Colli della Toscana Centrale IGP

Colli della Toscana Centrale IGP

43° 00’ N


10° 20’ E




about this subregion

The Colli della Toscana Centrale IGP, nestled in the captivating region of Tuscany, Italy, offers a compelling canvas for viticulture, characterized by its diverse environment. The climate of this region is predominantly Mediterranean, fostering the growth of a variety of grapes with its blend of mild, wet winters and sun-drenched summers. The IGP region encapsulates a range of altitudes from 100 to 500 meters, providing a tiered terrain that gifts each vineyard a unique microclimate and personality.

Sangiovese, the hallmark grape of Tuscany, is prolific within the Colli della Toscana Centrale, producing wines of robust character and distinctive red fruit flavors. This varietal thrives amidst the sunlit, rolling hills, drawing in the warmth and developing its signature complex profile. Another notable red grape cultivated here is the Cabernet Sauvignon, introducing wines with deep hues, structured tannins, and a bouquet of dark fruits and spices.

On the white spectrum, Chardonnay and Vernaccia stand out as the protagonists in the Colli della Toscana Centrale. Chardonnay, known for its versatility, expresses itself with elegance and notes of citrus and tropical fruits in this region. Vernaccia, indigenous to Tuscany, offers wines that are crisp, fresh, and imbued with subtle minerality and floral notes, encapsulating the terroir's essence and delivering a genuine taste of Tuscany's central hills. Together, these grape varieties celebrate the rich tapestry of environments within the Colli della Toscana Centrale IGP, each contributing to the region's prestigious and diverse wine portfolio.


vinerra illustration

Vineyard Hectares



1200 - 1400


Discover Terroir

The Colli della Toscana Centrale IGP is serenely situated in the heart of the illustrious wine region of Tuscany, Italy. This captivating area is renowned for its quintessential Tuscan landscape, which is a picturesque tapestry of rolling hills, verdant valleys, and meticulously tended vineyards, embodying the idyllic vision of a premium wine-producing region.

The terrain is incredibly diverse, with elevations ranging from low-lying plains to hills that gently ascend, creating a variety of microclimates and soil compositions across the region. This diverse topography provides the perfect backdrop for the cultivation of a myriad of grape varieties, each of which contributes to the creation of the distinctive and celebrated wines of the area.

Nestled among the hills are timeless medieval villages, stone farmhouses, and historic estates, many of which have been producing wines for centuries. These iconic structures seamlessly blend with the natural beauty of the environment, further enhancing the visual appeal of the region.

The area is not only defined by its elevation but also by its soil diversity, a factor crucial to the wine-growing process. The soils within the Colli della Toscana Centrale range from sandy to clayey, with significant variations in mineral content and composition. These soil differences, combined with the varying altitudes and aspects of the vineyards, result in wines with a remarkable range of flavors and aromas, reflecting the unique terroir of each specific location within the region.

Adding to the allure of the landscape are the abundant olive groves and cypress trees that punctuate the vine-covered hills, providing a lush and vibrant palette of colors throughout the year. The Mediterranean climate graces the region with warm, dry summers and mild, wet winters, fostering optimal conditions for vine growth and grape maturation.

The climate of the Colli della Toscana Centrale IGP weaves a significant tale of splendor and harmony, offering an ambient canvas where vines gracefully mature, producing grapes of exquisite quality and character. Nestled in Tuscany's heart, this treasured wine region enjoys a quintessentially Mediterranean climate, which serves as a gentle, nurturing cradle for the vineyards.

Warm, languid summers gracefully unfold across the landscape, bestowing an abundance of sunlight that bathes the vineyards in a radiant, golden hue. This prolonged exposure to sun is integral to the ripening process, ensuring that grapes accumulate sufficient sugars while developing a delightful spectrum of aromas and flavors that are indicative of the Tuscan terroir. The days of summer are typically dry, with clear skies stretching as far as the eye can see, providing an uninterrupted crescendo to the growing season.

Yet, the narrative of this climate is also one of balance and contrast. As the sun sets behind the undulating hills, the temperature dips, introducing cool, serene nights that offer respite and preservation to the vine’s precious fruits. This diurnal temperature variation is nothing short of poetic, delicately balancing the ripening process and preserving the grapes' intrinsic acidity, thereby crafting wines of remarkable freshness and vivacity.

Winters in Colli della Toscana Centrale are mild and contemplative, with a subtle chill in the air that seldom ventures into the realm of severe frost. Gentle rains nourish the soil, replenishing the earth with moisture that will later sustain the vines through their cycle. These rains are typically well-distributed, avoiding the peril of excessive water that might endanger the roots, and instead providing just enough to sustain the vines without diluting the grapes' flavor concentration.

Spring and autumn act as the region’s transitional custodians, bridging the temperature extremes with moderation and finesse. The springs are brisk and awakening, with soft breezes that dance through the vine rows, carrying with them the promise of a new, fruitful season. Autumns, meanwhile, drape the vineyards in a tapestry of color, with crisp air that heralds the arrival of harvest.

The soils of the Colli della Toscana Centrale IGP are a fascinating mosaic of types and textures, each contributing distinct characteristics to the wines produced in this heralded region. This diverse soil profile lends itself to the cultivation of a wide array of grape varieties, allowing for the expression of unique and compelling flavors and aromas in the resultant wines.

  1. Limestone: Limestone soils are prevalent in several parts of the region, imparting a discernible finesse and minerality to the wines. These soils are well-draining and typically retain moisture efficiently, providing an ideal environment for vines during dry summer months. The resultant wines often possess a remarkable acidity and crispness, making them both refreshing and age-worthy.
  2. Clay: Clay soils in the region are recognized for their ability to regulate water supply to the vines, proving invaluable during hot, dry periods. These soils tend to yield wines with robust body and structure, often with pronounced fruit flavors and a velvety texture. Vines in clay soils may produce grapes with deeper color and higher tannin content, contributing to the overall complexity and aging potential of the wines.
  3. Sand: The sandy soils within Colli della Toscana Centrale IGP are praised for their low fertility and excellent drainage. Vines planted in sandy soils often produce wines that are elegant, aromatic, and light on the palate. These soils also act as a natural barrier to phylloxera, a vine pest, thereby promoting healthy vine growth.
  4. Loam: Loam soils, composed of balanced proportions of sand, silt, and clay, offer a versatile and nurturing environment for various grape types. These soils combine the best attributes of their components, providing good water retention, drainage, and fertility. Wines from loamy soils are often well-balanced and expressive, reflecting a true sense of place.
  5. Marl: Marl soils, composed of a mixture of clay and limestone, are also found scattered within the region. This type of soil tends to be cooler, retaining moisture and offering a slow release of water to the vines. Wines grown on marl soils are typically aromatic and possess a delightful acidity and freshness.
  6. Silt: Soils with high silt content are less common but contribute to the area's diversity. These soils tend to retain water well and provide a smooth texture to the wines. Wines produced from vines in silty soils often have delicate aromas and flavors, with a soft and approachable profile.


Colli della Toscana Centrale IGP’s vineyards are graced with a quartet of esteemed grapes: Sangiovese, Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, and Vernaccia. The rolling hills, varying altitudes, and balanced climate create an environment where these grapes flourish, each revealing distinct characteristics reflective of the region’s rich terroir.

  1. Sangiovese: The principal grape of the region, Sangiovese, requires a long growing season to mature fully, thriving in areas with ample sunlight and well-drained soils. Its sensitivity to its growing environment results in wines that are highly reflective of their terroir. The mild winters and warm, dry summers of Colli della Toscana Centrale provide optimal conditions for Sangiovese, allowing it to develop its signature flavors of cherry and red plum, with undertones of earth and herbs.
  2. Cabernet Sauvignon: This internationally renowned grape variety adapts well to the varied climates within the IGP region. Cabernet Sauvignon prefers well-drained soils and regions with significant diurnal temperature variations, which contribute to the development of its complex flavor profile. The grape yields wines that are full-bodied and rich, with notes of blackcurrant, green bell pepper, and often a hint of vanilla.
  3. Chardonnay: Chardonnay thrives in cooler climates within the Colli della Toscana Centrale, where the temperature drops significantly at night. These conditions allow the grape to retain its acidity while developing full flavors. Chardonnay vines are quite resilient and can adapt to various soil types, although they prefer chalky or limestone-rich soils. The resulting wines are elegant and varied, with possible flavors ranging from green apple and citrus to tropical fruits and butter, depending on the vinification process.
  4. Vernaccia: Indigenous to Tuscany, Vernaccia requires a climate characterized by mild winters and hot summers. It performs best in sandy, loose soils that offer good drainage, essential for its development. Vernaccia wines are known for their high acidity, crispness, and distinctive floral and almond notes, offering a refreshing and unmistakably Tuscan white wine experience.

Colli della Toscana Centrale IGP wines encapsulate the diversity and allure of Tuscany’s central hills through their extensive range of offerings. The appellation crafts distinct wines such as Bianco, Bianco Varietals, Rosato, Rosato Varietals, Rosso, and Rosso Varietals, each with specific grape compositions that radiate the unique character of the region.

  1. Bianco: Bianco wines are a delightful mosaic of Chardonnay, Malvasia, Pinot Bianco, Pinot Grigio, Riesling, Sauvignon Blanc, Trebbiano Toscano, Vernaccia, Vermentino, and other authorized grapes. These wines offer a symphony of aromas ranging from floral to fruity, often with hints of almond and herbs. On the palate, Bianco wines are crisp and harmonious, presenting a refreshing acidity balanced with an inviting fruitiness, making them perfect companions for a variety of dishes.
  2. Bianco Varietals: With at least 85% of primary white grapes, Bianco Varietals showcase the individual characteristics of the predominant grape. Chardonnay-based wines, for example, might exude notes of green apple and citrus, while a Vernaccia-dominant wine might offer floral and almond nuances. These wines, while varied, generally possess a bright acidity and a clean, persistent finish that reflects the terroir’s minerality.
  3. Rosato: Rosato wines are charming, blush-hued expressions crafted from a blend of red grapes like Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Canaiolo Nero, Ciliegiolo, Gamay, Merlot, Pinot Nero, Sangiovese, Syrah, and others. These wines enchant with their fresh, fragrant red fruit aromas, underscored by subtle floral and spice notes. The palate is typically dry and elegantly structured, offering a delightful, refreshing drinking experience.
  4. Rosato Varietals: Crafted with a minimum of 85% of one of the authorized red grapes, Rosato Varietals are expressive, spotlighting the singular allure of the grape in focus. These wines might feature robust red fruit characteristics, with nuances varying from the strawberry and cherry notes of a Sangiovese to the plush, dark fruit profile of a Merlot-based Rosato, each delivering a vibrant and pleasing palate.
  5. Rosso: The Rosso wines of Colli della Toscana Centrale IGP are compelling reds, exuding depth and complexity. Crafted from a diverse roster of red grapes, these wines are known for their rich, layered aromas of red and black fruits, often accompanied by hints of spice, leather, and tobacco. On the palate, they are structured and balanced, with smooth tannins and a lingering finish that echoes the wine’s aromatic complexity.
  6. Rosso Varietals: With at least 85% of a specific red grape, Rosso Varietals offer a concentrated expression of the grape’s character. From the spicy, cassis-laden profile of Cabernet Sauvignon to the bright cherry and earthy notes of Sangiovese, these wines provide a focused and intense sensory experience, reflective of both the grape variety and the enchanting Tuscan landscape from which they hail.