New England

New England

30° 05' S


151° 39’ E




about this subregion

Nestled in the picturesque wine region of New South Wales, the New England wine subregion boasts an environment characterized by high altitude, cool climate, and diverse topography. With its elevated vineyards, ranging from 600 to 1500 meters above sea level, the region benefits from crisp mountain air and large diurnal temperature variations, ideal for producing high-quality wines.

Shiraz, Chardonnay, and Riesling are the main grape varieties cultivated in this subregion. The Shiraz thrives in the warm days and cool nights, resulting in rich, complex flavors. Chardonnay finds its expression in the region's cool climate, offering refreshing acidity and elegant fruit profiles. Riesling, known for its aromatic qualities, benefits from the region's cool temperatures, allowing for vibrant acidity and distinctive floral and citrus notes.

Overall, the New England wine subregion's unique environment provides an ideal setting for cultivating premium grapes, yielding wines that showcase the distinct characteristics of the terroir. Its combination of altitude, climate, and diverse soils contribute to the production of wines with finesse and complexity, making it a notable destination for wine enthusiasts seeking distinctive Australian wines.



Vineyard Hectares



1400 - 1700


Discover Terroir

The New England wine region, nestled in the northern part of the Australian New South Wales wine region, is a scenic and diverse landscape that captivates with its beauty and uniqueness. This region, lying on the western and inland sides of the Great Dividing Range, is characterized by its varied topography, which significantly influences the viticulture of the area. The Great Dividing Range, a major geographical feature of Australia, provides a backdrop that contributes to the cool climate conditions ideal for grape growing in this region. An interesting fact is that, before this area was officially declared as a subregion in 2008, the wineries of this region were part of the larger North West Slopes zone.

The landscape of the New England wine region is marked by rolling hills, lush valleys, and high plateaus, offering stunning vistas that are as diverse as the wines produced here. The region's elevation varies significantly, with vineyards located at both high and lower altitudes, contributing to the unique microclimates found within New England. These microclimates allow for the cultivation of a variety of grape types, each benefiting from the specific conditions of their location.

The high altitude areas, with their cooler temperatures, are particularly suited for producing wines with crisp acidity and delicate fruit flavors, while the slightly warmer lower areas contribute to richer, more robust styles. This natural diversity allows the New England wine region to produce a wide range of wine styles, from elegant, aromatic whites to complex, flavorful reds.

The landscape is not only a vital component of the region's terroir but also adds to the appeal of New England as a wine tourism destination. The natural beauty of the area, combined with the quality of wines produced, makes it a compelling region for wine enthusiasts and travelers alike. The New England wine region, with its distinctive landscape and climatic conditions, stands as a testament not only of the unique  potential for wine production in northern New South Wales, but also of the diversity that Australian wine has.

The New England wine subregion in New South Wales is a captivating tapestry of terroir, where the interplay of geography, climate, and altitude conspire to create wines of distinction and character. Situated on the western flank of the Great Dividing Range, this subregion is bestowed with a unique climatic profile shaped by its inland positioning. The continental influences exerted by this geographic placement infuse the region with a climatic rhythm characterized by stark seasonal variations.

Throughout the year, New England experiences a climatic dance that transitions from bracing winters to balmy summers, punctuated by cool to mild nights. These seasonal nuances play a vital role in the cultivation of grapes, influencing their development and ultimately shaping the flavor profile of the wines produced. The winters, though chilly, contribute to the vines' dormancy, ensuring a period of rest essential for their health and vitality. As spring emerges, however, the specter of frost looms, particularly in lower-lying areas, posing a potential hazard to nascent buds and tender shoots.

Yet, it is the region's elevation that truly distinguishes its viticultural landscape. With vineyards perched at altitudes ranging from 400 to 1000 meters above sea level, the New England wine subregion enjoys a microclimate all its own. The altitude not only offers breathtaking vistas of rolling hills and verdant valleys but also tempers the climatic extremes experienced at lower elevations. As a result, the grapes cultivated in this lofty terrain benefit from cooler daytime temperatures and greater diurnal temperature variations, factors that contribute to the retention of acidity and the development of complex flavors in the resulting wines.

The influence of altitude on viticulture is further underscored by its impact on grape ripening and maturation. The longer growing season afforded by the cooler temperatures at higher elevations allows for a gradual and even ripening of the grapes, promoting optimal flavor development and phenolic maturity. Additionally, the cool-climate conditions prevalent in New England create an environment particularly conducive to the cultivation of certain grape varieties, with white varietals thriving in this terroir.

Nestled within the picturesque landscapes of New South Wales, the Cowra wine subregion is renowned for its diverse array of soils, each contributing distinct characteristics to the wines produced in the area. From the fertile alluvial soils of the valleys to the rugged granite soils of the Moonbi Hills, and the rich black earth soils of Inverell, Cowra's terroir is a testament to the geological diversity that shapes its viticultural landscape.

  1. Alluvial Soils: The valleys surrounding Tamworth are predominantly composed of alluvial soils, deposited by ancient rivers and streams over millennia. These soils are prized for their fertility and drainage capabilities, providing an ideal foundation for vineyards. Alluvial soils impart a characteristic richness to the wines, enhancing their depth and complexity.
  2. Granite Soils: In the Moonbi Hills region, granite soils dominate the landscape, offering a stark contrast to the alluvial plains below. Derived from the weathering of granite bedrock, these soils are typically well-drained and nutrient-poor, challenging vines to delve deep in search of sustenance. Wines grown in granite soils often exhibit a pronounced mineral character and a distinct sense of place.
  3. Black Earth Soils: The Inverell region boasts rich black earth soils, derived from the decomposition of organic matter over centuries. These fertile soils are renowned for their high nutrient content and moisture retention properties, providing ample nourishment to vine roots. Wines produced from grapes grown in black earth soils showcase a robust fruit profile and velvety texture, reflective of their fertile origins.

In summary, the Cowra wine subregion presents a tapestry of soils, each contributing its own unique imprint on the wines produced within its boundaries. From the alluvial plains to the granite-strewn hillsides and fertile valleys, Cowra's soils serve as the foundation upon which its viticultural identity is built, enriching the wines with complexity, depth, and character.


The New England wine subregion, nestled within the New South Wales wine region, is renowned for its production of high-quality wines. Among the most common grape varieties cultivated in this subregion are Shiraz, Chardonnay, and Riesling. Each grape thrives in the region's unique agricultural and climatic conditions, contributing to the diversity and excellence of New England wines.

  1. Shiraz: Shiraz, a staple of Australian winemaking, flourishes in the New England subregion's moderate climate and diverse soils. The grape requires warm temperatures during the growing season and well-drained soils to thrive. Additionally, Shiraz benefits from ample sunshine and relatively low humidity levels, allowing for optimal ripening and development of its characteristic flavors.
  2. Chardonnay: Chardonnay, known for its versatility and adaptability, finds a suitable home in the New England subregion's cooler climate. The grape thrives in vineyards situated at higher altitudes, where cooler temperatures and longer ripening periods contribute to the development of vibrant acidity and balanced fruit flavors. Well-drained soils rich in nutrients support the growth of healthy Chardonnay vines, resulting in wines of finesse and complexity.
  3. Riesling: Riesling, celebrated for its aromatic qualities and ability to reflect terroir, thrives in the New England subregion's cool climate and elevated vineyards. The grape prefers cooler temperatures and well-drained soils with good water retention capacity. In this environment, Riesling develops crisp acidity and expressive floral and citrus aromas, showcasing the region's unique terroir and contributing to the production of distinctive wines.

The New England wine subregion in New South Wales, Australia, is gaining recognition for its high-quality wines, shaped by the unique climatic conditions of the area. This region is known for its cool climate and high altitude vineyards, which contribute to the distinct character of its wines. Among the most notable wines produced here are Shiraz, Chardonnay, and Riesling. Each of these wines showcases a unique aromatic and flavor profile that reflects the terroir of New England.

  1. Shiraz: New England Shiraz is distinguished by its elegant and refined style, a departure from the more robust versions found in warmer Australian regions. The cooler climate allows for a slower ripening process, resulting in a red wine style with complex aromatic bouquet. On the nose, one can expect floral notes, such as violets, intertwined with blackberry and pepper hints. The palate is typically smooth and well-balanced, featuring flavors of dark fruits, subtle spice, and a hint of oak, leading to a long and satisfying finish.
  2. Chardonnay: The Chardonnay from New England is celebrated for its freshness and vibrancy. This wine often presents a delicate nose of citrus fruits, green apple, and melon, with a subtle influence of oak that adds complexity without overpowering the fruit purity. On the palate, it is crisp and refreshing, with a focus on fruit-driven flavors complemented by a creamy texture and a well-integrated acidity that provides a long, clean finish.
  3. Riesling: Riesling in New England is prized for its aromatic intensity and precision. The nose is typically a fragrant bouquet of lime, lemon zest, and floral notes, such as jasmine or citrus blossom, which are indicative of the cool-climate expression of this variety. The palate is marked by a razor-sharp acidity that carries the wine's mineral undertones and citrus fruit flavors through to a lingering, zesty finish. The overall profile is one of elegance and finesse, with the potential for aging and developing further complexity over time.

These wines from the New England wine subregion exemplify the distinctive qualities that can be achieved in cooler climate viticulture. Their aromatic complexity and flavor profiles offer a fascinating glimpse into the potential of this emerging wine region.
