

46° 58' 31.00" N


28° 49' 10.00" E




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about this region

Nestled deep within Moldova's heart, the Codru wine region stands as a testament to centuries of viticultural heritage, offering a splendid array of wines awaiting discovery. This captivating landscape unfolds with its rolling vineyards, flourishing under Moldova's favorable temperate continental climate.

What distinguishes Codru is its diverse and meticulously crafted wine selection, a reflection of the region's distinctive terroir and the expertise of its winemakers. Here, the fertile Codru soil and climate provide an ideal home for renowned grape varieties such as Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Rhein Riesling, Chardonnay, and Sauvignon Blanc. These grapes flourish and absorb the essence of Codru, culminating in wines that showcase the region's character.

A journey through Codru invites you to savor wines derived from these grape varieties, each with its own unique personality and flavors. Whether your preference leans towards the bold allure of reds or the crisp elegance of whites, Codru caters to a spectrum of tastes. As you explore Codru's picturesque vineyards, you'll witness the seamless fusion of tradition and innovation, resulting in wines that epitomize Moldova's storied winemaking legacy.


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Vineyard Hectares




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Discover Terroir

The Codru wine region is situated in the heart of Moldova, an enchanting landscape defined by its picturesque topography. Rolling hills, lush vineyards, and captivating valleys define the region's character, offering a breathtaking tapestry of natural beauty.

As you traverse the Codru wine region, you'll encounter undulating terrain that creates a captivating patchwork of vine-covered slopes and verdant valleys. The landscape is characterized by gentle hills that gracefully rise and fall, cradling the thriving vineyards within their embrace. These slopes not only provide ideal conditions for grape cultivation but also add a sense of rhythm and harmony to the scenery.

The Codru region is graced with ravines and meandering streams that meander through the land, adding to the area's allure. These waterways create natural boundaries and microclimates, further enhancing the complexity of the region's terroir. The interplay of light and shadow on these slopes, particularly during the changing seasons, lends an ever-evolving charm to the Codru landscape.

Throughout the region, vineyards are carefully curated, with rows of grapevines stretching as far as the eye can see. The lush greenery of the vines contrasts beautifully with the soil, creating a mosaic of colors that evolves with the changing seasons. Each vineyard, meticulously tended to by skilled hands, is a testament to the region's dedication to winemaking.

The Codru wine region's landscape is a harmonious blend of nature's bounty and human craftsmanship, where the rolling hills and fertile valleys provide the perfect backdrop for the cultivation of exceptional grapes. This picturesque terrain not only contributes to the region's winemaking success but also invites visitors to experience the beauty of Moldova's Codru wine country.

The climate that embraces the Codru wine region in Moldova is a symphony of temperate continental elements, creating an orchestration that is profoundly conducive to grape cultivation and the crafting of exquisite wines. This climatic composition is distinguished by the gentle passage of mild, brief winters followed by the warm embrace of long, sun-kissed summers. Such harmonious conditions serve as the virtuoso behind the orchestration of grape ripening, bestowing upon the wines of this region their distinct quality and captivating complexity.

Within the Codru wine region, an annual average temperature dances in a rhythm that hovers around the 9.0-9.5°C mark. This moderate temperature spectrum, interwoven with the region's intricate topography and soil composition, assumes the role of a master conductor in nurturing various grape varieties.

Precipitation, another player in this climatic ensemble, paints its strokes with an annual average rainfall of 450 to 550 millimeters. This gracefully measured infusion of raindrops, paired with the benevolent caress of approximately 310 to 320 sunlit days each year, orchestrates a balanced atmosphere within the vineyards. The Codru landscape, adorned with rolling hills, valleys, and a variegated relief, serves as the stage upon which this symphony is performed, creating microclimates and terroirs that are as diverse as the notes of a musical composition.

In Codru, vineyards gracefully ascend to altitudes ranging from 150 to 400 meters above sea level. This elevated position, harmonizing with the climatic and soil nuances, lends its voice to the distinct expressions found in the wines of this region. These wines, renowned for their elegance, finesse, and profound flavor profiles, reverberate with the echoes of their unique terroir, embodying the very essence of Codru's climatic masterpiece.

The Codru wine region in Moldova is renowned for its diverse and intricate soil composition, a vital component in shaping the distinct characteristics of its wines. Here is a succinct glimpse into the various types of soils that paint the terroir of this region:

  1. Black Soil (Chernozem): Dominating approximately 62% of the territory, Chernozem reigns supreme. Famed for its exceptional fertility and moisture-retentive qualities, it provides the ideal cradle for the flourishing grapevines.
  2. Brown and Grey Soils: Encompassing about 14% of the landscape, these soils, often cloaked in forest vegetation, bestow a unique terroir upon specific grape varieties, adding a layer of complexity to the region's wines.
  3. Carbonate Chernozem: Holding sway over approximately 21% of the soil composition, this variant underpins the cultivation of grapes essential to the Codru region's renowned white and sparkling wines.
  4. Ordinary Chernozem: Constituting around 19% of the soil, this category contributes to the robust structure and vigor of grapevines, forming a cornerstone of the winemaking process.
  5. Leached Chernozem: Comprising approximately 11% of the soil makeup, it weaves the intricate tapestry of taste profiles, imprinting the wines of the region with their unique character.
  6. Typical Chernozem: Representing about 8% of the soil spectrum, this soil type is an integral part of the complex mosaic that renders the Codru region's terroir truly distinctive.

Each of these soil types, with its inherent attributes and nuances, plays a pivotal role in the intricate orchestration of the Codru wine region's terroir. These soils, like the notes in a symphony, harmoniously influence the flavor, aroma, and quality of the wines crafted in this celebrated wine-growing enclave.


The Codru wine region in Moldova is renowned for its cultivation of various distinguished grape varieties, each possessing distinct agricultural and climatic prerequisites. This region, characterized by its favorable climate and fertile soils, offers an ideal environment for nurturing a diverse range of grape types, including Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Rhein Riesling, Chardonnay, and Sauvignon Blanc.

  1. Cabernet Sauvignon: Within the Codru region, Cabernet Sauvignon thrives amidst the temperate continental climate, where extended warm summers facilitate the full maturation of these grapes. To meet its requirements, this grape variety benefits from the well-drained soils typically rich in chernozem, fostering the robust structure of the grapes. Cabernet Sauvignon in Codru necessitates meticulous canopy management to ensure optimal sun exposure and air circulation, vital factors for vine health.
  2. Merlot: In Codru, Merlot vines flourish under a climate that strikes a harmonious balance between warm days and cool nights. The significant diurnal temperature variation is of paramount importance to Merlot, preserving its acidity levels while enabling a gradual and even ripening process. Codru's gently sloping terrain, characterized by deep and nutrient-rich soils, creates an optimal environment for root development, contributing to the vitality and productivity of Merlot vines.
  3. Riesling: The Codru region's mild winters make it an ideal habitat for Riesling, known for its cold-hardiness. These grapes benefit from Codru's lengthy growing season, which imparts complexity and depth to their profile as they mature. The vineyards, often perched on well-drained slopes, offer the necessary conditions for this variety, as Rhein Riesling thrives in soils with excellent aeration to thwart root diseases and ensure robust growth.
  4. Chardonnay: Chardonnay, a versatile grape variety, readily adapts to the Codru region's diverse microclimates and soil compositions. Successful cultivation of Chardonnay hinges on thoughtful site selection to achieve optimal ripeness. Within Codru, Chardonnay finds advantage in well-drained soils and an abundance of sunlight, both pivotal for unlocking the grape's full potential. Growers employ techniques such as pruning and leaf thinning to regulate vine vigor and enhance grape quality.
  5. Sauvignon Blanc: Codru's climate, characterized by warm summers and consistent sunlight, provides an ideal setting for cultivating Sauvignon Blanc. This grape variety demands soils with exceptional drainage, a characteristic readily found in Codru, particularly within moderately sloped vineyards. To prevent excessive vine vigor and concentrate flavors in the grapes, Sauvignon Blanc vines necessitate meticulous water management. The region's terroir profoundly influences the distinct attributes of Sauvignon Blanc grapes cultivated here.

Each of these grape varieties contributes its unique essence to the diverse array of wines crafted within the Codru wine region. The dedication of local vintners to understanding and meeting the specific needs of each grape type is unmistakable in the exceptional quality wines that emerge from this esteemed Moldovan wine territory.

Nestled in the heart of Moldova, the Codru wine region is a veritable treasure trove of winemaking, where an impressive array of wines attests to its unique terroir and steadfast winemaking traditions. Characterized by rolling hills, verdant vineyards, and an accommodating climate, Codru has forged a reputation for crafting wines that mirror the region's diverse flavors and rich history.

  1. Feteasca Neagra: A cherished icon of the region, Feteasca Neagra stands as a testament to Moldova's winemaking legacy. Indigenous to Codru, this red wine showcases a deep ruby hue and a multifaceted bouquet, resonating with dark berry notes. Its velvety texture caresses the palate, delighting red wine aficionados. Feteasca Neagra's flavor profile is robust, often adorned with ripe black fruits and a subtle spice, echoing the fertile soils and Codru's climate.
  2. Rara Neagra: Another illustrious red wine hailing from Codru, Rara Neagra offers a distinctive profile. Revered for its opulent aromas and supple tannins, it delivers a sophisticated and well-rounded drinking experience. Rara Neagra typically unveils flavors of red and black fruits, coupled with a delicate spiciness, while its impressive aging potential allows it to evolve gracefully over time.
  3. Chardonnay: Codru's Chardonnays epitomize the region's versatility, striking a harmonious balance between fruitiness and subtle oak nuances. Expect a medley of ripe orchard fruits like apple and pear, elegantly interwoven with hints of vanilla and butter from careful oak aging. Codru's Chardonnay is a delightful testament to Moldova's capacity for crafting world-class white wines.
  4. Sauvignon Blanc: Codru's Sauvignon Blanc is a lively and invigorating white wine, perfect for those who relish a zestful and aromatic profile. It frequently boasts lively acidity, with citrus fruit and green apple flavors taking center stage, complemented by herbal undertones that reflect the region's diverse terroir. This wine beautifully embodies Sauvignon Blanc's adaptability to Codru's climate and soil.

Each wine from the Codru region is a captivating story, an ode to the land, climate, and the artisan's skill. These wines not only embody Moldova's rich viticultural heritage but also serve as a testament to the region's unwavering commitment to innovation and excellence in winemaking. Whether your palate leans towards the complexity of deep reds or the crisp allure of whites, the Codru wine region offers a bottle to suit every taste, each an exceptional embodiment of Moldova's winemaking legacy.


150-400 m


450-550 mm



top varietal

Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Rhein Riesling, Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc

History of wine

The Codru wine region in Moldova boasts a rich and deeply interwoven history, intricately tied to the evolution of winemaking in the area. This storied past reaches back to the earliest days of vine cultivation in Europe.

Evidence of viticulture in the Codru region dates as far back as the 6th to 4th millennia B.C., during the time of the Cucuteni-Trypillia culture. It marks the inception of domesticating and cultivating wild vines in what we now know as modern Moldova. Archaeological findings, including the discovery of vine seeds in Rusestii Noi village and Varvareuca village, provide conclusive proof of vine cultivation during this era.

The Greek colonization of the northwestern Black Sea coast in the 6th century B.C. played a pivotal role in shaping viticulture in the Codru region. Greek settlers introduced new grape varieties and advanced viticultural techniques, resulting in the production of higher quality wines. The cultural exchange between Greek colonists and the indigenous population led to the introduction of fresh grape varieties and the adoption of sophisticated viticultural practices.

During the Roman Dacia era in the 2nd and 3rd centuries, winemaking continued to thrive in the Codru region. The Greek historian Herodotus, who resided in the Tiras settlement (now Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi), documented the wine consumption habits of the Scythians, ancestors to the Geto-Dacians. This historical account underscores the long-standing tradition of winemaking in the region.

From the 9th to the 14th centuries, the spread of Christianity left an indelible mark on winemaking in Codru. Monasteries and churches, requiring wine for religious rituals, began cultivating vineyards and producing their own wine. This period witnessed the establishment of vineyards in locations conducive to grape cultivation, often accompanied by the construction of wineries.

The 15th and 16th centuries, notably during the reign of Stephen the Great, marked a zenith for viticulture in the Codru region. The introduction of Hungarian grape varieties such as Hars Leveliu and Furmint (known locally as Grasa de Cotnari), along with the establishment of renowned vineyards like Cotnari, added to the region's acclaim. By the 16th century, Moldova, including the Codru region, had become a prominent supplier of wine to Russian and Polish markets.

Over these centuries, the Codru region evolved, creating its distinct array of grape varieties and specialized wine-producing areas. Moldova's advantageous geographical position facilitated wine exports, contributing significantly to the region's economic prosperity.

Today, the Codru wine region is celebrated for its picturesque landscape and exceptional wines, a testament to its rich winemaking heritage and the unique terroir that characterizes the area. With a viticultural history spanning millennia, it stands as a significant and revered part of Moldova's winemaking tradition.


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