

48°24' N


15°36' E




about this subregion

Nestled in the verdant heart of Austria, the Kremstal wine region unfolds as a pristine canvas of viniculture magic, painting a vibrant picture of lush vineyards coursing through its dynamic terrain. Situated along the banks of the Krems River, this region boasts a distinctive environment that harmoniously melds the cool, inviting winds from the Waldviertel plateau with the warm, embracing Danube Valley sun, fostering a terroir uniquely suited for grape cultivation.

The Kremstal's climate cradles its vineyards with tender oscillations of temperature, creating an atmospheric symphony that sings the songs of ripe, aromatic grapes. Here, the soils, a tapestry of loess and primary rock, whisper the ancient tales of the land, imbuing the vines with a mineral richness.

The region is famed for its diligent nurturing of Grüner Veltliner and Riesling grape varieties. Grüner Veltliner, the Austrian signature grape, revels in Kremstal’s terroir, delivering wines with robust body, peppery nuances, and tantalizing notes of green apple and citrus. This variety forms a sensual experience in the mouth, with its high acidity and pronounced minerality.

Riesling, the other crown jewel of Kremstal, thrives under the sun-kissed skies, producing wines that are remarkably vibrant and finessed. These wines carry the fragrance of summer blossoms and tropical fruits, with an underlying mineral edge, embodying the very soul of the Kremstal terroir.

With its enchanting environment and illustrious grape varieties, the Kremstal wine region stands as a testament to Austria's wine-producing prowess, offering the world a sip of its liquid gold with every bottle that springs forth from its fertile soils.



Vineyard Hectares



1400 - 1600


Discover Terroir

Located in Niederösterreich, the Kremstal wine region stretches along the illustrious Danube River, offering a breathtaking panorama of viticultural beauty. The landscape is a delightful amalgamation of gently rolling hills, verdant vineyards, and historical charm, weaving a tapestry that is both picturesque and fertile, making it ideal for the cultivation of its renowned grape varieties.

Situated to the east of the famous Wachau region, Kremstal boasts a unique topography that seamlessly transitions from the steep, terraced vineyards found in the west to the flatter, more expansive plains in the east. This diverse terrain creates a mosaic of microclimates and soil types, each imparting different qualities to the grapes grown here.

The northern part of the region, closer to the Danube River, presents a series of south-facing slopes, bathed in sunlight, where vineyards bask under the warm glow, absorbing the radiant energy essential for ripening. These slopes gradually give way to the majestic river itself, a vital presence in the landscape, serving not only as a visual spectacle but also as a climatic moderator, helping to mitigate temperature extremes.

Kremstal's vineyards are predominantly perched on hillsides with varying degrees of steepness. The undulating hills provide an effective drainage system for the vines, ensuring that they are not waterlogged during wet seasons while also exposing them to ample sunlight. Here, the vineyards are intricately terraced, a testament to generations of winemakers who have skillfully navigated the challenging topography to cultivate their precious vines.

Below these elevated vine-clad terraces, the valleys broaden, revealing flatter lands that are equally fertile and hospitable to viticulture. These lower vineyards often have deeper soils, providing a different set of characteristics to the wines originating from these plots.

The soils in Kremstal are as varied as the landscape itself. From the weathered primary rock and the deep loess found on the hills to the alluvial deposits in the valleys, the region offers a geological palette that contributes to the diverse and distinctive profiles of its wines.

Interspersed within this vinous landscape are charming towns and villages, each steeped in history and tradition. These settlements, with their cobblestone streets and ancient architecture, add a cultural dimension to the landscape, providing a glimpse into the centuries-old winemaking heritage of Kremstal.

Overall, the Kremstal region paints a landscape that is both visually captivating and viticulturally significant. Every hill, every terrace, and every plain tells a story of a land dedicated to producing wines of exceptional quality and character, making Kremstal a jewel in Austria’s winemaking crown.

Situated in Lower Austria, the Kremstal region's climate is favorable for vine cultivation and wine production, characterized by a balance between continental and Pannonian influences. The region experiences cold but not severe winters, providing vines with a necessary dormancy period without causing significant damage.

Spring in Kremstal sees a gradual increase in temperatures, promoting vine awakening and growth. However, there's a risk of late frosts that can affect the emerging vines. Summer in the region is characterized by extended, sunny days and warm temperatures, creating an environment conducive to grape development. The cool nights typical of Kremstal's climate help grapes retain acidity, resulting in wines with a balanced and rich flavor profile. This diurnal temperature variation is essential for producing wines with fruity characteristics, acidity for structure, and potential for aging.

Autumn offers mild days and cool nights, with grapes reaching optimal ripeness, characterized by high sugar content and aromatic complexity. The climate during this season is dry and stable, allowing wine producers to precisely time the harvest. Kremstal receives moderate, well-distributed precipitation throughout the year, providing adequate hydration to vines without promoting diseases or diluting grape flavors. The Danube River acts as a thermal buffer, contributing to a mesoclimate favorable for viticulture.

In Kremstal, the climate plays an integral role in wine production, with each season influencing the vines and grapes, and ultimately the character of the wine. The combination of sun, rain, wind, and the Danube River creates conditions where vines thrive, producing unique and expressive wines reflective of the region's climate.

The Kremstal wine region in Austria flaunts a mosaic of soils, each with its own tale to narrate, contributing to the distinctive characters of the wines born here. The soil types, diverse and complex, play a pivotal role in the creation of wines with profound depth and various flavor profiles.

  1. Loess Soils: Loess, a prevalent soil type in Kremstal, is a wind-deposited sediment that is light and porous, providing excellent drainage. Its ability to retain water makes it an ideal medium for cultivating the celebrated Grüner Veltliner grapes. This soil imparts a creamy texture and an unmistakable fruitiness to the wines, making them stand out for their approachability and charm.
  2. Primary Rock Soils: Also known as Urgestein, primary rock soils mainly comprise ancient crystalline and schist formations. These soils are inherently mineral-rich, lending the wines a characteristic minerality and finesse. Rieslings cultivated in primary rock soils are known for their vibrancy, expressing intense citrus and stone fruit notes along with a delicate mineral undertone.
  3. Danube Gravels: Close to the mighty Danube River, vineyards encounter deep layers of gravel. These gravel beds provide excellent water drainage, creating a challenging environment that encourages the vines to develop deep root systems. Wines from these soils often exhibit a robust structure and complexity, mirroring the resilience and depth of the vines themselves.
  4. Clay Soils: The presence of heavier clay soils in parts of Kremstal provides a conducive environment for various grape varieties. Clay retains water effectively, offering a consistent source of moisture to the vines. Wines grown in clay tend to have a fuller body and exhibit darker fruit flavors, providing a counterbalance to the high acidity typically found in the region’s wines.


Grüner Veltliner (58.9%) and Riesling (10.7%) grapes, with their distinctive physical attributes, are the quintessential bearers of Kremstal’s viticultural identity on the white side with Zweigelt (11.5%) as the dominant red grape varietal.

  1. Grüner Veltliner: Grüner Veltliner grapes are typically small to medium-sized with a round shape, presenting a greenish-yellow hue when ripe. Grüner Veltliner thrives in various soil types but shows a particular affinity for loess soils, which are abundant in the Kremstal region. This grape variety demands meticulous canopy management to ensure adequate sunlight exposure and air circulation, which are critical for preventing diseases and promoting even ripening. With a relatively early budding phase, Grüner Veltliner is somewhat susceptible to spring frosts; therefore, site selection that minimizes this risk is essential. While it’s generally resistant to many vine diseases, careful monitoring and management practices are required to maintain healthy, productive vines. The climate in Kremstal, with its warm days and cool nights during the growing season, provides the ideal conditions for the slow, steady development of Grüner Veltliner grapes, allowing them to achieve optimal ripeness while retaining their characteristic acidity.
  2. Riesling: Riesling grapes are also of a similar size but are recognized for their elongated form and a golden-yellow color at maturity, often accompanied by a slight pinkish tinge. Riesling vines, in contrast, have specific soil requirements, flourishing best on primary rock soils abundant in the steep terraced vineyards of Kremstal. These soils offer excellent drainage, a crucial factor for this variety which is sensitive to excessive moisture. Riesling buds late and thus escapes the threat of spring frost, but it also ripens late, necessitating a long growing season to reach full maturity. The grape is relatively hardy but does require careful management to prevent diseases like botrytis bunch rot, especially in wetter conditions. Kremstal’s climate, marked by significant diurnal temperature variations and a lengthy, sunny autumn, offers Riesling the extended, temperate growing season it requires, allowing the grapes to develop concentrated flavors while maintaining a balanced acidity.
  3. Zweigelt: In Kremstal, Austria, the Zweigelt grape variety flourishes, producing grapes integral for crafting distinctive wines. This grape, adaptable and resilient, thrives in the region’s varied soils, yielding a harvest rich in potential for creating wines with unique characteristics and profiles.

Note: The % numbers are from the 2021 Austrian Wine Statistics Report and represent the relative percentage of the varietal expressed as a percentage of the total area under vine.

Kremstal wines offer a scintillating experience to the senses, weaving a delightful array of flavors and aromas. They are known for their vibrant acidity, well-structured body, and clarity of flavor. Visually, these wines paint a kaleidoscope of colors in the glass, from the pale, straw-like hues of youthful wines to the deeper, more intense gold of the aged, embodying the sunlit valleys and gentle slopes of the Kremstal region itself.

  1. Grüner Veltliner: The wine made from Grüner Veltliner grapes showcases a spectrum of aromas that can range from fresh green apple and citrus fruits to ripe pear and tropical fruits in warmer vintages. Its signature note is often a characteristic white pepper spice, lending it a unique and recognizable profile. Depending on the terroir and vinification, it can also express subtle hints of herbs, green beans, and field greens, providing a fascinating complexity and depth to explore.
  2. Riesling: Kremstal Riesling is renowned for its intoxicating aromatic profile, bursting with the scents of juicy peaches, apricots, and ripe citrus fruits, often with an undercurrent of delicate floral notes like rose and elderflower. The palate is greeted with a harmonious balance of sweetness and acidity, with the fruit flavors being prominent and the minerality providing a crisp, refreshing finish. Over time, aged Riesling may develop petrol or kerosene notes, which are highly prized by connoisseurs.
  3. Zweigelt: Zweigelt wines from Kremstal are known for their bright, fruit-forward character, with pronounced notes of cherry and soft tannins. These wines, with their accessible profile and balanced acidity, offer a delightful experience for both casual drinkers and wine aficionados alike.
  4. Weissburgunder (Pinot Blanc): Weissburgunder (Weißer Burgunder) wines are appreciated for their discreet yet captivating nose, featuring gentle whispers of green apple, pear, and citrus, sometimes accompanied by a soft almond nuance. The palate is treated to a creamy, full-bodied experience, with the fruit flavors being forward but not overpowering, creating an elegant and harmonious drinking experience.
  5. Chardonnay (Morillon): The Chardonnay of Kremstal often exudes aromas of ripe apples, pears, and a touch of tropical fruits like pineapple or banana. Depending on the winemaking process, it may also carry hints of vanilla, butter, or toasted bread, contributing to a rich and sophisticated aromatic tapestry. The flavor profile mirrors the nose, presenting a balance between fruitiness and acidity with an often creamy or even buttery texture.