Emilia IGP

Emilia IGP







about this subregion

Nestled in the northern expanses of Italy lies Emilia IGP. It encompasses vast swathes of territories, including Ferrara, Modena, Parma, Piacenza, Reggio Emilia, and portions of Bologna. Emilia IGP boasts a unique climatic profile that melds continental and Mediterranean influences. This harmonious blend of climates breathes life into the region's rolling vineyards, allowing them to flourish amidst the gentle embrace of the Italian sun.

At the heart of Emilia's viticultural identity are its flagship grape varieties: Lambrusco and Sangiovese. The effervescent Lambrusco, with its deep ruby hue, has carved a niche for itself on the global wine stage. Native to Emilia, this grape variety thrives in the region's diverse soil matrix, drawing from the land's rich mineral essence to produce wines bursting with character and complexity.

Sangiovese, a grape renowned for its versatility and depth, finds a perfect canvas in Emilia's terroir. Here, the variety benefits from the balanced interplay of warm days and cool nights, resulting in wines that resonate with structure, elegance, and a distinct expression of fruit.

Emilia IGP is not just a wine-producing region; it's a living testament to Italy's rich winemaking heritage. With every bottle that emerges from its cellars, there's a story, a legacy, and a promise – a promise of authenticity, quality, and the indomitable spirit of Emilian winemaking.


vinerra illustration

Vineyard Hectares



1400 - 2000


Discover Terroir

Emilia IGP, situated within the heart of Emilia Romagna, offers a picturesque representation of Italy's diverse and captivating landscape. As you traverse the region, you'll find yourself enveloped by a tapestry of gently rolling hills, verdant plains, and meticulously curated vineyards that stretch as far as the eye can see.

The region is bounded by the natural embrace of the Apennine Mountains to the south, creating a dramatic backdrop that contrasts beautifully with the undulating vineyard terrains. These mountains also play a pivotal role in shaping the region's microclimate, acting as a barrier and modulator of the breezes that come from the Tyrrhenian Sea.

Moving northwards, the landscape subtly shifts, transitioning from the hilly contours to the expansive plains of the Po Valley. This fertile plain, fed by the meandering Po River, is a patchwork of agricultural fields, interspersed with ancient hamlets and rustic farmhouses. The richness of the soil here is evident in the lush greenery that dominates the view, a testament to the region's agrarian heritage.

Throughout Emilia IGP, the vineyards are a dominant and defining feature. Rows upon rows of grapevines, meticulously aligned, rise and fall with the natural topography. Depending on the season, they either glow with the fresh green of spring or shimmer in the golden hues of autumn. Dotting these vineyards are occasional clusters of cypress and pine trees, standing tall and adding another layer of depth to this mesmerizing landscape.

Emilia IGP is not just a wine-producing region; it is a symphony of nature's finest elements, harmoniously blending together to create a landscape that is as enchanting as the wines it produces.

The climate within the Emilia IGP is a harmonious blend of influences, a marriage of the Mediterranean warmth with the tempered continental characteristics of northern Italy. This melding shapes a viticultural environment that is as dynamic as it is nurturing, setting the stage for a rich diversity of wine styles that the region is celebrated for.

The summers are typically warm, bathed in abundant sunlight that ensures the grapes achieve optimal ripeness. However, it is not just the warmth of the sun that defines these months but also the consistency of the temperatures. The days are long and sunlit, while the nights bring a gentle, cooling respite. This diurnal temperature variation is crucial for grapes, as it aids in retaining their natural acidity, ensuring wines that are both rich and balanced.

Winters, in contrast, are cooler, with the Apennine Mountains to the south occasionally donning a snow-capped mantle. These mountains not only paint a picturesque winter scene but also play a crucial role in moderating the climatic influences. Acting as a shield, they temper the colder northern winds, while also funneling the milder breezes from the Tyrrhenian Sea, ensuring the vineyards are neither too cold in winter nor excessively hot in summer.

Rainfall is distributed fairly evenly throughout the year, with spring and autumn witnessing slightly more precipitation. This rainfall, although essential for the vines, is also moderated by the region's topography. The rolling hills and plains ensure adequate drainage, preventing waterlogged soils and promoting vine health.

Lastly, the prevailing winds, especially those wafting from the sea, bring more than just temperature modulation. They usher in a freshness, a vitality that permeates the vineyards, aiding in the prevention of vine diseases and ensuring grapes that are healthy and robust.

In essence, the climate of Emilia IGP is a dance of elements – sun, wind, rain, and earth – all choreographed in a rhythm that brings out the best in the grapes, crafting wines that are as expressive of the land as they are of the skies above.

Given the large size of the IGP, the soils within the Emilia IGP region are as varied as they are rich, each contributing a unique character to the wines born from them. This array of soil types is a testament to the region's diverse geological history, shaped over millennia by the forces of nature.

  1. Alluvial Soils: Predominantly found in the plains towards the northern stretches of the Emilia IGP, these soils have been deposited over centuries by the Po River and its tributaries. Composed of a mix of sand, silt, and clay, they are rich in minerals and often quite deep. Their fine texture allows for good water retention, ensuring that vines have access to consistent moisture, vital for steady growth.
  2. Calcareous Clay: The rolling hills, especially those closer to the Apennine Mountains, are characterized by this soil type. A result of ancient marine sedimentation, these soils are a blend of limestone and clay. While they provide excellent drainage due to their stony structure, their alkaline nature also aids in maintaining vine vigor and imparts a certain minerality to the wines.
  3. Sandy Soils: Pockets of sandy soils are dispersed throughout the region. These soils offer excellent drainage, ensuring that vines are not waterlogged. While they tend to be less fertile than other soil types, this very limitation can stress the vines just enough to produce grapes with intensified flavors and aromas.
  4. Loamy Soils: A balanced mix of sand, silt, and clay, loamy soils combine the best of all soil types. They provide good water retention while ensuring adequate drainage. Rich in organic matter, these soils can often be found in areas where vineyards coexist with other forms of agriculture, attesting to their fertility and versatility.
  5. Gravelly Patches: Scattered across the Emilia IGP, these patches are often found in vineyards with a mixed soil profile. The gravel aids in drainage and reflects sunlight, ensuring even ripening of the grapes. The stony composition can also absorb heat during the day and release it at night, moderating temperature fluctuations.


In the verdant vineyards of Emilia IGP, two grape varieties stand out not just for their winemaking potential but also for their distinctive physical characteristics. Lambrusco, with its deep violet-black hue and compact clusters, contrasts beautifully with the more spherically shaped, deep red berries of Sangiovese. These grapes, emblematic of Emilia's rich viticultural heritage, flourish under specific agricultural and climatic conditions.

  1. Lambrusco: Lambrusco's roots run deep in Emilia, favoring the region's well-drained, calcareous soils. This grape variety prefers moderate temperatures and is quite resilient to the challenges posed by the region's winters. Its thick skin acts as a natural barrier against various fungal diseases, allowing it to thrive even in the more humid microclimates of Emilia. Regular pruning is essential for Lambrusco as it promotes airflow and ensures that the vine's energy is channeled into producing high-quality fruit. The vine's natural vigor needs to be kept in check to prevent overproduction and maintain concentration in the grapes.
  2. Sangiovese: Sangiovese, on the other hand, demands a bit more attention in the vineyard. This grape variety flourishes in Emilia's mixed soils – a blend of clay, limestone, and sand. It relishes the warmth of the Mediterranean sun but is also appreciative of the cool nights that the continental influence brings. These diurnal temperature variations are vital for the slow and even ripening of the grape, preserving its natural acidity and structural integrity. Prone to uneven bud break and flowering, Sangiovese requires careful canopy management and thinning to ensure consistent fruit quality and yield.

The wines from Emilia IGP are an intricate dance of tradition and innovation. Spanning a spectrum of styles and tastes, these wines are crafted from diverse grape varieties, each contributing to the region's rich vinous tapestry. From the delicate whites to the robust reds, each wine has a story, a character, and a unique flavor profile that captures the essence of Emilia's terroir.

  1. Bianco: Characterized by a bouquet of fresh orchard fruits, the Bianco often delivers nuances of crisp green apple, pear, and subtle floral notes. On the palate, its lively acidity complements the fruit-forward flavors, culminating in a refreshing finish.
  2. Chardonnay: Emanating aromas of citrus fruits, ripe melon, and a hint of vanilla, Emilia's Chardonnay offers a rich palate experience with a balanced interplay of fruit and subtle oak influences.
  3. Lambrusco (vinified as white): While typically recognized for its red wines, when vinified as a white, Lambrusco presents a light, spritely aromatic profile featuring green apple, citrus zest, and a hint of white peach.
  4. Rosato: The Rosato is a fragrant affair, bursting with aromas of fresh strawberries, raspberries, and a touch of rose petals, delivering a palate that's both vibrant and delightfully tangy.
  5. Lambrusco (red): This red variant boasts of deep berry notes, dominated by black cherry, plum, and subtle undertones of violets and earth.
  6. Rosso: Emilia's Rosso sings of dark fruits, from blackberries to currants, intertwined with nuances of tobacco and spice, creating a rich tapestry of flavors.
  7. Cabernet & Cabernet Franc & Cabernet Sauvignon: These Cabernet-driven wines are redolent of blackcurrant, green bell pepper, and graphite, complemented by the warmth of oak and a touch of herbaceousness.
  8. Bianco Spumante: With its effervescent nature, this sparkling white is marked by aromas of lemon zest, green apple, and a hint of brioche, promising a palate that's both zippy and refreshing.
  9. Rosato & Rosso Spumante: The sparkling red and rosé variants captivate with their berry-driven aromas, underscored by notes of fresh bread and a lively, fizzy palate.
  10. Mosto Wines (Bianco, Rosato, Rosso di Uve Parzialmente Fermentato): These partially fermented must wines are a celebration of grape's inherent sweetness, offering a lush aromatic and flavor profile of fresh grapes, combined with the vivacity of young wine.
  11. Bianco & Rosso Passito: The passito wines, crafted by drying the grapes, are a decadent affair. They exude rich aromas of dried fruits, honey, and caramel, enveloping the palate with their intense, sweet flavors.

The Emilia IGP wines are a testament to the region's dedication to quality, tradition, and innovation. Each wine, with its distinct aromatic and flavor profile, is a journey, inviting the drinker to explore the myriad facets of Emilia's vinous offerings.
