Fraser Valley

Fraser Valley

49° 06' N


122° 17' W




about this subregion

Nestled near Vancouver, British Columbia's largest city, the Fraser Valley wine region boasts a distinctive terroir perfectly suited for the cultivation of early-ripening grape varieties. This idyllic wine-producing area benefits from a temperate climate, shaped by the proximity of the Pacific Ocean, and a consistent, year-round moderation of temperatures. However, what truly sets the Fraser Valley apart is its higher-than-average levels of rainfall, which lend a unique character to its wines.

The majority of the region's wineries are situated in the Lower Mainland, a bustling hub with a population of 2.8 million residents, representing a significant 66% of British Columbia's population. This close proximity to a major urban center makes the Fraser Valley a prime destination for wine enthusiasts and travelers seeking to explore its exceptional terroir.

The Fraser Valley's wines are a reflection of the region's extraordinary environment. The cool climate and abundant rainfall create ideal conditions for the cultivation of grapes that thrive in these conditions. As a result, visitors to the Fraser Valley can savor wines that showcase the distinct flavors and nuances that only this unique terroir can produce.

With a captivating combination of natural beauty, proximity to a vibrant city, and exceptional grape varieties, the Fraser Valley wine region invites wine lovers to embark on a delightful journey of exploration, where every glass tells the story of this remarkable corner of British Columbia.



Vineyard Hectares





Discover Terroir

In the southern part of British Columbia, Canada, lies the delightful Fraser Valley wine region. It's nestled within the broader embrace of the Fraser Valley, which gracefully stretches alongside the picturesque Fraser River. Picture it as being east of vibrant Vancouver and west of the majestic Cascade Mountain Range. Surrounding it are other notable wine regions in British Columbia, such as Vancouver Island, the Gulf Islands, and the renowned Okanagan Valley. Each of these neighboring areas brings its own distinct wine styles and flavors to enrich British Columbia's vibrant wine culture.

The Fraser Valley has gained acclaim for its thriving agricultural scene, with a special focus on vineyards and wineries. The region's moderate climate and fertile soils create an ideal setting for growing grapes and crafting exceptional wines. In this region, the Wines of British Columbia association and the British Columbia Grape Growers Association are dedicated advocates for the vineyards, tirelessly promoting the remarkable wine and grape growers in the region.

When it comes to ensuring the quality and authenticity of Fraser Valley wines, the British Columbia Wine Authority takes center stage. They serve as the guardians of quality, guaranteeing that the wines produced in this region meet stringent standards and faithfully reflect the unique character of the area.

The Fraser Valley in Southwest British Columbia is graced with a climate that beautifully oscillates between extremes, creating an ideal setting for vineyards. Picture the summer months here: the valley basks in warmth, with temperatures at times hitting an impressive 43.7°C (110.7°F), perfect for nurturing grapes under the sun's radiant energy. Yet, as winter arrives, the scene shifts drastically. The nights become cool, occasionally reaching just 0.4°C (32.7°F), and can even drop to a sharp −26.7°C (−16.1°F). This stark contrast from the hot summers to the frosty winters is what sets the valley apart, allowing a diverse array of grape varieties to flourish in their unique environments.

As the year progresses, the temperature in the valley subtly transitions. Starting with a mild chill in the early months, average highs are around 6.1°C (43.0°F), which gently rise to a more inviting 25.3°C (77.5°F) by August. This gradual increase in temperature is crucial for the grapes, aiding in the development of their rich, full-bodied flavors.

Moreover, rainfall is a key element in the Fraser Valley's climate. The region receives approximately 1,667.5 mm (65.65 inches) of rain annually, with November often being the wettest month. This consistent rainfall is vital for the vineyards, providing the vines with essential hydration and nutrients. This combination of temperate climate and regular rainfall fosters a prime environment for vine growth, infusing Fraser Valley wines with their distinctive and alluring character. In this lush and dynamic region, each wine is a reflection of the valley's natural rhythm and its balanced interplay of the elements.

The Fraser Valley, a fertile region in British Columbia, Canada, is distinguished by a unique combination of soil types, each contributing to the area's rich agricultural landscape. These soils vary in composition, texture, and suitability for different types of farming and vegetation.

  1. Coarse Rock, Gravel, and Sand: Found throughout the Fraser Valley, these soils are remnants of the region's glacial and alluvial history, offering a mix that supports various plant life.
  2. Loam: A balanced blend of sand, silt, and clay, loam in the Fraser Valley is ideal for growing a wide array of crops, making it a cornerstone of the region's agricultural success.
  3. Sandy Soil: This gritty, quick-draining soil is prevalent in the area, posing unique challenges and benefits for farming, depending on crop needs.
  4. Clay: With its small particles and high moisture retention, clay soil in the Fraser Valley requires careful management to optimize its benefits for certain types of agriculture.
  5. Gleysols: Predominant in low-lying areas, Gleysols are formed on various parent materials and are known for their agricultural productivity, supporting a range of crops and key industries like dairy and poultry.

Each of these soil types plays a pivotal role in shaping the agricultural and ecological character of the Fraser Valley, supporting its reputation as a diverse and productive agricultural region.


Moving into the heart of Fraser Valley's viticulture, we delve into the specific grape varieties that have found a welcoming home in this fertile subregion. This area, known for its diverse climatic conditions and rich soil types, supports a range of grape varieties, each with unique agricultural and climatic needs. Let's explore the most planted grapes here, focusing on their general agricultural and climatic requirements, which contribute significantly to their successful cultivation.

  1. Pinot Noir: As the most planted red grape in the Fraser Valley, Pinot Noir thrives in cooler climates. It prefers well-drained, loamy soils and is sensitive to both extreme heat and cold, requiring a delicate balance in temperature. This grape is known for its thin skin and susceptibility to various vineyard diseases, making vigilant vineyard management essential. The climatic conditions must provide a long growing season with moderate temperatures, as Pinot Noir buds early and is at risk from spring frosts.
  2. Pinot Gris: Pinot Gris, a leading white grape variety in the Fraser Valley, adapts well to a variety of soil types, though it particularly flourishes in mineral-rich, well-drained soils. This variety demands moderate climates, avoiding the extremes of too much heat or cold. It's essential to monitor the vine's vigor, as over-vigorous growth can lead to diluted flavors in the grapes. Pinot Gris requires careful canopy management to ensure adequate sunlight and air circulation.
  3. Chardonnay: Chardonnay is versatile and resilient, capable of adapting to a range of soil types, though it shows a preference for chalky, clayey, or limestone-rich soils. This grape variety can withstand colder climates but needs enough warmth for proper ripening. Chardonnay vines are robust and less susceptible to spring frosts, making them a reliable choice for growers. However, they do require attentive water management to avoid stress on the vines.
  4. Gewürztraminer: Gewürztraminer favors a cooler climate, which helps in preserving its distinct aromatic qualities. It thrives in well-drained soils and is particularly suited to sandy and stony soil types. This grape is prone to diseases and requires careful canopy management to ensure good air circulation. It ripens early and can develop high sugar levels, necessitating precise timing in harvesting to maintain balance in the wine.
  5. Bacchus: Bacchus is well-suited to cooler climates, often thriving in conditions where other varieties might struggle. It prefers well-drained soils, particularly those with a good proportion of sand or gravel. This variety is relatively resistant to common vine diseases and is known for its early ripening, which can be an advantage in regions with shorter growing seasons.
  6. Siegerrebe: Siegerrebe, with its preference for cooler growing conditions, is well-adapted to the Fraser Valley climate. It requires well-drained soils and benefits from being planted in sunnier spots to aid in its ripening process. This grape is somewhat susceptible to disease, so careful vineyard management is crucial. Siegerrebe tends to ripen early and can achieve high sugar levels.
  7. Madeleine Angevine: Madeleine Angevine is a variety that prefers cooler climates and ripens early, making it suitable for regions with shorter growing seasons. It adapts well to a variety of soil types but thrives in well-drained soils. This grape is somewhat resistant to diseases, although it requires careful canopy management for adequate sun exposure and air circulation.
  8. Reichensteiner: Reichensteiner is adaptable to a range of climatic conditions, but it particularly flourishes in cooler climates. It prefers well-drained soils, with a slight preference for clay and loam. This variety is known for its moderate growth vigor and is relatively resistant to common vine diseases. Reichensteiner ripens mid-season and requires careful monitoring to achieve the desired balance of acidity and sugar levels in the grapes.

Each of these varieties contributes to the unique tapestry of winemaking in the Fraser Valley, bringing their distinct characteristics to the forefront under the region's nurturing conditions.

In the picturesque Fraser Valley, the art of winemaking reaches new heights, capturing the essence of the region's diverse terroir in each bottle. The wines produced here are renowned for their distinct aromatic and flavor profiles, reflecting the unique climatic and geographical influences of the area. Let's indulge in a sensory journey through the most common wines from the Fraser Valley, focusing solely on their aromatic and flavor characteristics.

  1. Pinot Noir: The Pinot Noir from Fraser Valley is celebrated for its sophisticated and complex profile. Aromatically, it often presents layers of ripe red fruits like cherries and raspberries, intertwined with subtle earthy tones and a hint of spice. On the palate, these wines exhibit a delicate balance of fruitiness and earthiness, with a silky texture and a lingering finish that often reveals a touch of oak and soft tannins.
  2. Pinot Gris: Fraser Valley's Pinot Gris typically features a vibrant aromatic bouquet characterized by fresh pear, apple, and citrus notes, sometimes with a delicate floral undertone. Flavor-wise, these wines are crisp and refreshing, offering a harmonious blend of fruitiness with a hint of minerality, often leaving a pleasant, lingering aftertaste that balances acidity and sweetness.
  3. Chardonnay: The Chardonnay from this region often showcases a rich and varied aromatic profile, ranging from tropical fruits like pineapple and mango to classic notes of green apple and citrus. On the palate, these wines can range from lean and crisp to rich and buttery, often influenced by the use of oak. They typically possess a well-rounded body with a lingering finish that might include hints of vanilla and toasted almond.
  4. Gewürztraminer: Gewürztraminer from the Fraser Valley is known for its bold and exotic aromatic presence, dominated by lychee, rose petal, and hints of spice like ginger and clove. Flavor-wise, these wines are often lush and full-bodied, with a palate that echoes the aromatic complexity. They typically balance their pronounced sweetness with a refreshing acidity, creating a long, satisfying finish.
  5. Bacchus: The Bacchus wines of this region are admired for their aromatic intensity, often featuring a blend of floral notes, green fruits like apple and gooseberry, and a hint of herbal quality. On tasting, these wines are light and crisp, with a vibrant acidity that highlights their fruit-forward nature, leading to a refreshingly clean finish.
  6. Siegerrebe: Siegerrebe wines are distinguished by their highly aromatic profile, filled with intense floral scents and ripe stone fruits, particularly apricot and peach, complemented by a spicy touch. The palate of these wines is often rich and slightly off-dry, balancing the intense aromatics with a lush, smooth texture and a lasting finish.
  7. Madeleine Angevine: Madeleine Angevine wines are characterized by their delicate and fresh aromatic qualities, showcasing notes of melon, pear, and a subtle floral essence. These wines are typically light and crisp on the palate, offering a refreshing and straightforward flavor profile with a clean, invigorating finish.
  8. Reichensteiner: Reichensteiner wines from the Fraser Valley are known for their subtle and nuanced aromatic profile, often presenting gentle hints of apple, pear, and a light floral touch. Flavor-wise, these wines are balanced and medium-bodied, with a palate that mirrors the aromatics and concludes with a smooth, well-rounded finish.

Each of these wines represents the Fraser Valley's capacity to produce varietals that are not only distinct in taste but also reflective of the region's unique climatic and geographical character, offering a true taste of the valley in every glass.
