

38° 57’ S


68°18’ W




about this subregion

Neuquén, nestled within the Patagonia and Atlantic wine region of Argentina, which is one of the most relevants wine countries of South America, boasts a unique environment conducive to wine cultivation. Situated in Argentina, its landscape is characterized by diverse terrain, including valleys, plateaus, and riverbeds. The region experiences a semi-arid climate with significant diurnal temperature variations, fostering optimal grape ripening conditions.

Cabernet Sauvignon, Malbec, Pinot Noir, Merlot, and Chardonnay thrive in Neuquén's terroir, each expressing distinct characteristics reflective of the region's microclimates. Cabernet Sauvignon exhibits depth and structure, while Malbec reveals rich fruit flavors. Merlot presents velvety textures, and Chardonnay showcases refreshing acidity.

The vineyards benefit from the region's unique geological composition, with soils ranging from sandy to clay-based, offering varied drainage and mineral profiles. Additionally, the influence of nearby rivers and the Atlantic Ocean moderates temperatures, contributing to the grapes' balanced development.

Neuquén's winemakers leverage modern viticultural techniques to maximize grape quality, emphasizing sustainable practices to preserve the region's natural integrity. The resulting wines exemplify the distinctive terroir of Neuquén, characterized by elegance, complexity, and a sense of place within the vast landscape of Patagonia and the Atlantic.


vinerra illustration

Vineyard Hectares



1400 - 1800


Discover Terroir

Nestled in the heart of Argentina, in South America, the Neuquén sub-region stands as a vibrant testament to the country's rich wine-making heritage and natural beauty. Surrounded by notable neighbors such as Mendoza to the north, La Pampa to the northeast, Rio Negro to the east and south, and sharing its western border with Chile, Neuquén enjoys a strategic geographical position that contributes to its burgeoning reputation in the world of wine. In addition, this region is part of the same wine region of another wine growing area that is constantly imporivng its wine offer: Buenos Aires.

The 2021 Annual Harvest Report paints a vivid picture of Neuquén's viticultural prowess, revealing impressive statistics that underscore its importance in the wine industry. A staggering total of 11,424.7 tons of wine grapes graced the vineyards of this region, reflecting not only the abundance of its harvest but also the dedication of its winemakers to their craft.

Of these grapes, a substantial portion—10,777.9 tons, to be exact—were carefully vinified within the confines of Neuquén itself, a testament to the region's commitment to producing wines of distinction that reflect its unique terroir and character. However, Neuquén's influence extends far beyond its borders, as evidenced by the 440.9 tons of grapes that found their way to Mendoza, Argentina's viticultural epicenter, and the 205.8 tons destined for Rio Negro, another esteemed wine-producing region in the country.

This intricate web of grape distribution highlights Neuquén's role not only as a producer of fine wines but also as a vital contributor to the broader Argentine wine industry. Its ability to supply grapes to neighboring regions speaks to the quality and versatility of its harvest, while simultaneously fostering collaboration and camaraderie among winemakers across provincial boundaries.

As Neuquén continues to carve out its niche in the global wine market, these numbers serve as a testament to its growing influence and potential. With each passing harvest, the region reaffirms its position as a force to be reckoned with, captivating palates and garnering accolades from wine enthusiasts worldwide.

The weather in the Neuquén wine region in Patagonia, Argentina, is ideal for growing grapes, and is renowned for its surprisingly good wines. This place has tough but good weather for winemaking. It has cold winters and cool nights in summer. The vineyards are up high, between 300 and 500 meters above the sea. These conditions, along with being close to the equator, make it just right for growing grapes that make red wine taste smooth and smell really nice.

The weather here is kind of like what you find in a big, open area, and it's warm but not too wet, with not much rain—just about 200 millimeters each year. This means the grapes take their time to grow and become ripe, which is good because it makes the wine smell great and taste fresh. The temperature changes a lot during the time the grapes grow, and this helps make red wine have a nice smell, good taste, and rich color.

Also, the strong, dry winds here help make the grapes' skin thicker, which is like their armor, and this makes the grapes healthier and the wine smell and look really strong too. Plus, there's lots of sunshine, which helps the grapes grow just right.

Even though it's pretty new to making wine compared to other places, Neuquén has quickly become known for making really good wines, especially Malbec and Sauvignon Blanc. The cool weather, strong winds, and high desert make the grapes grow slowly, which makes the wine taste extra good and have a special flavor.

All in all, the weather in the Neuquén wine region, with its big changes in temperature, strong winds, and lots of sun, plays a big part in making the wines here taste different and special. That's why it's a place people think of when they want good wine from Argentina's Patagonia.

The Neuquén wine subregion, nestled within Argentina's Patagonia, presents a fascinating and diverse palette of soil types that significantly contribute to the unique terroir of its vineyards. This variety plays a crucial role in the development of the region's distinctive wine profiles, offering a complex interplay of mineral qualities and drainage capabilities that influence vine growth and grape characteristics. The soils in Neuquén are a testament to the region's geological history, marked by river movements, volcanic activity, and ancient sea beds.

  1. Alluvial Soils: These soils are predominantly found along the riverbanks and floodplains of the region. Composed of various materials such as sand, silt, clay, and gravel, alluvial soils are deposited by the Neuquén River and its tributaries. Their good drainage properties and moderate fertility offer an ideal environment for vine roots to penetrate deeply, ensuring access to water and nutrients even in dry conditions.
  2. Sandy Soils: Characterized by their coarse texture and fast drainage, sandy soils are prevalent in certain parts of Neuquén. These soils tend to retain less water and nutrients, which can stress the vines, leading to the production of smaller grapes with more concentrated flavors. Sandy soils also have the advantage of being less hospitable to phylloxera, a root louse that has devastated vineyards in other parts of the world.
  3. Stony Soils: These soils contain a high proportion of larger rocks and pebbles, improving soil drainage and warmth. Stony soils absorb heat during the day and release it at night, moderating the vineyard microclimate. This effect can be particularly beneficial in cooler regions like Neuquén, helping to ripen grapes more evenly and extend the growing season.
  4. Volcanic Ash Deposits: The presence of volcanic ash in the soil adds unique mineral characteristics to the terroir of Neuquén. These soils, enriched with minerals from past volcanic eruptions, contribute to the complexity and minerality of the wines. Volcanic ash soils are often well-drained yet retain enough moisture to support vine growth without excessive irrigation.
  5. Limestone: Limestone soils are less common but highly prized for their contribution to wine quality. Composed mainly of calcium carbonate, these soils can improve the acidity balance in grapes, which is crucial for producing wines with good aging potential. Limestone also promotes excellent drainage while maintaining sufficient moisture retention for the vines during dry periods.

Each of these soil types brings its own set of characteristics to the vineyards of Neuquén, influencing the texture, flavor, and aroma profiles of the wines. The interplay between these soils and the region's climatic conditions creates a terroir that is as complex as it is conducive to viticulture, allowing Neuquén to produce wines of exceptional quality and distinctiveness.


Neuquén, situated within the Patagonia and Atlantic wine region of Argentina, stands as a testament to the remarkable adaptability of grape varieties to its unique agricultural and climatic conditions. Among the most prevalent grapes in this subregion are Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Noir, Malbec, Merlot, and Chardonnay, each thriving in specific microclimates and soil compositions characteristic of Neuquén.

  1. Cabernet Sauvignon: Cabernet Sauvignon, renowned for its robust character, finds its niche in the warmer, sunlit areas of Neuquén. Here, it benefits from the region's significant day-night temperature variance, which contributes to the development of its complexity and depth.
  2. Pinot Noir: Pinot Noir, on the other hand, flourishes in the cooler, wind-protected zones of Neuquén. Its delicate nature demands precise conditions, and the unique soil and climatic factors in these areas maintain the grape's acidity and structure, resulting in elegant and nuanced wines.
  3. Malbec: Malbec, a quintessential Argentine varietal, demonstrates its adaptability in Neuquén's varied microclimates. With careful management of irrigation and soil drainage, Malbec achieves its full potential, showcasing rich fruit flavors and supple tannins.
  4. Merlot: Merlot, known for its velvety texture, requires thoughtful site selection within the subregion. Thriving in areas with moderate temperatures and low humidity, Merlot grapes in Neuquén develop balanced flavors and mature evenly, yielding wines of finesse and harmony.
  5. Chardonnay: Chardonnay, favored for its versatility, grows best in the cooler vineyard sites of Neuquén. The cold nights contribute to the gradual maturation of the grapes, preserving their vibrant acidity and allowing for the expression of delicate fruit aromas.

The adaptability of these grape varieties to Neuquén's distinct environment, characterized by dry desert climates, significant thermal amplitude, and the beneficial effects of wind, underscores the subregion's versatility. This capability enables Neuquén to produce a diverse array of high-quality wines, each reflecting the unique terroir of this captivating corner of the Patagonia and Atlantic wine region.

Neuquén, nestled in the picturesque Patagonia and Atlantic wine region, has emerged as a beacon for wine enthusiasts, offering a diverse array of captivating red and white wines. Blessed with unique climate and soil conditions at the foothills of the Andes, this region fosters vine cultivation, yielding red wines and white wines of distinct character and exceptional quality.

  1. Malbec: Malbec, the flagship red wines of Neuquén, are celebrated for their bold expression of dark fruit flavors, velvety texture, and balanced tannins. The vibrant acidity and aromatic complexity of these wines are attributed to the high-altitude vineyards, where the grapes undergo a slow ripening process. This Malbec's versatility shines through when paired with a broad range of dishes, enhancing the dining experience with its depth and richness. Whether enjoyed alongside hearty Argentine beef dishes or paired with local Patagonian cuisine, Neuquén's Malbec remains a perennial favorite among wine lovers worldwide.
  2. Sauvignon Blanc: Sauvignon Blanc, another standout from Neuquén, delights with its crisp and refreshing profile. Bursting with tropical fruit flavors and zesty citrus notes, it is underpinned by a lively acidity that invigorates the palate. The temperature variations between day and night in the region contribute to the wine's aromatic balance and gradual maturation, resulting in a wine of exquisite finesse and elegance. Neuquén's Sauvignon Blanc is a perfect companion for seafood, salads, and light appetizers, showcasing its versatility and ability to elevate any dining experience.

These wines, coupled with other renowned wines from the region like Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Noir, Malbec or Merlot, not only epitomize Neuquén's winemaking excellence but also reflect its innovative spirit and unwavering commitment to quality. They serve as a true testament to the region's flourishing wine culture, captivating enthusiasts with their diversity, complexity, and unparalleled charm. As Neuquén continues to gain recognition on the global stage, it remains an exciting destination for wine lovers seeking new and extraordinary tasting experiences.
