

23° 12’ S


65° 28’ W




about this subregion

Nestled in the picturesque landscapes of northwest Argentina, one of the most relevant wine countries of South America, lies the Jujuy subregion, a hidden wine gem celebrated for its unique environment and exceptional high-altitude wines. This region, also known by the production of sugar cane and tobacco, is characterized by its dramatic mountain terrain, arid climate, and extraordinary elevation, making it an ideal locale for viticulture.

The Jujuy subregion boasts a diverse range of grape varieties, with a focus on producing high-quality red and white wines. Among the most planted red grape varieties are Tannat, Malbec, Bonarda, and Cabernet Sauvignon, while the white grape varieties include Torrontés, Pedro Giménez, and Chardonnay. These grapes thrive in the region's high-altitude vineyards, where the intense sunlight and cool nights create the perfect conditions for producing complex and balanced wines.

Tannat, a robust red grape variety, shines in Jujuy, producing wines known for their deep color, rich tannins, and bold flavors. On the other hand, Torrontés, an aromatic white grape variety, thrives in this region, yielding wines with enticing floral and citrus notes.

Jujuy's winemakers have mastered the art of harnessing the unique terroir of the subregion, resulting in wines that capture the essence of this breathtaking corner of Argentina. When exploring Argentine wines, don't miss the opportunity to savor the Tannat and Torrontés wines from Jujuy, as they offer a taste of the region's distinctive charm and character, set against the backdrop of its remarkable environment.


vinerra illustration

Vineyard Hectares





Discover Terroir

Nestled amidst the breathtaking landscapes of the North wine region of Argentina, Jujuy emerges as a captivating destination for wine enthusiasts and connoisseurs alike. Its strategic location, bordering Bolivia and Chile to the west, bestows upon it a unique terroir characterized by diverse microclimates, varying elevations, and rich, fertile soils. This harmonious fusion of geographical elements creates the perfect conditions for grape cultivation, resulting in wines that encapsulate the essence of Jujuy's distinctive landscape. Although until 2000 this region was most known because of its sugar cane and tobacco plantations than for its high quality wines, that year everything began to slowly change, mainly due to the plantation of vineyards at high altitudes over sea level.

In the year 2021, Jujuy proved that its a strong player in the world of viticulture, yielding a remarkable harvest of 157.4 tons of wine grapes. This abundance is a testament to the dedication and expertise of the local growers who labor tirelessly throughout the year, tending to the vineyards with meticulous care and precision. Their deep-rooted knowledge passed down through generations, coupled with a profound respect for the land, ensures that each grape embodies the true essence of Jujuy. Of this substantial harvest, 154.4 tons were masterfully transformed into wines within the confines of Jujuy itself. Here, skilled winemakers harness both traditional techniques and modern innovations to craft wines of exceptional quality and character. From robust Malbecs to elegant Torrontés, each bottle tells a story of the region's rich viticultural heritage, reflecting the unique terroir and distinct nuances of Jujuy. In addition, the region sold 3 tons to the neighboring region of Salta. A particular séct about the wine production of Jujuy is that very few bottles reach the international market, although the number is slowly growing.

As Jujuy continues to carve its place on the global wine stage, it serves as a shining example of the potential that lies within Argentina's diverse wine regions. With each passing harvest, Jujuy reaffirms its position as a beacon of innovation, quality, and tradition, captivating palates around the world with its unparalleled wines. As we raise our glasses to toast the successes of Jujuy, we celebrate not only its past achievements but also the promise of a vibrant and thriving future for Argentine wine.

The Jujuy wine subregion stands as a testament to the remarkable interplay between nature's extremes and human ingenuity. Nestled on the eastern slopes of the Andes, its climate dances between stark contrasts, sculpting an environment that challenges and rewards in equal measure.

At the heart of this terroir lies a canvas painted with the hues of aridity and sunshine. The region's geography ensures that rainfall is a rarity, with vineyards basking in the relentless glow of the sun year-round. This sun-drenched embrace not only fuels the growth of vines and allows them to have a longer growing season, but also bestows upon the grapes a depth of flavor and intensity that is unparalleled.

Yet, amid this arid landscape, altitude reigns supreme. The lofty heights at which these vineyards thrive impart a distinct rhythm to the climate—a dance of temperatures that swing dramatically between day and night. This diurnal shift is more than just a meteorological quirk; it is a silent conductor orchestrating the symphony of flavors within each grape. By day, the sun's warmth coaxes the fruit to ripen, while the cool embrace of the night locks in acidity and aroma, crafting wines of exceptional balance and complexity.

In the face of such climatic extremes, viticulturists in Jujuy have become artisans of adaptation. Mechanical irrigation systems, born of necessity, crisscross the landscape, delivering life-giving water to parched vines. It is a testament to human resilience and innovation, a reminder that even in the harshest of environments, nature's bounty can be coaxed forth with care and determination.

Indeed, the wines that emerge from this crucible of climate and terrain are nothing short of remarkable. Deep in color, rich in concentration, and brimming with acidity, they tell a story of resilience and triumph over adversity. Each sip is an ode to the rugged beauty of the Andean landscape, a testament to the indomitable spirit of those who call this land home.

In the end, the wines of Jujuy are more than just a product of their environment; they are a reflection of the symbiotic relationship between nature and humanity. They speak of struggle and triumph, of hardship endured and beauty realized. In every bottle, they offer a glimpse into the soul of a region shaped by extremes—a testament to the power of perseverance and the timeless dance between sun and soil.

Nestled amidst the eastern slopes of the Andes lies the Jujuy wine subregion, a land shaped by extremes and renowned for its unique terroir. At the heart of this terroir lies a tapestry of soils, each contributing its own nuances to the character of the wines produced here.

  1. Sandy Soils: Dominating the landscape are sandy soils, their fine texture allowing for excellent drainage. These soils are prized for their ability to retain warmth, promoting the ripening of grapes and imparting a distinct minerality to the wines. The sandy composition also encourages deep root penetration, enabling vines to access nutrients and moisture stored within the subsoil. This combination of factors results in wines with vibrant fruit flavors and a pronounced sense of place, reflective of the sun-drenched slopes from which they hail.
  2. Stony Soils: Intermingled with the sandy expanses are stony soils, their rocky veneer reflecting the harshness of the Andean terrain. Despite their formidable appearance, these soils play a crucial role in viticulture, providing natural drainage and imparting a subtle complexity to the wines. The rocks scattered throughout the soil matrix absorb heat during the day, releasing it at night, thereby moderating temperature extremes and promoting even ripening. Additionally, the presence of stones helps to aerate the soil and prevent compaction, fostering healthy root development and contributing to the overall vitality of the vineyard ecosystem.
  3. Clay Deposits: Scattered throughout the region are pockets of clay, their presence adding depth and structure to the soil profile. Clay soils retain moisture more effectively, ensuring that vines have access to water during dry spells and contributing to the development of wines with supple tannins and a luscious mouthfeel. Furthermore, the high cation exchange capacity of clay particles facilitates nutrient retention, providing vines with a steady supply of essential elements throughout the growing season. Wines produced from grapes grown in clay-rich soils often display greater complexity and aging potential, thanks to the gradual release of flavors and aromas over time.
  4. Limestone Deposits: Lastly, limestone deposits punctuate the landscape, their calcareous composition enriching the soil with essential minerals. Wines grown in proximity to these deposits often exhibit a crisp acidity and a pronounced sense of terroir, reflecting the influence of the underlying geology. The alkaline nature of limestone soils also helps to regulate pH levels, balancing acidity and enhancing the overall harmony of the wine. Additionally, the presence of calcium carbonate encourages root development and improves soil structure, contributing to the long-term sustainability of vineyard ecosystems.

In combination, these soils form the foundation upon which the wines of the Jujuy wine subregion are built. Their diversity and complexity mirror the intricate tapestry of the Andean landscape, offering vintners a canvas upon which to craft wines of unparalleled character and distinction. Each soil type imparts its own unique characteristics to the grapes, resulting in a mosaic of flavors and aromas that capture the essence of this rugged yet captivating terroir.


The Jujuy subregion, nestled in the vast North wine region of Argentina, is distinguished by its elevated vineyards that offer a unique combination of solar intensity and cool air, courtesy of its proximity to the Andes. This remarkable geographical setup creates an unparalleled environment for the cultivation of several grape varieties, each with its distinct set of agricultural and climatic needs. These grapes contribute to the rich tapestry of wines emanating from Jujuy, known for their depth, complexity, and unique expression of terroir. Below, we delve deeper into the cultivation requirements of the most prevalent grape varieties in Jujuy: hte red wines grapes Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Malbec, Merlot, Tannat and Syrah, and the white wines grapes Sauvignon Blanc and Torrontes.

  1. Cabernet Franc: Cabernet Franc is a grape variety that prospers in the cooler microclimates of Jujuy, where the sharp contrast between day and night temperatures enhances the grapes' aromatic maturity while preserving their essential acidity. This variety is adaptable to various soil types, showing a particular affinity for well-drained, calcareous soils that encourage deep root growth and moderate vine vigor. The high-altitude environment of Jujuy provides the necessary stress conditions that Cabernet Franc needs to develop concentrated flavors, making it a vital component of the region's red wine blends.
  2. Cabernet Sauvignon: The iconic Cabernet Sauvignon finds a suitable home in Jujuy's sun-drenched vineyards, requiring ample sunlight to achieve optimal ripeness. The grape's thick skin benefits from the intense UV exposure at high altitudes, leading to robust tannins and color in the finished wines. Cabernet Sauvignon prefers deep, rocky soils that provide excellent drainage, a feature readily available in the region. This variety's drought resistance is a valuable trait in Jujuy's arid climate, though strategic irrigation is crucial to mitigate stress at critical growth stages.
  3. Malbec: Malbec, Argentina's flagship grape, thrives under the intense sunlight and cool evening temperatures of Jujuy, which contribute to the variety's deep color and complex tannin structure. Malbec vines demand soils with good drainage to prevent root diseases and prefer sandy or loamy soils that retain warmth overnight. The variety's sensitivity to frost is less of a concern in Jujuy's dry, elevated conditions, where the risk is naturally mitigated. Irrigation plays a pivotal role in Malbec's cultivation here, ensuring the vines receive adequate water to support their vigorous growth and fruit development.
  4. Merlot: Merlot is known for its adaptability, flourishing in both cool and warm climates, but in Jujuy, it particularly benefits from the cooler pockets of the region. This grape variety has a preference for fertile, well-drained soils, with a partiality towards clay for its moisture-retention capabilities, crucial in the dry seasons. Merlot's early budding makes it susceptible to late spring frosts, a risk that is minimized in Jujuy's consistent high-altitude climate. The region's ability to provide nuanced microclimates allows Merlot to develop a balance between ripeness and acidity, crucial for producing wines with depth and structure.
  5. Syrah: Syrah embraces the warmth of Jujuy, with the variety's thick-skinned grapes benefiting from the high solar radiation to develop intense color and phenolic complexity. This grape is versatile regarding soil preference but shows a particular fondness for stony, well-drained soils that reflect sunlight and retain heat. Syrah's drought tolerance is an asset in Jujuy, allowing it to produce concentrated and flavorful berries even in the region's dry conditions. The high altitude and the resultant UV exposure significantly influence the phenolic maturation of Syrah, contributing to the distinctive profile of the wines produced.
  6. Tannat: The Tannat grape, originally from the Basque country and notably flourishing in Uruguay and parts of France, has found a unique expression in the diverse climates and soils of wine regions like Jujuy. This variety is celebrated for its robust tannin structure, making it a standout grape for producing wines with excellent aging potential. Tannat thrives in well-drained soils and prefers a warm climate with ample sunshine to fully mature, yet it benefits significantly from cool nights that help maintain acidity and balance the grape's natural intensity. The grape's thick skin contributes to its high antioxidant and tannin content, requiring careful winemaking techniques to soften the wine's texture while preserving its fruit character. In Jujuy, the high altitude and intense sunlight exposure mitigate the grape's vigorous tannins, allowing for the production of Tannat wines that are both powerful and elegant, with a potential for complexity that increases with age.
  7. Sauvignon Blanc: As the primary white wine variety in Jujuy, Sauvignon Blanc finds its niche in the cooler, elevated vineyards, where the thermal amplitude ensures a slow, even ripening process. This grape prefers lighter, well-aerated soils rich in minerals to enhance the varietal's aromatic intensity and acidity. Sauvignon Blanc's early ripening characteristic benefits from the high-altitude sunshine, ensuring complete physiological maturity while maintaining the grape's natural acidity. The variety's sensitivity to water stress requires meticulous irrigation management to achieve balanced vine growth and fruit quality.
  8. Torrontés: The Torrontés grape, emblematic of Argentina, finds a unique expression in the high-altitude vineyards of the Jujuy region. This white grape variety is celebrated for its ability to produce aromatic wines, a characteristic that is enhanced by the extreme temperature variations between day and night typical of Jujuy's terroir. Torrontés requires a careful balance of sunlight and cool temperatures to maintain its signature floral aroma and crisp acidity. It thrives in sandy and alluvial soils, which offer good drainage and help regulate vine water stress, crucial in the arid climate of Jujuy. The grape's adaptability to high altitudes makes it a perfect match for the region, where the intense sunlight contributes to the concentration of aromas and flavors in the berries. Viticultural practices in Jujuy, including canopy management and controlled irrigation, are tailored to protect the delicate aromatics and acidity of the Torrontés grape, ensuring that the wines produced are of the highest quality, with a distinctive and inviting character unique to the region.

Each grape variety's unique adaptation to Jujuy's terroir underscores the region's versatility and capacity to produce wines of exceptional quality and distinctiveness. The careful management of vineyard practices, tailored to meet the specific needs of each grape type, ensures that the wines from Jujuy continue to capture the imagination of wine enthusiasts worldwide, celebrating the rich diversity and character of this extraordinary wine-growing area.

Jujuy, a province known for its stunning landscapes and rich cultural tapestry, has also made a name for itself in the wine world. Its unique terroir, characterized by high altitude vineyards and a distinct climate, sets the stage for producing red  and white wines that have caught the attention of wine lovers globally. The combination of these factors results in wines that are not only expressive of their origin but also stand out for their quality and complexity. Among the offerings, Tannat and Torrontés have emerged as the flagship varieties of Jujuy, each bringing its unique profile to the forefront of the region's wine production.

  1. Tannat:The Tannat red wines from Jujuy are a testament to the adaptability and resilience of this grape. Known for its robust structure and high tannins, Tannat wines from this region exhibit a deep, inviting palette of dark berries and plum, often accompanied by a subtle hint of tobacco. These characteristics contribute to a bold and powerful wine that promises longevity and evolution, capturing the essence of Jujuy's terroir. The intense flavor profile and structural complexity make Tannat a standout choice for those seeking a wine with character and depth.
  2. Torrontés:On the lighter side, Torrontés represents the pinnacle of white wine production in Jujuy. This grape variety, indigenous to Argentina, thrives in the cool climate of Jujuy, resulting in wines that are refreshingly aromatic. Jujuy's Torrontés wines dazzle the senses with their vibrant floral and citrus aromas, making them a perfect companion for warm weather. The palate is greeted with delicate acidity and a crisp finish, showcasing a balance that is both elegant and invigorating. The expressive nature of Torrontés wines from Jujuy offers a unique tasting experience that embodies the region's climatic and geographical idiosyncrasies.

The acclaim for Jujuy's wines extends beyond the borders of Argentina, marking the region as a notable player on the international wine stage. The dedication to quality and the rich wine making heritage reflected in each bottle make the wines of Jujuy a fascinating exploration for wine connoisseurs and casual drinkers alike. Whether it's the boldness of Tannat or the aromatic allure of Torrontés, Jujuy's wines are a celebration of Argentine viticulture, inviting enthusiasts to discover the distinctive flavors and stories of this enchanting province.
