







about this subregion

Located within the picturesque Steiermark wine region in Austria, the Südsteiermark sub-region is a true jewel of viticulture, endowed with a captivating environment that breathes life into an array of exquisite wines. Nestled amidst a landscape of gently rolling hills and lush, vibrant vineyards, Südsteiermark offers a mosaic of microclimates and soils, providing a nurturing cradle for its celebrated grape varieties.

Sauvignon Blanc holds a place of prominence in the region, yielding wines that are a harmonious symphony of freshness, intensity, and complexity. The varietal thrives in the unique terroir of Südsteiermark, absorbing the whispers of the soil and climate to produce wines that speak of elegance and expression.

Muskateller, with its enchanting aromatic profile, finds a congenial home in the vineyards, weaving tales of floral and fruity notes in the wines it crafts. Weißburgunder, or Pinot Blanc, lends its delicate and subtle charm to the palate, offering wines that dance between creaminess and crisp acidity, while Morillon, known elsewhere as Chardonnay, brings forth wines with depth, structure, and a tantalizing array of flavors.

Finally, Riesling, the poet among grape varieties, unveils wines that are a tapestry of minerality, acidity, and aromatic brilliance, echoing the beauty and diversity of the Südsteiermark environment.

Together, these grape varieties tell the story of Südsteiermark, painting a portrait of a wine region that is as enchanting as it is diverse, producing wines that are a testament to the magic of the land from which they hail. Each sip is a journey, a delightful exploration of Südsteiermark’s stunning viticultural tapestry.



Vineyard Hectares



1500 - 2000


Discover Terroir

Südsteiermark, a sub-region within the grand Steiermark wine area, is a tapestry of breathtaking landscapes that perfectly illustrate the serene and pastoral beauty of southeastern Austria. Known as the "Tuscany of Austria," it boasts a picturesque setting that is both tranquil and vibrantly alive, with a terrain that is a mosaic of rolling hills, steep slopes, and verdant valleys.

The region is particularly noted for its hillside vineyards, which climb the slopes with a grace and rhythm that are almost musical, each elevation and depression in the land contributing to the distinct microclimates and the uniqueness of the wines produced. The hills are not only a testament to the region's charming topography but also integral to the identity of Südsteiermark wines, offering varying altitudes and aspects that the vineyards exploit to yield grapes with diverse and intricate profiles.

Südsteiermark's vineyards are often small, intimate patches of land, bordered by forests that not only provide a stunning backdrop but also contribute to the biodiversity and the ecological balance of the region. The wooded areas, with their cool shadows and whispering leaves, stand sentinel over the vineyards, participating in the quiet symphony of nature and agriculture that defines Südsteiermark.

Valleys in this region cradle the vineyards with a gentle embrace, with rivers like the Mur meandering through, carving the land and nourishing the soil with their ancient, silvery waters. These water bodies add another layer to the landscape, reflecting the skies and the vine-covered hills with a shimmering tranquility, creating scenes that are almost poetic in their beauty.

The landscape of Südsteiermark is a celebration of nature's grandeur and subtlety, offering a visual and sensory feast that deeply influences the character of its wines. Each glance at the hills, each breath of the cool, wooded air, and each sip of the exquisite wines produced here is a tribute to the remarkable and inspiring landscape of Südsteiermark.

Südsteiermark's climate is a delightful confluence of varied elements, providing an enchanting backdrop for the verdant vineyards meticulously etched into its picturesque landscape. This climatic symphony harmonizes the gentle whisper of the breeze, the warm caress of sunlight, and the rhythmic patter of rain, creating a dynamic environment where vines not only grow but thrive.

The region is primarily characterized by a continental climate with Mediterranean influences. Summers are warm and bathed in generous sunlight, providing ample energy for the grapes to ripen to perfection. These months witness the hills dressed in vibrant hues of green, with the vines soaking in the heat and the air resonating with the subtle hum of life and growth.

However, the warmth of summer does not go unchecked. The nights bring with them a refreshing coolness, a soft, soothing lullaby that tempers the heat, allowing the grapes to develop complexity and retain their coveted acidity. This significant diurnal temperature variation is a signature characteristic of the region's climate, playing a pivotal role in crafting wines that are rich yet balanced, robust yet elegant.

As autumn unfolds, the vineyards bask in a mellow glow, with the temperature gradually cooling, providing the vines with a gentle transition as they prepare for the harvest. This season is crucial, with each drop of sunlight and each degree of temperature meticulously shaping the grapes' character and flavor.

Winter in Südsteiermark is a quiet, contemplative time. The vineyards rest under a blanket of snow, with the cold air providing a necessary period of dormancy for the vines. The chill whispers through the barren branches, a silent promise of renewal and rebirth come spring.

When spring arrives, it does so with a burst of energy and color. The temperatures begin to climb, coaxing the buds to break and the leaves to unfurl, marking the inception of a new cycle of growth and life in the vineyards.

Furthermore, Südsteiermark's unique topography contributes to creating various microclimates within the region. The steep hills and valleys not only offer different aspects and altitudes but also serve as conduits and barriers for the prevailing winds, crafting pockets of climate that are distinct and unique, each adding a different note to the melody of the region's climate.

Every aspect of Südsteiermark's climate, from the sun-drenched summers to the crisp, cool nights, from the gentle spring breezes to the quiet winter snowfall, works in tandem to create a climate canvas where the art of viticulture is painted with bold, confident strokes, resulting in wines that are a true reflection of the land's climatic narrative.

Nestled within the lush, rolling hills of the Steiermark region, the Südsteiermark sub-region presents a tapestry of soils, each with a unique voice and story, intimately entwined with the vineyards that grace its landscape. These soils are the silent custodians of the vine’s growth, the unspoken poetry beneath each vine, offering nourishment and structure, whispering the ancient tales of the terrain into the ears of the grapes that grow above. From the compact, nurturing embrace of Opok soils to the warm, well-drained environments provided by sandy loam and gravel, each type of soil contributes its verse to the symphony of Südsteiermark viticulture. The varied geological substrates in the region create a mosaic, not just visually but also in the sensory profiles they imbue the wines with, crafting a spectrum of expressions that resonate with the essence of the land.

  1. Opok Soils: Opok soils are prevalent in Südsteiermark, consisting mainly of marl and silt with a substantial proportion of clay. These compact, nutrient-rich soils are excellent for retaining water, providing a consistent supply to the vines during dry periods. The Opok soils contribute to producing wines with robust body and pronounced minerality, underpinning the region’s full-flavored and structured white wines.
  2. Sandy Loam Soils: The region also features areas with sandy loam soils, which are typically well-drained and aerated, offering an ideal environment for vine roots to penetrate deeply. These soils tend to produce wines that are elegant and light, with a delicate fruit expression and a pleasing freshness.
  3. Limestone Soils: Limestone soils in Südsteiermark are cherished for the unique character they impart to the wines. These soils are alkaline and rich in calcium carbonate, providing ideal conditions for producing wines with finesse and a vibrant acidity. Vines planted in limestone soils often yield grapes that translate into wines with a refined structure and a distinctive, lingering finish.
  4. Schist Soils: Certain vineyard sites in Südsteiermark are underlain by schist soils, which are metamorphic rocks characterized by their layered structure. Schist soils are known for their excellent drainage and heat retention, contributing to the production of wines with intense fruit flavors and a notable mineral edge.
  5. Gravel Soils: In some parts of the region, you'll find gravel soils, consisting of rounded rock fragments. These soils are typically well-drained and warm, providing an advantageous environment for the vines during the growing season. Wines from gravelly soils often exhibit a robust body and depth of flavor, reflecting the beneficial growing conditions of these sites.

Each soil type in Südsteiermark unveils a different facet of the region's terroir, offering the vines a unique set of nutrients and characteristics. Understanding the interaction between the vines and the soils is fundamental for producing wines that are true embodiments of the region’s diverse geological heritage, with each bottle telling a story of the land from which it originates


Bathed in the gentle sunlight of Südsteiermark, clusters of Sauvignon Blanc, Muskateller, Weißburgunder, Morillon, and Riesling grapes hang delicately from their vines, each embodying the mesmerizing landscape from which they hail. These vineyards, with their undulating hills and serene vistas, offer a tableau of colors, textures, and forms, presenting a living tapestry where each grape variety contributes its distinctive physical character. The subtle differences in hue, from the pale gold of Weißburgunder to the deeper greens of Sauvignon Blanc, reflect not only the myriad varieties but also the complex interplay of soil and climate that defines this Austrian wine region. Each grape variety, with its unique set of requirements and characteristics, is a testament to the region's diverse viticulture, requiring meticulous care and understanding to reveal its full potential.

  1. Sauvignon Blanc: Sauvignon Blanc thrives in well-drained soils, preferably those with a gravelly or sandy composition. It requires moderate to cool climates, where the temperature fluctuations between day and night help preserve its natural acidity and aromatic compounds. The vines are vigorous and need careful canopy management to ensure proper sunlight exposure and air circulation.
  2. Muskateller: Muskateller, or Muscat, vines prosper in warm and dry climates, with a preference for sites that receive abundant sunlight. While adaptable to various soil types, they often fare best in those that are well-drained. These vines are prone to early budding and therefore require protection from late spring frosts.
  3. Weißburgunder (Pinot Blanc): Weißburgunder vines are versatile, growing well in a variety of soils, though they particularly benefit from chalky or marly compositions. Preferring cool to moderate climates, these vines require meticulous management, including careful pruning and thinning, to prevent overcropping and ensure the production of high-quality grapes.
  4. Morillon (Chardonnay): Morillon vines are hearty and adaptable, flourishing in a range of soil types and climates. However, they particularly favor well-drained, deep soils that are rich in limestone. While they can withstand warmer temperatures, a cooler climate is ideal for developing acidity and complexity in the grapes.
  5. Riesling: Riesling vines are quite hardy, suitable for cooler climates where they can ripen slowly and develop refined aromatic profiles. These vines prefer well-drained, sandy, or slate-rich soils, which aid in temperature regulation and provide the necessary stress to concentrate flavors in the grapes.

Each grape variety encapsulates the environmental nuances of the Südsteiermark region, embodying its climate and soil in their growth and development. Through understanding the agricultural needs and climatic preferences of these grapes, vintners in Südsteiermark are able to harness the full potential of each varietal, crafting wines that are authentic expressions of the land.

The wines emerging from the Südsteiermark region are renowned for their elegance, clarity, and distinctive profiles. With their bright, crystal-clear colors ranging from light greenish-yellow to deeper gold, these wines enchant at first glance. Their bodies are as varied as their palettes, with some presenting a light, refreshing structure, while others offer a fuller, more rounded presence on the palate.

  1. Sauvignon Blanc: Sauvignon Blanc from Südsteiermark is celebrated for its lively and vibrant aromatic profile. It often exudes notes of green apple, gooseberry, and freshly cut grass, with undercurrents of herbs and sometimes tropical fruits. The wine’s flavor is crisp and refreshing, with a high acidity that makes it an excellent companion to a variety of dishes.
  2. Muskateller: Muskateller wines are aromatic and delightful, carrying intoxicating aromas of rose petals, citrus fruits, and spices. These wines often have a pronounced nose of musk and orange blossom, providing a fragrant and heady experience. On the palate, Muskateller wines are often dry, yet their intense aromatics provide a perception of sweetness.
  3. Weißburgunder (Pinot Blanc): Weißburgunder wines exhibit subtle and elegant aromas of green apple, pear, and almond. These wines are understated, with a creamy texture and medium acidity. The flavor profile is often clean and straightforward, making them versatile and approachable wines suitable for various occasions.
  4. Morillon (Chardonnay): Morillon wines express aromas of ripe citrus fruits, melon, and often a hint of butter or vanilla, especially if they have been aged in oak barrels. They are rich and complex, with a balanced acidity and a long, satisfying finish, providing a wine that is both sophisticated and pleasing to diverse palates.
  5. Sausal Wines (Typically made with Riesling): Sausal wines, often crafted predominantly from Riesling grapes, exhibit a refined aromatic profile. They share the lively and bright characteristics of Sauvignon Blanc, with notes of citrus fruits and green apples, often accompanied by a mineral undertone reflective of the region’s distinctive terroir.

Each of these wines encapsulates the essence of Südsteiermark, offering a sensory journey through the region’s rolling vineyards and varied landscapes. The diversity in their aromatic and flavor profiles ensures that there is a wine for every palate and occasion, each telling its own tale of the soils, climate, and craftsmanship found in this remarkable Austrian wine region.
