

33°30'37.005" S


57°44'59.317" W




about this subregion

The Soriano wine sub-region, nestled within the Litoral Sur region of Uruguay alongside the Colonia sub-region, has an unique viticultural environment characterized by its temperate climate and fertile, calcareous soils. These climatic factors contribute to the successful cultivation of vineyards here, although the area accounts for a modest portion of Uruguay's overall grape production. According to the 2023 INAVI report, Soriano producers harvested 4 tons of grapes, representing just 0.1% of the total grape harvest in Uruguay.

This sub-region's climate is marked by well-defined seasons, with warm, dry summers and mild, wet winters. These conditions are favorable for grape growing, providing a balance of warmth for sugar development and cooler periods for a great retention of natural acidity in the grapes. The deep soils, rich in calcareous elements, ensure that vines have access to essential nutrients and moisture, supporting a healthy growth and the development of high-quality grapes.

The key varieties for wine production in Soriano are Tannat, Pinot Noir, Cabernet Franc, and Viognier. These grapes benefit from the region’s environment, each contributing to the diverse and rich wine portfolio of the Soriano sub-region.


vinerra illustration

Vineyard Hectares



2500 - 3000


Discover Terroir

The Soriano wine sub-region in Uruguay has a landscape shaped by its natural beauty. 

The landscape of Soriano is distinguished by its gentle rolling hills that are typical of many rural areas, providing a serene backdrop for vineyards. The region's proximity to the Rio Negro department adds a picturesque quality to its scenery, with unique views that enhance the tranquility of the area. This peaceful setting is conducive to both grape growing and wine tourism, offering visitors a visually appealing and calm environment. 

Within the rural landscapes of the region predominate traditional farmsteads and pockets of woodland, contributing to the region's charm and its appeal as a destination for those not only seeking to discover unique wines, but also to have a greater connection with nature.

The Soriano wine sub-region in Uruguay boasts a temperate climate with distinct seasonal patterns that are conducive to viticulture.

Summers here are warm and dry, offering optimal conditions for the grapes to mature and develop concentrated flavors. In contrast, the winters are mild and concentrate most of the year’s rainfall, providing the hydration that the vines need during their dormant period. These seasonal changes support the health and vitality of the vineyards. Additionally, the location of the region exposes it to winds and changing weather systems that contribute to the unique character and quality of the wines produced in Soriano. 

Finally, the absence of mountains and the influence of winds means that rapid weather shifts can occur, adding a layer of complexity to vineyard management but also enriching the wine-making process.

The soils of the Soriano wine sub-region in Uruguay are very fertile and deep, enriched with calcareous materials that play a crucial role in vine health and wine quality. 

This soil composition is ideal for viticulture, as it provides a balanced pH that is conducive to the development of healthy grapevines. The calcareous content in the soil helps to moderate the acidity levels of the grapes, which is essential for producing wines with good structure and longevity. 

In addition, the depth of the soils of Soriano ensures that the vine roots can extend deeply, accessing moisture and nutrients even during dry periods. This characteristic is very beneficial for the region, and allows to obtain high-quality year after year. The soil composition of Soriano not only reflects its diverse geological history, but also contributes to the complexity and distinctiveness of the wines produced in this new world wine region.


The Soriano, a wine region of South America, is slowly getting recognizement for its production of high-quality grapes. The most common grape varieties of this region are Tannat, Pinot Noir, Cabernet Franc, and Viognier, each contributing to the diversity and richness of Uruguayan wines.

  1. Tannat: Tannat is the flagship grape of Uruguay and thrives in the Soriano sub-region. It prefers a mild climate with sunny days and cool nights, something that helps to maintain the robustness and acidity of this red wine grape. Tannat vines are vigorous and hardy, requiring soils with good drainage to prevent waterlogging and root diseases. They benefit from vineyard practices that manage canopy growth to ensure adequate sun exposure and air circulation, which are key for the development of grapes with intense flavors.
  2. Pinot Noir: Pinot Noir demands careful handling due to its sensitivity to climatic variations. This grape prefers cooler temperatures and is less tolerant of harsh sunlight, thriving in areas with moderate temperatures. This grape grows best in sandy loam soils with good drainage, that help to maintain consistent levels of moisture while avoiding waterlogging. Effective trellising systems are also essential to facilitate a more even ripening process of the grapes.
  3. Cabernet Franc: Cabernet Franc is well-suited to the slightly warmer and sunnier spots of Soriano. This variety requires ample sunlight to develop its full potential, although it does not thrive in excessively warm areas. It flourishes in deep soils with good drainage that are rich in organic matter. In addition, this variety requires pruning practices and good separation between vines to ensure the circulation of air and the exposition to sunlight. 
  4. Viognier: Viognier is the most planted white grape within Soriano. This grape has adapted well to the Soriano region. It requires a warmer growing season compared to other varieties, and many hours of sunshine to reach its full ripeness. Viognier vines perform best in soils with good drainage, and benefit from a dry climate to minimize the risk of fungal diseases. The management of the vine's vigorous growth is necessary to control yields and obtain grapes with more concentrated flavors.

These grapes, coupled with other varieties like Cabernet Sauvignon, are key to produce the unique wines of Soriano.

The Soriano sub-region is renowned for producing a diverse range of wines, the most common being Tannat, Pinot Noir, Cabernet Franc, and Viognier.

  1. Tannat: Tannat wine is renowned for its bold and robust character. It usually shows deep, dark fruit flavors such as blackberry and plum, as well as tannins with a great structure and a firm texture. These wines often carry a hint of smokiness, coupled with dark chocolate and coffee notes, making them perfect for those looking for intense experiences. Tannat wines are great prospects for aging, developing a more complex profile as well as a smoother finish.  
  2. Pinot Noir: Pinot Noir is renowned for its elegant and complex profile. These wines often show red fruit aromas that may remind you of cherries, strawberries, and raspberries, while on the palate they have a velvety texture and a light to medium-bodied. The prominent acidity of this wine provides a fresh, lingering finish, making it very appealing and versatile to pair with different dishes.
  3. Cabernet Franc: Cabernet Franc wines are known for their vibrant and aromatic profile. They typically show a mix of ripe red and black fruits aromas, such as red currants and blackberries, coupled with subtle floral and peppery notes, that add a layer of complexity. On the palate, these medium-bodied wines show a great balance between fruitiness and acidity, as well as refined tannins that lead to a smooth and persistent finish.
  4. Viognier: Viognier wines from this region stand out for their aromatic intensity and richness. They often show fruity aromas of peach, apricot, and honeysuckle, while in the mouth they have a creamy texture and balanced acidity, as well as subtle undertones of vanilla and spice that make this wine more complex.

These wines, coupled with other wines like Cabernet Sauvignon, are slowly but surely bringing more recognizement to the new world wine region of Soriano. So, grab your glass and head to one of the many wine tastings of this region, to taste unique and memorable wines.
