Alpi Retiche IGP

Alpi Retiche IGP







about this subregion

Nestled within the picturesque Lombardy (Lombardia in Italian) wine region of Italy, the Alpi Retiche IGP (Indicazione Geografica Protetta) stands as a testament to the harmonious marriage of nature and viticulture. This enchanting wine region is defined by its breathtaking environment, where rolling hills and terraced vineyards ascend to towering alpine peaks.

The Alpi Retiche IGP boasts a diverse array of grape varieties, each flourishing in its unique microclimate. Among the noble grapes, Chiavennasca, Pignola, and Rossola shine as the region's red jewels, delivering wines of remarkable complexity and character. Their expressive flavors are a reflection of the region's high-altitude vineyards and temperate climate.

For white wine enthusiasts, Alpi Retiche IGP offers Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, and Riesling, each crafting wines that showcase the terroir's influence. Chardonnay provides opulent richness, Sauvignon Blanc invigorates with vibrant freshness, and Riesling lends elegance and finesse.

The region's environment, with its ideal altitude of 400 to 800 meters and an annual rainfall of 800 to 1,000 millimeters, ensures a unique and conducive setting for grape cultivation. The Alpi Retiche IGP captivates wine enthusiasts not only with its grape diversity but also with its spectacular landscape, where the vineyards seem to touch the sky, producing wines that reflect the natural beauty of this Lombardian gem.


vinerra illustration

Vineyard Hectares



2000 - 2400


Discover Terroir

Nestled within the embrace of the Lombardy wine region in northern Italy, the Alpi Retiche IGP is a captivating wine enclave defined by its breathtaking landscape. Rolling hills, cloaked in lush vineyards, stretch out as far as the eye can see, creating a picturesque tapestry of green and gold.

The vineyards of Alpi Retiche IGP are perched at varying altitudes, their terraced rows ascending toward the imposing alpine peaks that loom overhead. These terraces, painstakingly built over centuries, not only offer an awe-inspiring view but also provide the perfect angle to capture the sun's warmth and the cooling breezes that descend from the mountains.

The region's viticultural landscape is a harmonious blend of nature's grandeur and human craftsmanship. Old stone walls and charming farmhouses dot the countryside, creating a rustic charm that complements the natural beauty of the area. Here, the vines seem to touch the sky, their grapes ripening under the benevolent Italian sun and the crisp mountain air.

The Alpi Retiche IGP's landscape, with its verdant vineyards and towering peaks, is a testament to the exquisite marriage of terroir and tradition. It is a place where the beauty of nature meets the artistry of winemaking, producing wines that are as captivating as the landscape itself.

The climate of the Alpi Retiche IGP is a finely tuned symphony of natural elements, sculpting the region's wines into unique expressions of their terroir. Located within the Lombardy wine region of Italy, this enchanting viticultural area experiences a climate that is as diverse as it is harmonious, shaping the character of its wines in intriguing ways.

At the heart of Alpi Retiche IGP's climate is a profound influence from its alpine surroundings. The majestic peaks of the Alps, with their snow-capped summits, cast a protective shadow over the vineyards below. This elevation brings a touch of coolness to the region, creating a climate that is distinctly continental. Winters can be harsh, with frosty mornings and a blanket of snow, but it is precisely these conditions that provide a necessary period of dormancy for the vines.

As spring unfolds, the vineyards awaken to the gentle warmth of the sun, and the vines burst forth with new growth. Summers in Alpi Retiche IGP are characterized by warm, sun-soaked days and cool, refreshing nights. This diurnal temperature variation is a key factor in the development of balanced and expressive grapes. The warm days encourage ripening, while the cool nights preserve the acidity and aromatic complexity of the fruit.

The region's rainfall, averaging between 800 and 1,000 millimeters annually, provides vital hydration for the vines, ensuring they thrive throughout the growing season. This moisture is complemented by the melting snow from the surrounding mountains, which feeds the vineyards with pristine alpine water, further enhancing the grapes' quality.

The unique interplay of altitude, temperature, and precipitation in the Alpi Retiche IGP creates an ideal environment for grape cultivation. It allows for the slow and steady ripening of grapes, which, in turn, yields wines of remarkable complexity and balance. This intricate dance between nature's elements and the dedication of local winemakers results in wines that are a true reflection of the Alpi Retiche IGP's distinctive climate, where every sip tells a story of the land and the seasons.

Beneath the sun-kissed slopes and amidst the alpine grandeur of the Alpi Retiche IGP, a secret world of soil diversity unfolds, weaving a complex narrative beneath the vines. This enchanting Lombardian wine region is graced with a tapestry of soils, each with its own unique story to tell. From ancient glacial deposits to mineral-rich mountain terrain and fertile alluvial valleys, the soils of Alpi Retiche IGP are a testament to the intricate interplay of geological forces and nature's artistry. In this diverse landscape, the vineyards thrive on a symphony of soil types, each contributing its distinct character to the wines that emerge from this terroir-rich corner of Italy. In the following paragraphs, we will explore the fascinating world of soils in the Alpi Retiche IGP, unveiling the secrets that lie beneath the vines and in every glass of wine crafted here.

  1. Terraced Vineyards Amidst Ancient Glacial Soils: In the Alpi Retiche IGP, the vineyards are perched on terraced slopes, which reveal a fascinating array of soils that have been shaped by millennia of geological forces. These terraced landscapes predominantly feature ancient glacial soils, remnants of the Ice Age. Comprising a mix of gravel, sand, and silt, these well-draining soils provide an ideal foundation for grapevines. They also exhibit excellent mineral content, contributing to the wines' complexity and depth.
  2. Mineral-Rich Mountainous Terroir: As the vineyards ascend towards the towering alpine peaks, the soils evolve to include mineral-rich compositions. Granite, schist, and limestone prevail in these higher altitudes, offering a distinctive minerality to the wines. These mountainous soils are known for their ability to impart a pronounced sense of terroir to the grapes, infusing them with nuances that speak of the region's unique geology.
  3. Alluvial Soils in Valley Floors: In the valley floors of Alpi Retiche IGP, alluvial soils dominate the landscape. Carried by the flow of rivers and streams originating in the Alps, these soils are composed of a mix of sediments and organic matter. They are fertile and well-suited for viticulture, nurturing vines with nutrients and water, resulting in wines that are often plush and approachable in their youth.
  4. Terracotta and Clay:Some pockets of the region also feature terracotta and clay soils. These soils are renowned for their water retention properties, providing a safeguard against drought stress during hot summer months. The vines rooted in these soils yield grapes with a unique character, often showing depth and structure in the wines.
  5. Microclimate-Driven Soil Variations: The Alpi Retiche IGP's diverse microclimates contribute to variations in soil types within the region. Slope, aspect, and altitude all influence the soils' characteristics, creating a patchwork of terroirs that winemakers skillfully navigate to craft wines that capture the essence of each unique vineyard site.

In the Alpi Retiche IGP, the tapestry of soils is as diverse as the grape varieties that thrive here. This intricate mosaic of earth types, shaped by the region's geological history and microclimates, plays a pivotal role in defining the individuality and complexity of the wines produced in this enchanting Lombardian wine region.


The vineyards of Alpi Retiche IGP, cradled in the heart of Lombardy's picturesque landscape, are home to a diverse range of grape varieties, each with its unique charm and character. From the deep hues of Chiavennasca and Pignola to the delicate tones of Chardonnay and Riesling, these grapes thrive under the region's distinct climatic conditions and provide the foundation for the area's renowned wines.

1. Chiavennasca: Chiavennasca, also known as Nebbiolo, is a robust red grape that calls for a sunny and temperate climate. It flourishes at elevations of 400 to 800 meters above sea level, where the diurnal temperature variation allows for slow and even ripening. This grape requires well-drained, mineral-rich soils to develop its full potential.

2. Pignola: Pignola, a red grape variety native to the region, thrives in the Alpi Retiche IGP's alpine environment. It demands a cooler climate and high-altitude vineyards to flourish. Pignola grapes are often grown on steep terraces, benefiting from the excellent drainage and abundant sunshine of the region.

3. Rossola: Rossola, another red gem of the region, is particularly adaptable to various microclimates within Alpi Retiche IGP. This grape variety can withstand a range of altitudes and soil types, making it a versatile choice for local winemakers.

4. Chardonnay: Chardonnay, a beloved white grape, thrives at elevations between 400 and 800 meters. It requires a mild climate with ample sunlight to develop its full potential. The cool nights and moderate rainfall of the region contribute to the balanced growth of Chardonnay grapes.

5. Sauvignon Blanc: Sauvignon Blanc, known for its crisp and refreshing wines, excels in the moderate climate of Alpi Retiche IGP. This grape variety requires well-drained soils and moderate rainfall, allowing it to express its characteristic vibrant acidity and aromatics.

6. Riesling: Riesling, celebrated for its aromatic and elegant wines, finds its perfect home in the high-altitude vineyards of Alpi Retiche IGP. It thrives in cooler climates and well-drained soils, benefiting from the region's diurnal temperature variation that enhances its flavor complexity.

Wines from the Alpi Retiche IGP are a harmonious reflection of the region's diverse grape varieties, where the winemakers skillfully blend or emphasize the distinctive flavors of each grape. From the crisp and aromatic Bianco to the bold and complex Rosso, these wines offer a delightful array of aromas and flavors that encapsulate the essence of Lombardy.

1. Bianco: Alpi Retiche IGP's Bianco wines offer a fragrant bouquet with notes of white flowers and orchard fruits. On the palate, they are refreshingly crisp, with a harmonious balance of citrus zest and green apple, making them perfect for leisurely sipping on warm afternoons.

2. Rosato: The Rosato wines boast a lively character with vibrant aromas of red berries and a touch of floral undertones. Their flavors are bright and juicy, featuring ripe strawberries and hints of cherries, creating a refreshing and inviting profile.

3. Rosso: Alpi Retiche IGP's Rosso wines showcase the rich and robust essence of red grapes. They offer a complex aroma of dark berries, plums, and subtle spices. On the palate, these wines reveal layers of dark fruit, structured tannins, and a lingering finish, delivering a memorable tasting experience.

4. Novello: Similar to Rosso, Novello wines exhibit an intense fruitiness with a youthful character. Expect vibrant aromas of red cherries and berries, while the palate reveals a bright and lively flavor profile, making Novello a delightful choice for early consumption.

5. Spumante Metodo Classico: These sparkling wines are characterized by their elegance and finesse. With subtle floral notes and hints of citrus on the nose, they offer a delicate and creamy texture on the palate. The flavors are a harmonious blend of apple, pear, and a touch of brioche, creating a luxurious and celebratory wine.

6. Spumante Metodo Classico Rosé: The Rosé variation of Metodo Classico wines presents a captivating bouquet of red fruits and rose petals. On the palate, they exhibit a refined and persistent effervescence, with flavors of strawberries and raspberries complemented by a subtle mineral note.

7. Vendemmia Tardiva Bianco: Vendemmia Tardiva Bianco wines are known for their luscious sweetness. Aromas of honey, apricot, and tropical fruits greet the senses. The palate offers a rich, honeyed texture with flavors of ripe peaches and a hint of exotic spices.

8. Vendemmia Tardiva Rosso: The Rosso variation of Vendemmia Tardiva wines entices with a fragrant bouquet of dried fruits and floral notes. On the palate, they provide a harmonious blend of figs, plums, and a touch of caramel, creating a velvety and indulgent wine.

9. Passito Bianco and Passito Rosso: Both Passito wines are characterized by their sweetness and intensity. Passito Bianco offers aromas of dried apricots and honey, while Passito Rosso boasts notes of raisins and dark chocolate. On the palate, they provide a symphony of dried fruits and sweet spices, making them perfect for dessert or contemplative sipping.
