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42° 54' 3.12" E




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about this region

Nestled in the heart of western-central Georgia, the Imereti wine region is a living testament to the region's enduring viticultural heritage. Stretching gracefully along the middle and upper reaches of the Rioni River, this captivating region paints a mesmerizing picture of rolling hills and fertile valleys. What truly distinguishes Imereti is its unique geographical location and climate, which are instrumental in fostering an environment ideally suited for cultivating grapes.This region shares borders with Guria to the south-west, with Samegrelo to the west and with the Racha and Lechkhumi wine regions to the north.

Imereti's vineyards are thoughtfully positioned at elevations ranging from 50 to 500 meters above sea level, benefiting from a humid subtropical climate. This climate, marked by chilly, moisture-laden winters and scorching, dry summers, harmoniously conspires to nurture grapes to their fullest potential. The soil makeup is impressively diverse, predominantly composed of stony loams enriched with calcium carbonate and limestone, laying the fertile groundwork for the vineyards.

The Imereti wine region is renowned for its diverse array of grape varieties, each contributing a unique spectrum of flavors and aromas to the wines it yields. Prominently featured among these grape varieties are Argvetuli Sapere, Otskhanuri Sapere, Adanasuri, Tsolikauri, Tsitska, and Krakhuna. These grapes serve as the cornerstone of Imereti's winemaking, echoing the region's distinct terroir and time-honored winemaking traditions.

Winemaking in Imereti is an artful blend of ancient practices and modern techniques. The use of traditional qvevri, known locally as churi, remains prevalent in the region. These clay vessels are used for fermenting and aging wine, preserving a centuries-old tradition. This traditional method, combined with the diversity of grape varieties, results in wines with unique and unmistakable profiles, captivating the global wine stage.

The Imereti wine region, with its rich tapestry of climate, soil, and grape varieties, proudly contributes to Georgia's illustrious winemaking history. Beyond offering exceptional wines, it invites enthusiasts to embark on a journey into the cultural and historical depths of Georgian viticulture, making it an enriching and immersive experience for all who appreciate the art of winemaking.


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Vineyard Hectares




growing degree days

Discover Terroir

Nestled in the heart of western-central Georgia lies the enchanting Imereti wine region, celebrated for its captivating landscape. Picture rolling hills and fertile valleys that paint a breathtaking natural canvas.

When you wander through the Imereti wine region, you'll encounter a delightful fusion of gentle slopes and vast, level expanses, all dressed in thriving vineyards that seem to extend endlessly. It's as if nature herself has crafted a masterpiece, with vine-clad hills embracing the lush valleys below.

What sets Imereti apart is its diverse topography. Vineyards here thrive at different elevations, spanning from 50 to 500 meters above sea level. This varied terrain gives rise to a rich tapestry of microclimates, each offering an ideal environment for cultivating a diverse array of grape varieties.

In essence, the landscape of the Imereti wine region is a harmonious union of nature and winemaking. These rolling hills and fertile valleys create an exquisite backdrop for grape cultivation, resulting in the exceptional wines that define this region. It's a place where the land's beauty seamlessly melds with the artistry of winemaking.

The Imereti wine region, situated in western-central Georgia, is a land where climate plays a vital role in shaping the exquisite wines that grace its vineyards. This region's climate is a complex tapestry, woven from the threads of three distinctive climatic influences, with the most prevalent being the Cfa and Dfb climates.

In the lowlands of Imereti, where the landscape gently slopes and melds into the Kolkheti Valley, a sub-tropical sea climate prevails. Here, the winters are characterized by a gentle touch, offering a mild respite from the cold. Summers, on the other hand, paint a different picture, as they unfurl with sweltering heat. The average annual temperature in this coastal haven ranges from 11 to 15 degrees Celsius. It's a climate where the gentle whispers of the sea breeze mingle with the warmth of the sun, creating a harmonious environment for vineyards to thrive.

Venture further into the upper reaches of Imereti, and you'll find a different climate altogether. Here, in the heart of this wine region, a humid subtropical climate takes center stage. Winters embrace a colder demeanor, and the heavens bestow generous precipitation upon the land. It's a climate where the earth drinks deeply, preparing for the vibrant life that bursts forth in the warmer months.

In this climate, the vines find themselves in a dance with the elements, as they navigate the challenges and opportunities presented by the changing seasons. The cold winters, while demanding, contribute to the vine's resilience, while the generous rains prepare the soil for the fruitful summers ahead.

In essence, the Imereti wine region's climate is a symphony of contrasts and harmony, a reflection of the diverse terroir that defines this land. It's a place where vines adapt and thrive, where the interplay of temperature and precipitation creates the perfect conditions for grapes to ripen and transform into the exceptional wines that have made Imereti a celebrated name in the world of viticulture.

The Imereti wine region, nestled in the heart of western-central Georgia, boasts a rich tapestry of soils that contribute to the diverse and distinctive character of its wines. Each soil type tells a unique story, reflecting the region's terroir in its own way.

  1. Raw Humus Calcareous-Rendzic Leptosols: These soils, found in certain pockets of Imereti, play a crucial role in the cultivation of vines. With their raw humus content and calcareous nature, they offer a fertile and well-draining environment for grapevines. This combination of attributes ensures that the vines receive the necessary nutrients while allowing excess water to flow away, resulting in grapes with a balanced flavor profile.
  2. Yellow Brown Forest-Chromic Cambisols and Stagnic Alisols: Another significant soil type in the region, these soils provide a sturdy foundation for vineyards. Their yellow-brown hue and chromic cambisols composition create a stable environment where vines can establish strong roots. Stagnic alisols within this category help with moisture retention, ensuring the vines receive adequate hydration during the growing season.
  3. Subtropical Podzols: These soils, found in select areas of Imereti, contribute to the region's unique terroir. Subtropical podzols are characterized by their distinct layering, with organic matter accumulating at the surface and leaching minerals below. This composition imparts a specific mineral character to the grapes, adding complexity to the wines produced in these vineyards.

In summary, the Imereti wine region's diverse soils are a fundamental element of its viticultural heritage. From the raw humus calcareous-rendzic leptosols to the yellow-brown forest-chromic cambisols and stagnic alisols, and the subtropical podzols, each soil type shapes the grapes in its own way, contributing to the rich and varied palette of flavors and aromas that define Imereti's wines.


The Imereti wine region in Georgia is celebrated for its rich tapestry of grape varieties, each possessing its own distinct set of agricultural needs and climate preferences. This exploration will delve into six prominent grape varieties that thrive in this region: Argvetuli Sapere, Otskhanuri Sapere, Adanasuri, Tsolikauri, Tsitska, and Krakhuna.

  1. Argvetuli Sapere: This grape variety demonstrates remarkable adaptability to the diverse microclimates of the Imereti region. It flourishes in various environmental conditions, but it truly thrives in well-drained, fertile soils. Argvetuli Sapere's peak performance is achieved within the region's humid subtropical climate, where the notable seasonal shifts, characterized by cold winters and warm summers, contribute significantly to its growth.
  2. Otskhanuri Sapere: Known for its resilience in varying climates, Otskhanuri Sapere finds its ideal habitat in the Imereti region, where moisture and warmth combine harmoniously, courtesy of the region's humid subtropical climate. The grape benefits from the well-irrigated, calcium-rich soils that abound in the area, which play a pivotal role in its healthy development. Otskhanuri Sapere showcases its adaptability by thriving in both the cooler and warmer microclimates of Imereti.
  3. Adanasuri: The Adanasuri grape thrives in a specific microclimate, favoring the cooler and more temperate zones of the Imereti region. It flourishes in areas that offer an equilibrium of sunlight and shade, with well-drained soils being essential for its growth. The grape attains its optimal development in the distinctive soil composition of Imereti, rich in minerals and organic matter.
  4. Tsolikauri: Tsolikauri grapes are ideally suited to the humid subtropical climate of Imereti, requiring a consistent level of moisture throughout their growing season, which the region's frequent rainfall provides. These grapes prefer the rich, loamy soils commonly found in Imereti, as they aid in retaining moisture and offering essential nutrients.
  5. Tsitska: This grape variety displays remarkable adaptability to the varying climatic conditions within Imereti, thriving in both the region's mild winters and warm summers. Tsitska grapes flourish in well-drained soils, often found on the slopes of the region, which help prevent root diseases and foster healthy growth. Imereti's climate, marked by significant seasonal fluctuations, provides an ideal environment for this grape variety.
  6. Krakhuna: Krakhuna grapes are particularly well-suited to the warm and humid climate of the Imereti region. They require an optimal balance of sunlight and moderate temperatures for ideal ripening. This grape variety thrives in the region's fertile soils, rich in minerals, which create the perfect setting for the development of these vines.

Each of these grape varieties contributes to the unique viticultural identity of the Imereti wine region, adapting to and thriving within the region's distinctive climatic and soil conditions. Their growth and development are intricately intertwined with the natural characteristics of this Georgian wine region, showcasing the remarkable diversity and adaptability of viticulture in this area.

Situated in the heart of western-central Georgia, the Imereti wine region has been gaining international recognition for its distinctive wines, thanks to its diverse climate and soil conditions. This region is not only celebrated for its exceptional wines but also revered for its rich viticultural heritage that has been nurtured for centuries.

  1. Sviri Wine: One of Imereti's most celebrated wines is the Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) wine, Sviri. This dry white wine predominantly features a blend of Tsolikouri, Tsitska, and Krakhuna grapes, showcasing the region's viticultural richness. Sviri distinguishes itself with its unique character, intricately woven into the terroir of the Imereti region. With its distinct attributes and esteemed PDO status, Sviri further solidifies Imereti's esteemed position on the international wine stage.
  2. Argvetuli Sapere Wine: Among the standout wines of Imereti, Argvetuli Sapere takes center stage. This wine is known for its deep color and intricate aromatic profile, captivating wine enthusiasts worldwide. Its flavors are robust and perfectly balanced, blending fruity notes with earthy undertones, making it an embodiment of the region's unique character.
  3. Otskhanuri Sapere Wine: Otskhanuri Sapere wine is another jewel in Imereti's winemaking crown. Renowned for its vibrant color and luxurious texture, it entices with an aromatic symphony of dark fruits. On the palate, it presents a harmonious marriage of tannins and acidity, creating a memorable tasting experience that lingers long after each sip.
  4. Adanasuri Wine: Adding an element of refinement to Imereti's red wine offerings, Adanasuri wine boasts a lighter body and a more delicate flavor profile, setting it apart from its peers. This wine masterfully balances fruitiness and subtle spice, establishing itself as a versatile and approachable choice for wine enthusiasts seeking a gentler red wine experience.
  5. Tsolikauri Wine: For those with a penchant for white wines, Tsolikauri wine from Imereti shines brightly. Crisp and invigorating, it delights the senses with floral aromas and delicate citrus nuances. The palate of this white wine is a graceful interplay of brightness and complexity, a true reflection of Imereti's terroir.
  6. Tsitska Wine: Celebrated for its contribution to sparkling wine production, Tsitska wine infuses a touch of effervescence into Imereti's wine portfolio. Light and vivacious, it boasts an ethereal bouquet adorned with floral and fruity subtleties. Tsitska wines are the quintessential choice for a spectrum of celebratory occasions, epitomizing the region's versatility.
  7. Krakhuna Wine: Completing the selection, Krakhuna wine enchants with its sumptuous texture and multifaceted flavor profile. From luscious fruits to delicate herbaceous hints, this wine offers a rich and gratifying tasting journey. Krakhuna wines epitomize the depth and diversity of Imereti's winemaking artistry.

In conclusion, each of these wines from the Imereti wine region of Georgia is a testament to the region's unique terroir and its unwavering commitment to traditional winemaking practices. Whether indulging in the robust reds, savoring the elegant whites, or experiencing the distinctive allure of Sviri, Imereti's wines offer a diverse and captivating palette, catering to a wide range of wine enthusiasts and solidifying the region's prominent role on the global wine stage.


50-100 m




top varietal

Argvetuli Sapere, Otskhanuri Sapere, Adanasuri, Tsolikauri, Tsitska, Krakhuna

History of wine

The history of winemaking in the Imereti wine region dates back centuries, with Georgian historians already documenting Imeretian wines in the 17th and 18th centuries. This region, characterized by its remarkable diversity, stands as one of the most varied and distinctive lands for Georgian wines. A striking feature of Imereti is its topography, with a staggering 70% of the land being mountainous, contributing to the unique character of its wines.

The Imereti wine region boasts an array of microclimates and soil types, each lending its distinct imprint to the wines produced here. As a result, wines in Imereti exhibit a remarkable diversity that reflects the multifaceted terroir of the region. Among the most celebrated wines in Imereti is the harmonious blend of Tsitska and Tsolikouri varietals. When these two grapes are pressed together, they often yield exceptional wines that capture the essence of the region.

Furthermore, Imereti takes pride in its white wines, with Krakhuna being a standout varietal. This grape variety thrives in the region's unique climatic and soil conditions, resulting in white wines that are both distinctive and delightful. In recent years, red wines made from the Otskhanuri Sapere variety have gained popularity, further diversifying the wine offerings in Imereti.

In essence, the history of winemaking in the Imereti wine region is a tale of ancient traditions meeting diverse landscapes, where climate and soil harmonize to create wines that are a true reflection of this remarkable land. With each sip, one can taste the rich history and the exceptional terroir that make Imereti wines a cherished part of Georgia's winemaking heritage.


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