

50° 41' 8.16" N


121° 56' 31.2" W




about this subregion

The Lillooet region encompasses a breathtaking 100-kilometer expanse along the interior Fraser River valley, extending from the northern enclave of Pavilion to the southern border at Kanaka Bar, with its epicenter residing in the charming town of Lillooet. Nestled within British Columbia's rugged embrace, this region is an embodiment of nature's grandeur, characterized by a dramatic topography of soaring mountains, deep canyons, and valley-floor terraces, known as benches, all framed by steep valley walls that create a truly awe-inspiring vista.

What sets the Lillooet region apart is its remarkable location, situated among the northernmost latitudes of North America. Yet, it enjoys a paradoxical twist, as its relatively lower altitude grants it a microclimate akin to the sun-soaked south Okanagan, delivering the warmth necessary for grapevine cultivation and winemaking.

Adding to the intrigue of this winegrowing region, the mountains to the west cast a protective shadow, ushering in a rain shadow effect. This phenomenon mirrors the conditions found in other renowned interior wine regions, shielding the vineyards from excessive precipitation and contributing to the region's suitability for viticulture.

In essence, the Lillooet wine region is a remarkable marriage of natural beauty, unique climate, and winemaking potential. It invites vintners and wine enthusiasts alike to explore its captivating landscapes and savor the distinctive terroir that yields wines of character and complexity.



Vineyard Hectares





Discover Terroir

Nestled within the heart of British Columbia's interior, the Lillooet wine region emerges as a hidden gem within Canada's viticultural landscape. Its presence serves as a captivating testament to the province's astonishing diversity in wine production. Situated around the charming town of Lillooet, this region sprawls across interconnected valleys, each embracing the meandering course of the mighty Fraser River. It's a locale defined by its unique geographical position, positioned to the north of the renowned city of Whistler and angling northwestward in comparison to Kamloops.

As the number of vineyards dotting its terrain continues to grow, Lillooet steadily garners recognition, seamlessly weaving its rich historical tapestry with a burgeoning reputation as a premier wine-producing destination amidst British Columbia's expansive and diverse wine country. The marriage of its storied past with its evolving status as a viticultural haven paints a vivid picture of progress and promise.

The wines that emanate from Lillooet are not just libations; they encapsulate the essence of the region's terroir, embodying the unique characteristics of its soil, climate, and topography. Each bottle tells a tale of meticulous craftsmanship and a deep-rooted connection to the land, resonating with the passion and dedication of the local grape growers and winemakers.

In this dynamic landscape, organizations like Wines of British Columbia and the British Columbia Grape Growers Association stand as pillars of support, nurturing the growth of Lillooet's wine industry and ensuring that the voices and stories of its grape growers are heard and celebrated. Through advocacy, education, and community-building initiatives, these entities champion the interests of all stakeholders, fostering a collaborative environment where innovation and tradition harmoniously coexist.

As the sun-kissed vineyards of Lillooet continue to flourish and the world becomes increasingly captivated by the quality and diversity of British Columbia's wines, the region's ascent to prominence appears inevitable. With each passing vintage, Lillooet solidifies its place on the global wine map, beckoning enthusiasts and connoisseurs alike to explore its bountiful offerings and savor the essence of this enchanting corner of Canada.

The Lillooet wine region, nestled in British Columbia, is marked by a climate that closely parallels the renowned grape-growing areas of the Okanagan Valley. This region experiences a unique blend of climatic conditions that are ideal for viticulture.

Characterized by long, hot, and dry summers, Lillooet offers an abundance of warmth and sunlight, crucial for the ripening of grapes. These conditions ensure that the grapes accumulate the necessary sugars and flavors essential for quality wine production. The hot days are tempered by cooler nights, a contrast that is beneficial for preserving the natural acidity in grapes, leading to more balanced and nuanced wines.

This diurnal temperature variation, where warm days are followed by cooler nights, is a key factor in the region's ability to cultivate a range of grape varieties successfully. It allows for a slow and even ripening process, which is particularly favorable for varieties such as Riesling, known for retaining its crisp acidity, and Pinot Noir, which develops its delicate flavors under these conditions.

Furthermore, Lillooet's dry climate contributes to the overall health of the vineyards, reducing the risk of diseases that can thrive in more humid conditions. The limited rainfall ensures that the vines undergo a certain level of stress, which can lead to the production of grapes with more concentrated flavors.

In summary, the Lillooet wine region benefits from a climate that mirrors some of the best grape-growing regions, with its hot days, cool nights, and dry conditions all playing a significant role in defining the quality and character of its wines​​​​.

The Lillooet wine region in British Columbia has gained acclaim for its burgeoning wine industry, owed largely to the diverse soil types that underpin its viticulture. These soils are pivotal in influencing the health of the vines and the quality of the grapes, ultimately shaping the unique character of wines from Lillooet.

  1. Silt, Clay, and Loamy Sand: Found predominantly throughout Lillooet, this combination of soil types strikes a delicate balance between moisture retention and drainage. This equilibrium is essential for nurturing healthy grapevines and ensuring the production of grapes of exceptional quality. By maintaining optimal moisture levels while preventing waterlogged conditions, these soils create an ideal environment for vine growth.
  2. Sandy Soil: Another significant soil type in Lillooet, sandy soil is prized for its excellent drainage capabilities. By facilitating the efficient removal of excess moisture, sandy soil helps to safeguard vine health and minimize the risk of disease. Additionally, the stress imposed on vines by the need to seek out water and nutrients encourages the development of deep root systems, resulting in grapes with intensified flavors and complexity.
  3. Glacial Deposits and Rocky, Mineral-Rich Soils: The presence of glacial deposits and rocky, mineral-rich soils is a defining characteristic of the Lillooet wine region. These well-draining soils, enriched with essential minerals, provide an ideal foundation for vine growth. The unique mineral composition not only nourishes the vines but also imparts distinctive flavors to the grapes, contributing to the terroir-driven characteristics of Lillooet wines.
  4. Gravelly and Sandy Loams with Clay Deposits: Completing the spectrum of soil types in Lillooet are gravelly and sandy loams with clay deposits. This blend offers the advantages of both efficient drainage and moisture retention, creating an optimal environment for a variety of grape cultivars to thrive. The versatility afforded by these soil types allows winemakers to produce a diverse range of wines, each expressing the unique attributes of its terroir.

The combination of these diverse soil types, coupled with Lillooet's distinctive microclimate, results in wines of unparalleled complexity and character. From crisp whites to bold reds, each bottle reflects the unique terroir of Lillooet, showcasing the region's diverse soils and their influence on grape quality. As Lillooet continues to establish itself as a prominent wine-producing region, its soils will remain a cornerstone of its viticultural identity, playing a crucial role in shaping the future of its wine industry.


The Lillooet wine region, known for its unique climate that mirrors the traditional grape-growing regions of the Okanagan Valley, offers an excellent environment for cultivating a variety of grapes. Here's a look at the agricultural and climatic needs of the most popular grape varieties in Lillooet:

  1. Pinot Noir: This grape thrives in cooler climates and benefits significantly from Lillooet's slightly lower average summer temperatures compared to the Okanagan. The cool nights in Lillooet are particularly advantageous for Pinot Noir, helping maintain the necessary balance between sugar and acidity levels in the grapes. Adequate sunlight and a longer growing season also contribute to the successful cultivation of this varietal.
  2. Cabernet Franc: Preferring warmer conditions, Cabernet Franc benefits from Lillooet’s long, hot summers. This grape variety requires a good amount of heat to ripen fully but also appreciates the cooler nighttime temperatures of the region, which help in maintaining acidity and preventing over-ripening. Cabernet Franc vines are generally robust and adaptable to a range of climatic conditions.
  3. Merlot: Merlot grapes require a significant amount of heat and sunlight, making Lillooet’s hot and dry summers ideal for their growth. The region's climate allows for consistent ripening of Merlot grapes, ensuring a balance in sugar and acid levels. These grapes also benefit from well-drained soils, which are characteristic of the Lillooet region.
  4. Chardonnay: Chardonnay, a versatile grape, adapts well to the varied microclimates within Lillooet. The grape flourishes in both the warm days and the cooler nights, allowing for the development of complexity while retaining acidity. Chardonnay vines prefer well-drained soils and benefit from the region's ample sunshine.
  5. Pinot Gris: The Pinot Gris grape variety is well-suited to the climate of Lillooet, thriving in conditions that offer a balance of warm days and cooler nights. This balance is crucial for the development of the grapes, allowing them to ripen fully while retaining their characteristic acidity. Pinot Gris vines are adaptable to a range of soil types but perform best in well-drained soils.
  6. Riesling: Riesling grapes excel in cooler climates, making the slightly lower average summer temperatures of Lillooet ideal for their cultivation. The diurnal temperature variation – warm days and cool nights – is particularly beneficial for preserving the natural acidity of the Riesling grapes. These grapes prefer well-drained soils and benefit from the region's dry conditions.

Each of these grape varieties, nurtured by the unique climatic conditions of the Lillooet wine region, contributes to the diverse and rich viticultural landscape of the area​​​

In the scenic Lillooet wine region of British Columbia, a collection of wines each tell their own story through unique taste experiences:

  1. Pinot Noir: Imagine a gentle dance of flavors in your glass. Lillooet's Pinot Noir brings together the earthy whispers of the soil with a playful mix of red fruits, creating a harmonious and smooth experience on the palate.
  2. Cabernet Franc: This wine is like a bold artist, painting your senses with rich, herb-kissed aromas. When you taste it, it's a powerful yet graceful blend of fruit and savory notes, leaving a memorable impression with its structured tannins.
  3. Merlot: Think of a comforting embrace of dark berries when you sniff this wine. The Merlot from Lillooet is all about depth and velvet, full-bodied and rich, mirroring its berry-rich nose in its luxurious taste.
  4. Chardonnay: Like a chameleon, Lillooet's Chardonnay shifts from fresh and fruity to indulgently buttery in aroma. Sipping it is a journey from refreshing lightness to a richer, more caressing experience.
  5. Pinot Gris: It's like a bouquet of flowers and a basket of fresh stone fruits in a bottle. This wine is light yet expressive, balancing its floral and fruity nose with a refreshing and subtly zesty taste.
  6. Riesling: A sip of this wine is like a burst of sunshine and orchard freshness. With its vibrant citrus and fruit-forward nose, the Riesling from Lillooet is a lively play of sweet and tart on your taste buds.

Each wine from Lillooet is a testament to the region's unique terroir, offering a delightful palette of tastes and aromas that make this Canadian wine region so special.
