Bohotin DOP

Bohotin DOP

46°56'30.57" N


27°58'49.11" E




about this subregion

Bohotin DOP is  located in the northeastern part of Moldova, within Romania. Known for its memorable landscapes, unique wines and distinctive climate, Bohotin benefits from a temperate-continental climate, which is characterized by hot summers and cold winters, with moderate rainfall. This climate, along with the region's rich, loamy soil, creates an ideal environment for viticulture.

The region predominantly grows two native grape varieties, Busuioacă de Bohotin and Tămâioasă Românească. These varieties thrive in the Bohotin DOP's unique environmental conditions, contributing significantly to the area's reputation in the Moldovan wine industry. The combination of the specific soil type and the climatic conditions of Bohotin allows these grape varieties to develop unique characteristics depending on the area they were grown, that are appreciated both locally and internationally.

Bohotin DOP not only stands out for its agricultural potential, but also for the cultural heritage of Moldova, a region that supports local traditions and promotes regional development through viticulture. Its contribution to Moldova's wine production underscores the importance of this region within the national wine industry.


vinerra illustration

Vineyard Hectares





Discover Terroir

The Bohotin DOP wine subregion is nestled within the renowned Moldova wine region, alongside other esteemed DOPs like Cotesti, Cotnari, Dealu Bujorului, Husi, Iasi, Iana, Panciu, and Odobesti. Its landscape is a unique blend of undulating hills, fertile valleys, and meandering rivers, which  create an ideal terroir for grapegrowing.

The terrain of the Bohotin DOP is characterized by rolling hills covered with vineyards. The soil of this region varies, ranging from rich alluvial soils in the valleys to limestone-rich soils on the hillsides. These great soil diversity impart distinctive characteristics to the wines produced in the region.

Bohotin benefits from a continental climate, with warm summers and mild winters, an ideal climate for grapegrowing. The gentle slopes of the hills allow for excellent drainage, preventing waterlogging and promoting a more heathy grow for the vines.

In addition, rivers such as the Prut and Jijia flow through this region, not only providing essential irrigation for the vineyards but also greater biodiversity to Bohotin.

The Bohotin DOP has a continental climate with marked variations between seasons. In the summertime, the region enjoys warm temperatures, creating an unique environment for outdoor activities and grapegrowing. On the other hand, winters are characterized by cold temperatures, that usually means that the region is covered in snow and can reach freezing temperatures, something that can affect the vineyard if grapegrowers don´t take preventive measures.

Throughout the year, Bohotin has a mix between partly cloudy and clear days, providing a unique backdrop for agriculture. Temperature has great fluctuations between seasons, with winter lower temperatures droping to around -6°C (21°F) and summer highest temperatures soaring up to 30°C (86°F). This range of temperatures not only shapes the local climate but also plays a key role in the development of intense grape aromas and highest concentration of natural sugar.

Precipitation in Bohotin is well distributed across the year, registering  higher levels during the spring and autumn months. This balanced rainfall pattern is conducive to vineyard health, allowing grapevines to have the water they need during the growing season and to avoid excesive rainfall during the winter.

Overall, Bohotin's climate provides an ideal environment for viticulture, offering a harmonious blend of sunshine, rainfall, and variation of seasonal temperatures. This combinations results in grapes with hgher acidity and concentration of sugars, that give birth to wines with unique caracter.

The Bohotin DOP is characterized by a variety of soil types, each contributing differently to the viticultural characteristics of the region. The predominant soil types include:

  1. Chernozem soils: These are fertile, black soils, rich in organic matter and excellent for agriculture. They are typically found in the stepped areas of the region and are well-suited for growing a wide range of crops, including grapes.
  2. Molic and Ocric Vertisols: These subtypes of Vertisols are known for their dark, humus-rich top layer and are prevalent in the areas of Bohotin with more vegetation.
  3. Podzolic soils: These soils are less fertile and are characterized by a leaching process that depletes the upper soil layers of minerals, making them less suitable for intensive agriculture but very useful for certain types of viticulture that don't have many soil requirements.
  4. Alluvial soils: Commonly found along the riverbeds areas of Bohotin, these soils are young and fertile, typically consisting of recently deposited silt, sand, clay, and gravel. They are excellent for cultivating a variety of agricultural crops, including vineyards, due to their rich nutrient profile and good water retention.

These diverse soil types contribute to the unique terroir of the Bohotin DOP, influencing the growth and characteristics of the grapevines grown in this region​​​​​​​​​​.


The Bohotin DOP stands our for its two main grape varieties: Busuioacă de Bohotin and Tămâioasă Românească. Each of them adapts well to the unique terroir of Bohotin:

  1. Busuioaca de Bohotin: This red grape variety thrives in the well-drained, loamy soils found in the Bohotin DOP. It requires a temperate climate with moderate rainfall, conditions that help Busuioacă de Bohotin to avoid excessive moisture that could lead to fungal diseases. This variety benefits from the mild winters and warm, sunny summers of Bohotin, that ensure an optimal ripening cycle for the grapes.
  2. Tămâioasă Românească: Praised by grapegrowers from this DOP for its resilience, Tămâioasă Românească has a great adaptability to differentsoil types, although it thrives in the sandy loam and chernozem soils of the Bohotin DOP. It demands ample sunlight and a warmer climate to fully concentrate natural sugar and aromas. The grape is usually planted at altitudes ranging from 200 to 300 meters, something that helps to regulate the temperatures and also promotes a longer growing season for the grapes.

These grapes, coupled with other international varieties such as Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Pinot Gris and Muscat Ottonel, are key to the identity of the Bohotin DOP, each of them adapting to the unique environment of the region and contributing to the viticultural success of this DOP.

The Bohotin DOP wine subregion is renowned for its signature wines: Busuioacă de Bohotin and Tămâioasă Românească.

  1. Busuioaca de Bohotin: This rosé wine is praised for its deep, vibrant rose color and its complex aromatic profile that includes floral notes of rose and jasmine. In the palate, this wine shows a sweet, yet balanced  profile, which makes it an excellent pairing for desserts or to drink it on its own. The lingering finish is both pleasant and memorable, making it a great option for those who appreciate sweet wines with a distinctive character.
  2. Tămâioasă Românească: this wine, that has an attractive golden tone, offers a rich aromatic profile, dominated by scents of basil, acacia honey, and tropical fruits like pineapple and melon. In the palate, this wine blends harmonically sweetness and acidity, providing a refreshing finish that makes it perfect to pair with lighter meals or to drink it as an aperitif. This wine is perfect to enjoy it on warm days or as an elegant start to any dining experience.

These wines, each with distinctive aromas and flavors, showcase the unique terroir of the Bohotin DOP.
