking by the Romans. Their astute foresight established the groundwork for the multifaceted and thriving wine culture we witness in regions like Észak-Dunántúl today.

As the pages of time unfurled, Hungarian winemaking underwent evolution and prosperity, with Észak-Dunántúl rising as a prominent nucleus of vinicultural distinction. Across generations, dedicated winemakers tended to its vineyards, their unwavering commitment echoing through the annals of time.

Throughout epochs, the Észak-Dunántúl wine region withstood the ebbs and flows of history, adapting and flourishing. From the era of the Romans onwards, each chapter added to the rich fabric of winemaking traditions that define this picturesque landscape.

In the present, as we savor the wines of Észak-Dunántúl, we not only taste the exquisite essence of the vine but also relish the echoes of centuries past. The region serves as a living testament to the enduring spirit of Hungarian winemaking—a journey that continues to enchant wine enthusiasts worldwide.


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