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about this region

Nestled amidst the picturesque landscapes of Romania, covering the south west of the country, the Muntenia-Oltenia wine region emerges as a veritable treasure trove of viticultural delights. Spanning the historic regions of Wallachia, this enchanting corner of the country boasts a rich winemaking tradition dating back centuries. Here, amidst rolling hills and sun-drenched vineyards, a symphony of grape varieties thrives, each contributing its own unique charm to the region's vinous tapestry.

From the robust allure of Cabernet Sauvignon to the velvety elegance of Merlot, and the delicate nuances of Pinot Noir, Muntenia-Oltenia is home to a diverse array of grape varieties that captivate the senses and delight the palate. Indigenous treasures like Fetească Neagră and Novac share the spotlight with international stalwarts such as Chardonnay and Sauvignon, creating a kaleidoscope of flavors and aromas to explore.

Surrounded by the neighboring wine regions of Dobrogea, Moldova, Transylvania, and Banat, Muntenia-Oltenia stands as a beacon of vinicultural excellence within Romania. Each sip of wine from this esteemed region is a journey through time and terroir, a testament to the enduring legacy of winemaking craftsmanship and passion that defines Muntenia-Oltenia as a true gem of the Romanian wine landscape.


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Discover Terroir

Nestled in the southern expanse of Romania, the Muntenia-Oltenia wine region unfolds like a verdant tapestry against the backdrop of rolling hills and meandering rivers. Drenched in sunlight and kissed by gentle breezes, this picturesque landscape is a mosaic of undulating vineyards, punctuated by quaint villages and historic towns.

Stretching across the historic regions of Wallachia, Muntenia-Oltenia is characterized by its diverse topography, where fertile plains give way to rugged hillsides and limestone cliffs. The land here is alive with the vibrant hues of vineyards, each row meticulously tended by skilled hands, weaving a patchwork of greenery that stretches as far as the eye can see.

At the heart of this viticultural haven lie its main subregions: Banu Mărăcine, Drăgășani, Pietroasa, Sâmburești, and Ștefănești, each contributing its own unique terroir and microclimate to the region's winemaking tapestry. Banu Mărăcine, with its sun-drenched slopes and fertile soils, yields wines of exceptional richness and depth, while Drăgășani, nestled amidst the Carpathian foothills, offers a cool, alpine influence that imparts elegance and finesse to its wines.

Pietroasa, known for its limestone-rich soils and dramatic vistas, is celebrated for producing wines of minerality and complexity, while Sâmburești's gently sloping vineyards bask in the Mediterranean-like climate, yielding fruit-forward wines bursting with vitality. Finally, Ștefănești, with its ancient winemaking traditions and storied history, stands as a testament to the enduring legacy of Muntenia-Oltenia's viticultural heritage.

As the sun sets over the horizon, casting a golden glow upon the vine-clad hills, one cannot help but marvel at the timeless beauty of the Muntenia-Oltenia wine region. Here, amidst nature's bounty and centuries of winemaking tradition, lies a sanctuary for wine lovers and connoisseurs alike, where every sip tells a story of the land, its people, and the rich tapestry of flavors that define this enchanting corner of Romania.

The Muntenia-Oltenia wine region, blessed with a temperate-continental climate, emerges as a veritable paradise for viticulture, where the harmonious interplay of nature's elements lends itself to the cultivation of exquisite grapes. Embracing the rhythm of the seasons, the region experiences cold winters and warm summers, a climatic dance that infuses the vineyards with vitality and character. Moderate rainfall, averaging about 642 mm annually, gently nourishes the soil, ensuring the vines receive the hydration they need to thrive and flourish.

Yet, it is the generous embrace of sunlight that truly sets the stage for viticultural excellence in Muntenia-Oltenia. With approximately 1520 hours of sunshine gracing the region during the growing season, each vine basks in the golden glow of the sun's rays, soaking up its warmth and energy. This abundance of sunlight not only facilitates photosynthesis, allowing the grapes to ripen to perfection, but also imparts a richness and depth of flavor that is unmistakable in the wines crafted here.

It is within this canvas of climatic splendor that Muntenia-Oltenia reveals its prowess in producing wines of unparalleled quality and distinction. The region's unique terroir, shaped by centuries of viticultural tradition, finds expression in a diverse array of red and white wines, each bearing the hallmark of its origins. From the velvety depths of its reds to the crisp, refreshing notes of its whites, Muntenia-Oltenia stands as a beacon of excellence in Romania's wine industry, a testament to the enduring allure of its terroir and the dedication of its winemakers.

The Muntenia-Oltenia wine region boasts a rich tapestry of soil types, each weaving its own unique story into the fabric of the vineyards:

  1. Albic Luviosoils and Planosoils:These soils reign supreme on the platform lands, offering a haven for vine growth with their optimal drainage and fertility. Their porous nature ensures excess water is efficiently whisked away, while their rich nutrient content provides a nourishing bed for the vines to thrive. It's no wonder these soils serve as the cornerstone of viticultural success in the region, laying the foundation for wines of exceptional depth and complexity.
  2. Brown Argillous-Luvial Soils:Ascending to the well-drained hilltops and higher slope terrains, one encounters the Brown Argillous-Luvial soils, revered for their ability to foster robust vine development. Here, amidst the gentle undulations of the landscape, the vines dig their roots deep, drawing sustenance from the earth's embrace. These soils contribute to the intricacy of the wines, imbuing them with layers of flavor and nuance that speak to the land from which they spring.
  3. Eu-Mezobasic and Regosoils:Cradled on the slopes, the Eu-Mezobasic and Regosoils offer a tantalizing glimpse into the region's geological history. Their unique mineral composition imparts a distinctiveness to the wines, infusing them with a subtle complexity that captivates the palate. Here, amidst the rocky terrain, the vines weave their roots through layers of ancient soil, drawing upon the richness of the land to craft wines of unparalleled finesse and elegance.
  4. Reddish-Brown Soils:Descending to the terraces, one encounters the Reddish-Brown soils, characterized by their rich concentration of iron oxides. Beneath the sun's golden gaze, these soils shimmer with a reddish hue, a testament to their mineral wealth. It is here, amidst the gently sloping landscapes, that red wine grape varieties find their home, flourishing in the embrace of soils rich in nutrients and vitality.

Each soil type, with its unique composition and properties, serves as a silent architect of flavor, shaping the character and quality of wines produced in the Muntenia-Oltenia region. From the fertile plains to the rocky slopes, the land speaks through the vines, weaving a narrative of terroir and tradition that is as timeless as it is profound.


The Muntenia-Oltenia wine region in the south west of Romania is rich in viticultural diversity, showcasing a wide array of grape varieties each with unique agricultural and climatic requirements. These varieties contribute to the region's reputation for producing wines of exceptional quality and complexity. From international grape varieties like Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Pinot Gris to indigenous Romanian varieties such as Fetească Neagră and Tămâioasă Românească, the interplay of soil, climate, and vineyard practices shape the distinctive character of each vine. 

  1. Cabernet Sauvignon: Renowned for its robust character and remarkable versatility, Cabernet Sauvignon is a grape that flourishes across a spectrum of climates, although it particularly revels in warmer temperatures conducive to its full ripening. This esteemed varietal finds its prime expression in well-drained soils, such as those gracing the elevated slopes of Muntenia-Oltenia, where deep-rooted growth thrives, nurturing vine health to its optimum.
  2. Merlot: Embraced for its adaptability and velvety allure, Merlot flourishes under the gentle caress of slightly cooler yet still warm climatic conditions, which are essential for the development of its distinctive characteristics. It finds solace in fertile soils, rich in clay and limestone, which adeptly retain moisture, thus aiding in the early ripening stages crucial for its nuanced flavor profile.
  3. Pinot Noir: The enigmatic Pinot Noir, notorious for its finicky temperament, unfurls its splendor in cooler climates, where limestone-rich, well-drained soils serve as its nurturing bed. Meticulous vineyard management is imperative for this delicate grape, with its thin skin and heightened susceptibility to diseases, ensuring that its potential for excellence is realized.
  4. Fetească Neagră: Embodying the spirit of indigenous excellence, Fetească Neagră thrives under the embrace of warmer climates, basking in ample sunlight. Its adaptability extends across various soil types, yet it displays a penchant for sandy soils, which act as benevolent moderators, regulating water retention and temperature for optimal growth and maturation.
  5. Novac: The resilient Novac, a jewel of Romanian viticulture, finds its niche in moderate to warm climates, where well-aerated, loamy soils provide the ideal canvas for its expression. Its remarkable adaptability underscores its versatility, as it gracefully adapts to diverse vineyard conditions, embodying the essence of its homeland.
  6. Black of Drăgășani: This native romanian grape variety thrives in warmth, flourishing in soils rich in minerals that nourish its growth and intensify its fruit concentration. Its preference for well-drained soils is mirrored in the depth and richness of its character, a testament to its symbiotic relationship with its terroir.
  7. Fetească Regală: Delicately poised in its elegance, the white grape variety Fetească Regală finds its muse in cooler climates that preserve its innate acidity and freshness. Its true potential is realized in soils with impeccable drainage, characterized by a harmonious blend of clay and limestone, imparting finesse to its expression.
  8. Fetească Albă: Nurtured amidst cooler climes, the Fetească Albă grape thrives in a delicate equilibrium of sunlight and moisture. Its affinity for clayey soils, adept at retaining water without succumbing to saturation, ensures a nurturing environment conducive to its graceful evolution.
  9. Welschriesling: A varietal of versatile temperament, Welschriesling finds solace in a myriad of climatic conditions, yet it thrives in cooler climates and lofty altitudes. Well-drained soils, enriched with minerals, foster healthy vine growth and the development of luscious fruit, echoing the symphony of its origins.
  10. Tămâioasă Românească: The aromatic allure of Tămâioasă Românească unfolds in the embrace of warm, sun-kissed climates, where sandy soils provide the perfect stage for its aromatic symphony. Reflective and retentive, these soils maintain consistent temperatures, nurturing the full spectrum of its aromatic potential.
  11. Romanian Tămâioasă: Echoing its cousin, the Romanian Tămâioasă thrives under the warm embrace of sunny conditions, finding resonance in well-drained sandy soils that cradle its roots, fostering ripeness and flavor concentration. Its journey towards excellence is marked by a symbiotic dance with its terroir.
  12. Sauvignon Blanc: Sauvignon Blanc, renowned for its sensitivity to climate, seeks refuge in cooler environs that preserve its vibrant acidity and aromatic vibrancy. Loamy soils, endowed with excellent drainage capabilities, offer an idyllic haven, ensuring optimal vine vigor without compromising on quality.
  13. Pinot Gris: Preferring the cool whispers of gentle climates, Pinot Gris unfurls its subtle nuances in well-aerated, calcareous soils, where meticulous canopy management orchestrates a delicate dance of sunlight and shade, unveiling its nuanced flavors with grace.
  14. Chardonnay: The chameleon of the viticultural world, Chardonnay reveals its multifaceted charm in cooler climes, where chalky or clay-limestone soils serve as its canvas. Balanced acidity and complex flavor development are nurtured in these ideal conditions, weaving a tapestry of elegance and finesse.
  15. Riesling: Adapted to the crisp embrace of cooler climates, Riesling finds solace in well-drained, fertile soils, enriched with limestone. Its resilience shines in high-altitude vineyards, where temperature fluctuations impart depth and complexity to its character.
  16. Royal Fetească: In the moderate embrace of Muntenia-Oltenia's climates, Royal Fetească finds its throne, reveling in soils rich in minerals and blessed with impeccable drainage. Careful site selection ensures the realization of its regal potential, a testament to its noble heritage.
  17. Grasa of Cotnari: Bearing testament to its preference for cooler, humid climates, Grasa of Cotnari flourishes in rich, loamy soils, where late harvests bring forth nectarous delights. Vigilant vineyard management safeguards against rot, preserving its essence in every luscious drop.

Each grape variety within the Muntenia-Oltenia region contributes its unique characteristics to the wines produced, influenced by the interplay of climate, soil and winemaking techniques from this region.

The Muntenia-Oltenia wine region of Romania, distinguished for its rich viticultural heritage, produces a variety of wines that are as diverse as the landscape itself. This region, benefiting from a temperate-continental climate with cold winters and warm summers, along with a variety of soil types, has become renowned for both its red and white wines. Each wine variety offers a unique aromatic and flavor profile, reflecting the specific terroir from which it originates.

  1. Cabernet Sauvignon: Renowned for its full-bodied allure, Cabernet Sauvignon stands as a paragon of robust structure and depth in the world of red wines. Its opulent nature unfolds in a symphony of dark fruits, with blackberries and plums taking center stage, their richness punctuated by subtle undertones of tobacco, vanilla, and a whisper of green pepper, a testament to the meticulous oak aging process that bestows upon it layers of complexity and refinement.
  2. Merlot: Hailing from the esteemed vineyards of Muntenia-Oltenia, Merlot exudes a softer, more rounded demeanor compared to its Cabernet Sauvignon counterparts. The velvety texture of these red wines envelops the palate with flavors of ripe red fruits, where cherries and raspberries dance harmoniously, intertwined with nuances of cocoa and spices, crafting an ensemble that is both approachable and delightfully complex.
  3. Pinot Noir: The delicate charm of Pinot Noir finds its purest expression in this region, where it reigns supreme among red wines. A nuanced aromatic profile unfolds, offering a bouquet reminiscent of freshly picked red berries and cherries, underscored by an earthy whisper evoking the enchanting essence of the forest floor. Silky tannins and elegant structure define these wines, inviting admiration for their grace and finesse.
  4. Fetească Neagră: An emblem of indigenous excellence, Fetească Neagră yields red wines of profound depth and intensity, showcasing a luscious tapestry of juicy black fruits and a medley of black pepper and spicy, oaky nuances. Its affinity for oak aging is reflected in its richly flavored profile, where each sip offers a journey through layers of complexity and intrigue, a true homage to its heritage.
  5. Novac: Proudly bearing the stamp of Romania's viticultural heritage, Novac wines captivate with their medium body and a palate that harmoniously merges red fruit flavors with subtle herbal and spicy notes. Balanced yet distinctive, each sip of this red wine reveals a unique narrative, a testament to the grape's ability to weave a tale of tradition and innovation on the palate.
  6. Tămâioasă Românească: Celebrated for its aromatic prowess, Tămâioasă Românească enchants with a floral and honeyed bouquet that beckons the senses. Ripe peaches and apricots mingle with a hint of spice, offering a tantalizing array of flavors that range from dry to sweet, showcasing the remarkable versatility inherent in this esteemed white wine.
  7. Fetească Regală: Another jewel in the crown of Romanian viticulture, Fetească Regală unveils wines that are fresh and vivacious, their floral aroma dancing in harmony with vibrant citrus and crisp green apple flavors. Refreshing and invigorating, it stands as a testament to the timeless appeal of indigenous varietals in crafting wines fit for any occasion.
  8. Fetească Albă: Embodying the essence of tradition, Fetească Albă captivates with its light body and crisp acidity, offering a delicate bouquet redolent of white flowers and green apples, with subtle hints of honey adding depth to its charm. It stands as a testament to the white winemaking prowess of the region, a beacon of elegance and refinement.
  9. Welschriesling: Known locally as Riesling Italico, this wine beckons with a vibrant acidity that dances on the palate, balanced by flavors of green apple, citrus fruits, and a mineral complexity that speaks to its terroir. Crisp and refreshing, it embodies the essence of sought-after white wines, offering a tantalizing glimpse into the rich tapestry of flavors awaiting exploration.

Each wine from the Muntenia-Oltenia region tells a story of its unique wine making heritage, climate, and soil, offering a diverse palette of flavors and aromas that cater to a wide range of tastes and preferences. These wines not only reflect the rich viticultural tradition of Romania but also its dynamic present and promising future in the global wine scene.


200-500 m


642 mm


top varietal

Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Pinot Noir, Fetească Neagră, Novac, Black of Drăgășani, Fetească Regală, Fetească Albă, Welschriesling, Tămâioasă Românească, Romanian Tămâioasă, Sauvignon, Grey Pinot, Chardonnay, Italian Riesling, Royal Fetească, and Grasa of Cotnari

History of wine

The Muntenia-Oltenia wine region, nestled in the picturesque southern landscapes of Romania, stands as a testament to the enduring legacy of winemaking that has flourished here since ancient times. Steeped in history and tradition, this area traces its viticultural roots back to the dawn of civilization, where it formed a vital part of the historical regions of Wallachia, an epicenter of cultural exchange and innovation.

Over the centuries, this fertile land has been shaped by a tapestry of cultures and civilizations, each leaving their indelible mark on its viticultural landscape. From the indigenous Dacians, who tended to grapevines long before the Roman conquest, to the Romans who further refined and expanded the region's viticulture, Muntenia-Oltenia has been a crucible of vinicultural evolution.

Throughout the Middle Ages, winemaking thrived under the benevolent patronage of monasteries and the nobility, weaving itself into the fabric of daily life and celebrations. The region's strategic positioning, coupled with its favorable climate characterized by temperate winters and sun-drenched summers, provided an ideal milieu for cultivating an array of grape varieties, each expressing the unique terroir of the land.

The 19th and early 20th centuries ushered in both challenges and opportunities for the Romanian wine industry. Amidst modernization efforts marked by the establishment of viticultural schools and research stations, a concerted push to elevate wine quality and refine vineyard management techniques took center stage.

The tumultuous era of communism brought with it collectivization and a shift towards quantity over quality in wine production. However, with the dawn of a new era following the fall of communism in 1989, the Romanian wine industry experienced a renaissance. Renewed emphasis was placed on quality, alongside a resurgence of interest in traditional grape varieties and the integration of modern winemaking technologies.

Today, the Muntenia-Oltenia region stands as a beacon of diversity in wine production, boasting a rich tapestry of both red and white wines. From the indigenous allure of Fetească Neagră and Tămâioasă Românească to the international allure of renowned varietals, the region's winemakers remain steadfast in their commitment to honoring the unique terroir of their vineyards while meeting the discerning tastes of contemporary wine enthusiasts. With each bottle uncorked, Muntenia-Oltenia invites wine lovers on a journey through time, where ancient traditions blend seamlessly with modern craftsmanship, yielding wines of unparalleled character and distinction.


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