Crisana DOP

Crisana DOP

46° 58' 2" N


22° 0' 45" E




about this subregion

The Crisana DOP is an emerging wine subregion within the broader Crisana-Maramures wine region of Romania. Characterized by its temperate-continental climate, the area experiences warm, extended summers and mild winters. This climate, along with a slight influence from the Atlantic, provides a beneficial environment for grape growing, ensuring that grapes can ripen fully while maintaining their natural acidity thanks to the mild humidity.

The soils in Crisana DOP vary significantly, adding to the uniqueness of its wines. The region features volcanic soils rich in iron, sandstone mixed with marl, and fertile brown soils. These soils contribute to the robustness of the vines and aid in the complex flavor profiles of the wines produced.

The most common grapes within the Crisana DOP are Fetească Neagră, Mustoasă de Măderat, and Fetească Regală. These varieties thrive in the region's unique environment, benefiting from the combination of climate and soils, which altogether define the terroir of the Crisana DOP. This subregion is set to make a significant impact on the Romanian and international wine markets with its distinct wines.


vinerra illustration

Vineyard Hectares





Discover Terroir

The Crisana DOP wine subregion is located within the picturesque Crisana-Maramures wine region, which it shares with other subregions such as the Minis DOP, the Dealurile Crisanei IGP, the Dealurile Satmarului IGP, and the Dealurile Zarandului IGP. This subregion is renowned for its unique landscape, that features rolling hills and fertile valleys that are ideal for viticulture. The area is distinguished by a cooler climate, which is moderated by the surrounding mountains and the  breezes that sweep across the plains.

In the Crisana DOP, there are three sub-denominations that further define the characteristics of the wines produced within the region. These include Biharia, Simleu Silvaniei, and Diosig. Each of these areas has an unique unique terroir, something that shows the diversity and richness of the wines produced under the Crisana DOP label.

Together, these sub-denominations within the Crisana DOP contribute to the area's reputation as a promising and dynamic wine-producing region within Romania.

The Crisana DOP wine subregion, nestled in the northwestern part of Romania, enjoys a temperate-continental climate that is pivotal for its vineyard's productivity and the unique character of its wines. This climate is marked by distinct seasonal variations that provide a rich tapestry of conditions, each playing a role in grape growing.

Summers in the Crisana DOP are usually warm and long, with temperatures often reaching above 30°C. This is key for grape growing, as it ensures that grapes can fully mature, developing the sugars and acids needed for high-quality wine production. The ample sunlight during these months bathes the vineyards in a natural glow, fostering photosynthesis which is essential for the health and vigor of the grapevines.

Winters, on the other hand, are generally mild, with less extremely cool temperatures than other continental areas. Milder winters prevent the vines from being exposed to harsh frost, which can damage buds and affect the yield of the vineyards. A shorter and milder cold season also means that the vines have more time to recover before the next growing season.

This DOP benefits from  Atlantic influences which brings air currents with humidity to the area. However, this humidity is a double-edged sword: it can lead to challenges such as fungal diseases but also helps to temper the effects of the dry climate within this DOP, especially during the ripening period of the grapes.

Additionally, the Crisana DOP is crossed by several rivers, such as Crisul Repede, Crisul Alb, and Crisul Negru. Each of them moderate the temperatures of the region, providing relief to the vines during the hot days of summer. This way, grapes can maintain its natural acidity, something that is essential for producing high-quality wines.

The potential Crisana DOP wine subregion boasts a diverse soil composition, pivotal in defining the unique characteristics of its wines. These soils contribute significantly to the region's reputation for quality viticulture.

  1. Volcanic Rock with High Iron Concentration: This soil type providrd essential minerals that enhance grape quality. In addition, the iron-rich volcanic soil has a great heating retention capacity, which prolongs the vine's growing season and aids in the optimal ripening of grapes.
  2. Sandstone with Marl: Known for its excellent drainage capabilities while still retaining moisture, this soil type is crucial during the dry seasons. It ensures that vines receive enouth water while avoiding waterlogging, something that is essential for maintaining vine health.
  3. Brown Soils (Eu-mezibasic and Argillo-luvial Chernozems): These soils have a high fertility and excellent water retention, supporting vine growth under diverse climatic conditions. Their structure allows for good aeration, which is key for developing a healthy root system.

These soil types not only support the growth of different grape varieties, but also contribute to the complex flavor profiles of Crisana DOP wines.


The Crisana DOP is known for its signature grape varieties that are well suited to the cooler climate and soil types of the subregion thrive under its unique climatic and soil conditions. The most common grapes within the region are Fetească Neagră, Mustoasă de Măderat, and Fetească Regală:

  1. Fetească Neagră: Fetească Neagră is a red grape variety that adapts to the cooler climate of the Crisana DOP, as well as to the more temperate areas of the region. This variety requires well-drained, fertile soils to achieve optimal growth. It benefits from the region’s consistent moisture, especially during the critical period of ripening, which supports the development of healthy, robust grapes.
  2. Mustoasă de Măderat: this grape variety thrives in the warmer microclimates of the Crisana DOP. This white grape variety prefers the loamy soils of the area, which has a better water retention but don't cause water logging. This characteristic helps the vines to receive enough water without causing diseases.
  3. Fetească Regală: Finally, Fetească Regală thrives in the diverse soils found across Crisana DOP, from sandy loam to clay-rich soils, that provide a great balance between nutrients and drainage. This white grape variety is particularly suited to the region's variable climate, due to its ability to resist  the early spring frosts and dry late summers.

Each of these varieties, coupled with international grapes such as Pinot Noir or Cabernet Sauvignon, is part of the viticultural identity of the Crisana DOP, contributing to the region’s reputation for producing distinctive wines.

The Crisana DOP subregion is renowned for producing unique wines that capture the essence of its terroir. Among the signature wines from this area are Fetească Neagră, Mustoasă de Măderat, and Fetească Regală. Each of these wines offer a distinctive profile of aromas and flavors, reflecting the diverse terroir of Crisana.

  1. Fetească Neagră: This wine has a deep, ruby color, as well as a rich and complex profile. In the nose, these red wines show fruity notes that may remind you of dark berries or plums, coupled with hints of spicy, woody undertones in aged Fetească Neagră. In the palate, these red wines are full-bodied, and have a balance between fruitiness and tannins, making them a great choice to pair with hearty dishes.
  2. Mustoasă de Măderat:  The Mustoasă de Măderat wine from Crisana DOP has a light and refreshing profile. This wine has a vibrant acidity and floral aromas that may take you to a garden in spring when you take the glass to your nose. In the palate, this wine often shows hints of citrus and orchard fruits, making it a crisp and delightful white wine that pairs well with lighter cuisine.
  3. Fetească Regală: Finally, Feteasca Regală wine from Crisana is characterized by its elegant and intense aroma. It often shows floral notes combined with stone fruits like peaches and apricots, which makes this wine very balanced. The palate is usually fresh and zesty, with mineral undertones that show the unique soil profiles of the region.

These wines from the Crisana DOP, coupled woth other renowned wines such as Pinot Noir or Cabernet Sauvignon, are some examples of the great viticultural diversity of Crisana DOP.
