Torgiano Rosso Riserva

Torgiano Rosso Riserva

42° 57' N


12° 25' E




about this subregion

Nestled within the rolling hills of Umbria, the Torgiano Rosso Riserva DOCG encapsulates the harmonious blend of nature and winemaking expertise. The region, renowned for its rich history and favorable climate, offers a fertile canvas for vine cultivation, making it a revered wine-producing hub in Central Italy.

The environment here is a delicate equilibrium of warm days, tempered by cool evenings, allowing grapes to mature steadily, achieving optimal sugar and acid balance. This diurnal temperature variation, coupled with well-draining soils interspersed with organic matter, lays a strong foundation for vine growth.

Sangiovese, the star grape of the region, thrives in this setting. Known for its deep roots and resilience, it draws nourishment from the mineral-rich soils of Torgiano, producing berries that are both flavorful and aromatic. The resultant wines mirror this excellence, with the Riserva wine standing as a testament to the region's dedication to quality.

The Riserva wine from this region, crafted predominantly from Sangiovese and complemented by other authorized non-aromatic red grapes, is a celebration of depth and complexity. The Riserva label, in particular, indicates not just an elevated quality but a wine that has been aged longer, accentuating its character and refining its palate. As it flows into the glass, it unfurls a narrative of Torgiano’s environment, tradition, and the timeless allure of Sangiovese.


vinerra illustration

Vineyard Hectares





Discover Terroir

Torgiano Rosso Riserva DOCG is cradled in the heart of Umbria, a region often referred to as Italy's green heart, and for a good reason. The landscape surrounding Torgiano is a mesmerizing blend of lush valleys, rolling hills, and verdant plains, painting a picture of agricultural abundance and natural beauty.

The vineyards of Torgiano Rosso Riserva DOCG are strategically positioned on gentle hill slopes, benefiting from optimal sunlight exposure and excellent drainage. These elevated terrains are interspersed with ancient olive groves and dense woodlands, adding to the region's rustic charm. The River Tiber meanders through the landscape, enriching the soil with its mineral deposits and creating a microclimate that's conducive for viticulture.

The soil composition in this area varies, offering a mosaic of clay, limestone, and sandy soils, each contributing distinct characteristics to the grapes. The synergy of these elements, coupled with the protective embrace of surrounding hills, shelters the vineyards from harsh weather, ensuring a consistent and quality grape yield year after year.

Torgiano's landscape is not just a feast for the eyes but also an integral component of the wine's identity. The terroir, shaped by millennia of geological activities and human cultivation, infuses the wines of Torgiano Rosso Riserva DOCG with a sense of place, making each bottle a liquid testament to the region's rich landscape and legacy.

In the verdant heart of Umbria, where the Torgiano Rosso Riserva DOCG stretches its vines, the climate plays a symphony that is central to the region's vinicultural excellence. Like a conductor guiding an orchestra, the climate elements here ensure that each vine grows in harmony, ultimately resulting in wines that sing of their origin.

The region experiences a temperate Mediterranean climate, characterized by warm, sun-filled days and cooler, refreshing nights. This diurnal temperature variation is a boon for grape maturation, as it allows for the slow and steady development of sugars and acids in the berries. The grapes, particularly the proud Sangiovese, absorb the warmth of the day, fostering rich and robust flavors, while the cooler nights preserve their intrinsic acidity and aromatic vivacity.

Winters in Torgiano Rosso Riserva DOCG are generally mild, with occasional frosts, and the summers are warm without being overly hot. This moderate climate ensures a longer growing season, which in turn guarantees a consistent ripening process. Rainfall is well-distributed throughout the year, ensuring that the vines receive adequate hydration. However, it's the gentle breezes from the River Tiber, weaving through the vineyards, that play a crucial role in maintaining vine health by reducing humidity and potential grape diseases.

In essence, the climate of Torgiano Rosso Riserva DOCG is a delicate balance of warmth, coolness, moisture, and breeze. It's a dance of elements, choreographed over millennia, ensuring that the wines produced resonate deeply with the spirit of the land, capturing its essence in every glass.

The Torgiano Rosso Riserva DOCG, while united in its dedication to producing exquisite wines, is a region of varied soils. These diverse terrains, each with its unique characteristics, play a pivotal role in imparting distinct nuances to the wines. Here's a closer look at the major soil types in this esteemed DOCG:

  1. Clayey Soils: Clay-rich soils are predominant in certain parts of the Torgiano Rosso Riserva. These soils, often heavy and compact, have excellent water retention capabilities. This characteristic ensures that vines have a consistent water supply, especially during drier periods. Wines from these soils tend to have a robust structure, with pronounced fruit expressions and a weightier mouthfeel.
  2. Limestone Soils: Limestone is another crucial component of the region's terroir. This alkaline soil type offers excellent drainage, ensuring that vines don't get waterlogged. It also provides the vines with essential minerals, which can contribute to a wine's minerality. Wines originating from limestone-rich terrains often have a refreshing acidity, with subtle mineral undertones and a certain finesse.
  3. Sandy Soils: In pockets of Torgiano Rosso Riserva, sandy soils take precedence. Light and well-draining, these soils are often warmer, leading to earlier ripening of grapes. They also offer good aeration, reducing the risk of various vine diseases. Wines from sandy terrains are typically aromatic, with delicate fruit profiles and softer tannins.
  4. Alluvial Deposits: Close to the meandering paths of the River Tiber, one can find areas enriched with alluvial deposits. These soils are a mix of sand, silt, and clay, offering a balanced terrain for vine growth. They often produce wines that are harmonious, with a good balance of fruit, acidity, and tannin.


Sangiovese, with its deep ruby hue and delicate skin, stands as an emblematic grape of Torgiano Rosso Riserva DOCG. The berries are medium-sized, often with a slightly elongated shape. Their thin skins, coupled with the dense packing of the grape clusters, make them somewhat vulnerable to certain viticultural challenges, but it's precisely this fragility that contributes to their unique flavor and aromatic characteristics.

Delving into its aromatic profile, Sangiovese from Torgiano Rosso Riserva is a poetic blend of nature and terroir. On the nose, it enchants with fragrances of red cherries, wild berries, and subtle floral notes, often underlined by hints of earthy terracotta and fresh herbs. Upon sipping, its flavor profile resonates with these aromas, offering a palate of ripe red fruits juxtaposed with nuances of tobacco, leather, and sometimes even a touch of balsamic. The grape's natural acidity ensures the wine remains vibrant and fresh, while its moderate tannins grant structure, making it both versatile and age-worthy. In essence, Sangiovese from this DOCG is a reflection of the region's rich environment, capturing the soul of Torgiano in every sip.

The Riserva wine from the Torgiano Rosso Riserva DOCG stands as a hallmark of Italian winemaking, showcasing the excellence of Umbria's terroir. Crafted primarily from Sangiovese grapes, complemented by a blend of other authorized non-aromatic red grapes, this wine encapsulates the passion and expertise of the region's vintners. Its composition resonates deeply with the tradition of Italian red wines, where the Sangiovese grape often takes center stage, captivating the palate with its distinctive characteristics.

The aromatic profile of the Riserva is both enchanting and complex. On the nose, it offers an elegant bouquet of red and dark fruits, notably cherries and plums, interwoven with subtle hints of dried herbs and spice. This initial aromatic allure paves the way for its sophisticated flavor palette. When sipped, the wine unveils layers of ripe fruit, harmoniously balanced by a firm tannic backbone and a refreshing acidity. Nuances of tobacco, leather, and earthy undertones further enrich the experience, leading to a lingering finish that echoes the wine's depth and authenticity.
