Lacrima di Morro DOC

Lacrima di Morro DOC

43° 36' 00" N


13° 15' 00" E




about this subregion

The Lacrima di Morro DOC is located in the Marche wine region of Italy, an area known for its diverse and picturesque landscape. The DOC is renowned for cultivating the Lacrima grape, which thrives in the region's varied environmental conditions.

The climate in the Lacrima di Morro DOC is Mediterranean, characterized by warm, dry summers and mild, wet winters. This climate provides ideal conditions for viticulture, with abundant sunlight during the growing season and moderate rainfall averaging around 700 to 800 millimeters annually. Gentle breezes from the Adriatic Sea help regulate temperatures and reduce humidity, promoting healthy vine growth.

The soils in this DOC are predominantly a mix of clay and limestone, with some areas also featuring sandy and loamy soils. Clay soils retain moisture well, providing essential nutrients to the vines, while limestone soils offer excellent drainage and contribute to the mineral complexity of the wines. Sandy soils, which warm up quickly in the spring, encourage early vine growth, and loamy soils provide a balanced texture that supports healthy vine growth.

The Lacrima di Morro DOC is surrounded by the Rosso Piceno DOC and borders the Castelli di Jesi Verdicchio Riserva DOCG and the Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi DOC to the west, and the Colli Pesaresi DOC to the north. This positioning within the Marche region places it among some of Italy's most esteemed wine-producing areas, further enhancing its reputation.


vinerra illustration

Vineyard Hectares





Discover Terroir

The landscape of the Lacrima di Morro DOC in the Marche region of Italy is characterized by its picturesque and varied terrain. Situated in the hills surrounding the town of Morro d'Alba, the area features rolling hills, gentle slopes, and verdant vineyards. The elevation ranges from about 50 to 250 meters above sea level, providing a mix of microclimates that contribute to the diversity of the region's viticulture.

The vineyards are interspersed with patches of woodland and olive groves, creating a mosaic of agricultural land. This patchwork landscape is not only visually stunning but also supports a rich biodiversity. Small farms and traditional rural buildings dot the countryside, adding to the region's charm and historic appeal.

In addition to the agricultural land, the area offers scenic views of the Adriatic Sea to the east and the Apennine Mountains to the west. The proximity to these natural features enhances the beauty of the landscape and provides a stunning backdrop for the vineyards. The gentle breezes from the sea also contribute to the pleasant and dynamic environment.

The Lacrima di Morro DOC, located in the Marche wine region of Italy, enjoys a Mediterranean climate, which is highly favorable for viticulture. This climate is characterized by warm, dry summers and mild, wet winters, providing the ideal conditions for growing the Lacrima grape.


During the growing season, temperatures are warm, typically ranging from 25°C to 30°C (77°F to 86°F) during the day. These warm temperatures are crucial for the ripening of the grapes, allowing them to develop their characteristic flavors and aromas. Nighttime temperatures tend to be cooler, which helps to preserve the acidity and balance of the grapes.


The region receives an average annual rainfall of about 700 to 800 millimeters (27.5 to 31.5 inches). Rainfall is fairly evenly distributed throughout the year, with a slight increase during the autumn and winter months. This moderate level of rainfall provides sufficient water for the vines without causing excessive moisture that could lead to fungal diseases.

Sunlight and Wind

Sunlight is abundant in the Lacrima di Morro DOC, with long, sunny days during the growing season. This ample sunlight ensures that the vines receive the energy they need for photosynthesis, promoting healthy growth and fruit development. On the other hand, The area benefits from gentle breezes coming from the Adriatic Sea. These breezes help to regulate temperatures and reduce humidity levels in the vineyards, minimizing the risk of diseases and promoting healthy vine growth. The wind also plays a role in moderating the overall climate, providing a cooling effect that balances the warmth of the summer days.


The varied topography of the region, with its rolling hills and varying elevations, creates a range of microclimates. These microclimates contribute to the complexity and diversity of the wines produced in the Lacrima di Morro DOC. Vineyards situated at higher elevations experience cooler temperatures and different sunlight exposure compared to those on lower slopes, allowing for a range of wine styles and expressions.

The Lacrima di Morro DOC, situated in the Marche wine region of Italy, features a variety of soil types that contribute to the distinctive characteristics of its wines. The most common soils in this region are a mix of clay and limestone, with some areas also featuring sandy and loamy soils.

  1. Clay Soils: Clay soils in the Lacrima di Morro DOC are known for their ability to retain moisture, which is beneficial during the dry summer months. These soils provide essential nutrients to the vines, promoting healthy growth and development. The clay content also helps in maintaining a consistent temperature around the vine roots, protecting them from extreme temperature variations.
  2. Limestone Soils: Limestone soils are prevalent in the region and are highly valued for their excellent drainage properties. These soils help prevent waterlogging, which can be detrimental to vine health. Limestone also contributes to the mineral complexity of the wines, adding depth and structure. The alkaline nature of limestone soils can influence the pH balance of the grapes, leading to wines with a desirable level of acidity.
  3. Sandy Soils: In some areas of the Lacrima di Morro DOC, sandy soils are present. These soils are well-draining and tend to warm up quickly in the spring, encouraging early vine growth. Sandy soils can produce wines with lighter body and higher aromatic intensity. They are less fertile than clay or loam, which can lead to lower yields but higher quality grapes.
  4. Loamy Soils: Loamy soils, which are a balanced mix of sand, silt, and clay, are also found in the region. These soils offer good drainage and nutrient availability, making them ideal for viticulture. The balanced texture of loamy soils supports healthy vine growth and contributes to the overall vigor of the vineyard.


The Lacrima di Morro DOC, is renowned for cultivating the Lacrima grape variety. This grape has distinct agricultural and climatic requirements to ensure optimal growth and quality.

Agricultural Requirements

Lacrima grapes thrive in well-drained soils with a balanced content of nutrients. In the Morro d'Alba area, the soil is typically a mix of clay and limestone, providing essential minerals and retaining adequate moisture. Vine training and pruning are critical for managing vine growth and optimizing sun exposure. Commonly, the Guyot or cordon systems are used to train the vines, and careful pruning helps control yield and ensure the grapes reach the desired ripeness. Protecting the vines from common pests and diseases, such as powdery mildew and downy mildew, is essential. Regular monitoring and integrated pest management practices are employed to minimize chemical use and maintain vine health.

Climatic Requirements

The Lacrima grape requires a warm climate to ripen fully, and the region's Mediterranean climate provides warm summers with ample sunshine, crucial for the grapes' development. The average annual rainfall in the Marche region is around 700 to 800 millimeters, which is essential for the vines, especially during the growing season. However, good drainage is necessary to prevent waterlogging, which can damage the vines. Adequate sunlight is vital for photosynthesis, supporting the growth and ripening of the grapes. Vineyards are typically oriented to maximize sun exposure throughout the day. The vineyards in the Lacrima di Morro DOC are situated at altitudes ranging from 50 to 250 meters above sea level. This range provides a suitable microclimate, balancing the benefits of sun exposure and the cooling effects of higher elevations. Gentle breezes from the Adriatic Sea help regulate temperature and reduce the risk of fungal diseases by promoting airflow through the vineyards.

The Lacrima di Morro DOC is celebrated for its distinctive wines made from the Lacrima grape. This DOC produces several types of wines, each with its own unique aromatic and flavor profile. Here, we will explore the most common wines: Rosso, Superiore, and Passito.

  1. Lacrima di Morro d'Alba Rosso: Lacrima di Morro d'Alba Rosso is a red wine made entirely from the Lacrima grape. It is known for its ruby red color, vibrant floral aromas, often reminiscent of violets and roses. On the palate, this wine offers a combination of red berry flavors, such as cherry and raspberry, complemented by subtle spicy notes. The wine is typically fresh and light-bodied, making it an approachable and enjoyable option for a wide range of foods, although the most popular pairings are with dishes topped with meat sauce or cold cuts of meat.
  2. Lacrima di Morro d'Alba Superiore: The Superiore version of Lacrima di Morro d'Alba is also made from 100% Lacrima grapes but undergoes a longer aging process. This results in a more structured and complex wine. Aromatically, it shares the floral characteristics of the Rosso, with additional layers of dark fruit such as blackberry and plum. The flavor profile is richer, with hints of chocolate, licorice, and a touch of earthiness. The tannins are more pronounced, providing a fuller body and a longer finish.
  3. Lacrima di Morro d'Alba Passito: Lacrima di Morro d'Alba Passito is a dessert wine produced from dried Lacrima grapes. This method concentrates the sugars and flavors, resulting in an intensely aromatic wine with notes of dried fruits like figs and raisins. The palate is lush and sweet, featuring flavors of honey, caramel, and spices such as cinnamon and nutmeg. The Passito is well-balanced with a pleasant acidity that prevents it from being overly sweet, making it a delightful accompaniment to desserts.