Dealurile Crisanei IGP

Dealurile Crisanei IGP







about this subregion

The Dealurile Crisanei IGP, nestled within the Crisana-Maramures wine region of Romania, has an unique environment for viticulture, characterized by its diverse climate and soils. This region benefits from a continental climate, has temperatures that vary from moderate to warm through the year  and receive an average annual rainfallof  between 600-700 mm. These climatic conditions, coupled with the microclimates of the region, provide an extended growing season to the grapes.

The soils in Dealurile Crisanei iare rich and varied, encompassing a mix of cernoziomuri gleizate (gleysols), argiloiluviale (clayey loam), brun argiloiluviale (brown clayey loam), pseudorendzine, regosol, and podzoluri grele și reci (heavy and cold podzols). Each soil type has unique characteristics, such as moisture retention, nutrient richness, and good drainage, which are key for the development of healthy grapes.

This region is home to several main grape varieties including Cadarcă, Burgund Mare, Fetească Albă, Fetească Regală, Italian Riesling, and Pinot Gris. Each of these varieties thrives in the distinctive terroir of Dealurile Crisanei, benefiting from the unique combination of soil and climate to produce high-quality wines with great character.


vinerra illustration

Vineyard Hectares



1300-2000 GDD


Discover Terroir

Nestled within the expansive Crisana-Maramures wine region, the Dealurile Crisanei IGP wine subregion has a captivating landscape that enchants both wine enthusiasts and nature lovers. Sharing the same region with other appellations like Crisana DOP, Minis DOP, Dealurile Satmarului IGP, and Dealurile Zarandului IGP, this subregion offers a unique blend of natural beauty and viticultural excellence.

The terrain is characterized by gentle hills and winding valleys that, coupled with the sprawling vineyards, create an unique patchwork of greenery that stretches as far as the eye can see. The climate, shaped by the nearby Carpathian Mountains, provides an ideal environment for grapegrowing, with warm, sun-drenched days and cool, refreshing nights, that favors the development of grapes with intense flavors.

Within this region, there are many streams and rivers that not only make this IGP more beautiful, but also help to moderate the warm temperatures during the hotter days. The soils, on the other hand, are enriched with minerals and nutrients, that gives unique characteristics to the grapes, resulting in wines of exceptional character and complexity.

The climate of the Dealurile Crisanei IGP is shaped by its continental influences, which make it very suitable for viticulture. This area, that has moderate to warm temperatures,has average annual temperatures ranging between 9 and 11 degrees Celsius, with summers warming up to 20 degrees and winters cooling down to around -3 degrees. Annually, the region receives between 600-700 mm of rainfall, ensuring that the vines have enough water during the critical growing periods.

The microclimates of the region, that foster early springs and long, warm and dry autumns, add a layer of complexity. These microclimates not only extend the growing season, but also enhance the ripening of grapes, allowing them to reach more intense aromatic and flavor profiles.

The geography of the region also plays a key role, with vineyards placed on terraced slopes to optimize sun exposure and drainage. This unique combination of continental climate influences and microclimates guarantees that Dealurile Crisanei  wines have a great balance between acidity and sweetness, essential for high-quality wine production.

The Dealurile Crisanei IGP  is characterized by its varied soil composition, which plays a crucial role in winemaking within the region.

  1. Cernoziomuri Gleizate (Gleysols): These soils are among the most common in the region, and are known for their high fertility and good water retention capacity, which is espetially benefitial for the vines during drier periods.
  2. Argiloiluviale (Clayey Loam): This type of soil has a great moisture and nutrients retention. The balanced structure of this soil supports healthy root growth and an even ripening cycle for the grapes.
  3. Brun Argiloiluviale (Brown Clayey Loam): Rich in nutrients, these soils have a great depth and drainage, which makes them ideal for growing vines that produce grapes with intense flavors.
  4. Pseudorendzine and Regosol - These soils are found in areas with less erotion, and are known for their good drainage and moderate fertility, which favors the production of high-quality grapes.
  5. Podzoluri Grele și Reci (Heavy and Cold Podzols) - Although more challenging for grape cultivation, these soils can still support viticulture and the production og wines with an unique character, although winemakers need to implement precise vines management techniques.

The diverse soil types in the Dealurile Crisanei IGP not only support a wide range of grape varieties but also impart distinct characteristics to the wines, reflecting the rich terroir of the region.


The Dealurile Crisanei IGP is distiguished by the great range of grapes that adapts to its climatic conditions:

  1. Cadarcă: This red grape is robust, and thrives in the warmer and well-drained soils of the region. It requires a big amount of sunlight and heat to develop its full potential, making it well-suited to the southern areas of the region, that has ideal conditions and helps this grape to achieve an ideal maduration cycle.
  2. Burgund Mare (Blauburger): Adapted to cooler climates, this grape benefits from the region's moderate temperatures and the yhe geographical features that protect the vines from extreme weather. It prefers well-aerated soils, which help to control moisture levels and prevent root diseases.
  3. Fetească Albă: Known for its resilience, Fetească Albă can adapt to a great range of soil types, although it grows best in loose, fertile soils. It requires moderate climatic conditions without excesive rainfall distribution throughout the growing season, not only to mantain the health of the vine but also to obtain grapes with more intense flavor.
  4. Fetească Regală: Similar to Fetească Albă, this white grape is versatile but prefers slightly cooler climates and higher altitudes where the bigger temperature variation between day and night favors the natural acidity in the grapes. Regarding the soils, it thrives in those with good drainage. In addition, this grape benefits from careful canopy management, to ensure enough sun exposure.
  5. Italian Riesling: This variety demands well-exposed sites that receive plenty of sunlight. It is sensitive to excessive moisture, and for this reason performs best in well-drained soils. Italian Riesling requires meticulous vineyard management to obtain high-quality grapes, and prefers cooler conditions that extend the ripening period.
  6. Pinot Gris: Pinot Gris is a white grape that requires cooler growing conditions and benefits from a longer growing season. It prefers rich, fertile soils with good moisture retention, but also good drainage, which helps prevent fungal diseases. Regarding climate, this variety is especially sensitive to excessive heat and rainfall, so it should be located in a place with a good amount of shade and natural elements that offer shelter..

The climate of this IGP ensure the production of high-quality grapes, laying a strong foundation for unique wines.

The Dealurile Crisanei IGP  is renowned for its distinctive red and white wines that express the unique terroir of the region:

  1. Cadarcă: This red wine is known for its deep, intense color and complex flavors. The flavor profile typically shows a rich blend of spicy and fruity notes, with hints of blackberries and cherries, complemented by a subtle spiciness that adds complexity and character.
  2. Burgund Mare (Blauburger): A robust red wine, Burgund Mare is appreciated for its vibrant ruby color and flavor complexity. The palate often showsflavors of dark fruits like plums and black cherries, enriched with hints of vanilla and dark chocolate, making it both rich and smooth.
  3. Fetească Albă: This white wine is celebrated for its light and refreshing profile. Aromatically, it shows floral notes combined with hints of fresh fruits like green apples and pears. The taste is crisp and clean, with a balanced acidity that makes it quite refreshing, and a perfect partner for a great range of light meals.
  4. Fetească Regală: Another delicious white wine from this region, Fetească Regală presents more intensity in the aromas than Fetească Albă, with a bouquet of wildflowers and tropical fruits. The flavors are well-rounded, tipically showing notes of peaches and citrus, that lead to a smooth and elegant finish.
  5. Italian Riesling: Known for its finesse, this white wine offers a delicate aroma of lime and stone fruits with subtle floral undertones, that add a bit of complexity. On the palate, it is zesty and lively, with a high acidity and flavors of green apple and citrus, leading to a clean and crisp finish.
  6. Pinot Gris: This wine has a rich and slightly fuller body than the other white wines from this IGP. On the nose, Pinot Gris can offer a complex combination of scents, that include ripe pear, melon, and almond. The flavors are rich and creamy, achieving an amazing balance between acidity and fruitiness that makes the finish of this wine very smooth.

Each wine from the Dealurile Crisanei IGP reflects the rich viticultural heritage of the region, offering wine lovers a taste of Romanian terroir with every sip.
