The North

The North

23° 12’ S


61° 21’ W




about this region

The North wine region stands as a beacon of oenological excellence within Argentina, situated majestically in South America. Spanning the latitudes 28° 10' S to 23° 12' S and longitudes 66° 12' W to 61° 21' W, this region encompasses a diverse tapestry of landscapes and microclimates, comprising the subregions of Jujuy, Salta, Tucumán, and Catamarca. Renowned for its production of exceptional high-altitude wines, the North wine region is a testament to nature's bounty and the skill of its winemakers.

The vineyards, perched at lofty elevations above sea level, are bathed in ample sunlight and experience dramatic fluctuations in temperature between day and night. These unique environmental factors infuse the grapes with a distinctive character and complexity, resulting in wines of unparalleled quality. The interplay between the intense sunlight and cool nighttime temperatures fosters optimal conditions for grape maturation, yielding fruit with a perfect balance of acidity and sugar.

Indeed, to savor a wine from the North wine region is to experience a symphony of flavors and aromas that reflect the terroir from which they originate. Each sip transports the imbiber to the rugged Andean landscapes and sun-kissed vineyards that define this remarkable region. In the pantheon of global winemaking, the North wine region stands as a true gem, a testament to the artistry and dedication of Argentina's winemaking tradition.


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Vineyard Hectares



2,500 - 3,000

growing degree days

Discover Terroir

Nestled in the rugged and enchanting northwest reaches of Argentina, the North wine region unfolds like a vibrant tapestry of natural wonders and breathtaking landscapes. Here, amid the craggy peaks of the Andes Mountains, the cooling breezes from the Atlantic Ocean and the sweeping expanses of the high-altitude plains, lies a terrain as diverse as it is captivating.

Picture rolling hills carpeted in emerald vineyards, their verdant rows stretching as far as the eye can see, punctuated by the occasional adobe winery nestled snugly amidst the vines. As the sun bathes the landscape in a golden hue, casting long shadows across the undulating terrain, it illuminates the richness of the earth and the promise of the harvest to come.

But the allure of the North wine region extends far beyond its vine-clad slopes. Venture deeper into its heart, and you'll discover a land of contrasts and contradictions, where verdant valleys give way to rugged gorges and cascading waterfalls. Here, in the shadow of towering peaks and ancient rock formations, the landscape takes on a mystical quality, as if touched by the hand of time itself.

And yet, amidst the rugged beauty of the terrain, there exists a delicate harmony—a balance between the raw power of nature and the tender care of human hands. For centuries, the people of this land have toiled the soil, coaxing forth the bounty of the earth with reverence and respect, their labor imbuing each grape with the essence of their heritage and tradition.

In the North wine region, the landscape is not merely a backdrop—it is a living, breathing testament to the resilience and ingenuity of the human spirit, and to the enduring bond between land and culture. It is a place where every hill, every valley, and every vine tells a story—a story of struggle and triumph, of hardship and hope, and of the eternal dance between man and nature.

The North wine region of Argentina, spanning provinces such as Jujuy, Salta, Tucumán, and Catamarca, stands out for its remarkable high-altitude vineyards, most of them close to the Andes Mountains, exerting a profound influence on the area's microclimate and, consequently, shaping the character of its wines. Positioned in the northwest of Argentina, this region boasts a climatic fusion of warm climate and arid summers with minimal rainfall and cold winters. Such semi-arid conditions, coupled with sandy soils and rocky terrain nearer to the mountain ranges, lend a distinctiveness to the wines, imparting them with unparalleled complexity and flavor.

The substantial fluctuation in temperature between day and night further enriches the grapes, ensuring a harmonious balance between acidity and sugar levels. This natural rhythm nurtures grapes of exceptional quality, renowned for their depth of flavor and remarkable aging potential.

The North wine region's unique geography and climatic nuances foster the cultivation of a diverse array of grape varieties, including the iconic Malbec, Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah, and the indigenous Torrontés. The combination of intense UV exposure at higher elevations and cooler temperatures results in wines that marry ripe fruit profiles with subtle herbal undertones, creating a symphony of flavors that captivates the palate.

Notably, the Calchaquí Valleys, nestled within this region, command special attention. Situated at elevations ranging from 1,700 to over 3,000 meters above sea level, these valleys yield wines distinguished by their depth, complexity, and singular expression of terroir. The interplay of intense sunlight, crisp mountain air, and dramatic temperature shifts on these lofty plateaus culminates in grapes of exceptional quality, capable of producing both exquisite reds and vibrant whites.

In essence, the North wine region of Argentina showcases how the convergence of diverse landscapes and meticulous vineyard management at high altitudes can yield wines of unparalleled distinction and excellence, exemplifying the profound impact of terroir on wine making.

The North wine region of Argentina is distinguished not only by its high-altitude vineyards but also by the diverse soil types that contribute significantly to the character and complexity of its wines. This variety in soil composition plays a crucial role in water retention, nutrient availability, and ultimately, the flavor profiles of the wines produced. Here's an overview of the different types of soils found in this region:

  1. Sandy Soils: Predominantly found across the North wine region, sandy soils offer excellent drainage, reducing the risk of root diseases and promoting deep root systems. This type of soil tends to produce wines with more aromatic qualities and a lighter body, as the vines stress slightly in search of water, concentrating the flavors within the grapes.
  2. Stony and Pebble-rich Soils: Closer to the mountain ranges, vineyards benefit from soils intermixed with stones and pebbles. These elements are vital for regulating water retention, offering a steady water supply to the vines during the dry season. The heat retention properties of stones and pebbles also contribute to a more even ripening process, leading to well-balanced grapes.
  3. Calcareous Soils: In subregions like Catamarca, calcareous soils are prevalent. Composed primarily of calcium carbonate, these soils are known for their alkalinity and ability to store moisture efficiently. Wines grown in calcareous soils often exhibit increased levels of minerality and complexity, as well as a distinctive crispness that enhances their aging potential.

Each soil type within the North wine region of Argentina lends itself to the cultivation of vines under varying conditions, influencing the water availability, temperature regulation, and nutrient uptake of the vine. This diversity in soil composition, combined with the region's unique climatic conditions, allows for the production of wines with distinct personalities, showcasing the true expression of their terroir.


The northern wine region of Argentina is a testament to the adaptability and resilience of viticulture in diverse climatic conditions. This area, characterized by its varied altitudes and microclimates, is home to some of the country's most distinctive and celebrated grape varieties: Malbec, Torrontés, Cabernet Sauvignon, and Syrah. Each of these grapes thrives under specific agricultural and climatic conditions, contributing uniquely to Argentina's wine heritage. Below is an exploration of the agricultural and climatic requirements for each of these grape varieties in the northern wine region.

  1. Malbec: Malbec has found its signature expression in the high-altitude vineyards of Argentina's north. This grape variety requires a long growing season to mature fully and develop its characteristic depth and intensity. The warm days and cool nights typical of the region's high-altitude valleys, such as those in Salta, provide an ideal environment for Malbec. The diurnal temperature variation helps to preserve acidity and enhance the development of complex flavors while ensuring the grape skins thicken, contributing to the deep color of the wines. Malbec vines are vigorous and adaptable but prefer well-drained soils, thriving in the alluvial deposits commonly found in the Andean foothills​​.
  2. Cabernet Sauvignon: Cabernet Sauvignon in the northern regions of Argentina benefits from the warm, sunny days and cool nights provided by the high-altitude vineyards. This grape variety requires a longer growing season to achieve full phenolic maturity, developing its structure and complexity. The thermal amplitude helps to slow the ripening process, ensuring the grapes accumulate a balance of sugars and acids while developing thick skins, which contribute to the tannic structure of the wines. Cabernet Sauvignon is planted in a variety of soil types across the north, but it shows a particular affinity for well-drained, loamy soils. The dry climate of regions such as Mendoza and Catamarca helps to mitigate the risk of fungal diseases, allowing for healthier vines and more concentrated fruit​​​​.
  3. Syrah: Syrah is well-suited to the variable climates of northern Argentina, from the cooler, elevated areas of Salta to the warmer, lower altitudes of Catamarca. This grape variety is adaptable to a wide range of soil types but performs best in well-drained, rocky soils that can retain heat. The warmth of the day is essential for Syrah to develop its full phenolic maturity, while cool nights help to retain acidity, crucial for the balance of the wine. Syrah vines are robust and drought-resistant, making them well-suited to the arid conditions of the region. The dry climate also minimizes the pressure of vineyard diseases, allowing for the cultivation of Syrah with minimal intervention​​​​.
  4. Torrontés: Torrontés, the signature white grape of Argentina, demands specific climatic conditions to express its best qualities. It is predominantly grown in the high-altitude regions of Salta and Catamarca, where the intense sunlight and cool temperatures allow for the slow ripening of the grapes. This slow maturation is crucial for developing Torrontés' aromatic complexity. The grape thrives in sandy and alluvial soils, which are prevalent in these high-altitude valleys. The significant diurnal temperature variation ensures the preservation of the grape's natural acidity, a critical factor in maintaining the freshness and vibrancy of Torrontés wines. The altitude and the dry climate also reduce the risk of vine diseases, making it easier to cultivate healthy Torrontés vines​​.

Each of these grape varieties brings its unique set of requirements and characteristics to the wines of northern Argentina, illustrating the intricate relationship between grape, climate, and terroir.

The North wine region of Argentina, a diverse and high-altitude area, is celebrated for its unique contribution to the world of wine. This region's vast range of microclimates and soil types allows for the cultivation of various grape varieties, resulting in wines with distinct aromatic and flavor profiles. Below is a more detailed exploration of the most common red wines and white wines from this captivating region:

  1. Malbec: The emblematic wine of Argentina, Malbec from the North region presents a complex bouquet of aromas, including ripe black fruits like plum and blackberry. These are beautifully complemented by nuances of vanilla, tobacco, and cocoa, derived from oak aging. On the palate, these red wines offer a robust structure, with velvety tannins and a lingering finish, making them a favourite among red wine enthusiats.
  2. Torrontés: Unique to Argentina, Torrontés white wines are incredibly aromaticas, especially if they come from the high-altitude vineyards of Salta. It captivates with floral notes of rose, jasmine, and geranium, along with fruity hints of peach and lemon zest. The wine is vibrant and fresh on the palate, with a delicate balance of acidity that enhances its lively fruit flavors, making it a perfect accompaniment to a wide range of dishes.
  3. Cabernet Sauvignon: This globally popular grape finds a distinctive expression in the northern regions of Argentina. The wine is characterized by its deep ruby color and complex aromas of dark fruits such as blackcurrants and cherries, combined with green pepper and a touch of spice. On the palate, it is powerful and full-bodied, with well-integrated tannins and a persistent finish, reflecting the high-altitude terroir's influence on this noble variety.
  4. Syrah: In the north of Argentina, Syrah expresses a rich and spicy profile, with aromas of blackberry, plum, and black pepper, alongside subtle hints of mint and chocolate. The wine is full-bodied, with a smooth texture and balanced acidity, leading to a finish that is both elegant and lingering. This varietal showcases the versatility and adaptability of the northern terroir, producing wines that are both intense and harmonious.

The wines from the North wine region of Argentina are a testament to the unique climatic and geographical conditions of the area. Each varietal offers a distinct window into the rich viticultural heritage and innovative spirit of Argentine winemaking.


2039 m


230 mm


The region has a great diversity of soils, from sandy to stony soils

top varietal

Malbec, Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah and Torrontés

History of wine

The story of winemaking in northern Argentina is a captivating tapestry woven with threads of tradition, innovation, and resilience, spanning centuries of rich history and cultural evolution. It all began in 1556 when the intrepid priest José Cedrón planted the first vines in the fertile soil of Tucumán, laying the foundation for what would become a storied legacy of viticulture in the region.

The commercialization of wine took root in the breathtaking landscapes of the Calchaquí Valley and Salta during the 18th and 19th centuries, marking the emergence of northern Argentina as a prominent player in the world of winemaking. The region's rugged terrain and favorable microclimates provided an ideal canvas for cultivating grapes of unparalleled quality, catapulting its wines onto the global stage and earning acclaim far and wide.

However, the advent of the railroad in Mendoza in the late 19th century posed a formidable challenge to the competitiveness of the north, as it facilitated easier access to markets for wines from other regions. Yet, undeterred by adversity, the region embarked on a remarkable journey of revival and reinvention in the latter part of the 20th century.

In the 1990s, a transformative shift towards a quality-based production model breathed new life into northern Argentina's winemaking industry, igniting a renaissance characterized by a renewed focus on craftsmanship, terroir expression, and innovation. This strategic pivot not only revitalized the region's viticultural landscape but also positioned it as a beacon of excellence in the global wine arena.

Fast forward to the present day, and the northern provinces of Argentina stand proudly at the forefront of the country's wine renaissance. The Quebrada de Humahuaca, with its breathtaking vistas and unique terroir, has garnered well-deserved recognition with its attainment of Geographical Indication (GI) status, further underscoring the region's commitment to quality and authenticity.

Moreover, the establishment of the Jujuy Wine Council in 2022 represents a pivotal milestone in the region's journey, signaling a unified dedication to the advancement of winemaking practices and the promotion of wines crafted at extreme altitudes. This collaborative effort not only strengthens the bonds of community and cooperation within the industry but also reaffirms northern Argentina's status as a premier destination for wine enthusiasts and connoisseurs alike.

In essence, the history of winemaking in northern Argentina is a testament to the indomitable spirit of its people, who have continuously adapted, innovated, and persevered in the face of challenges, leaving an enduring legacy of excellence that continues to shape the region's identity and inspire generations to come.

