

34° 28' 51.5172" S


54° 19' 50.6784" W




about this subregion

Discover the Rocha wine sub-region of Uruguay, with Vinerra!

The Rocha wine sub-region, nestled within Uruguay's Oceanic wine region, has an ideal environment for viticulture. This sub-region shares the Oceanic wine region with the Maldonado sub-region, one of the key wine areas of Uruguay.

Rocha is characterized by mild temperatures and a consistent climate, very influenced by its proximity to the Atlantic Ocean. This climate offers a long growing season to the vines, crucial for their development. The most common soils here are alluvial and gravel, which offer excellent drainage and heat retention properties, fostering robust vine growth.

In 2023, Rocha contributed with 212 tons of grapes to the Uruguayan wine industry, accounting for 0.3% of the country’s total grape production, according to an INAVI report. This yield, although small, showcase the region slow growth compared to previous years.

The main grape varieties cultivated in Rocha include Tannat, Cabernet Franc, Merlot, Sauvignon Blanc, Riesling, and Chardonnay. Each variety benefits from the region's optimal growing conditions, contributing to the diverse wine portfolio Rocha offers to wine lovers that visit this captivating region Thanks to its unique wines, Rocha is set to become one of the wine gems within South America in the next years.


vinerra illustration

Vineyard Hectares



2500 - 3000


Discover Terroir

The landscape of the Rocha wine sub-region in Uruguay is characterized by its natural beauty that ranges from serene beaches with palm trees to rugged coastlines, contributing to the region's unique charm. The area boasts a largely untouched environment, with broad stretches of open beaches that are complemented by rolling dunes and rocky outcrops. 

The coastal influence is evident, with features like Cabo Polonio, a unique beach town devoid of roads and power lines that offers a remote and almost timeless appeal. This town, as well as others like Punta del Diablo, has an idyllic and relaxing atmosphere, providing a stark contrast to the bustling city life​​.

The region's geography is not characterized by its dramatic elevation. It rather maintains a predominantly flat terrain that gently rises towards the inland areas. This flatness, coupled with its coastal proximity, defines much of the character of this wine region’s landscape. 

Such features make Rocha a visually appealing new world winemaking area. that combines the tranquility of isolated beach towns with the untamed beauty of its more rugged coastal stretches.

The Rocha wine sub-region in Uruguay has a climate marked by mild temperatures and distinct seasonal changes, that are key for vine growth and wine production. The climate of this region receives coastal influences that help to moderate extreme temperatures and maintains a relatively consistent weather pattern throughout the year.

From December through March, the warmer months, temperatures typically are around 25°C, creating an ideal environment for the grapes to achieve ideal levels of ripeness. February has the warmest temperatures that help grapes to achieve ideal levels of sugar and concentrate their flavors.

The winter months, spanning from June to August, have cooler temperatures with averages around 15°C in July, usually the coldest month. Winter is key for the dormancy period of the vines, helping them to prepare for the next growing cycle.

Rocha has a good distribution of rainfall through the year, without receiving too much or too low amounts of water. This helps to maintain the levels of moisture in the soiñ, while avoiding waterlogging, something that could cause vine diseases.  Usually, June is the wettest month, while February is the driest month.

Finally, the region receives ample sunshine, with around 6.7 hours per day year-round. This consistent sunlight is key for photosynthesis, allowing vines to develop grapes with more concentrated flavors.

The Rocha wine sub-region is characterized by diverse soil types that contribute significantly to viticulture. The most common soils of this area include alluvial and gravel soils.

  1. Alluvial Soils: These soils are most common near riverbanks and streams. Composed by sediments of water streams,  alluvial soils are rich in nutrients and have excellent drainage. This helps to avoid waterlogging, reduces vine stress, and supports deep root growth, characteristics that allow the production of more complex wines.
  2. Gravel Soils: Composed of a mix of gravel and sand, these soils have a great drainage and encourage a deeper root penetration. Gravel soils tend to warm up quickly during the day, while during the night they have a great warm retention,  something that accelerates the ripening process of the grapes. This soil type is especially beneficial for red wine grape varieties, allowing the production of robust and structured wines.

These soil types, combined with Rocha's temperate oceanic climate, create a perfect background for high-quality wine production within this new world wine region.


The Rocha wine sub-region is renowned for its wide range of red and white grapes that thrive under its unique climate. This region benefits from the Atlantic influence, providing temperate conditions that are ideal for viticulture. The key grape varieties for viticulture in Rocha are Tannat, Cabernet Franc, Merlot, Sauvignon Blanc, Riesling, and Chardonnay.

  1. Tannat: Tannat is the flagship grape of Uruguay, and thrives within the climate of Rocha. It requires a long growing season to fully mature and develop structured tannins. This grape is suited to the mild, wet winters and warm, dry summers of Rocha. Regarding the soils, it thrives in the sandy loam soils with good drainage of Rocha, which help Tannat to maintain high acidity levels while avoiding waterlogging, something that can reduce the quality of the grapes..
  2. Cabernet Franc: Cabernet Franc thrives in slightly cooler temperatures than other grapes, such as Cabernet Sauvignon, making the temperate climate of Rocha ideal. It prefers moderate temperatures and ample sunlight to avoid excessive vegetative growth, as well as to obtain grapes with great phenolic ripeness. The grape benefits from the breezes that come from the ocean, which reduce the risk of fungal diseases, and from the soils with good drainage of Rocha, which help to prevent waterlogging.
  3. Merlot: Merlot prefers the cooler areas of the Rocha region, where it can achieve a more gradual ripening cycle. This variety thrives in the fertile, clay-based soils of Rocha,  which have a good water retention capacity and can sustain the vines during dry periods. The moderate climate helps to maintain a balanced acidity in the grapes, which is crucial for the structure of the wine. Finally, thanks to the fact that Merlot is an early ripening grape, it's less susceptible to the autumn rains of Rocha.
  4. Sauvignon Blanc: Sauvignon Blanc benefits from the cooler temperatures of Rocha, provided by the proximity to the Atlantic Ocean. This grape thrives in the well-drained soils of Rocha, while the cooler night temperatures of the region help the grape to retain its natural acidity, something that allows to produce refreshing wines. The sea breezes help to mitigate the heat of Rocha,  ensuring a slower ripening process, which is essential for developing the complex flavor profile of Sauvignon Blanc wines from this region.
  5. Riesling: Riesling is planted in the higher altitude sites within Rocha, where the temperature variation between day and night is wider. This grape variety thrives in cooler climates and requires a long ripening period to develop its flavors while maintaining its signature high acidity. On the other hand, it grows best in the rocky soils with good drainage and high mineral content of this region, allowing for a deep root growth and grapes with a mineral profile.
  6. Chardonnay: Chardonnay is very versatile, but grows best in the cooler microclimates of Rocha, which allow for a longer growing season. This variety benefits from the rich, loamy soils of the region, which have good water retention and concentration of nutrients. Chardonnay requires careful canopy management to ensure an adequate sun exposure and air circulation, helping to prevent vine diseases caused by excessive moisture.

Each of these grape varieties, coupled with smaller plantations of Pinot Noir, contributes to the diverse viticultural landscape of Rocha, a hidden wine gem within South America.

The Rocha wine sub-region of Uruguay is renowned for its production of a wide range of red wines and white wines. The cool climate of the region, coupled with the oceanic influences it receives, creates an ideal environment for growing grapes that result in unique wines. The signature wines from the region are Tannat, Cabernet Franc, Merlot, Sauvignon Blanc, Riesling, and Chardonnay.

  1. Tannat: Tannat is known for its robustness and intensity. Typically, it shows a deep, rich color with aromas of dark fruits like blackberries and plums. On the palate, Tannat is full-bodied with structured tannins and subtle notes of dark chocolate and tobacco making it a great option for wine lovers looking for a hearty experience.
  2. Cabernet Franc: Cabernet Franc from this region tends to be a medium bodied wine, and usually has a vibrant ruby color. This wine is very aromatic, with intense notes of red berries, black currants, and sometimes green bell peppers. On the palate, this wine is complex, featuring a mix of ripe red fruit notes with subtle herbaceous notes and a moderate acidity, that leads to a balanced and elegant finish.
  3. Merlot: Merlot wines from Rocha are very approachable, and stand out for their sof and velvety texture on the palate. They usually show aromas of cherries, raspberries, and cocoa, while on the palate they are smooth and have fruity notes, with hints of mocha or vanilla in oaked versions, making the overall profile of this wine very rounded.
  4. Sauvignon Blanc: Sauvignon Blanc wines of Rocha are very crisp and refreshing. They are characterized by their bright acidity and vibrant citrus aromas, usually showing grapefruit and lime notes, coupled with herbal undertones such as freshly cut grass that add complexity to the wine. The refreshing acidity of this wine on the palate makes it a perfect choice for the warm days of summer.
  5. Riesling: Riesling from this region stands out for its aromatic profile and its high acidity. In the nose, it features lime, green apple, and blossoms, with an underlying minerality. On the palate, this wine  tends to be lean and crisp, with herbaceous notes and a refreshing acidity that makes it very versatile to pair with food.
  6. Chardonnay: Chardonnay wines from this region usually have a great balance between fruitiness and acidity. In the nose, these wines usually show apple, pear, and tropical fruit notes, coupled with subtle notes of butter or vanilla in oak-aged versions. On the palate, this wine tends to be medium to full-bodied, with a creamy texture and a lingering finish that makes it very appealing for wine enthusiasts.

Each of these wines, coupled with less produced styles such as Pinot Noir, represents the unique terroir of the Rocha wine sub-region, showing how local climate and winemaking traditions can influence the overall profile of wine in this rising star of Uruguay.
