

26° 41’ S


67° 34’ W




about this subregion

Nestled within the North wine region of Argentina, in South America, the Catamarca wine subregion offers a captivating blend of natural beauty and viticultural potential. Situated in the western part of the country, Catamarca boasts a diverse terroir shaped by its rugged terrain, high altitude vineyards, and arid climate.

The region's vineyards are perched at elevations ranging from 1,500 to 2,500 meters above sea level, creating a unique microclimate characterized by hot, dry summers and cold winters, with minimal rainfall throughout the year. This climatic profile, coupled with abundant sunlight exposure, provides an optimal environment for grape cultivation, allowing for the production of wines with distinctive flavors and characteristics.

Catamarca is home to a variety of grape varieties, each thriving in its own way within the region's terroir. Cabernet Sauvignon, Malbec, Syrah, Cereza, Torrontés, Pedro Giménez, and Moscatel de Alejandría are among the main grapes cultivated in Catamarca, each contributing to the region's diverse winemaking landscape.

As Catamarca continues to gain recognition for its quality wines, its winemakers are increasingly focused on showcasing the unique terroir and varietal expressions of the region. With its rich viticultural heritage and commitment to excellence, Catamarca is poised to make a lasting impression on the global wine stage, offering wine enthusiasts a tantalizing glimpse into the untapped potential of Argentina's diverse wine regions.


vinerra illustration

Vineyard Hectares





Discover Terroir

The sub-region of Catamarca, located in the North wine region, is bordered to the east by Tucumán, to the north by Salta and to the south by La Rioja. According to the 2021 Annual Harvest Report, it produced 15010.5 tons of wine grapes, of which 13360.2 tons were used to produce wines within the region.

As one ventures into Catamarca, they are greeted by the majestic peaks of the Andes, their snow-capped summits piercing the cerulean sky. The mountains not only provide a stunning backdrop but also serve as a natural barrier, protecting the vineyards from extreme weather conditions and contributing to the region's unique microclimates.

Descending from the lofty heights, one enters a landscape of rolling hills and fertile valleys, carpeted with vineyards as far as the eye can see. The altitude of these vineyards varies significantly, ranging from elevated slopes to lower-lying plains, each elevation lending its own distinct characteristics to the grapes cultivated there.

Throughout the region, the vineyards are meticulously tended by skilled hands, their vibrant green rows juxtaposed against the arid earth. The harsh, rocky soil, rich in minerals, imparts a distinctive terroir to the grapes, infusing the wines with complexity and depth of flavor.

Winding its way through the valleys is the lifeblood of the region: the rivers and streams that originate from the Andean glaciers. These waterways not only provide vital irrigation to the vineyards but also shape the landscape, carving out fertile valleys and creating oases of verdant growth amidst the rugged terrain.

The roads that traverse the region are dusty and winding, leading visitors on a journey of discovery through this vinicultural paradise. Along the way, quaint villages and centuries-old haciendas dot the landscape, offering glimpses into the rich history and culture of the region.

At sunset, as the golden rays of light illuminate the mountainside, casting long shadows across the vineyards, one cannot help but be enchanted by the timeless beauty of Catamarca. It is a land where nature's bounty and human ingenuity converge, producing wines of unparalleled quality and character, each bottle a testament to the land from which it springs.

The Catamarca wine subregion, nestled within the diverse landscapes of Argentina, is distinguished by its unique soil composition, a critical element in defining the region's viticultural identity. This diverse soil matrix, comprising rocky and sandy soils enriched with varying clay content and a complex mineral composition, plays a pivotal role in the terroir, influencing the distinctiveness of the wines produced here.

  1. Rocky Soils: These soils dominate the mountainous terrains of Catamarca, providing exceptional drainage that challenges the vines to extend their roots deeply in search of hydration. This struggle not only enhances the vines' resilience but also contributes to the grapes' intensified minerality and flavor concentration, creating wines with remarkable depth and structure. The rocky soils also contribute to the unique characteristics of Catamarca wines by imparting a subtle earthy undertone and a sense of minerality that adds complexity to the flavor profile.
  2. Sandy Soils: In contrast, sandy soils, characterized by their loose and well-aerated nature, facilitate moderate water retention and efficient drainage. This soil type is especially conducive to the cultivation of white grape varieties, fostering the development of nuanced aromatic profiles and refined flavors in the grapes. The sandy terrain helps in mitigating pest pressures, further ensuring the health and quality of the vineyards. Additionally, the sandy soils lend a certain lightness and finesse to the wines, making them ideal for enjoying on warm summer days or pairing with delicate seafood dishes.

In addition to its natural attributes, the winemaking traditions of Catamarca also contribute to the region's reputation for quality wines. Generations of winemakers have honed their craft, blending traditional techniques with modern innovations to produce wines that capture the essence of the land. This commitment to excellence is evident in the growing recognition of Catamarca wines on the global stage, as more enthusiasts discover and appreciate the distinctive flavors and character of this unique wine region. As the Catamarca wine industry continues to evolve and innovate, it is poised to become an even more significant player in the global wine market, offering consumers a taste of Argentina's rich viticultural heritage.


The Catamarca wine subregion, nestled within the larger North wine region of Argentina, stands as a testament to the diverse and rich viticultural heritage of the area. This subregion, with its unique combination of high elevation, sunny days, and cool nights, offers an ideal setting for the cultivation of a variety of grape types, each contributing to the region's distinguished wine portfolio. Among the most commonly cultivated grapes are Cabernet Sauvignon, Malbec, Syrah, Cereza, Torrontés, Pedro Giménez, and Moscatel de Alejandría. These varietals thrive under specific agricultural and climatic conditions that the Catamarca region provides, setting the stage for the production of remarkable wines.

  1. Cabernet Sauvignon: This grape variety demands well-drained soils and benefits from the region's high altitude over sea level, which contributes to significant temperature variations between day and night. These conditions help in maintaining the grape's acidity and in developing its skin's thickness, which is crucial for the tannin structure of the wine. Cabernet Sauvignon in Catamarca matures slowly, allowing for a full flavor development without losing its vital acidity.
  2. Malbec: Malbec has found a particularly hospitable home in the soils of Catamarca, where it can absorb plenty of sunlight due to the region's clear skies. It requires a moderate climate with a long growing season to mature fully, making the warm days and cool nights of Catamarca perfect for this purpose. The irrigation practices, often sourced from Andean snowmelt, also play a critical role in its cultivation, ensuring the vines receive adequate water despite the arid conditions.
  3. Syrah: Syrah thrives in the warm and sunny climate of Catamarca, where it can develop its full potential. The variety prefers well-drained soils and is relatively drought-resistant, making it well-suited to the region's dry conditions. The temperature swings between day and night are beneficial for retaining the grape's natural acidity, an essential factor in the quality of the resulting wine.
  4. Cereza: Primarily grown in the warmer and more humid areas of Catamarca, Cereza is a vigorous and high-yielding grape variety. It adapts well to a variety of soil types but flourishes in sandy soils, requiring less water compared to other varietals. The grape's resilience to the region's climatic conditions makes it a popular choice for local winemakers, contributing to the production of fresh and fruity wines.
  5. Torrontés: Unique to Argentina, Torrontés has become synonymous with the aromatic white wines of the region. It prospers in the high altitude and sandy soils of Catamarca, where the cool nights help preserve the grape's aromatic compounds while allowing it to achieve optimal ripeness. The grape's ability to withstand the intense sunlight without losing its acidity is crucial for producing its distinctively fresh and aromatic wines.
  6. Pedro Giménez: Not to be confused with Spain's Pedro Ximénez, the Pedro Giménez grape in Catamarca is well-adapted to the arid climate, requiring less water and thriving in the region's sandy loam soils. It benefits from the high altitude, which ensures a slower ripening process, preserving the grape's natural acidity and allowing for a balance of sugar levels by the time of harvest.
  7. Moscatel de Alejandría: This ancient grape variety is well-suited to the warm, sunny conditions of Catamarca, requiring a long, warm growing season to fully develop its sugars and aromatic potential. It prefers sandy soils that allow for good drainage, ensuring the vines are not overburdened with water. The region's dry climate minimizes the risk of fungal diseases, which this variety can be prone to in more humid environments.

Each of these grape varieties brings its unique set of requirements and attributes to the vineyards of Catamarca, contributing to the diverse and rich tapestry of wines produced in this illustrious subregion of the North wine region of Argentina. The combination of climatic and agricultural conditions in Catamarca allows for the optimal expression of these grapes, each playing a pivotal role in the region's viticultural success.

The Catamarca wine subregion of Argentina, nestled in the shadow of the Andes, is a burgeoning area known for its distinctive wines, born from the rugged terrain and unique climate. This region, while not as vast in production as some of its more famous counterparts, has begun to carve out a niche for itself with a focus on quality and the expression of its terroir. The wines from Catamarca are varied, with each type bringing its own aromatic and flavor profile to the forefront. Below are some of the most common red wines amd white wines from Catamarca, highlighting their sensory characteristics:

  1. Malbec: Known as the flagship wine of the Catamarca region, Malbec here is celebrated for its deep, ruby color and robust body. Aromatically, it boasts a complex bouquet of ripe red and black fruits, notably plums and blackberries, intertwined with subtle hints of vanilla and tobacco derived from oak aging. On the palate, it delivers a rich tapestry of flavors, mirroring its aromatic profile with additional layers of chocolate and a hint of leather, culminating in a smooth, velvety finish.
  2. Syrah: Catamarca's Syrah is a testament to the region's ability to produce red wines with both depth and complexity. Aromatically, it presents a rich array of dark fruits, such as blackberries and currants, complemented by spicy notes of black pepper and a subtle smokiness. Flavor-wise, it is bold and full-bodied, with the dark fruit flavors enriched by nuances of chocolate, coffee, and a lingering peppery finish that adds an invigorating zest to the wine.
  3. Cabernet Sauvignon: Cabernet Sauvignon wine finds a unique expression in Catamarca. The wine's aroma is a captivating blend of cassis and black cherry, elegantly fused with earthy undertones and a hint of green bell pepper. On tasting, it reveals a structured body with layers of dark fruit, accompanied by a backbone of firm tannins and a nuanced complexity of mineral and herbal notes, leading to a persistent, elegant finish.
  4. Torrontés: This white wine stands out for its aromatic intensity, characterized by floral notes of rose, jasmine, and a touch of citrus zest. The flavor profile of Torrontés from Catamarca is vibrant and fresh, with a palate that echoes its aromatic promises. Expect a harmonious blend of peach, apricot, and hints of grapefruit, balanced by a crisp acidity that makes it refreshingly drinkable.

Each wine from the Catamarca subregion reflects the unique climatic and geographical conditions of the area, offering a distinctive drinking experience that encapsulates the essence of this lesser-known, yet highly promising, wine making region of Argentina.
