Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi DOC

Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi DOC

43°31'30" N


13°13'50" E




about this subregion

Discover the Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi DOC wines

The Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi DOC is located in the Marche wine region of Italy, sharing its area with the Castelli di Jesi Verdicchio Riserva DOCG. In addition, it borders the Lacrima di Morro DOC, the Colli Maceratesi DOC, the Esino DOC, the Colli Pesaresi DOC and the Pergola DOC, and overlaps the Rosso Piceno DOC. Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi DOC is recognized for its very expressive and unique wines.


The climate of the Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi DOC is characterized by a Mediterranean influence, with hot summers and mild winters. The proximity to the Adriatic Sea plays a crucial role, providing gentle breezes that help to moderate temperatures and reduce humidity, which is beneficial for the vineyards.


The region's soils are diverse and highly suitable for viticulture. The primary soil types include calcareous clay, limestone-rich soils, and ancient clay loams from the Pleiocene-Pleistocene epochs. These soils offer excellent drainage and retain sufficient moisture, promoting the development of deep root systems.

Main Grape Varieties

The main grape variety grown in this DOC is Verdicchio. This variety thrives in the region's unique climatic and soil conditions, producing wines that are celebrated for their quality and distinctive character.


vinerra illustration

Vineyard Hectares





Discover Terroir

The landscape of the Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi DOC in Italy's Marche region is a striking blend of natural beauty, historical significance, and agricultural excellence. This area, known for its high-quality Verdicchio wines, is defined by its unique topography and scenic vistas.

Hilly Terrain and Vineyards

The vineyards of Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi DOC are predominantly located on rolling hills that range in elevation from 150 to 350 meters above sea level. This varied terrain provides excellent drainage for the vineyards and ensures optimal sun exposure, which is crucial for the ripening of the Verdicchio grapes. The gentle slopes and varying elevations create microclimates that contribute to the complexity and quality of the wines produced here.

Rivers and Valleys

The region is interlaced with several rivers, most notably the Esino River, which carve out picturesque valleys throughout the landscape. These rivers not only enhance the natural beauty of the area but also play a significant role in the local microclimate. The valleys provide a natural corridor for cool breezes from the Adriatic Sea, helping to moderate temperatures and reduce the risk of frost, which is beneficial for grape growing.

Historical Villages

Adding to the charm and cultural richness of the Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi DOC are the numerous medieval fortified villages, or "castelli," that dot the landscape. These historical villages, such as those found around the town of Jesi, provide a glimpse into the region's storied past and contribute to its unique identity. The presence of these ancient structures enhances the scenic allure of the region and attracts tourists from around the world.

Proximity to the Adriatic Sea

The eastern boundary of the Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi DOC is close to the Adriatic Sea, which significantly influences the local climate. The maritime influence brings gentle breezes that help to cool the vineyards, particularly during the hot summer months. This proximity to the sea helps to create a favorable growing environment for the Verdicchio grapes, contributing to the distinctive characteristics of the wines.

Diverse Vegetation

Beyond the vineyards, the landscape of Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi DOC is rich in diverse vegetation, including olive groves and forests. This biodiversity supports the overall health of the ecosystem and adds to the visual appeal of the region. The combination of cultivated vineyards and natural vegetation creates a harmonious and picturesque environment that is both productive and beautiful.

The landscape of Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi DOC is a tapestry of hills, valleys, historical villages, and lush vegetation, all set against the backdrop of the Adriatic Sea. This unique combination of natural and cultural elements makes it a premier wine-producing area and a visually captivating destination​​​​​​​​​​.

The climate of the Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi DOC in Italy's Marche region plays a vital role in shaping the characteristics of its wines. The area's climate is a harmonious blend of Mediterranean influences and local geographical features, creating an ideal environment for viticulture.

Mediterranean Climate

The Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi DOC region benefits from a Mediterranean climate, characterized by hot summers and mild winters. This climate ensures a long growing season, allowing the grapes to achieve full ripeness while maintaining their natural acidity. The consistent warmth during the growing season is essential for developing the Verdicchio grape's unique flavors and aromatic profiles​​​​.

Influence of the Adriatic Sea

Proximity to the Adriatic Sea significantly impacts the climate of the region. The sea provides gentle, cooling breezes that moderate the high temperatures of summer. These breezes help to reduce the risk of heat stress on the vines and also play a crucial role in lowering humidity levels, which helps prevent fungal diseases such as mildew and grey rot​​​​.

Hilly Terrain and Microclimates

The hilly terrain of the Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi DOC, with vineyards situated at altitudes ranging from 150 to 350 meters above sea level, creates various microclimates. These elevations allow for excellent sun exposure and air circulation, both of which are essential for the health and quality of the grapevines. The valleys formed by rivers like the Esino and Cesano contribute to the region's microclimates by funneling cool air through the vineyards, further enhancing the growing conditions​​​​.

Dry Climate

The region experiences a relatively dry climate, especially during the critical growing and ripening periods. This dryness helps in reducing the incidence of diseases and promotes the concentration of flavors in the grapes. The combination of dry conditions with adequate sunlight ensures that the Verdicchio grapes develop the desired balance of sugars and acids, which is crucial for producing high-quality wines​​​​.

The Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi DOC is characterized by diverse soil types that contribute significantly to the quality and unique profile of its wines. Here, we explore the most common soils in this renowned wine region.

Calcareous Clay Soils:These soils are rich in calcium carbonate, which helps in maintaining the acidity and mineral balance of the grapes. Calcareous clay soils provide excellent drainage, preventing waterlogging while retaining sufficient moisture during dry periods. This type of soil promotes the development of deep root systems, allowing vines to access essential nutrients, resulting in wines with strong mineral notes and vibrant acidity​​​​.

Limestone-Rich Soils:Limestone-rich soils are prevalent in the Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi DOC. These soils are known for their ability to regulate pH levels and contribute to the structural complexity of the wines. Limestone helps in reflecting sunlight, which can aid in the ripening process of the grapes. Wines from these soils often exhibit a pronounced minerality and refined texture, enhancing their overall elegance​​​​.

Pleiocene-Pleistocene Clay Loams:Originating from the Pleiocene-Pleistocene epochs, these clay loams are deep and fertile, offering a rich composition of nutrients. This type of soil is beneficial for grapevines as it retains moisture well while providing good drainage. The complexity of these ancient soils contributes to the depth and richness of the wines, imparting a unique character that is both robust and nuanced​​​​.

The diverse soil types in the Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi DOC, including calcareous clay, limestone-rich soils, and ancient clay loams, play a crucial role in defining the exceptional quality and distinctive character of its Verdicchio wines.


Most Common Grapes from Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi

Verdicchio is the predominant grape variety in the Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi DOC, located in Italy's Marche wine region. This grape thrives under specific agricultural and climatic conditions, which are crucial for its successful cultivation.

Agricultural Requirements

Verdicchio prefers well-drained soils with a mix of clay and limestone. These soil types help maintain the right moisture levels while providing essential nutrients. Ideally, the vineyards are planted at elevations between 100 to 300 meters above sea level. This elevation range allows for optimal sun exposure and air circulation, which are vital for the vine's health.

Proper vine management is essential for Verdicchio. Pruning and training systems such as Guyot or cordon training help control vine growth, ensuring that the grapes receive adequate sunlight and airflow. While Verdicchio is somewhat drought-tolerant, consistent and moderate irrigation is important, especially during dry periods, to prevent stress on the vines.

Climatic Requirements

Verdicchio vines thrive in regions with warm summers and mild winters. The ideal growing temperatures range between 20°C to 30°C during the day, with cooler nights to retain acidity in the grapes. Annual rainfall of around 600 to 800 millimeters is suitable for Verdicchio, maintaining soil moisture without causing waterlogging.

Abundant sunlight is essential for Verdicchio, as the grape requires long periods of sunshine to reach full ripeness. Gentle breezes are also beneficial, reducing the risk of fungal diseases by keeping the foliage dry and promoting healthy air circulation around the vines.

By adhering to these agricultural and climatic requirements, growers can ensure healthy vines and high-quality grape production in the Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi DOC region.

Verdicchio dei Castelli Di Jesi DOC Wines

Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi DOC is a prestigious wine appellation in Italy's Marche region, known for its diverse and high-quality wines. This DOC primarily produces wines with at least 85% of the Verdicchio grape, offering a range of styles from crisp and refreshing whites to complex dessert wines.

White Wines

Bianco: This is the standard white wine of the Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi DOC. Bianco wines are known for their crisp acidity and vibrant freshness. Aromas often include fresh notes of green apple, citrus fruits, and subtle floral notes, while the palate is marked by flavors of lemon, almond, and a hint of minerality.

Bianco Superiore: Made from the same Verdicchio grapes, Bianco Superiore is a more refined version of the standard Bianco. It undergoes a stricter selection of grapes and a longer aging process. The result is a wine with greater complexity and depth. Aromatic profiles feature ripe stone fruits, such as peach and apricot, along with hints of herbs and a pronounced minerality. On the palate, it offers richer flavors, including honeyed citrus, and a longer, more nuanced finish.

Sparkling Wines

Spumante: This sparkling wine is crafted from Verdicchio grapes and produced using the Charmat method. Spumante wines are characterized by their lively effervescence and refreshing acidity. Aromatically, they offer fresh notes of green apple, pear, and citrus, often complemented by a hint of yeastiness from the secondary fermentation. The flavor profile is light and crisp, with a delicate balance of fruit and acidity.

Spumante Riserva: The Spumante Riserva is a premium sparkling wine made using the traditional method (Metodo Classico) from Verdicchio grapes. It undergoes extended aging on the lees, which adds complexity and depth. Aromas include brioche, toasted nuts, and ripe orchard fruits, while the palate features a creamy mousse, balanced acidity (that makes this wines slightly fresh), and flavors of baked apple, citrus zest, and a touch of minerality.

Dessert Wines

Passito: Passito wines are made from Verdicchio grapes that have been dried to concentrate their sugars and flavors. These dessert wines are rich and luscious, with a higher sweetness level. The aromatic profile includes dried fruits such as figs, raisins, and apricots, along with notes of honey and caramel. On the palate, Passito wines are full-bodied and sweet, with complex flavors of candied fruits, nuts, and a lingering finish of honey and spice.

Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi DOC offers a remarkable range of wines, each with distinct aromatic and flavor profiles that highlight the versatility and quality of the Verdicchio grape.
