Terre di Veleja IGP

Terre di Veleja IGP

44° 55' 00" N


9° 45' 00" E




about this subregion

Nestled within the enchanting embrace of the Emilia-Romagna wine region, Terre di Veleja IGP stands as a testament to Italy's rich winemaking heritage. This hidden gem, located in the picturesque province of Piacenza, boasts a diverse and captivating environment that has nurtured its vineyards for centuries.

The Terre di Veleja IGP is a region of stunning landscapes, where rolling hills and fertile valleys frame the horizon. Vineyards carpet the land, basking in a Mediterranean climate characterized by warm summers and gentle breezes. This terroir, influenced by the nearby Tidone River and the Ligurian Sea, provides the ideal conditions for grape cultivation.

Within this remarkable setting, a harmonious symphony of grape varieties thrives. Barbera, Bonarda, Fortana, Malvasia, and Trebbiano reign as the stars of this viticultural stage. Barbera lends its rich and robust character, while Bonarda offers vibrant fruitiness. Fortana and Malvasia contribute their unique personalities, and Trebbiano adds crispness and balance to the region's wines.

Terre di Veleja IGP's wines reflect not only the land but also the dedication of generations of winemakers. As you explore this enchanting corner of Emilia-Romagna, you'll discover a treasure trove of flavors, each sip a testament to the region's unwavering commitment to winemaking excellence.


vinerra illustration

Vineyard Hectares



2000 - 2300


Discover Terroir

Nestled within the enchanting Emilia-Romagna wine region of Italy, and 150 km away from the Romagna DOC, Terre di Veleja IGP graces a landscape that captivates the soul. This picturesque terroir is a canvas painted with rolling hills and verdant vineyards, offering a breathtaking vista at every turn.

The vineyards of Terre di Veleja IGP are embraced by a gentle undulation of hills, where the vines seem to cascade like emerald waves. These hills not only create a stunning backdrop but also play a crucial role in providing optimal sun exposure and drainage for the vineyards.

As one explores the region, one can't help but be charmed by the patchwork of vineyards, olive groves, and quaint villages that dot the landscape. The vines, meticulously tended to by generations of winemakers, seem to be an integral part of this timeless scenery, weaving their tendrils into the very fabric of the land.

The surrounding countryside, with its abundance of flora and fauna, adds to the region's allure. Fragrant wildflowers, cypress trees, and picturesque woods lend a touch of natural beauty to the landscape. This harmonious blend of vineyards and nature creates a serene atmosphere that invites visitors to immerse themselves in the beauty of Terre di Veleja IGP.

In this captivating landscape, where the land and the vines are intertwined, one can truly appreciate the essence of Terre di Veleja IGP wines. They are not just a product of the region; they are a reflection of its soul and the stunning terroir that breathes life into each bottle.

The climate of Terre di Veleja IGP, nestled within the embrace of the Emilia-Romagna wine region, is a beautifully complex symphony of nature's elements. Here, the vines are nurtured by a climate that is both temperate and dynamic, offering a rich tapestry of conditions for grape cultivation.

Embraced by the warmth of the Mediterranean, Terre di Veleja enjoys long, sun-drenched summers. These sunlit days are a gift to the vines, granting them ample energy to ripen their fruit to perfection. Yet, as the sun sets, the nights bring a coolness that allows the grapes to rest and preserve their essential acidity, a vital component of the region's wines.

The influence of the nearby Ligurian Sea paints this terroir with a maritime charm. Gentle sea breezes dance through the vineyards, bestowing a natural air conditioning effect. This moderates the temperatures, ensuring a gradual ripening process that imparts complexity and finesse to the grapes.

The Apennine Mountains, to the west, stand as protectors of Terre di Veleja. These majestic peaks provide a shield against extreme weather patterns, offering the vines a stable and nurturing environment. They also contribute to the region's unique microclimate, allowing for variations in temperature that lend character to the wines.

Throughout the growing season, Terre di Veleja experiences an optimal balance of rainfall, which is essential for vine health and grape development. The region's soils, a patchwork of types from calcareous to clayey loam, work in harmony with the climate to create an environment where vines thrive.

In this intricate web of climate influences, Terre di Veleja IGP's vines are cared for by skilled winemakers, guided by generations of knowledge. Each element - the sun, the sea, the mountains, and the soil - plays a role in crafting wines that embody the very essence of this remarkable terroir. It's a place where the climate doesn't just shape the grapes; it weaves a narrative that unfolds with every bottle, inviting wine enthusiasts to savor the flavors of Terre di Veleja.

The Terre di Veleja IGP, nestled within the picturesque Emilia-Romagna wine region, is a captivating terroir where winemaking is an art intimately intertwined with the land. At the heart of this artistry lies the region's diverse and intricate soils, each with its own unique story to tell. These soils, akin to the chapters of a compelling novel, form the very foundation upon which Terre di Veleja's grapevines thrive. In this exploration, we delve into the varied soils that define the character of this exceptional wine region, painting a vivid portrait of how they contribute to the creation of wines that embody the essence of Terre di Veleja.

  1. Calcareous Soils: A prominent feature of the Terre di Veleja IGP, calcareous soils are rich in limestone and calcium. These well-draining soils provide an ideal foundation for grapevines, encouraging root development while regulating water retention. Wines grown in calcareous soils often display a distinctive mineral character, contributing to their complexity and structure.
  2. Clayey Loam Soils: Certain areas of Terre di Veleja are graced by clayey loam soils. These soils offer excellent moisture retention, ensuring vines have access to water during drier periods. This attribute results in a slower, more even ripening process, enriching the wines with a rounded mouthfeel and expressive fruit flavors.
  3. Alluvial Soils: Along the banks of the Tidone River and its tributaries, alluvial soils take center stage. Composed of a mix of sand, silt, and clay, these fertile soils owe their existence to the river's ancient deposits. Alluvial soils are known for their fertility and are adept at producing wines that are generous in fruitiness and vibrancy.
  4. Marl Soils: In select pockets of Terre di Veleja IGP, marl soils grace the landscape. Marl, a blend of clay and limestone, offers the unique ability to retain moisture while providing excellent drainage. This balanced combination encourages the development of wines that exhibit both elegance and structure, harmonizing fruit and mineral notes.
  5. Sandstone Soils: In elevated areas, sandstone soils play a crucial role in the terroir. These well-draining soils allow grapevines to delve deep into the earth, accessing a wealth of minerals. This results in wines with distinct depth and complexity, often marked by an intricate interplay of terroir-driven flavors.

The Terre di Veleja IGP boasts a diverse range of soils, each contributing to the region's viticultural tapestry. These soils, shaped by geological processes over millennia, are the very foundation upon which the vines thrive. They create a rich mosaic of terroirs, allowing winemakers to craft a wide array of wines that express the intricate relationship between the vines, the land, and the climate of Terre di Veleja.


In the Terre di Veleja IGP, a region known for its diverse and captivating environment, the grapes cultivated here are as varied as the landscape itself. These grapes - Barbera, Bonarda, Fortana, Malvasia, and Trebbiano - each bear unique physical characteristics that set them apart. Let's delve into the agricultural and climatic essentials that make these grape varieties thrive in this remarkable terroir.

1. Barbera: Barbera grapes, characterized by their dark, thin-skinned berries, are revered for their adaptability. They flourish in vineyards with well-draining soils and are known to withstand various soil types, from limestone-rich to clayey loam. Barbera vines are particularly suited to the continental climate of Terre di Veleja IGP, where warm, sun-drenched summers and mild winters provide the ideal backdrop for their cultivation.

2. Bonarda: Bonarda grapes, with their medium-sized clusters and thick-skinned berries, thrive in vineyards with good air circulation. These vines require well-drained soils, and they display a preference for sandy or clay-loam compositions. The Terre di Veleja IGP, with its Mediterranean climate, offers Bonarda vines the warmth they need during the growing season while maintaining cool nights for optimal development.

3. Fortana: Fortana grapes, visually distinct with their round, dark berries, thrive in soils that retain moisture while providing adequate drainage. These vines benefit from the region's Mediterranean climate, where they can soak up the abundant sunshine. The Terre di Veleja IGP offers the perfect balance of warmth and rainfall, creating an ideal environment for Fortana cultivation.

4. Malvasia: Malvasia grapes, known for their oval-shaped, aromatic berries, require well-drained soils with a focus on adequate moisture retention. They flourish in regions with mild temperatures, making the Terre di Veleja IGP an excellent home. The Mediterranean climate ensures that Malvasia vines receive the right amount of warmth and sunlight throughout the growing season.

5. Trebbiano: Trebbiano grapes, characterized by their small, spherical berries, thrive in soils with good drainage and moderate fertility. These vines prefer a warm climate but can tolerate a range of temperatures. In the Terre di Veleja IGP, Trebbiano vines benefit from the sun-drenched summers and gentle sea breezes, which contribute to their balanced growth.

These grape varieties, nurtured by the land and climate of Terre di Veleja IGP, are integral to the region's winemaking legacy. Each one, with its unique agricultural requirements, contributes to the diverse and exceptional wines that grace this corner of Emilia-Romagna.

In the Terre di Veleja IGP, the wines are a reflection of the region's rich tapestry of grape varieties. These wines, each with its unique composition, bring forth a symphony of flavors and aromas that captivate the senses. Let's explore the diverse aromatic and flavor profiles of the most common wines from this remarkable terroir.

1. Bianco (White): Terre di Veleja IGP's Bianco wine is a harmonious blend, often composed of Malvasia Bianca di Candia Aromatica and Trebbiano Romagnolo, along with other authorized white grapes. This wine delights with its fresh, floral aromas and a crisp, citrus-infused palate. It offers a delightful balance of bright acidity and a subtle fruitiness that makes it a versatile companion to a variety of dishes.

2. Varietals: The Varietals from this region showcase the quintessential qualities of Bervedino, Marsanne, Moscato, or Trebbiano grapes, often enriched by other authorized white varieties. These wines shine with distinct varietal character, offering a spectrum of aromatics from floral to fruity. On the palate, they express a complexity of flavors, ranging from vibrant citrus to luscious stone fruits.

3. Rosato (Rosé): Comprising at least 60% Barbera and/or Fortana, Terre di Veleja IGP's Rosato boasts a vibrant pink hue and a captivating bouquet of red berries and subtle floral notes. On the palate, it reveals a refreshing acidity, with flavors of ripe strawberries and cherries, making it an ideal choice for warm, sunny days.

4. Rosso (Red): Terre di Veleja IGP's Rosso wine, composed primarily of Barbera and/or Bonarda grapes, offers a deep ruby color and an enticing nose filled with dark fruits and hints of spice. The palate delivers a harmonious blend of berry flavors, supported by well-integrated tannins, creating a wine that is both approachable and complex. If you want to learn more about the unique Barbera wines, please check out our comprehensive In-Depth Profile.

5. Fortana: The Fortana wine, predominantly crafted from Fortana grapes, boasts a ruby-red hue and seductive aromas of red currants and violets. On the palate, it offers an intriguing interplay of bright acidity and silky tannins, accentuating flavors of dark cherries and plums.

6. Mosto Bianco di Uve Parzialmente Fermentato: Sharing characteristics with the Bianco wine, Mosto Bianco offers enticing aromatics and a palate that balances freshness with a gentle sweetness, making it a delightful choice for those seeking a semi-sweet white wine.

7. Mosto Rosato di Uve Parzialmente Fermentato: Echoing the refreshing qualities of the Rosato, Mosto Rosato brings forth a harmonious blend of red fruit aromas and a gently sweet palate, creating a charming semi-sweet rosé wine.

8. Mosto Rosso di Uve Parzialmente Fermentato: With similarities to the Rosso wine, Mosto Rosso showcases enticing red fruit aromas and a semi-sweet, well-balanced palate that combines the best of both worlds.

9. Passito: Terre di Veleja IGP's Passito wine, primarily featuring Moscato grapes, offers intoxicating floral scents and an opulent palate filled with honeyed apricots and exotic spices. This lusciously sweet wine is a true delight for dessert wine aficionados.

These wines from the Terre di Veleja IGP region present a diverse array of flavors and aromas, each capturing the essence of the grape varieties and the unique terroir, making them a treasure trove for wine enthusiasts.
